77. Chapter 77: The Eve of Promotion (33) Please read it!

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  Chapter 77: The Eve of Promotion (33) Please read it!

  This is also the origin of the word "suicide". This characteristic also results in the single strength of the suiyu wizard far exceeding that of wizards from other factions.

  As for the Necromancer chosen by Yi Hua, it is specialized in war.

  If the Necromancer has not learned the Necromantic Body, his own strength is only slightly above average.

  However, relying on the large number of enslaved undead and the blessing of secret techniques such as soul retrieval, the necromancer can often defeat many with one.

  As long as he is alive, the Necromancer can summon endless undead and play a decisive role on the battlefield.

  Therefore, necromancers are also called war wizards.

  After dealing with the beast tide, Simon took back the coffin that fell to the ground and turned to look at the many apprentices who were following him.

  "Gray and the apprentices below third level, stay here to assist Fabius in guarding the city!"

  As soon as he finished speaking, a middle-aged apprentice in the team wearing a bronze badge and the armband of the college's law enforcement apprentice walked out of the team and said respectfully He gave Simon a wizarding salute.

  Simon nodded slightly, and then said:
  "The rest of the third-level wizards and above, follow me to Fangorn Forest and go deep into the forbidden area of ​​Black Bone Forest!"

  After saying that, Mentor Simon's figure disappeared from the place in an instant, and appeared in the blink of an eye. A hundred meters away.

  Except for Fabius and Gray, who are the Lords of Camilla City, the other third-level and above apprentices quickly performed flying witchcraft.

  Under the influence of different flying witchcrafts, a group of apprentices quickly took off, speeding towards the direction where Master Simon left at a faster or slower speed.

  Each mentor has a gathering place for mortals under his control.

  The five instructors who cleared up the changes in Fangorn Forest this time had already parted ways not long after they left the academy.

  After Mentor Simon led dozens of third- and fourth-level wizards to leave, Fabius, the third-level wizard in mid-air, slowly fell down.

  "Senior Brother Gray, long time no see."

  A smile appeared on Fabius's face, and he exchanged greetings with Gray.

  Then his eyes stayed for a moment on Yihua, Lei and other disciples, and nodded to them.

  Then he moved away and announced to the hundreds of apprentices present:
  "Thank you for coming to help. Naturally, this city lord will not be stingy with your rewards. I announce that Camilla City will open the city's secret treasures from now on. Library! You can exchange the merits obtained by resisting the beast tide for any of the treasures!"

  Along with the whispers of the apprentices present, and some exclamations, Fabius read out the reward mechanism that had been formulated.

  From now on, until the changes in Fangorn Forest are cleared, there will no longer be a large-scale beast tide attacking Camilla City.

  Camilla City will allocate free accommodation to the apprentices present, and designate the areas where they will be stationed and their followers.

  After every beast attack, the guards would count the bodies of the beasts.

  Each time you kill a first-class ferocious beast, you will gain 50 points of combat merit.

  The corpse of each second-class ferocious beast can be exchanged for 300 points of combat merit.

  As for the corpse of a third-level ferocious beast, it can be exchanged for 5,000 combat points!
  Every hundred points of battle merit can be exchanged for one witch crystal.

  The former can be used to exchange for various valuable and unmarketable rare treasures in the city's treasure house.

  Such as high-level magic items, potions that can increase spiritual power, some rare witchcraft model information or witchcraft crystal balls, etc.

  The pricing was naturally carefully considered by Fabius.

  The corpses of these ferocious beasts themselves have a certain value. The furs of some ferocious beasts can be used to make scrolls, and the scales can be used as armor for wizards after being demonized and added with defensive witchcraft.

  Others can be eaten to increase physical strength, or used as ingredients for some potions, as well as casting materials for specific ritual witchcraft.

  While killing the ferocious beast to obtain military merit, it also meant transferring the corpse of the ferocious beast to the Lord of Fabius.

  This was a win-win cooperation. The apprentices solved the crisis of the beast tide for Fabius, and Fabius saved the apprentices the time of selling and directly purchased the bodies of the ferocious beasts from them at a high price.

  After the reading was completed, the apprentices present were aroused and eager to resist the beast tide.

  Fabius nodded with satisfaction, and then declared:
  "Everyone has come a long way, why not rest in the city for a day, and I will arrange the defense areas for you tomorrow."

  Follow the guidance of a trainee knight-level guard , Yihua came to the residence that the city lord had already allocated - a villa located in the wealthy area in the southeast of the city, covering an area of ​​several hundred square meters, with a garden and a fountain.

  Since the north of the city faces Fangorn Forest, it is often attacked by ferocious beasts that escape from the forest.

  Therefore, the slums of Camilla City are located in the north of the city, while the wealthy areas are concentrated in the relatively safer and coastal south of the city.

  Naturally, Yihua was not dissatisfied at all with the villa that was assigned to him, which was much better than the simple stone house in the college, and moved in immediately.

  This villa seemed to have been tidied up before. The floors inside were spotless, the paintings and fireplaces were all as neat as new, and the beds in the bedrooms had already been made, just like a hotel.

  This also saves Yihua time to clean up the house.

  After figuring out the layout of the three-story villa and finding no abnormalities, Yihua sat in the study on the second floor and took out the finger-length crystal bottle in his pocket.

  He held the two ends of the crystal bottle with his fingers and took a closer look at the gray heart the size of a button.

  This is one of the rewards that Master Simon previously gave to himself, a secret treasure that can speed up meditation - the Demonic Heart.

  Yi Hua did not hesitate and directly unscrewed the mouth of the bottle. Based on the information he learned from the data, he used his greatest strength to barely make a cut on his wrist with the Mithril Cross Sword.

  Scarlet blood spurted out from the wound on his wrist instantly.

  Yihua's scalp was numb, and he resisted the action of removing the demon's heart, watching the demon's heart slowly swim under the skin until it penetrated into his chest.

  Bang bang!

  Just a few seconds after the demon's heart drilled into his chest, a violent heartbeat sounded from Yihua's right chest, echoing the heart on his left chest.

  Feeling the beat of the magic heart, a burst of pure spiritual power as fine as gravel poured into Yihua's spiritual sea and was absorbed by his soul.

  Yihua's spirit was also lifted and he felt relieved.

  Every beat of the devil's heart speeds up Yihua's current stage of meditation for a day.

  According to the information that Yihua had previously reviewed, the demon's heart beats once every hour and can beat seventy-two times continuously.

  A few hours later, Yihua relied on the accumulation of meditation some time ago and the increase in mental power brought about by the beating of his magical heart. He once again condensed a rune through meditation.

  Yihua, who brought up the attribute panel, looked at the data in front of him——

  "Realm: First-class Necromancer Apprentice (35/36 runes), Great Knight (84/100)" "

  Only one last rune is missing, and it only takes a dozen hours at most to be promoted to second-class apprentice. Thank

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  (End of chapter)

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