Chapter 37: Demon God’s Refining Failed

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  Chapter 37:
  The day after the failure to refine the demon god, although I was still a little embarrassed, it was the third time after all, so I was not as afraid to face it as the previous two times.

  "Ahem~ Feili, get up." After getting dressed, Isaac said and left the room.

  "Yeah~" Feili nodded lightly and sat on the bed holding the quilt. She was still a little shy, but she was much better than before, and she felt warm in her heart.

  After breakfast, after roughly understanding what happened in today's territory, Isaac did not continue to explore the fantasy continent, but devoted himself to magic research. He was very curious about fairy tale magic. This may be an important force in realizing one of his ideals. !

  In the spell research room, there are two objects placed in front of Isaac. One is a pure white well-like pendant. This is a magical milk well. When placed, it will turn into a well that continuously gushes out milk. This Very important for the territory!
  First of all, there is an extra water source out of thin air, which can save lives at critical moments. Secondly, in daily life, as long as a few more milk wells are arranged, everyone in the territory can have milk for every meal, which will improve the physical quality of the residents. A big improvement.

  Finally, it’s what Isaac values ​​most!
  Since milk can appear directly, can bread appear? Meat appears?

  If this is possible, then the food crisis in Blackstone Castle will be solved!
  For Isaac, as long as he thoroughly researches this magical object, even if he cannot create a magical object that produces bread or meat through magical means, he can use [ Creation] The cost of creating will also be much lower.

  In short, this is the future of Blackstone Castle!

  Of course, just in case, he had used [Create] to make a copy after he came back and gave it to Thor, asking him to choose a suitable location first, and then officially place it after the Battle of Development, and the original one would stay with him. Research, only about a hundred points of source power.

  Next to the pendant, there is a notebook, which is the magic extracted by Isaac - fairy tale magic and elf contract.

  It is also a good thing, a brand new magic system, and it is also a fairy tale magic related to the magical object of the milk well, which is of great research value.

  The first thing Isaac looked at was the fairy tale magic and elf contract. This is a very special kind of magic. Fairy tale magic is a kind of magic that turns legends into reality, such as milk wells, which do not exist in nature at all.

  Therefore, the conditions for practicing it are also quite high. The most perfect condition for practicing is to master a world and then transform it into a fairy tale world, so that you can learn and use fairy tale magic. Isaac can only look at this condition.

  What is really reliable is the latter. Transforming a magical object related to fairy tale magic into a fairy tale space can also practice fairy tale magic.

  He still has this condition.

  Soon, Isaac entered a state of research. Elf Contract is not difficult to learn. The real difficulty of this magic is to transform magical objects and construct a fairy tale space. However, this is a prerequisite for all fairy tale magic. The Elf Contract itself Relatively simple, worthy of the name of basic.

  The elf in the contract is slightly different from what he thought. The elf contract is the kind of elf he met in the fantasy continent, but it cannot make wishes or fight, and can only be used to serve tea and serve as a gardener. Of course, you can also watch it.

  This made Isaac somewhat disappointed.

  But just as he believed in the law - the wizard's most powerful weapon is wisdom.

  After Isaac learned this magic, he directly dismantled it and found out the parts of the contract. Then based on this, he perfected the power magic - Demon Summoning. As long as he signed a contract with Amon, he would not only summon his consumption in the future. It has been greatly reduced, and there is no need to rely on Solomon's wisdom anymore, and the casting speed has been greatly improved.

  In addition, Isaac also has a taboo idea - studying elves!

  The existence of this kind of creature seems to be similar to the demon god, but its status is lower than the demon god. Studying them may be helpful to his demon god training.

  Although Isaac is an action person, he did not start directly this time because studying elves requires some more professional laboratories. The current Blackstone Castle does not have this condition, so he can only wait until later.

  It is worth mentioning that a week has passed since he came back from Fantasy Continent. He has gained a lot this week, such as mastering the Elf Contract, perfecting the summoning of the Demon God, and completing the preparation of the new Demon God Formation Formation. However, there are also some shortcomings. , the story in Fantasy Continent was just as he expected, and the prototype was not found.

  After all, there are too many such stories, and the existing information alone is too difficult to find. Even if I searched for the Lion Heart Chamber of Commerce, I couldn't find it.

  However, this was a reminder to Isaac. Now that the territory's combat power has been almost perfected, it is also time to start contacting the outside world. The first thing to bear the brunt is its own intelligence system. Knowing yourself and the enemy will ensure victory in any battle. This is true most of the time. All are correct.

  Do you need to change the Demon God Formation Formation?
  Isaac shook his head and gave up the idea. His current level was limited, and adding the two concepts of healing and governance at the same time was already the limit. If he added new ones, even if he really managed to write it, he would probably fail.

  He got up and left the spell laboratory and came to the magic experimental site located at the edge of Blackstone Castle. Isaac called Amon to guard him, and he began to draw and refine the formation with the prepared Warcraft blood. As his strength improved, today's Isaac never makes a mistake even when drawing freehand.

  Although he is not 100% sure that the refining is successful, and the battle of pioneering is about to begin, he does not know how intense the battle of pioneering will be, but if there is one more demon god, and the healing demon god, their chances of winning or survival rate after the war will be improved. It will undoubtedly be much higher.

  Soon, the blood-red refining array was completed. After confirming it, Isaac placed the relevant information on healing spells and several books related to managing the territory in the middle of the refining array. After thinking about it, he put it inside again. Several psionic gems that store healing spells.

  After getting ready, Isaac looked back at Amon, who nodded knowingly, and a huge wall of fire immediately rose around him, isolating the testing site.

  Isaac took a deep breath, pressed his hands on the ground, magic power poured in, and the formation emitted a dazzling red light, looking extremely evil!
  Isaac closed his eyes tightly, concentrating on using magic power to build the power of the devil, and suddenly

  In Isaac's induction, a certain string in the formation suddenly broke!
  Failed to practice!


  As soon as the idea came to mind, Harmon instantly emerged from behind Isaac's head, grabbed Isaac and walked away from the formation!
  Several huge fireballs also appeared behind Amon, and he was ready for battle. The Demon God's training only failed to build his power, but the structure of his life was completed. The Demon God has a body but no power. Nothing more than a demon.


  After Isaac moved away, the formation exploded violently, thick blood mist emerged, and in the blood mist, a beast was slowly walking out.


  In the blood mist, a male lion slowly walked out, the mane around his neck fluttering slightly with the heat wave released by the fireball behind Amon, and his scarlet eyes were full of bloodthirsty desire!

  (End of chapter)

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