Chapter 53 Learn magic like learning English

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  Chapter 53 The Demon God, who was satisfied with   learning magic like English, was in a good mood, so much so that his original thought of scolding Marbus disappeared.

  "Marbus, the key to becoming a demon god is not your power. No matter how well you develop your powers, you still can't become a demon god. What you need is some oaths. Demon gods exchange freedom for power. This is contrary to the nature of demons. Because of this, it is easier for demons to become demon gods."

  Malbus looked thoughtfully at the gold jewelry on Amon's neck and wrist, and he seemed to know how to do it.

  "Thank you so much, Your Majesty the Demon God." Marbas bowed gratefully and thanked him. As the saying goes, a single sentence is a true message, but a false message is thousands of books. This simple sentence saved him a lot of detours.

  The Demon God waved her hand. If it weren't for the fact that becoming the Demon God was good for Isaac, she would not bother to care about Malbus.

  "Hmm~ Do you guys still have any questions?" the demon asked, tilting his head.

  "It's you who should say this." Isaac smiled helplessly, "Then let's go down and make arrangements. Feili, your Wonderland plan can be officially arranged." "Yes." "Then,


  ." Isaac Ke clapped his hands, and after finishing speaking, he led the demon to the magic research room. There were some things he had wanted to try for a long time!

  Feili looked at the backs of Isaac and the Demon God talking and laughing, biting her lips slightly, a little unwilling, but she admitted that she was indeed not as good as the Demon God...

  Looking at her appearance, Amon and Malbus couldn't help but look at each other. At one glance, they all saw the sympathy in each other's eyes. Competing with the Demon God is the saddest thing in the world.

  But sympathy is sympathy, and asking them to help is absolutely impossible.

  Feili took a deep breath, adjusted her mentality, and turned to go to the study. It was still early, and she had to quickly formulate a development plan for Wonderland. The crisis was coming!
  On the other side, Isaac brought the Demon God to the spell research room and handed a magic book to the Demon God.

  "Walking in the Illusion World, do you want to learn this magic?" The Demon God casually opened the magic book and started reading.

  Isaac nodded helplessly.

  I bought "Walking in the Illusion World" a long time ago, but this magic book is a bit annoying. It is cursed and only the great wizard can see the content on it, so I have kept this thing since I bought it.

  Now that the devil is here, it is just right for her to learn it and then teach it to herself. By the way, she can test the low-end version of the wisdom of god learning method she mentioned.

  "Well, let's take a look..." The magic book is a thick one, but in fact there is not much content related to learning spells. Ninety percent of the content in it is the principles of spells, for research purposes only. You don’t need to look at those contents to learn.

  The demon soon learned it and said with some surprise: "This magic is different from what you thought." "What's wrong


  "This is not space magic, it is illusion magic. It is similar to those drawn from legends. You can use it in illusion Absorbing power in the world, of course, you can also build an illusion world to confuse the enemy, which is quite useful, but it is not the space magic you want." The demon shrugged, walked to Isaac in three or two steps, and sat in his arms.

  Isaac frowned slightly, but not because of the demon god's actions, but because it was actually an illusion...

  It's not that the illusion wasn't strong, it was just that when he saw the name, he thought it was a life-saving magical skill like the divine power. There was a huge gap. point.

  And illusion...

  Why does it look more and more like Merlin...

  "Do you want to learn it?"

  "Learn it! Why not learn it!"

  I hate it, but I bought it. There is no reason not to learn it. Besides, this magic is not Poor, able to fight and practice.

  However, what Isaac didn't expect was...


  As soon as he finished speaking, the demon bowed his head and kissed him.

  Isaac was about to push away the devil and talk about business when he suddenly felt a stream of magic knowledge slowly flowing into his heart. It turned out that this was such a learning method...

  quite good...

  quite soft...

  After realizing this, Isaac No longer resisting...

  After a long time, Isaac was speechless, and then the demon released him.

  Isaac rubbed his numb lips and asked doubtfully: "Does it take so long? Why do I feel like there is no knowledge flowing in from behind? It did fill me with a lot of saliva." "This is power,

  you I don't understand."

  "Really?" Isaac glanced at the Demon God who was still nestled in his arms suspiciously. This statement was not without basis. Some magic rituals did have some inexplicable rules.

  "Yes, that's it. I'm going back to rest. The magic power of this earth is still too weak. I need to strengthen it when I have time." After saying that, the figure of the demon god turned into a magic light point and disappeared.

  Isaac nodded and touched his lips. For the first time, he knew that it was not good to kiss for too long... He didn't feel anything afterward...

  Patting his face, Isaac concentrated his energy and began to kiss the devil. He was asked to write down all the things he had just learned silently. A good memory is not as good as a bad pen. No matter how good the wizard's memory is, it is not a bad thing to write it once.

  The Demon God had just taught him two things in total, one was the design of the spiritual palace, and the other was the four-ring spell of walking in the illusion world.

  The former is one of the conditions for promotion to the great wizard. Isaac estimated it and found that it is indeed not difficult. He can build it now. Although it is a bit small, it can be strengthened in the future. Besides, it is worthy of being produced by the devil!

  This spiritual palace presents a pyramid structure. Each layer of the pyramid can accommodate a demon god. Isaac can obtain a power or simple magical power to live in the demon god. Although there is only one layer at present, it can be continuously stacked up in the future. Enter the devil inside!

  For Isaac, who possesses the Demon God Formation Formation, there is nothing more suitable than this.

  He has nothing but demons!
  The second is walking in the illusion world, which is also the main subject of Isaac's research. According to the devil, if you want to become a great wizard, you need to have your own power spells. In other words, some spells above the fourth ring have Maybe it involves power.

  The Pyroblast Technique he knew was not included in this list, but he wanted to see how walking in the illusion world was, and maybe he could learn something from it that would help him develop his own power spell.


  "Your Majesty, it's time to rest." Amon flew into the house and said to Isaac who was immersed in studying spells.

  "Huh?" Isaac looked up after hearing this, and was surprised to find that the sky had completely darkened. Unknowingly, it was almost late at night, "It's so late? Okay, I understand." After that,

  Ai Sark began to pack his things and prepare to go back to sleep. After becoming a knight, his physical strength was enough to support him to conduct research for a long time.

  But if it's not a particularly urgent matter, Isaac still won't stay up all night and relax. This is life.

  Amon bowed, then stepped back to do his own thing.

  The Demon God's instructions to Malbus today made him feel more urgent again. If that guy also became the Demon God, wouldn't it be even more stressful for him as a senior?
  So, sleep wherever you want and work overtime!

  Try to get rid of that witch Jennifer as soon as possible!

  (End of chapter)

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