263.Chapter 263 Signal

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  Chapter 263 Signal
  found that his men were still in a fierce battle with Canon, whose amplification effect had not yet dissipated.

  The other two rival academies of the Nine-Ring White Tower, Oak Garden and Bloody Battle Tower, have two fifth-level apprentice leaders, a man and a woman, now also entangled by Simon and Rudolf.

  Petain is dead?

  Sika, a middle-aged fifth-level wizard in gray robe, had such a thought in his mind.

  The next moment, through sound transmission, he angrily scolded several of his subordinates who were still fighting with Ganon:

  "Damn it, you haven't broken through the obstruction of the apprentices in the Nine-ring White Tower yet, you are a bunch of losers!" After

  reprimanding, Xi calmed down. Ka passed the sound transmission again, and then said to several of his subordinates:

  "You losers, immediately take over from me to fight against the two fifth-level undead that have been severely injured by me. This fifth-level mechanical wizard apprentice from the Nine-ring White Tower, leave it to me. Deal with it!"

  As soon as he finished speaking, Sikka flew towards Ganon.

  The three fifth-level apprentices of the Green Lodge who were fighting Canon also looked at each other at the same time as they received the order, quickly escaped from the battle, and faced the two fifth-level apprentices a thousand meters away who were severely injured by the leader Sika. Undead.

  After that, the remaining fifth-level apprentices of the Nine-ring White Tower's rival academy coalition also realized that Petain was dead, and started talking about it in the interconnected audio channels.

  "How on earth happened? That guy Petain is dead?"

  "Don't all the gold badges be in his hands? Now with his death, the plan to paralyze the Nine-ring White Tower Wizard Array is completely hopeless!" "Damn it

  , What did these fifth-level wizard apprentices from the Nine-ring White Tower eat to grow up? How come they are so powerful? If you want to forcefully break through this Nine-ring White Tower branch, I don’t know how many fifth-level apprentices will have to be sacrificed!" At this moment

  , Simon, who was in the fierce battle, heard Ganon's urgent voice in the audio channel of the Nine-ring White Tower:
  "Trouble, my amplification time is about to end, and I will soon fall into a short-term weakening state. Simon, Selina, You guys, please cover me and stop the leader of the gray robe apprentices from the Green Cabin for me!" As

  soon as he finished speaking, Ganon, who was fighting the middle-aged fifth-level wizard Sikka in gray robes, had a stern look on his face and tried to get out of the battle. , flew lower, and retreated into the wizard array barrier of the academy.

  After hearing Ganon's message, Simon immediately looked at the other three colleagues.

  At this moment, Selina herself is entangled with two fifth-level apprentices from the hostile academy. Although it consumes a lot of money, she is in good condition so far. The hostile fifth-level apprentices have not even broken through Selena's body. shield.

  But the eight fifth-level undead she summoned and scattered in various areas of the battlefield were all injured, and three of them were on the verge of being completely destroyed.

  These fifth-level undead were so seriously injured, mainly because they were on their own behalf. The four fifth-level instructors of the Nine-ring White Tower resisted and withstood most of the damage and pressure on the battlefield.

  Fortunately, the fifth-level undead that Selina enslaved were not just the eight on the battlefield.

  As long as her magic power is fully restored, she can summon eight new, intact fifth-level undead again.

  As for Rudolph, although he has some old injuries on his body at the moment, he still has less than half of his magic power left. His life is not in danger for the time being, but it is difficult to fight for a long time.

  Due to the absolute disadvantage in numbers, the four Simons were simply unable to engage in a long-term battle with the eighteen fifth-class apprentices from the three rival academies of the Nine-ring White Tower, leaving behind Petain.

  They can only engage in short-term battles. After consuming a wave of enemies, they will retreat to the barrier of the wizard array of the academy, using the energy consumption of the wizard array in exchange for time to restore energy and magic power.

  Nowadays, the state of the four Simons is close to the limit. If they continue to fight, it will not only be difficult to achieve significant results, but if they are not careful, there is also the risk of being severely injured or even falling on the spot.

  Sikka also seemed to see that Cannon's amplification time was about to end, and began to trade injuries for injuries, desperately blocking Cannon's retreat.

  Simon, who relied on the fifth-level suicidal wizard and learned how to forge coffins, except for the arm left in the secret world, could almost resist dozens of fifth-level witchcraft without being injured, immediately realized Ganon's situation at this moment Extremely dangerous.

  Since everyone else knew the nature of Simon's accusation of killing the wizard, the three fifth-level apprentices who besieged Simon were afraid of the death declaration that Simon could retaliate and did not dare to compete with Simon, who had learned the forgery of coffins, in terms of defense capabilities.

  Therefore, damaging witchcraft is rarely used in battles, and is mainly used to consume and entangle Simon.

  Simon, who had just severely injured a fifth-class apprentice, knew that under normal circumstances it would be difficult for him to break free from the entanglement of the three of them, so he made a thought.

  Next, Simon quickly followed the idea that had just arisen in his mind and constructed a witchcraft aimed at the fifth-level apprentice who had just been severely injured by him.

  This piece of witchcraft, just the construction process, caused strange phenomena to occur within a range of nearly 100 meters.

  Blinded by the momentum of Simon's witchcraft, he realized that the target of this witchcraft was his fifth-class apprentice who had just been severely injured.

  Among the three people who besieged Simon, the red-haired man who was the leader of the fifth-level apprentices of the Tower of Bloody War quickly reminded: "
  Be careful! Rabe, get out of the way!"

  As soon as he finished speaking, among the three fifth-level apprentices who besieged Simon, The leader of the fifth-class apprentices of the Tower of Bloody Battle Academy and another fifth-class apprentice rushed towards the fifth-class apprentice named Rabe who had just been severely injured by Simon.

  At the same time, an extremely powerful jet-black blade that stretched for nearly a hundred meters suddenly struck Rabe.

  It's just different from what was expected. Although this sharp blade is powerful, its speed is far less than Simon's previous attack. It only advances less than three hundred meters per second.

  But the situation was urgent at this moment. In order to prevent the death of his fifth-level apprentice, the leader of the Bloody Battle Tower and another fifth-level apprentice quickly released witchcraft to try to resist Simon's attack.

  The next moment, a crimson spear and dozens of crimson arrows collided with the jet black blade released by Simon.

  In an instant, a thick black mist exploded, enveloping the fifth-level apprentice leader of the Bloody Battle Tower and two other fifth-level apprentices.

  "Oops, I can't see anything!"

  "What the hell is this!"

  "Dispel this black mist as soon as possible!"

  The three of them tried to fly out of the black mist, but unexpectedly, the black mist followed them like gangrene attached to the bones. The three of them moved around, causing the three of them to lose sight briefly.

  In fact, that's exactly what Simon was going for.

  He knew that facing three fifth-level apprentices, even though he had severely injured one of them, he wanted to successfully defeat them with the help of the other two fifth-level apprentices, and even a top fifth-level apprentice from the Tower of Bloody Battle. Killing it is an almost impossible task.

  Therefore, the real purpose of the jet-black blade he just released was just to make the three people affected temporarily lose their vision, so that he could escape from the battle and go to support Canon. Sika, the leader of the fifth-class apprentice of the Green Lodge who was desperately entangled with Cannon, did not expect that among the four people in the Nine-ring White Tower, Simon, the strongest single player, would suddenly leave the battle.

  Before he could react, he was hit by the black coffin suddenly thrown by Simon.

  There was no time to dodge, and there was an overwhelming clicking sound from the fifth-level energy shield on Sika's body. She was directly hit by the black coffin with a terrifying impact, and flew hundreds of meters away.

  Glancing at Ganon not far away, who had just lost his growth and fell into a weakened state, Simon said in a short voice:


  Seeing that Sikka who was entangled with him was knocked away and had not yet recovered, Ganon quickly moved towards the nine rings below. Flying away from the barrier of the White Tower Wizard Array.

  Since the Academy Wizard Array has an identity recognition function, only apprentices from the Nine-Ring White Tower who carry apprentice badges and fifth-level instructors from the academy who hold gold badges can enter and exit it at will.

  The fifth-class apprentices from the three hostile academies who attacked the Nine-ring White Tower could only stay outside the barrier. Unless they broke through the formal wizard-level wizard array barrier, they would not be able to step into the branch of the Nine-ring White Tower.

  When Ganon's figure was completely submerged in the academy's wizard formation, Simon, Selina and Rudolph also began to retreat one after another.

  In order to ensure that her side could successfully evacuate, Selina chose to bring her eight fifth-level undead that were in poor condition to her rear.

  With the astonishing speed of fifth-level apprentices, in just a few seconds, the three of them covered a distance of several thousand meters and successfully returned to the academy wizard array at the expense of three fifth-level undead.

  At the same time, the three fifth-level apprentices of the Blood Battle Tower who had previously besieged Simon and were temporarily deprived of their senses by the black mist, also completely broke free from the black mist that troubled them.

  The fifth-level apprentices from the three academies looked down at the nine-ring white tower wizard array barrier that shone with faint blue light.

  Looking at Simon's figure that had disappeared, the red-haired man, who was the leader of the fifth-level apprentices of the Tower of Bloody Battle and whose upper body was exposed and had steel-like muscles, snorted: "Cunning guy, you were fooled by his bluff just now
  . !"

  Hearing the complaint of the red-haired brawny man, the leader of the fifth-class apprentices of the Green Lodge, the gray-robed middle-aged wizard Sika, who had just been hit hard by Simon because the other party failed to stop Simon, used a cold His eyes glanced at the former.

  Knowing that now is not the time to worry about this matter, Sika turned his eyes and looked at the leader of the fifth-level apprentices in Oak Garden not far away. He was full of natural aura, wearing a goose-yellow dress, dotted with a large number of flowers and plants. The young woman with the shaped jewelry asked:

  "It's just a dying struggle, Corona, is that adult ready? When are you going to take action?"

  Her body is filled with a youthful and natural atmosphere. As the leader of the fifth-class apprentice in Oak Garden, her name is The young woman from Corona shook her head and said bluntly:
  "It shouldn't take long. As for the exact time... you know, it's not worth contacting that adult for this matter."

  Corona's reply made Sikka There was a flash of disappointment in his eyes.

  But the next moment, he adjusted and quickly ordered to the other fifth-level apprentices:
  "There will be a battle next. The wizards who are in poor condition should take potions to restore their condition on the spot. The other fifth-level apprentices will continue to attack Jiuhuan Bai. The tower's academy barrier! Be careful to avoid the wizard array's automatic counterattack!"
  Not long after the four fifth-level instructors of the Nine-Ring White Tower retreated, a piece of information suddenly emerged and was instantly known to the four fifth-level instructors.

  "Huh? All the apprentices who plan to leave the academy have boarded the ship and are ready to leave at any time?"

  Realizing this, Simon, who had already recovered to his best condition, rushed out of the academy tower.

  The other three fifth-class apprentices also left the academy tower at the same time.

  The four of them looked high in the sky. Since there was no one to stop them, a group of fifth-level apprentices were unleashing their witchcraft to bombard the academy's wizard array barrier.

  There are also streaks of blue lightning released by the academy's wizard array that automatically counterattacks.

  "In order to prevent the fleet carrying the apprentices from the academy from being blocked, it is up to us to go up and delay the wizard apprentices from these hostile colleges and buy them time." Rudolph took a deep breath and said in a heavy voice


  "How about we let the apprentices who are preparing to leave the academy stay for a while until our condition is completely restored?"

  Ganon's eyes flashed and he suggested tentatively.

  Regarding Ganon's proposal, Rudolf shook his head and explained:
  "I eavesdropped on the conversations between the apprentices of the rival colleges. They already knew that the wizard array of the Nine Rings White Tower Branch had reached the level of official wizards, and it would be difficult to do so in a short time. "Breaking through."

  "In fact, they did not rely too much on Petain's ability to open the academy wizard array from the inside. What really made them decide to invade the Nine Rings White Tower Branch at this time was another reason, which was most likely to involve the official wizard level. Power!"

  Rudolph's explanation made Selina's pupils shrink. She said subconsciously:
  "You mean, the official wizards of the enemy academy are very likely to attack our Nine Rings White Tower branch?"

  "That's right. , a few hours ago, I successfully contacted the mainland. Similar to ours, the Nine-ring White Tower General Campus on the mainland is being besieged by the official wizards of the hostile academy!" As soon as Rudolph said this, everyone

  present All the people fell into silence.

  If the official wizard from the hostile academy arrives here, the apprentices in the academy will have no hope of escaping.

  "It seems that just in case, we can't delay it any longer, so we have to let the apprentices in the academy leave as soon as possible." All

  four of them realized that this battle was no better than before.

  In previous battles, once the state is not good, you can evacuate at any time.

  Now the four of them have not recovered to their best condition, but there is no time to continue to recover or delay.

  The four of them, as the fifth-class apprentices of the academy, have extremely eye-catching goals. Now they have no chance to escape alone in front of everyone.

  But there are still apprentices in the academy.

  Compared to a few fifth-level tutors, these apprentices are of little value to rival colleges.

  Even if they let go, these Nine Rings White Tower enemy academy apprentices may not send too many people to pursue them.

  Without stopping any longer, the four of them looked at each other, quickly took off, and rushed towards a group of fifth-level apprentices outside the wizard array barrier thousands of meters above the ground.

  After a while, a dazzling light rose from the sky. This was also the four fifth-level instructors of the Nine-ring White Tower. When they successfully delayed the enemy, they gave it to the east coast. A group of apprentices who were preparing to go by boat left. signal of.

  (End of chapter)

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