166. Chapter 166 Transforming the Shadow of Fear

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  Chapter 166 Transforming the Shadow of Fear

  Ignoring the state of the drowned resentful ghost, Yihua then stretched his fingers towards the twisted heart, trying to cut off the connection between the twisted heart and the body of the drowned resentful ghost without hurting the twisted heart. Connection.

  After several careful attempts, he figured out the connection between the twisted heart and the body of the drowned ghost, and began to use his power.

  Bang bang bang~
  Time passed by minute by second, and the twisted heart veins, which were extremely tough and like rubber bands, were cut off by Yihua's fingers with the undead transformation technique.

  Every time the connection between the twisted heart and the drowned resentful ghost is cut off, the drowned resentful ghost in front of Yihua becomes more and more sluggish.

  Until the last blood vessel-like vein was cut off, in front of Yihua, the drowned resentful ghost whose twisted heart was being stripped away looked like a puddle of mud, and fell limply to the ground. The soul connection with Yihua was also cut off at the same time.

  This also means that the drowned resentful ghost who has been stripped of his twisted heart is completely dead.

  Under normal circumstances, the power of the drowned resentful ghost is dispersed throughout the body, and even if the twisted heart in the body is destroyed, it can be regenerated.

  The twisted heart stripped out in this state is just a pile of rotten flesh, unable to carry the innate ability of drowning the resentful ghost.

  Now under the orders of Yihua, the Drowning Ghost has gathered all its power into the twisted heart. In this state, peeling off the twisted heart will bring real death to the Drowning Ghost.

  But at the same time, it also allows the twisted heart to inherit the complete innate abilities of the Drowned Ghost.

  Half a minute later, Yihua looked at the center of the retracted palm.

  "Is it just luck? I didn't expect it to work the first time."

  The so-called "Twisted Heart" is the size of a fist, like a tangled ball of thread, waving towards the surrounding space as thick as the thread. A spherical object with tentacles that still seems to be alive.

  Without any hesitation, Yihua immediately summoned a fearful shadow, and based on the knowledge he had previously learned in the library, he tried to implant the twisted heart of a drowned resentful ghost into the fearful shadow.

  Although he had the assistance of a large amount of theoretical knowledge related to the transformation of the undead, it was the first time to implant a twisted heart into the Shadow of Fear.

  So it naturally failed in the end.

  Looking at the fearful shadow and twisted heart that turned into a ball of ashes in front of him, Yihua thoughtfully took out his note and wrote down the reasons for the failure.

  Immediately afterwards, he tried to extract the twisted heart again.

  This time I was not as lucky as the first time.

  After experiencing a failure and losing a drowned resentful ghost, Yihua successfully extracted a twisted heart.

  During the second transplant process, although the main body, Fearful Shadow, survived, some unknown rejection reaction seemed to occur.

  In just a few seconds, the black flames burning on the fearful shadow burned away the twisted heart.

  "It seems that compared to the twisted heart that has lost its main body, the power of the complete fear shadow is too powerful."

  Writing down the reasons for the failure again, Yihua began to repeat the previous process of removing the twisted heart.

  Although undead of the same type are at the same level, they are not mass-produced machines after all. There is a slight power gap between each individual.

  Next, Yihua looked for a fearful shadow with weaker energy fluctuations, and tried to transplant the twisted heart removed from a stronger drowned resentment ghost.

  Unfortunately, it still ended in failure.

  "The Shadow of Fear seems to have a strong rejection reaction to the organs in the body of the alien undead. Even if the transplant recipients are of similar strength, it cannot be solved. It seems that solving the rejection problem is the key..." At this time, there was silence on the coast of the underworld


  Within a hundred meters around, apart from the sound of the quill in Yihua's hand rustling on the notes, there was only the sound of the sea water lapping against the shore.

  While Yihua recorded the results of the experiment, he also summarized the reasons for the failure.

  After a while, Yihua recalled the materials he had browsed in the library before, and inspiration suddenly emerged in his heart.

  "Wait a minute, the root cause of the rejection reaction is that the organ is regarded as a foreign object by the implanted subject."

  After understanding this, the next step of thinking becomes much smoother.

  "Since the twisted heart cannot be directly implanted into the body of the fearful shadow, perhaps we can try to let the twisted heart possess the breath of the fearful shadow, so that the body of the fearful shadow will think it is one of our own, so that we can get away with it!" Yi Hua saw in front of him

  . As soon as I realized it, I felt that my idea was very feasible.

  After a moment of thinking, Yihua figured out a way to infect the twisted heart with the aura of the fearful shadow.

  That is - merging the Shadow Crystal with the Twisted Heart.

  In the following time, based on the information obtained by the undead transformation technique, Yihua began the process of extracting the shadow crystal from the body of the fearful shadow.

  After a while, a fearful shadow disappeared from the place, and what appeared together with it was a translucent illusory crystal burning with black flames in Yihua's hand.

  Yihua brought the shadow crystals located in his left and right hands closer to the twisted heart.

  The close distance also caused a violent reaction in the shadow crystal. A black flame rose from the shadow crystal, igniting the twisted heart on the side.

  Seeing that the twisted heart in the black flame showed no signs of damage, Yihua adjusted the distance and slowly watched the burning of the black flame.

  After a long time, the shadow crystal in Yihua's left hand has disappeared. The twisted heart in his right hand is now burning with black flames that are difficult to extinguish. The

  original appearance of the twisted heart, which is like a ball of thread, has been calcined into a translucent one. appearance.

  The entangled veins are no longer in the form of threads before, but are burning with black flames, similar to the structure of the body of the fearful shadow.

  Seeing that the attempt was successful, Yihua stopped staying. After recording the manufacturing method, he called a fear shadow again and tried to implant the modified twisted heart.

  The experiment went smoothly this time, and the rejection that had caused multiple transplant failures did not happen again.

  Not long after, in the burning of the black flames on the body of the Fear Shadow, the translucent, twisted heart burning with black flames was completely integrated into the body of the Fear Shadow.

  In just a few seconds, the body of the fearful shadow in the original form of the cloaked man rapidly expanded, and the cloak on his body caused waves.

  It was as if a monster was imprisoned in its body, trying to tear apart the black flame body of the fearful shadow and break free from its restraints.

  "It must be successful this time!"

  Seeing the drastic changes in the body of the fearful shadow that had successfully implanted the twisted heart in front of him, Yihua held his breath and stared at the fearful shadow intently, fearing that the experiment would fail again. film.

  It seems that Yihua's idea has worked, but it is more likely that Yihua has found the right fusion method.

  After going through a series of twists and turns, the fearful shadow body implanted in the twisted heart finally successfully stabilized.

  After merging with the twisted heart, the face of the fearful shadow, which was originally composed of black flames, revealing beating pupils that burned like flames, disappeared and turned into a twisted vortex.

  At the same time, the body became larger, and the slender body was close to three meters, which was as high as a floor.

  Several illusory tentacles burning with dark flames and seemingly made of energy extended out from behind.

  Looking at the transformed fearful shadow in front of him with its distorted face, lanky body and several illusory tentacles extending from behind, Yihua subconsciously thought of the terrifying character in the urban legend of his previous life - the lanky ghost.

  The Slender Ghost, also known as the Slandar, the Forest Ghost, and the Faceless Man.

  It is said that it has a blank face, a tall and thin body, wears a black suit, and has multiple tentacles on its back. It has certain similarities with the modified Shadow of Fear.

  In order to cherish the memory of his previous life, Yihua immediately combined the name of the slender ghost and named the fearful shadow with an uncertain face, tall body and illusory tentacles after the transformation as the faceless ghost.

  After naming, Yihua once again used the undead transformation technique to collect the specific ability information of the faceless shadow.

  After a while, the specific information about this new type of modified undead came into Yihua's eyes -

  "Name: Faceless Shadow"

  "Realm: Third-level Apprentice"

  "Talent: Terror Tentacles, Thousand-Changing Body, Shadow Shuttle"

  "Trait: Thousand-Change Crystal (Transplantable)"

  "Huh? Has the talent mutated?"

  Yihua's eyes lit up when he saw the talent was completely different from either the Shadow of Fear or the Ghost of Drowning.

  Generally, after transforming the undead, very few of the new talents that appear are brand-new talents caused by mutations.

  Most of them are produced by the fusion of talents that have certain similarities and overlaps between the fused undead.

  But no matter what, most of the new talents that emerge after the fusion are no worse than the original talents of both parties, and there is a high probability that they even combine the advantages of both parties.

  Instead of continuing to transform the other terrifying shadows, Yi Hua took the lead in testing the talents of the faceless shadows.

  "Let's start with the fear tentacles."

  According to the information obtained by Yi Hua's careful investigation, the fear tentacles are the product of the fusion of the original talent "fear aura" of the fear shadow and the talent "death tentacles" of the drowned ghost.

  Although the Faceless Shadow has lost the area-of-effect fear ability of the Fear Aura, with its fear tentacles, the Faceless Shadow can exert a more powerful single-target fear ability.

  The more significant the damage caused by the fear tentacles to the enemy, the stronger the enemy's fear will be.

  Compared with the Fear Shadow, it takes a long time to take effect when facing enemies of the same or higher level, making it a slightly useless fear ability.

  After transformation, the faceless shadow with fear tentacles to assist in combat can create a stronger fear effect and killing effect on enemies of the same or even higher level.

  Yihua is ready to test the attack effect of the fear tentacles first.

  He stood there, and after getting ready, ordered the faceless shadow in front of him to attack him.

  After receiving the order, the faceless figure, which was less than ten meters away from Yihua, swayed slightly, but did not rush towards Yihua.

  Instead, several illusory tentacles burning with black flames behind him suddenly stretched out, and with lightning speed, they instantly spanned a distance of nearly ten meters and stabbed Yihua's chest.

  Seeing the tentacles stabbing at him at an alarming speed, Yihua's pupils shrank and he suppressed the urge to retreat.

  Bang bang bang!
  (End of chapter)

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