135. Chapter 134 Salomanda and Iceness

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  Chapter 134 Salomanda and Bingnaisi

  Facing the magic missiles coming like a torrential rain, the dragons roared, and the dragon power gathered together to form a substantial shock wave to defeat the magic missiles!
  Then, endless dragon flames followed closely behind, attacking with a devastating offensive!
  "Sublimation Array Escanor!"

  Facing the dragon flames, Salomanda took the lead to fly out. The gorgeous golden magic array flashed past. A strong man with a naked upper body flew out, and the golden-red stripes on his body lit up slightly. , and then...

  "The merciless sun!"

  "Nais..." Looking at Salomanda who still had three axes in hand, Binais sighed helplessly, why, why is this kind of idiot mastering the complete Array of sublimation? If it were her, she would definitely not express her power so simply.

  "Sublimation Array Ness~" Under the guidance of Bingnes, a huge magic circle instantly enveloped the elven army. The brilliance dissipated, and Bingnes, dressed in a white dress, stepped on an ice flower with her naked jade feet. Her hair was fluttering in the wind. Behind her, golden marks appeared on the arms and chests of three thousand blue-skinned men. At first glance, they looked somewhat similar to the gold jewelry on Amon and Baimen.

  Different from the sublimated postures of Salomanda and Bingnaisi, which have exclusive forms and powers, the sublimated postures of the three thousand blue-skinned men are much simpler, and the powers they control are not as powerful as them, and they only have a certain degree of four-element power. .

  However, this improvement is also a big improvement for them. In a real spell battle, they are definitely not the opponents of the same level wizards, but if it comes to the turret ability, one of them
  can stand up to ten great wizards!

  For example, Salomanda at this time, although Bingnaisi said that he only knew how to use three axes, in fact he only knew this move, but this was just because this move was so easy to use.

  Just when the Elf Legion launched the sublimation formation, Salomanda threw out a golden fireball. The blazing fireball swallowed up all the dragon flames, then hit the group of dragons and exploded violently!

  The magic power from the sun instantly turned the flying dragons that touched the fireball into ashes. In just one move, one third of the flying dragons were destroyed!
  This was just a fireball thrown out by Salomanda.


  The other side realized the powerful power of Salomanda and was not ready to let it move freely. With a roar, a huge red dragon released its transformation from the group of dragons and rushed towards Salomanda.

  "Are you willing to hide among the flying dragons? Does the Kingdom of Warcraft have such strong control over the dragons?" Feili was a little surprised when she saw the sudden appearance of the fire dragon.

  The Capricorn family has done a lot of research on giant dragons. Although they have not really come into contact with giant dragons a few times, they have collected a lot of corresponding information, so Feili has some understanding of giant dragons.

  And the trait that almost all dragons have is pride!

  The strong arrogance makes the dragon look down on any creature. Even when facing the strong, they still have this attitude. Although I can't beat you, it doesn't affect me to look down on you.

  Therefore, in Feili's view, this fire dragon that used disguise magic to blend in among the flying dragons was very strange. Although the flying dragon occupies the character dragon and has two abilities that are very close to dragons: dragon power and dragon flame, in fact, flying dragons are The sub-dragon species is at the bottom of the dragon's contempt chain. Normally, the dragon would never do such a thing.

  "Is he a half-dragon?" Feili asked Isaac curiously.

  "No." Isaac shook his head, "Half-dragons don't know magic, and because of their high resistance to magic after transforming into dragons, it is difficult to apply magic to them. However, the most important thing is that the flying dragon is also there. The bottom of the chain of contempt for half-dragons."

  "Then how did you do this?" Feili was speechless for a moment, and then looked at the red dragon fighting with Salomanda.

  "This should be a dragon summoned by the magic power of the earth and dragon. It is no different from a real dragon, but its obedience will be much higher." The magic circle flashed in Isaac's eyes, and he instantly understood the nature of the red dragon. .

  "The magic power of the earth still has this kind of quality?" Feili was a little surprised.

  "Well, don't delve into the earth's magic power. This involves something very deep, and it is most likely related to the original curse." Isaac immediately warned Feili when he saw that she was curious.

  Feili was surprised and nodded quickly.

  At this time, while the two were talking, the Flying Dragon Legion and the Elf Legion had already begun a head-on battle. To be precise, it should be a unilateral massacre of the Flying Dragon Legion by the Elf Legion!

  On the battlefield at this time, the four-color elements constructed dense passages in the air, like a maze. The elves of the Elf Legion could quickly shuttle through the four-element passages, as if teleporting, and gained far more advantages in a fixed area. The flying dragon's mobility.

  The four-element elves shuttled through the four-element passages, and from time to time shot out an elemental ray corresponding to their own element. This was much more powerful than arcane missiles. At the same time, there were at least a thousand elemental rays. The fire suppression that the Elf Legion is best at has been unleashed!

  As the flying dragons were shot down one after another, the dragon group also noticed the gorgeous four-element passage. Unfortunately, it was of no use. Whenever the flying dragon wanted to destroy the element passage, it would be greeted by dozens of Elemental ray!
  Even if a flying dragon can reach the passage with these elemental rays, Iceness will freeze it into ice. She is the last line of defense of the elemental passage.

  Bingnaisi's mastery of the Sublimation Formation is not as proficient as Salomanda's. This is due to the difference in talent, not a matter of sequence. Although Salomanda was the first to master the Sublimation Formation, because of this, he mastered the Sublimation Formation. The version of the Sublimation Formation is very low, not as good as the new version of Bingnaisi, but his learning ability is very strong.

  After the new sublimation formation was completed, he quickly turned to learning and came from behind to master the sublimation formation further than Bingnaisi.

  Therefore, even if it is also an exclusive sublimation formation, Salomanda can attack freely, but she can only fight with the army.

  However, this does not affect the strength of her power. It is just that her combat effectiveness is not durable enough, and she is still able to protect the four-element channels.

  And it doesn't matter even if you accidentally destroy a few four-element channels. This thing is constructed very quickly. A single flight is a four-element channel, so as the battle continues, the four-color channels in the air become more and more... Come more and more.


  With only one-third of the flying dragon dead and injured, another strong man in the flying dragon army looked at the red dragon suppressed by Salomanda, and then looked at the old god sitting on the magic carpet. Isaac couldn't help but sigh.


  Immediately afterwards, a roar of a giant dragon sounded, and the unparalleled sound instantly destroyed all the four-element channels, and the Elf Legion was instantly exposed in the air.

  It's a pity that it's too late now. Even without the four-element channel, only one-third of the remaining flying dragons cannot organize an effective offensive against the elves. They can only run around in the scattered elemental rays, and slowly The elves' army gathered together had denser rays and stronger firepower, making it even more difficult for the flying dragon army to resist.


  Seeing this, a figure flew out from the group of flying dragons. Its huge wings spread out, covering all the remaining flying dragons. Under the wings, the dragon head like a hill suddenly opened its mouth, roared, and roared. Dragon flames spurted out!
  "Bing Hua!"

  Bingnaisi's figure flashed slightly and appeared in front of the dragon flame in an instant. His green-white fingers were slightly pointed, and a huge ice rose bloomed in the air, blocking all the surging dragon flames!

  "Humph~" Bingnaisi snorted and took a few steps back. He was a little shocked when he saw the huge flying dragon that suddenly appeared. At the same time, cracks began to appear on the ice rose in front of him.

  Obviously, with the conflicting attributes, she was no match for this huge flying dragon.

  "Hmph~" A flash of disdain flashed in the huge flying dragon's eyes, and then it increased its strength, the dragon's throat rolled, and more turbulent dragon flames poured out, instantly crushing the huge ice rose!
  The blazing dragon flames instantly appeared in front of Bingnaisi!
  In front of this huge dragon flame, Bingnaisi's figure looked particularly petite.
  But what was worse was that when Bingnaiss wanted to strengthen her defense, a faint white light appeared on her body, which was a prelude to withdrawing from the sublimation posture. , that is, when
  the time comes
  , a faint despair begins to emerge in Bingnaisi's heart. She is not afraid of death, or in other words, she is immortal. Even if she dies here, she will be reborn at Isaac's place.

  Death is not scary.

  The scary thing is that after rebirth, he may no longer be reused by Lord Isaac.

  Of course, there is also that annoying guy, maybe, he will get further and further away from him.

  Just when Bingnaisi closed her eyes and prepared to face her first death, an angry voice emerged in front of her, she slowly Slowly opening her eyes, she saw
  the sun!

  I saw Salomanda standing in front of Bingnaisi, holding the red dragon's neck with one hand, and facing the spraying dragon flames with the other hand!

  "Get out of the way! Idiot! It's not something you can deal with!" After realizing who was coming, Bingnaisi's eyes widened instantly and he said eagerly. She was not really dead, so she didn't need to come over at all!
  "You asked me to get out of the way? What an arrogant idea. Do you think I will lose?" Salomanda looked back slightly, looking at Bingnais with an eager face from the corner of her eye.

  "Dang" Before he finished speaking, Bingnaisi's eyes widened, because the raging dragon flames actually centered on Salomanda's right hand, forming a huge flame vortex, which was swallowed up continuously!

  Seeing that Bingnaisi was not injured, Salomanda slowly breathed a sigh of relief, and then withdrew his gaze. After swallowing all the dragon flames, he looked at the huge flying dragon with a rare trace of murderous intent in his eyes.

  However, he did not rush to take action, but turned to look at Isaac first. If he fought with all his strength, the movement would be very loud, and it would affect Iceness and the Elf Legion.

  Isaac nodded, somewhat surprised by Salomanda's anger at this time.

  Dozens of glass bottles flew out and took in all the elves. However, he left Bingnes outside and just transferred it to the magic carpet. He did not use the glass bottle to seal it. He felt that there was It is necessary for Bingnaisi to see how strong Salomanda is, and then the true love magic will be amazing enough for its first appearance!
  Although Iceness did not enter the glass bottle, when he arrived on the magic carpet, his safety was guaranteed. With Lord Isaac's protection, he could fight with confidence.

  Thinking about this, Salomanda turned around and looked at the huge flying dragon flying to the same level. As soon as he let go of his left hand, the red dragon that was beaten to death immediately fell down.

  "What an arrogant guy, how dare you look directly at me." Salomanda calmly looked at the huge flying dragon not far away, floating quietly in the air.

  "?" The giant flying dragon was a little confused. Which of the two was arrogant? Is it considered arrogant to look directly at you?
  Just when the giant flying dragon was speechless, Salomanda let him know that this was indeed arrogance.


  The huge flying dragon that was looking at Salomanda suddenly closed his eyes and let out a shrill scream, because in his eyes, Salomanda suddenly turned into the sun!

  And not only that, the image of Salomanda printed in his eyes also turned into the blazing magic power of the sun, instantly blinding his eyes. If he hadn't reacted in time, even his brain might have been burned!

  'escape! ! ! '

  This is the first reaction after the huge flying dragon reacted!

  The power of the sun!
  There is actually a monster who wants to take over the power of the sun!
  That is the field that the God of Light is getting involved in!
  In other words, even the God of Light, who controls the light, cannot fully control the power, but a monster actually wants to control it, and even becomes a part of it!


  Without hesitation, the huge flying dragon spread its wings, ignored the flying dragon army, and prepared to escape from here as quickly as possible!

  Salomanda, who controls part of the sun's power, is now the strongest among the demigods!
  As a demigod, no one can do anything to him. Even if a demigod comes, it will take a lot of effort to capture him. This is the power of the sun!
  The power of the sun that drives away darkness and brings hope to all living beings!

  "Escape? Hehe, arrogant guy, do you think you can escape?" Salomanda, who was wrapped in a golden sun by the magic power around her body, looked at the huge flying dragon that was escaping, and calmly raised her right hand.

  "Unmerciful, the sun."

  The move is still the same, but the power is completely different. The golden ball of light slowly flies towards the giant flying dragon. Although the speed is slow, no matter how fast it accelerates, it can never get rid of the golden ball of light.

  No, it’s not that the golden ball of light is slow, but that time is slowing down!
  Under the influence of the solar magic generated by the solar power of Salomanda, the flow rate of time in the surrounding area has been greatly affected!
  Just like that, in the horrified eyes of the huge flying dragon, the golden ball of light clung to him silently, and then... there was a soft sound of

  , and there was another sun in the world!
  In the center of the third sun, the huge flying dragon had no resistance and instantly turned into ashes!
  Even the space was faintly distorted, and some black spots appeared under the terrifying high temperature!
  However, before the space was completely burned and penetrated, Salomanda canceled the sun's magic power first to avoid causing greater damage. Then he dispersed the sun's magic power around his body, and then released his sublimation posture and turned into a small fire snake. Flying into Isaac's sleeves.

  This is the price of forced use of solar power.

  (End of chapter)

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