253. Chapter 253 Yihua’s real trump card

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  Chapter 253 Yihua's real trump card

  "Speaking of which, are those things really illusions? Couldn't they be some new type of witchcraft or fourth or even fifth-class magical items?" A group of apprentices were watching the battle not far away

  . There were divergent discussions and people watching the battle intently.

  In just a few seconds, Melkor, who was knocked a hundred meters away, stabilized his body and rushed towards Yihua again.

  "You deserve to die!"

  At this moment, Melkor's eyes were filled with rage, and he almost wanted to eat Yihua alive.

  You must know that it is difficult to collect the power of the blood epidemic in his body, so use a little less.

  The round of fire from twenty faceless shadows just now caused Melkor to lose one tenth of his blood plague power.

  Yihua on the other side saw Melkor rushing towards him again, without any fear on his face.

  He directly led a group of faceless shadows disguised as himself to meet the incoming Melkor.

  From the previous battles, Yihua also roughly judged Melkor's true strength now.

  If he only relied on the strength of the Earth Knight and the third-level half-dead witch body, he could only barely fight Melkor to a draw.

  However, due to the depleted power of the blood epidemic, it was difficult to replenish it, and the anxiety continued for a long time.

  In the end, Yihua, who has nearly infinite life energy and magic power, will win by relying on the large number of Holy Light Beads he carries with him and the skill of soul retrieval.

  However, if Ihua could do this alone and defeat Melkor through a war of attrition, the time needed would be at least hours.

  So Yihua chose without hesitation to summon a faceless shadow that was comparable to a quasi-fourth-level undead.

  Now Melkor's physique is barely close to that of the fourth-level undead Decay Centaur, but his attack ability is far inferior to Nakravi who can continuously throw the powerful Decline Spear.

  Relying on the powerful strength of the twenty faceless shadows, Yihua was confident that he could shorten the time to defeat Melkor from the original several hours to less than a quarter of an hour.

  Just when everything seemed to be going so smoothly, and Melkor's defeat was just a matter of time, a sudden change occurred -

  Melkor, who was attacking Yihua again, sneered, and with the flash of the space ring, A dark disk engraved with a large number of ancient witchcraft runes appeared in his palm.

  Without waiting for Yihua to react, Melkor crushed the dark, ancient disc into pieces.


  The moment the dark, primitive disk shattered, the boundless darkness spread out in all directions, centered on Melkor himself.

  The terrifying expansion speed of darkness startled everyone standing several hundred meters away.

  "Get back quickly! Don't be swallowed by that darkness!"

  Without any hesitation, a group of surviving apprentices, led by Rey, Gabriel and others, ran away into the distance.

  "What on earth is that dark disc? Why did so many dark things come out after being crushed by Melkor?" "Could it be

  that the dark disc is some kind of one-time use high-level demon? Item?"

  "Oops! Could it be that the darkness that suddenly appeared contains extremely terrifying power? When Melkor saw that he could not defeat the Vice-President, the balance of victory gradually tipped, and he wanted to die with him?" Just before

  everyone When he was puzzled, the rapidly expanding darkness quickly rushed to Yihua's eyes.

  Yihua was shocked when he saw the incoming darkness swallowing up Melkor first and covering him at a terrifying speed of 100 meters per second.

  He originally wanted to release the death world shuttle technique, immediately leave the secret world and hide in the death world.

  But the next second, he felt that the faceless figures rushing to the front and being the first to be swallowed up by the darkness still maintained a stable soul link with themselves, and the darkness covering them seemed to pose no danger at all.

  Yihua's eyes flashed, and he finally decided not to dodge. He let the darkness swallow him up amidst the exclamations of other apprentices hundreds of meters away.

  At the same time, in the sight of the surviving apprentices who were still retreating in the distance.

  After completely covering Yihua, the darkness that originally existed at the location of Melkor and Yihua, covering an area of ​​several hundred meters, no longer continued to expand, but shrank inward at a faster rate than before.

  After just a few seconds, the large area of ​​darkness that remained in place had completely disappeared.

  Disappearing with him were Melkor and Yihua, as well as a group of faceless figures disguised as Yihua.

  "What happened just now? Why did the Vice President and Melkor disappear?"

  "The fluctuations of the Vice President disappeared in my resonance stone! Could it be that he no longer exists in this secret world? "

  At this moment, among the crowd of Illuminati apprentices, a young second-class apprentice with high spatial affinity flashed his eyes and said with some uncertainty: "I just

  felt a strong spatial fluctuation. Maybe Melkor just pinched it. Is the broken dark disk actually some kind of consumable space demonized item?" As

  soon as he finished speaking, the young second-class apprentice's analysis caused an uproar among the surrounding crowd.

  "Is it possible that the Vice-President did not die with Melkor, but entered a certain space?"

  The young second-class apprentice also did not believe that Yihua would die so easily. He touched his head and said:

  "According to me His judgment should be like this."

  Seeing that the apprentices around him were preparing to continue arguing, Gabriel stood up and said bluntly:
  "At this point, it is useless to continue talking. We can only stay where we are and wait for the deputy meeting. You've grown up."

  At the same time, Yihua, who was swallowed by darkness, slowly opened his eyes.

  What came into view was a space that occupied several hundred meters in radius and was no different from the grassland surrounding the giant lumen stone vein that was covered in darkness just now.

  As for Rey, Gabriel and other apprentices who originally existed hundreds of meters away, they have now disappeared without a trace. I don’t know where I went.

  Feeling that the soul link of the twenty faceless shadows he had just summoned was stable and located not far from him, Yihua relaxed slightly, and then looked into the distance.

  Sure enough, just as Yihua expected, Melkor's face was cold, and a figure in black robes and red eyes appeared next to a huge rock three to four hundred meters away from him.

  At this moment, Melkor's eyes kept scanning the surroundings, and he seemed to be no more familiar with the current situation than Yihua. Just when Yihua looked at Melkor, the other party seemed to have come back to his senses. After sensing Yihua's gaze, he turned his eyes and looked decisively at Yihua.

  Without wasting time, Yihua's eyes flashed, and out of caution for unknown things, he asked tentatively:

  "Is this?"

  I don't know if he thought he had a chance to win, or for some other reason. Hearing Yihua's inquiry, Melkor pinched He clenched his fist and murmured to himself:
  "Sure enough, it seems that the Black Domain has successfully worked!"

  After saying that, Melkor showed a cold smile on his face and rarely replied to Yihua:

  "Did you find that all the other apprentices have disappeared, and you and I are the only ones left? It seems that you are confused about the area you are in now. Out of pity, I will make you understand." "This is me taking advantage of my mentor

  . Unprepared, he obtained from his storage room - a fourth-class consumable space demonized item called 'Black Domain'. Its power is enough to create an independent space born out of the area covered by darkness. Only the existences covered by the domain will appear in this independent space!"

  Melkor's explanation made Yihua realize a certain possibility, and his expression froze.

  The moment Melkor finished speaking, Yihua's figure rushed towards the distance, towards the end of this space, like an arrow from a string.

  A few seconds later, Yihua completely crossed the edge of the space created by the "black domain".

  However, as ripples flashed at the edge of the space that Yihua passed through, in the sight of Melkor who stayed in place, Yihua rushed out from the opposite space again.

  Seeing this scene, Melkor sneered and said mockingly:
  "Don't waste your efforts. Neither you nor I can leave this space voluntarily unless there is only the last person left in this space. That is to say , as long as I kill you, I can leave this space!" "

  However, as an activator of the 'Black Domain', I have received a huge increase in this space. Now I can compete with the four senior people. When the apprentice fights against me, since all the energy consumed in the 'Black Domain' can be returned when the space dissipates, I can consume the power of the blood plague unscrupulously!" At this point, Melkor paused for a moment and

  saw As he expected, Yihua's face showed a look of panic at the right time.

  Without giving Yi Hua time to react, with the blessing of the Black Realm, Melkor, whose strength had skyrocketed, suddenly attacked Yi Hua hundreds of meters away like an arrow from a string.

  In just two or three seconds, Melkor rushed in front of Yihua.

  At the critical moment, Yihua quickly mobilized the surrounding faceless figures disguised as himself to block Melkor's progress.

  "Hmph, I am no longer what I used to be. Get away!"

  Seeing the twenty faceless shadows extending their tentacles of fear and attacking him, Melkor snorted coldly and slashed out several scarlet streaks. Sharp blade.

  With the blessing of the black domain, the fear tentacles of the faceless shadows were disconnected one after another like cloth at the moment they came into contact with the scarlet energy blade.

  The next second, the scarlet energy blade spanned a distance of hundreds of meters and hit the surface of those faceless figures.

  Bang bang bang!
  Different from before, the moment the body surface came into contact with the scarlet energy blade, several faceless shadows hit by Melkor's attack could no longer maintain their camouflage form, and their bodies burned with pitch black flames.

  After only a moment, several faceless and shadowy bodies were wiped out in the confrontation with the scarlet energy blades.

  At the same time, Melkor, who was rushing towards Yihua, frowned and said subconsciously:

  "Huh? These ghosts are third-class undead?"

  Melkor, who realized that Yihua's true identity is the apprentice of a third-class necromancer, snorted coldly. A sound.

  "Haha, it doesn't matter if you are a third-class necromancer apprentice, I haven't killed you before anyway!" At

  the same time, Melkor's figure also rushed to Yihua's side while resisting the attacks of dozens of fear tentacles. In front of you.

  Seeing Melkor approaching, Yihua quickly swung his sword and struck out several pale golden crescent sword energy, but Melkor refused to dodge and resisted.

  The next moment, Melkor waved the scarlet energy claw that gathered a large amount of blood plague power, and while holding down the light golden crescent sword energy, he fiercely grabbed Yihua.

  At the last moment, Ihua faced Melkor head-on with his sword.

  But now Melkor has the blessing of the Black Realm, and he unscrupulously consumes the power of the blood plague to increase himself.

  Even though Yihua had the burst of life from the Earth Knight and the blessing of a third-class half-dead witch body, he was still no match for Melkor in terms of pure physique.

  After a brief stalemate, Yihua's figure flew out like an arrow, spanning a distance of several hundred meters, and hit a boulder more than ten meters high, covered by a large amount of gravel and smoke.

  Seeing that Yihua was knocked away by his own blow, Melkor, who thought that the situation was reversed, did not step forward as soon as possible to finish the attack. Instead, he followed Yihua's previous conversation method and finally said: "The 'Black Domain' can block most of the people who interact with the enemy

  . Space-related communication methods, the outside world cannot observe the battle in this space. Even the item in the space ring that the old man Pétain used to monitor me is also interfered with at this moment and cannot take effect. You don't have it at all. The possibility of leaving this space."

  "Now you realize that you are not my opponent, right? Why not surrender obediently and be swallowed by me, maybe I will make you suffer less pain before you die." Devour the living

  life and gain The power of the blood plague was far greater than the life lost. Melkor thought that the dust had settled and tried to maximize benefits.

  But at the next moment, an extremely calm voice suddenly came from the gravel in the distance:

  "The outside world can't observe the battle in this space? In this case, I'm relieved." As

  soon as the words fell, Yihua was unscathed. The figure rushed out of the rubble pile, tiptoeing, pale flames burning on the surface of the body, and appeared on the flat ground a hundred meters away like a ghost.

  Now, the panic on Yihua's face has long disappeared, and he looks at Melkor with a little pity.

  In fact, relying on the third-level life armor maintained by his own earth knight realm, Yihua was even able to barely withstand two death spear bombardments from the fourth-level undead - Nakravi.

  Although Melkor's previous blow was far better than before, it was still difficult to match the power of the Death Spear.

  With the large amount of supplies he carries with him and the technique of soul retrieval, even though Yihua's own physical fitness is not as good as Melkor's now, if it is consumed for a long time, Melkor will eventually exhaust the power of the blood plague first.

  After Yihua noticed Melkor's current level of strength and learned from Melkor that the outside world could not observe the battle in this space, he prepared to use his full strength and use his true trump card to end the battle as quickly as possible.

  Seeing that Yihua was not alarmed, Melkor frowned and realized something was wrong.

  While stalling for time, he secretly accumulated strength and prepared to launch a more powerful attack.

  "Are you pretending to be calm and bluffing? It's a pity, I won't let you go -"

  Before he finished speaking, Melkor struck out with a terrifying scarlet energy blade that was as wide as a person and stretched nearly twenty meters in length. At a speed of nearly 100 meters per second, he suddenly attacked Yihua.

  (End of chapter)

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