221. Chapter 221 One sword!

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  Chapter 221 One sword!
  Looking at the figure that suddenly appeared next to him, Raman, who reluctantly sat up, shrank his pupils, looked at the figure in front of him and exclaimed:

  "You are the deputy of the temporary vice president Gabriel - Levi ?"

  The young second-class apprentice who had just seriously injured Faun and had a sword on his waist, who looked slightly older than Laman, was none other than Levi, who had bought the mutated White Dawn and been promoted to a formal knight at Yihua's reminder.

  Today, Levi relies on his previous success in returning to the academy to seek help from Yihua, saving Gabriel and other Illuminati apprentices, and receiving the help of rewards.

  In less than a month after being promoted to a formal knight, he has already reached the limit of a formal knight and may break through and become a great knight at any time.

  Li Wei, who was slumped on the ground, was also slightly impressed by Raman, who had been selected by Yihua to test the effect of the Life Orb.

  Seeing that Raman recognized him, Levi's eyes flashed and he asked with concern:
  "That's right, can you still move?"

  "Brother Levi, I have no problem for the time being, don't worry about me!"

  Hearing Levi's question, Raman looked grateful and quickly waved his hand to express that it was no problem.

  After hearing Raman's answer, Levi's eyes swept over Raman.

  "Then you retreat as soon as possible and hide in a safe place first."

  After judging that Raman's life was not in danger for the time being, Levi did not immediately use the light therapy scroll or the life orb to treat Raman.

  Realizing that there was still danger, he looked at the seven Gnostic Society apprentices in front of him.

  On the other side, after hearing Levi's instructions, Raman dragged his body that was constantly in severe pain, climbed hard on the ground, and moved towards the forest behind him.

  "A second-class apprentice of the Illuminati? We and your first-class apprentice of the Illuminati are just a normal competition in the exam. I advise you not to meddle in your own business!" Looking at Levi in ​​front of him, among the seven Gnostic Society

  apprentices The leader, the second-class apprentice with a gloomy face, felt a little embarrassed, but he still pretended to be calm and warned.

  Due to the Life Orb held by Raman, although the seven Gnostic Society apprentices successfully exhausted the magic power of the Life Orb held by Raman, their remaining magic power was no better than Raman who had exhausted his magic power.

  Although they didn't know that Li Wei also held the Jewel of Life Jewelry, even if Li Wei was just an ordinary second-class apprentice.

  Seven Gnostic Society apprentices who were about to run out of magic power and were in poor condition had to pay the price of at least several serious injuries if they wanted to defeat Levi!
  Under such circumstances, the best result for the seven Gnostic Society apprentices is to use their tougher attitude to make Li Wei feel fearful and temporarily retreat.

  But Levi, who relied on the Orb of Life and could not abandon Laman, a fellow Illuminati apprentice, was not intimidated by the attitude of the second-class Gnostic apprentice leader.

  Without much hesitation, he drew out the sword from his waist, constructed his witchcraft at the same time, and responded with practical actions.

  The next moment, Levi rushed forward and waved the sword in his hand at a Gnostic Society apprentice.

  Without any surprise, this slash landed on the witchcraft shield of the leading second-class Gnostic Society apprentice and was blocked by him.

  "Damn guys! What are you guys doing standing still? Fight back!"

  Ent, the apprentice leader of the Gnostic Society, was shocked and angry, and quickly ordered the other apprentices to fight back.

  When Levi saw several other people attacking him, he retreated decisively, looking for opportunities to attack while wandering around.

  Since these Gnostic Society apprentices still have a certain amount of magic power, under the intensive firepower of the six uninjured Gnostic Society apprentices, Levi relied on the defensive power of the Life Orb to temporarily fall into a stalemate with the opponent.

  Regarding this situation, Li Wei did not feel any dissatisfaction or anxiety in his heart.

  "That's enough."

  This thought flashed through Levi's mind, and he rubbed the slightly vibrating resonance stone in his left hand.

  If someone were to observe the resonance stone at this moment, they would find that the resonance stone in Levi's hand showed Raman hiding aside.

  It also showed the wave of a person who was thousands of meters away and coming at an astonishing speed of tens of meters per second.

  "Such an astonishing speed. I don't know if it is the temporary vice-president Gabriel or the vice-president Yihua, but no matter who it is, they can easily annihilate the seven Gnostic Society apprentices in front of them!" Realizing this

  , Li Wei was certain in his heart, and looked at the seven Gnostic Society apprentices in front of him with full confidence.

  After all, with his second-class apprentice and the ability to become a top official knight under the indoctrination of a large amount of materials, combined with the Life Orb, he is completely worthy of the Gnostic Society apprentice in front of him.

  Although it is still difficult to completely defeat the opponent, it is still possible for Levi to be evenly matched and even seriously injure several of the first-class apprentices.

  As time passed, the attacks of several Gnostic Order apprentices present gradually weakened.

  Even two of the first-class Gnostic Society apprentices were seized by Levi, who successfully broke through the shield and chopped them down to the ground, temporarily losing their combat effectiveness.

  But as Raman's mortal enemy, the second-class Gnostic Order apprentice Faun, recovered from his injuries through potions and joined the battle.

  The situation was deadlocked again.

  In the midst of such anxiety.

  A group of bright areas covering a radius of two to three hundred meters, slightly larger than the nine first- and second-class apprentices present together, suddenly crashed into the bright area where the nine apprentices were.

  Realizing that there were other apprentices around them, the Gnosis apprentices quickly retreated and gave up the fight with Levi.

  When several Gnostic Society apprentices took out the resonance stones in their arms and found that there was no movement from their own apprentices, panic flashed in their eyes.

  "Oops! Other apprentices have entered this bright zone. How many points do such a large bright zone have! How many people are here? They can't be the group of terrifying monsters at the top of the standings!" Looking at it

  ! The seven Gnostic Society apprentices in front of them fell into panic. Raman, who was not far away, also noticed something strange and quickly took out the resonance stone.

  "It's an apprentice of our Illuminati! With such a large area of ​​light, could it be that a large force is coming?"

  Seeing the stable fluctuations emitting from the resonance stone, Raman's face showed a look of joy that could not be concealed.

  "No, it seems that there is only one person coming!"

  The next moment, he found that there was only one person in the resonance stone except Levi beside him. Looking around at the bright area that suddenly increased in area, Raman's pupils shrank.

  Levi, who felt the fluctuations in the resonance stone close at hand, flashed an imperceptible joy in his eyes.

  "Reinforcements are here!"

  At the moment when Levi quickly retreated, his thoughts flashed across his mind.

  A harsh sound sounded like tearing cloth, and the surrounding air was cut open by the translucent pale golden power that spanned a distance of nearly a hundred meters.

  When the sound disappeared, everyone present took a closer look. On the grass in front of the seven Gnostic Society apprentices, a terrifying ravine that stretched for twenty meters and was several meters deep appeared!

  The seven Gnostic Society apprentices were instantly shocked when they saw such terrifying power. Two Gnostic Society apprentices were even too frightened to stand firm and fell to the ground.

  Within a few seconds, an apprentice with white robes and gray hair, a handsome face, and a giant mithril cross sword that was almost as tall as a person appeared in front of everyone.

  "Huh? Are you two?"

  The person who came was none other than Yi Hua. His eyes flashed when he saw Levi standing aside and Raman leaning against a tree not far away, his clothes torn and stained with blood.

  Seeing Yihua's familiar face and voice, Raman quickly said excitedly:

  "Mr. Vice President!"

  "I've met Vice President Yihua!"

  Li Wei saw that the person who came was Yihua, and a flash of joy flashed in his eyes. color.

  Hearing the greetings from Laman and Li Wei, Yihua nodded and ignored the seven Gnostic Society apprentices beside him.

  The golden light flashed in his hand, and a huge golden ball of light, the size of a human head and like a small sun, appeared in his hand.

  Without stopping for a moment, the ball of light flashed past, instantly spanning a distance of tens of meters, and rushed into the injured Raman's body.

  As this third-level holy light technique penetrated the body, the scars on Raman's body dissipated and healed at an astonishing speed visible to the naked eye.

  Within a few seconds, Raman stood up with a shocked look on his face.

  He tried jumping on the spot and found that not only was his body not weak at all, but he could actually jump an inch higher than before he was injured!
  The third-level Holy Light Technique not only has the effect of healing and restoring life energy, but can also slightly enhance the physique of weak apprentices.

  Seeing that his condition was better than ever, Raman looked at Yihua and said with excitement:

  "Thank you, Vice President! Raman swears allegiance to the Illuminati and to Vice President Yihua!

  " Yihua already knew that the souls of other apprentices had an influence on them and enhanced their loyalty to him, so he didn't pay much attention to Raman's oath.

  The weaker the soul, the greater the impact of Holy Light.

  It is normal for Raman, who is only a first-class apprentice, to be so excited.

  Before Laman could continue to speak, on the other side, Ent, the leader of the Gnostic Society apprentices, had a gloomy face at the moment:

  "It's you!"

  Seeing Yihua's face, the seven Gnostic Society apprentices present subconsciously He took a few steps back, a look of shock that could not be concealed appeared on his face.

  After all, Yi Hua, who ranked among the top three in the academy competition, had previously shown power at the Earth Knight level comparable to that of a third-class apprentice!
  Although there are now several more third-class apprentices taking the apprenticeship examination, there is even a third-class necromancer apprentice among them who is far superior to Yihua in everyone's opinion.

  This caused Yihua's strength ranking among the latest batch of apprentices in the academy to drop by a few places in the minds of many apprentices. He was no longer as powerful as when he killed the bloody hand in the previous academy competition.

  But this does not mean that Yihua's own strength has declined.

  For the seven Gnostic Society apprentices present, who are the strongest but second-rate, Yihua is still an invincible being!

  Before Yi Hua could respond, Fa En, who had a blood feud with Laman, hid behind a group of Gnostic Society apprentices without realizing it. His eyes flashed and he ran away more than ten meters away with a single stride.

  Seeing Fa En running away, the pupils of all the Gnosis apprentices shrank.

  Just when they were trying to imitate Fa En, Yihua seemed to have eyes on his back. His body remained motionless, and with a flash of his arm, a pale golden crescent tore through the air, instantly spanning a distance of tens of meters, and struck at the fleeing Fa En.


  Within a second, a scream like a slaughtering pig came from a group of Gnostic Society apprentices not far away.

  At the same time, a large skeleton skinner appeared in the woods behind the Gnostic Society apprentices.

  A moment later, Fan's legs were cut off and he was wailing miserably. He was captured by the Great Skeleton Skinner summoned by Yi Hua.

  Seeing the miserable condition of Fa En who was trying to escape, all the Gnostic Apprentices couldn't help but feel lucky that they did not choose to escape in front of Yi Hua in the first place.

  Yi Hua glanced at the Gnostic Society apprentices and realized that his act of seriously injuring Fa En, who was trying to escape, had successfully acted as a deterrent.

  His eyes flickered slightly and he said bluntly:
  "I'll count to three. If you don't want to die, hand over your points!"

  Hearing Yihua's announcement, the hearts of all the Gnosis disciples tightened.

  Realizing that he could only be at the mercy of Yi Hua now, he couldn't help but feel sad in his heart.


  Hearing Yi Hua start to count down, Ent, the leader of the six Gnostic Society apprentices who supported Fa En, realized that this trip had cost him his wife and troops. Not only did he not gain any points, but he also lost all the points he already had. All the points were lost, and his heart was full of resentment towards Faen:

  "Damn it, I wouldn't have come if I had known it! It was all because of the slander of that guy Faen that I ended up in the situation where I lost all my money!"

  There was no reward for this group of spirits. After informing the apprentice of the time to mentally prepare, Yihua's eyes turned cold and he suddenly accelerated.

  "Two, one!"

  "Wait, I'll give it to you!"

  Seeing Yihua's sudden acceleration, Ent's pupils shrank, and without any further hesitation, he quickly threw the token in his hand towards Yihua.

  After receiving Ent's token, Yihua did not investigate and looked at the other Gnostic Society apprentices again.

  The moment they caught Yi Hua's gaze, the group of Gnostic Society apprentices quickly lowered their heads and threw their tokens towards Yi Hua.

  In less than three seconds, the tokens of the seven Gnostic Society apprentices were collected by Yihua.

  After collecting the tokens, Yihua swept away all the points in the tokens without hesitation.

  The seven tokens contain a total of 561 points.

  After obtaining the points, Yihua learned the ins and outs of the battle from Levi and Laman.

  Realizing the grudge between Raman and Faen, Yihua said bluntly to Raman:
  "Raman, I will give you a chance to take revenge. You can decide for yourself how to deal with Faen and all the Gnostic Society apprentices present. ."

  Hearing Yihua's words, Raman's face was filled with emotion.

  The Gnosis apprentice on the other side looked at Raman with nervous eyes the moment he heard Yihua's words.

  But Raman did not act immediately. After some hesitation, Raman said to Yihua:
  "Vice President, these Gnostic Society apprentices were defeated by you, so naturally they should be dealt with by you! I decided to give up this opportunity! "

  After hearing Laman's objection, Yihua, who had other plans in mind, did not hesitate. He nodded and said bluntly to the apprentices of the Gnosis Society standing not far away: "I will give you
  two choices. One, die before me. Under the sword! Two..."

   Since there is no scheduled release today, the update time is more than ten minutes late. I am very sorry!
  (End of chapter)

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