106. Chapter 106 The low-key and terrifying Dantalin

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  Chapter 106: The low-key and terrifying Dantalin

  With the complete mastery of the spirit chapter in "Solomon's Alchemy", Isaac has now initially mastered the refining of demons (incomplete). The biggest difference from before is that he has not yet refined it. There were demon gods, but Isaac already knew their names and powers.

  The latter is the source of the Demon God's power, and the former is the Demon God's most important bond!
  Yes, the name is the complete bond.

  Both Amon and Malbus calmed down after being given names. The difference is that Amon was designed by the devil and was relatively complete. However, Isaac made a mistake in the actual operation, causing the refinement to fail. .

  The final result is that Amon directly became a demon god after being given a name, while Malbus was just a demon who embarked on the path of a demon god, and only truly became a demon god after some practice.

  The first demon was named Dantalin. Strictly speaking, he was a failure. Isaac originally wanted to create a clone power in him, but unfortunately failed. He was in charge of mirror power, and he also had some magic-like skills that can detect people's hearts. Ability has the potential to become a power.

  The second demon god is named Astaru. He has the ability to travel through time and space. He can travel freely in space. If he consumes all his magic power, he can even travel through time and space!
  But I don’t know if I can come back.
  Regarding the mysterious realm of time, Isaac still has a lot of unknowns and he doesn’t dare to try it rashly.

  In the trial world
  , Isaac carved a bloody magic circle on the ground. Amon and Malbus stood aside with solemn expressions. Opposite them were Thor, Feili and Lilith who were all curious.

  The former has a premonition that his version is very likely to fall behind, and he is a little worried about the future, so he comes to check it out in advance. The best thing is to establish the majesty of his predecessors!
  The latter is just out of curiosity, especially Lilith.

  She initially thought that Isaac had summoned her god from the subspace where the demon god was, but now it seems that it was not a summoning, but a creation.
  This is outrageous!

  How could Isaac be a great wizard?

  She could sense that when Isaac was setting up the strange magic circle, there was no trace of the devil's power on his body, not even inside the magic circle. The whole process looked extremely normal.

  But this is the biggest abnormality!
  How could the magic of creating a demon be so small?
  The only doubt may be the magic circle arranged by Isaac. I could clearly see it, but I forgot about it in the blink of an eye, as if I had never seen it before. I couldn't stay in my memory for a moment, and even more so. Not to mention further analysis.

  After carefully setting up the magic circle, Isaac took a few steps back and looked at it carefully. After confirming that it was correct, he placed several mirror magic books and psychology books in the middle of the magic circle, and then chanted an obscure demonic incantation.



  As the mantra was recited, the majestic demonic energy surged in the demon formation. It spurted out, but it did not spread. Instead, it was firmly bound in the magic array, formed into a ball, and continuously compressed and rotated. Gradually, a breath of life slowly emerged in the magic array.

  Amon's mouth twitched slightly when he saw this scene. Sure enough, the version had been upgraded again. He didn't know if there was such a movement when he created himself, but it definitely didn't happen when he created Malbus, and his version was not as good as Malbus, so Although Malbus on the side did not know the circumstances of his birth, he
  could guess something from Amon's expression. His mood was a bit complicated at the moment, and
  he understood a little bit how Amon felt when he saw him.

  But a little more frustrated.

  Because he was out of control at the time, and Amon had to put in a lot of effort to subdue him. Nowadays, he still inadvertently mentions how hard he fought (beating him), but when it was Malbus's turn, things changed.

  The version upgrade is relatively large, so it won’t get out of control!

  "In the name of Solomon! I give you the name of Dantalion! Wake up! Dantalion!"


  As Isaac drank softly, a black beam of light rose from the black magic circle into the sky!

  As the black smoke slowly dissipated, a ghost demon with a white mask and a book in one hand and a staff in the other slowly floated out of the magic circle, but Talin stopped not far in front of Isaac. The light and shadow flowed, turning into the image of a gray-haired old wizard.

  "Dantalin has met His Majesty Solomon, and I thank Your Majesty for giving us our names." Dantalin bowed respectfully to Isaac, then looked at Amon and Marbas, and pointed at them casually, an invisible wave of The power instantly wrapped around Amon and Malbus, and then merged into it instantly.

  Then, the golden dagger at Amon's waist and the golden sword behind Marbas instantly burst into dazzling golden light!

  "Is this the power of the golden weapon?" Isaac's brows raised slightly.

  "Your Majesty's wise eyes are right."


  Before Dantalin could finish his compliments, a powerful golden light erupted from Sol's waist behind Feili, attracting Dantalin's surprised gaze. He was very surprised that a mortal could actually awaken his own golden weapon.

  Subconsciously, Dantalin activated his power over Thor and instantly understood what Thor was thinking. However, just when he was about to modify Thor's thoughts and make him more loyal to Isaac, the golden light on Thor stopped him. This surprised Dantalin even more. Although it was just done casually, a human being could possess such power
  . Was it really the work of His Majesty?

  Dantalion sighed and turned to Isaac, bowing his head in confession.

  "Your Majesty, please forgive me."

  "There is nothing sinful. You don't know the situation here yet. I can understand it, but don't use your power casually in the territory." As the creator of Dantalin, Isa Grams understood the power of Dantalin at his birth.

  In addition to the previous mirror power, his thinking ability has also been successfully upgraded to power. He can detect the privacy of others, learn all their thoughts, and change their thoughts at will!

  It is an extremely terrifying power!

  "As you command." Dantalin bowed in agreement and kept it in mind. Through the thought reading just now, he already understood the current situation and knew what to do.

  Soon, the noise between Amon and Malbus slowly dissipated. The two of them made further progress in strength and successfully reached the realm of the weakest demon god, that is, the realm of high-level wizards. They were able to fight against some weaker high-level wizards. However, the means are too single. We can fight but cannot win.

  But on the other side, Thor's changes were much greater than Amon's. Endless golden light poured into Thor's body. Thor, who was already at the peak of the great knight, instantly became a high knight, but his transformation was not over yet!
  The golden light was still pouring into his body, and streams of purple air rose behind him, weaving into the shadow of a big demon!
  "This is the Supreme Knight?" Unlike Isaac, who had not seen much, Lilith, who was well-informed, instantly recognized Thor's current situation.

  "Supreme Knight?" Isaac looked at Thor in surprise.

  The Supreme Knight knows the path after the High Knight.

  Of course, this does not mean that Thor has been promoted to two levels in a row. The Supreme Knight is still in the realm of advanced, just a knight's road.

  The extraordinary road of knights stops at high knights, which means that high knights are the last stage of knights, and there is no further realm.

  But the world still generally divides them into two levels, namely high knights and three major knights.

  The so-called three knights are the Supreme Knight, the Knight of the Abyss, and the Knight of God!

  The three knights respectively represent the three abilities possessed by the great knights. The Supreme Knight sublimates his own abilities into power and controls power like a wizard. The fighting spirit and physical strength are only improved incidentally. The Abyss Knight gives up power and body. , specializes in fighting spirit, the endless fighting spirit envelopes the body and weapons, and every move has the ability to destroy the world!
  Both of these are basically imitations of those powerful races. For example, Thor at this moment, the object he is imitating is the shadow behind him-the Gravity Demon!
  As the corresponding knighthood deepens, Thor will slowly transform from a human into a demon!
  The same is true for the Abyss Knight. The human body is very fragile and cannot carry endless fighting energy. As time goes by, the Abyss Knight's body will slowly become dehumanized, and some monster characteristics will slowly appear like the Supreme Knight.

  Among the three knights, only the Knight of God gave up imitating other beings and instead walked his own path!

  Completely abandoning abilities and fighting spirit, and instead possessing a body with almost infinite growth and infinite lifespan!
  It is the most difficult of the three roads!
  Not because it is strong, but because it is the weakest.
  Infinite growth and infinite lifespan sound very comfortable, but in fact, in the future, the knight's path can only be achieved through fighting and fighting, so you can find a place to stay for thousands of years. , the strength will not change much, and he may even be killed before that time.

  So there are very few people who choose this path, only Paladins will choose this path.

  Isaac has no objections to Thor's path to the Supreme Knight. After all, the power of gravity is powerful enough, and the potential is needless to say. Under his men, there is no need to worry about being ostracized after becoming a demon in the future. The most he has here is demon.

  But normally, high-ranking knights would not make a three-way choice from the beginning, because they also have the right to choose.

  Simply put, your talent may not necessarily lead to the path you want to take, or all three paths.

  After breaking through to the high-level knights, there are many people who are limited by their talents and waste their whole lives unable to make any further progress. Thor's breakthrough was a little too fast.

  However, the breakthrough has already begun, and Isaac is not easy to interrupt. With the protection of the golden weapon, there should be no problem.


  With an explosion, an oppressive gravity fell on the demon shadow behind Thor, suppressing it instantly into his body!

  The majestic gravity stirred up smoke and dust all over the sky, and Thor's figure slowly emerged from it
  (End of Chapter)

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