139. Chapter 138 The Original Demon God

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  Chapter 138
  In the heart of the original land of demons and monsters, a red-haired ponytail boy cautiously walked through the deserted streets where people were panicking, and carefully returned home. After locking the door, he let out a long sigh of relief.

  "It seems that the situation has gotten worse." A wisp of blue smoke flew out from the golden ring that bound the red hair on the back of the boy's head, and condensed into a blue-skinned man with gold jewelry on his hands and neck. This was the time when he was going out. Wandering Amon.

  "Yes." The red-haired boy nodded with a heavy face, "A lot of people died today."

  Amon looked at the sad boy and reached out to touch his head: "Then join the army of the Kingdom of Warcraft. , aren't they recruiting people now? You are also a half-dragon, they won't investigate you too much." "

  But Your Majesty Solomon is at war with the Kingdom of Warcraft, I..." the young man said with some tangle.

  Hearing this, Amon smiled: "Silly boy, Your Majesty doesn't care about the power of the Kingdom of Warcraft. As long as he wants, he can destroy this country in an instant. For Your Majesty, this war is just a test of the strength of the territorial army. It's just a game, so you don't have to worry. If you can bring them pressure, I think Your Majesty will be happier." "

  Game." The young man said the word with a complicated expression and sighed, feeling like a bad guy.

  After Amon finished speaking, he smiled and looked at the young man quietly, waiting for his decision. This is something that the young man will have to face sooner or later. Your Majesty does not represent justice, your Majesty only represents your Majesty. Justice and evil are worldly matters. The concept cannot simply represent His Majesty's will.

  Of course, this is the view of demon gods like Amon. As for Isaac, he has always known what he is doing. He is not a good person, so he will not hold himself to the standards of a good person. He just wants to do what he wants. Things to do.

  Soon, the young man made a decision, and he looked at Amon firmly: "Lord Amon, I want to join the army of the Kingdom of Warcraft, and I want to protect them! They are innocent!" Looking at the young man's

  face With a determined expression, a smile appeared on Amon's face. This was the child he had chosen.

  "Then do it, Eskarlo, follow your heart and act, I respect your choice." After saying that, Amon turned into blue smoke and floated into the golden ring behind Eskarlo's head, turning into Make circles of shimmering words.

  Eskaro simply packed up his things and then went out again, heading to the recruitment point.

  At this moment, they are located in a large city in the hinterland of the Kingdom of Warcraft. This city is called Dragon Girl City because it has two ultra-rare magic powers: earth magic, dragon and earth magic, and witch!

  And they are both extremely high-quality earth magic. The former can give all beings born here the power of dragon veins and become dragon descendants, except for half-dragons. They themselves have the power of dragons, but it is not without benefits, within the scope of magic. Half-dragons, the strength of half-dragons below demigods will basically increase to one level.

  The magic power of the earth and the witch make this land more suitable for breeding witches, which is no different from a holy land for the country of Warcraft that believes in the Witch Cult. Moreover, because of the magic power of the earth and the dragon, under the influence of the two magic powers, this land is still A tiny concept gave birth to the Dragon Witch, a witch with the power of a dragon!
  Extremely powerful!

  The current queen of the Kingdom of Warcraft is the Dragon Witch who came out of here. Unfortunately, this probability is extremely low. Since ancient times, there has only been one practical example of the current queen, and the rest are all theoretical analyses.

  However, under the influence of various factors, Dragon Girl City has become one of the most important cities in the Kingdom of Warcraft. Its status is second only to the Holy City Witch City, the capital Dragon Island, the dragon nest, the hometown of the half-dragons, and the war fortress. The eternal city.

  Therefore, after the evil beast envoys rebelled, this place became the focus of the evil beasts' care.

  Although the strength of Dragon Girl City is extremely powerful, with three demigod-level powers alone, the opponent is even more outrageous.
  There are five demigod-level evil beasts!
  More than a dozen high-level evil beasts with immortal bodies!

  And nameless monsters that come from nowhere!

  Just looking at it will pollute its spirit and make it extremely hungry, so hungry that it eats itself!
  In addition, there is a seemingly endless army of evil beasts as far as the eye can see.
  In this desperate situation, it is already a miracle that the city has not been broken. The
  current Dragon Girl City, or the entire Kingdom of Warcraft , we can only wait for the lady of the Witch Cult to take action, otherwise the Kingdom of Warcraft will probably be destroyed!
  This is the price of using the power of the evil god wantonly!

  Although Kuangxiao is an extremely generous evil god, the evil god's generosity is inherently stingy.

  The reason why today's Warcraft Kingdom is in this predicament is entirely because of the abuse of the evil god's power. Kuanghao's power is indeed very useful. The strength of the infected evil beast will be improved by a certain amount on the original basis, and the maximum can be directly improved. To the demigod level!

  This is also the reason why there are so many demigods and evil beasts in the Kingdom of Warcraft. The half-dragon race is so outstanding that as an adult, they have power comparable to that of a high-level dragon. As long as they are successfully infected, they will become a demigod-level evil dragon in minutes!

  And it’s the standard demigod with power!
  In a sense, the opponents of the Kingdom of Warcraft are no longer rebels. Those guys have already left the country. They have only one thing to do here - liberate the evil beasts!
  So now the opponent of the Kingdom of Warcraft is - the leader of the Subspace Anti-Solomon Alliance - the evil god Kuanghao!
  Facing the evil god, it is natural to retreat all the way.

  In the blink of an eye, Eskaro arrived at the recruiting center of Dragon Girl City, but he was stopped before he could enter the door.

  "Wait, kids, please go home first. Now is not the time for you to fight." An uncle in linen stopped Escalo and said with a frown.

  "I can transform into a red dragon and have the ability to fight!" Eskaro slowly pulled out his right hand and said seriously.

  However, the uncle ignored him and pointed to the sign hanging at the door - Anyone under the age of sixteen who refuses to recruit soldiers will be killed!

  "Go back, children, you are the future of Dragon Girl City. Leave things like fighting to us." This is what the elderly man beside him said with a soft smile.

  Eskaro is silent, do you want to retreat?
  He doesn't want to retreat now.

  "I'm strong!" He looked firmly at the soldiers at the door, and a golden flame lit up in his right hand!

  "This is power!?"

  Everyone was shocked. They all stopped what they were doing and looked at Eskaro in shock.

  Power, the eternal pain of the half-dragon clan!
  They obviously possess unparalleled talents, but because most people cannot master the power, they have no brute strength. Witches and wizards are extremely rare among the half-dragon clan.

  And now, one appears.

  And not even a wizard!
  Although they have a touch of magic power, they are definitely not wizards because their temperament does not match. Judging from the pace, this kid is for melee combat.

  "Yes, the flame of immortality. As long as the fire is still there, I can resurrect from the flames without limit. I will put the fire in the camp, so you can rest assured, right? I want to protect this city!" Ace Carlo looked firmly into the depths of the recruitment center.

  After a while, a voice finally came from inside.

  "Let him come in."


  "Huh? Your people have joined the army of the Kingdom of Warcraft?" Isaac, who was writing the Demon God Formation Formation in Wind Serpent City, looked at him in confusion. The ring floating in front of you.

  "Yes, Your Majesty, because the child wants to save them." Amon's voice came from the ring.

  "Okay, you guy. In this case, I'll give you a chance to make up for your mistakes, otherwise that guy Malbus won't be able to spare you." Isaac shook his head and said helplessly.

  As Amon said to Eskaro, he didn't really care about it.

  "Thank you, Your Majesty. Please give me your instructions."

  "The Demon Legion has just been formed and has not officially started yet. I want to find a way to get people from the Kingdom of Warcraft to join this line and sell the Demon Legion's combat power at a good price. Evil The beast is a good training target."

  "I obey, Your Majesty." Amon's respectful voice came from the other side of the ring.

  "By the way, what's the origin of that boy with infinite rebirth of immortal flames? With such a powerful ability, I remember that this isn't the authority of your golden weapon, right?" Isaac put down the pen in his hand and asked full of doubts.

  "This subordinate is not very clear about this. He summoned me directly without holding my ring. However, based on preliminary guesses, I suspect that he is most likely related to the original." "It's the original again

  . ?" Isaac raised his eyebrows, "It seems that it is still a troubled time. Will there be an original era after the era of evil gods? Whose handiwork will it be this time?" "Okay, I understand, pay attention to safety, if you

  encounter If you can't defeat them, inform Astaroth and she will contact Baimon. Now Baimon has gathered a large group of demigod wizards and has sufficient fighting power." "Understood, Your Majesty." "


  , the flame of immortality? Don't know me. If it awakens, what kind of original power will it be?" Isaac's eyes flashed, and he finally gave up the idea.

  His intuition told him that this matter involving the original power would be very troublesome, and Iris had already awakened the original power. If he awakened again, he didn't know what would happen, so it was better not to commit suicide.

  Thinking of this, Isaac shook his head and turned his attention back to the Demon God Formation Formation. In comparison, it was more interesting to refine the Demon God. It was like drawing cards, and it was still stable!
  However, things are fickle, and there are some things that you want to avoid, but they will find you on their own

  A week later, when Malbus officially took over Wind Serpent City, Isaac also completed the new demon god The compilation of the formation formation.

  That evening, Isaac came alone to a snake nest on the outskirts of Wind Serpent City. This was the place where the earth's magic power, the power of the wind snake, was strongest, which could maximize the effect of the devil's refinement.

  After casually killing the wind snake here, Isaac used the blood of the wind snake with the materials he had prepared in advance, carved a blood-colored magic circle on the ground, then placed the seal in the center, and then stood aside and waited silently .

  Magic power is like a tide, rising and falling, and the magic power of the earth is no exception. When the magic array is activated at the peak of the magic power, the success rate will increase, although now he will basically never fail in refining the demon god.

  "In the name of Solomon, I declare here that I am born!"

  As Isaac drank softly, surging magic power surged out of him and came into contact with the refining formation and the magic power of the earth. The moment the three magic powers came into contact, Isaac Slowly fuse under the guidance of the teacher, and then merge into the refining formation.

  Soon, a little aura of life emerged from the magic power of the formation. Seeing this, Isaac smiled, the formation was successful.

  "In the name of Solomon, I give you the name of Purson! Come out! Busong!"


  Following Isaac's words, the magic light pillar rose into the sky, and a magic flame spread out. Under the surging magic power In the middle, a handsome man riding a bear and holding a venomous snake came slowly, it was the Demon God Busong!

  Riding a war bear wearing golden armor and walking not far from Isaac, Busong turned over and knelt on the ground, with his right hand on his chest: "Original Demon God Busong, thank you for the name." "Huh? What did you say

  ? ?Primordial? Isn’t it the wind?” Isaac was stunned for a moment, as this seemed to be different from what he had written in advance.

  "Under the crown, it is the wind, but the original wind. The subordinates are in charge of three powers, namely the original wind, the original snake and the original bear. In addition, the subordinates can also talk to the original and obtain some information. ." Seeing Isaac so surprised, Busong quickly lowered his head to explain, looking a little worried.

  After all, judging from the current situation, he seems to have gone astray. Although he feels that his strength is quite strong, being strong does not mean that he needs it. After all, the thing he lacks most is strength.

  Isaac didn't think so much. He blinked and was thinking about Bushong's three primitive powers. Unexpectedly, he didn't even want to interfere, but the primitive powers still came to the door, and there were three of them.

  No, it wasn't the original power that came to the door.
  Looking at the close connection between Bu Song and the earth's magic power, the wind snake, Isaac rubbed his chin and thought, maybe, it wasn't the original power that came to find him, but him. !
  Bushong's ability to control the original power may be related to the magic power of the earth.

  It may also have something to do with himself. After all, he also has the blood of the original nobles, although he has not awakened.

  "Okay, get up, don't take it to your heart, it's not a big deal." After roughly thinking about it, Isaac put aside these thoughts and looked at Bushong with interest. Since he had delivered it to his door, he But we need to take a closer look at what this original power is all about.

  Dang even brought Bu Song back to Wind Snake City.

  However, he didn't care. On the other side, the witch of Iris was confused. She looked at the magic book that suddenly popped up in front of her. There were two stars on it, and her face was confused. Why did there suddenly appear two stars? A primal awakening?
  And it’s still this level of awakening. It shouldn’t be.
  Is there something wrong with my magic?

  The witch quickly opened the magic book and checked it. At the same time, all kinds of prophetic magic were activated at full strength, trying to find some clues. However, what worried her was that all the prophetic magic was as dead as stone. And the magic book was completely lost
  . Traces of Two Original Powers
  (End of Chapter)

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