Chapter 85 Reaching Cooperation

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  Chapter 85 Reaching Cooperation
  "If you are unwilling, then continue to be unwilling! The establishment of the Third Theocracy is imperative!"

  As soon as the White Queen said this, the atmosphere in the room suddenly became solemn, especially Fei The four of them, Sister Lisol and Sister Philier, were even more nervous, and they were quite ready to fight directly if they disagreed with each other.

  Feeling the hostility of Feili and Sol across from him, Philier couldn't help but feel a burst of bitterness in his heart. The lady asked him to have a good talk yesterday, but he turned out to be so crazy... Treat yourself leniently, but be strict with

  Of course, he is definitely not afraid. As a rare paladin who has mastered the art of descending from the gods, he has the confidence to escape with the nun intact.

  It’s just that the plan of the Third Theocracy may be about to come to nothing...

  Compared with the nervous people, Isaac is much more casual. He leans back on the chair, crosses his legs, and gently touches his fingers. Light on the knees.

  "This kind of temptation is unnecessary. I'm different from you. I'm very honest. I really don't have a King's Chosen. In other words, I still haven't figured out what the so-called King's Chosen is? It shouldn't be that we are simply Approval, right?"

  Isaac looked at the White Queen curiously. Although he was questioning, he had a tone of affirmation, because if he could become the king just by recognizing it, then these guys would have started fighting. With their With the strength, it is not difficult to build a new country.

  But from what he has learned so far, it seems that the White Queen and the others do not intend to do this, but more like guidance.

  Of course, the most important question is what exactly is the King-Selecting Wizard? Why did the panel record it without his knowledge at all? The attribute panel is not a magical thing, it is just used to record his own situation, nothing more.

  The scope of what it can include is related to Isaac's own knowledge reserve and the Demon God's knowledge reserve. All the interesting parts are here. Neither he nor the Demon God knows what the King-Selecting Wizard is. Theoretically, the panel should not include it. That's right.

  At that time, he thought that the so-called king-selecting wizard was just a sign that the legendary wizard was outstanding, so he didn't think much about it, but now it seems that this is not the case.

  "You will know in the future." The White Queen smiled mysteriously, and then added, "Each king-selecting wizard has different characteristics. You will know when you become a high wizard." "High wizard, there is something more

  . Far away, I don’t want to become a high wizard just yet. Let me accumulate some experience first.” Isaac was helpless when he didn’t get the answer he wanted, but there was nothing he could do. “Are you sure you don’t have any objections to the Third Theocracy?

  Isaac Ke leaned on the chair, supported his chin with his right hand, and said casually: "Well, not necessarily, it depends on what you do." "

  Huh? It seems that you originally planned to hinder the Third Theocracy's plan?" Bai A flash of surprise flashed in the queen's beautiful eyes. Why would she do this without the king's choice?

  "Absolutely. After all, under normal circumstances, the church strives to exterminate creatures like demons." "

  That's natural. After all, demons are a species." Halfway through, the White Queen was stunned, and then thought that Isaac was also the type of truth. Wizards of this type usually have a strong thirst for knowledge, such as dissecting demons and so on, which are commonplace.

  "I can make the decision for the church and not take action against the demons that appear in your territory. No matter what happens in your territory, the Theocracy's army will not be the first to enter. How about that?" Isaac smiled and shook his head: "Not enough

  . If you just study demons, I have countless ways to prevent you from sensing any movement. I can even go directly to the abyss to study slowly. The reason why I want to prevent the establishment of the Third Theocracy is because I am preparing to build an army. Demon Legion, if you can tolerate a demon army entrenched next to the Theocracy, just pretend I didn't say anything."

  Philiel and the nun: "!!!"

  Not only Philiel and the nun were shocked, but even the White Queen couldn't help but feel a little a little bit shocked. Lost in thought, she finally realized why Isaac was the first to discover that the abyss was blocked. It turned out that this man had been plotting against the abyss for a long time!
  "You are really shocking. Demons are not so easy to control. They are evil and chaotic in nature. Even the harshest contract in the world cannot restrain them. Are you sure you can control them?" "Ha~ They are just demons

  . ." Isaac smiled disdainfully.

  Demons are indeed chaotic creatures, and there is indeed no contract that can bind them, because demons are the kind of people who will die immediately even if they violate the contract, and they will violate it as long as they feel like it.

  The only thing that can restrain them is the bloodline suppression from the superior demon.

  And even if bloodline suppression is not absolute, as long as their strength increases, even if the bloodline is not as good as that of higher-level demons, they will get rid of bloodline suppression from time to time and develop a rebellious heart.

  There used to be a very famous magic school in Torres Continent—Demon Scourge!
  Summon a high-level demon by himself, and then the high-level demon summons a demon lower than him, and then summons downwards. According to this theory, any wizard can easily pull up an army of demons.

  Unfortunately, this sect was only popular for a while. After the Demonic Scourge sect spread, Abyss gave up suppressing the chaotic nature of demons. Then, the wizards of the Demonic Scourge sect were surprised to find that the
  series of magic contracts they had made were useless. He was defeated by the traitorous demon on the spot, and eventually caused a real demonic disaster on the mainland!
  But until now, there are still a large number of wizards who yearn for the Demonic Scourge school. They firmly believe that the path itself is correct, but their level is not yet good enough. The Demonic Scourge school still has great potential!
  It wasn't until
  most of the demons on the continent started stabbing each other, and before the big guys on the wizard side could take action, that the demons broke the dog's brains themselves and beat them all the way back into the abyss. Until then, they believed that they were on the wrong road
  . .

  However, Isaac is very confident about this. The Demon God itself is almost the highest-ranking demon, and naturally has a strong ability to oppress. Ninety-nine percent of the demons are under their control, let alone Amon. At the end of them, there is the devil, the supreme being who is omniscient and omnipotent.

  The demon army is in his hands and cannot cause any trouble.

  Seeing Isaac's careless expression in her eyes, the White Queen sighed. She knew she couldn't convince Isaac, but maybe this demon wizard could really do it.

  "This matter, no problem, the Third Theocracy will not take any targeted action until your demon army gets out of control, how about it?" After saying that, the White Queen looked at Isaac steadily. If Isaac If the King's Chosen One is indeed not determined, then he will definitely agree!

  "No problem, happy cooperation."

  ". Happy cooperation." The White Queen breathed a sigh of relief. Unlike the other three who knew everything, the White Queen was most afraid of Solomon. This guy was very mysterious!

  (End of chapter)

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