164. Chapter 164 The Exploding Life Branch (3k)

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  Chapter 164 The Exploding Branch of Life (3k)

  "No, I believe that the vice-president, with his status, will lack this mere witch crystal?"

  Hearing that Li Wei trusted Yi Hua extremely, the leader The dead fish-eyed Masonic apprentice frowned, trying to undermine Li Wei's trust in Yihua.

  "Are you really..."

  Seeing the several Freemason apprentices on the side making so much noise, Yihua snorted coldly. In an instant, he pulled out his cross sword and slashed at several of them with a speed that was almost invisible to the naked eye among the apprentices present. .


  At the same time, a bloodstain deep enough to the bone appeared on the faces of several Masonic apprentices.

  Feeling moist on their faces, as if warm liquid was flowing through them, several people subconsciously raised their hands to touch their faces.

  When they looked at their palms, they saw that their hands were stained with warm, sticky scarlet blood.


  Several Masonic apprentices who realized that their lives had passed through the gates of hell were frightened and hurriedly took a few steps back. As a result, they stepped on a stone and fell to the ground.

  After getting up hastily, several Masonic apprentices did not dare to taunt Yihua in front of him, and left the market dejectedly with the "branches of life" they bought.

  "Levi, have you made your decision? Do you choose to believe those Masonic apprentices, or do you choose to believe me, the vice-president of the Illuminati?"

  Hearing Yihua's inquiry, Levi recalled Yihua's previous casual remarks. Sword, forcing back several Masonic apprentices who had previously bullied him, his eyes firmly said:
  "Of course I believe you, I bought this white dawn in your hand!"

  Although a witch crystal is very important to Li Wei , it still has a certain weight, but for Yihua, its value is better than nothing.

  Naturally, Levi would not believe the words of several Masonic apprentices who bullied him, had bad intentions, and tried to sow discord.

  I think Yihua, the first among the second-class apprentices in the academy, would be reluctant to give up dozens of crystal coins to harm his subordinates.

  Seeing that Li Wei believed in him and decisively took out a witch crystal, Yihua also handed the mutated white dawn to Li Wei, and at the same time briefly explained to him how to take the flower.

  Seeing that Yi Hua and several Masonic apprentices who were originally present had left, the vendor who didn't know the value of the mutated white dawn was filled with secret joy, and secretly said: "Both the branch of life

  and the white dawn flower have been sold for a long time. Higher than his own price, he made a lot of money this time!"

  After leaving the market, Levi returned to his residence and practiced the "Amway Breathing Technique" he had collected in the past few days in the courtyard.

  A few hours later, Li Weina, who was naked from the waist up and panting with a long sword in hand, took the towel handed by the maid and wiped the sweat from his body.

  He felt that his progress was always stuck at the limit of the trainee knight, unable to break through to the official knight, and he couldn't help but frown.

  "By the way, you can try the white dawn that the vice president resold to me before."

  Levi's eyes lit up, and then he ordered the maid to take out the flower from the house. Before buying it, I don't know how many days passed. It still looks like a white dawn flower just picked from the branch.

  "However, it is said that the effect of White Dawn can only assist the trainee knights in accumulating life energy, but it is not enough for the trainee knights to directly break through to the official knights."

  Levi hesitated for a moment, then quickly became firm again.

  "Forget it, let's treat a dead horse as a living doctor. Since the vice-president ordered me to buy this white dawn, it must be better than the ordinary white dawn." According to Yihua's previous guidance, Li Wei

  directly Break off half of the mutated white dawn petals with gold lines, put them in your mouth and chew them gently.

  The slight bitterness on the tip of his tongue quickly dissipated. As Levi swallowed the petals, within a minute, a powerful stream of heat continued to pour out of his body.

  "This is..."

  Feeling the life energy in his body rapidly increasing and converging toward his heart, Levi's eyes flashed with shock.

  Realizing a possibility, Levi quickly put down the remaining mutated white dawn and began to control and guide the life energy in his body.

  At the same time, Levi's body surface was like a cooked prawn, his skin was red and emitting boiling steam.

  The heart is like a motor, beating steadily like thunder.

  Plop! Plop!
  As time passed, Levi's vision gradually subsided.

  If Yi Hua were present, he would be able to notice that the life energy in Levi's body that was originally dispersed throughout his body was compressing and converging toward his heart at a steady speed.

  This also means that Levi was successfully promoted from a trainee knight to a formal knight.

  After coming back to his senses, Levi felt his faintly strengthened physique and the majestic life energy gathered in his heart, and realized that he had been promoted to an official knight.

  Recalling the mutated white dawn flower he had taken earlier, he picked up the remaining white dawn flowers on the ground, counted them, and found seven petals left. He was secretly shocked and said, "I didn't expect that just

  taking one petal would make me... Breaking through the shackles and being promoted to an official knight, is this really the White Dawn? The effect of this flower is probably not as good as the branch of life." While Levi was shocked, he also thought of using

  this "White Dawn" Yihua was transferred to him.

  "I bought this White Dawn for only one Witch Crystal. According to previous performance, the Vice President must know the effect of this flower, but he still chose to resell it to me at such a low price..." Thinking of

  this , Li Wei put away the remaining "White Dawn" as a treasure, his admiration for Yihua in his heart went to a higher level, and he vowed to repay Yihua's kindness.
  the other side, several Masonic apprentices who jointly bought the "Twig of Life" came to the home of the leader's dead fish-eye apprentice.

  "According to the information I know, if you want to use the branch of life, you need to use an instrument to extract the life essence contained in it." The

  dead fish-eyed apprentice slapped his head, so a few people went to the market and spent a few witch crystals to buy it. A brand new set of instruments.

  After all the cooking, just after putting the branch of life into the instrument, they saw that there was no movement from the branch of life, and several people were in trouble again.

  "By the way, extracting the essence of life seems to require the use of two conflicting forces in order to force out the essence of life in the branches of life."

  The leader of the Dead Fish Eyes Freemason apprentice's eyes lit up and he spoke quickly.

  Because few people did not learn the witchcraft with two opposing attributes like Yihua.

  So I could only grit my teeth, spend all my remaining savings, go to the market again, and buy a few scrolls of life and death.

  Coincidentally, the scrolls they purchased were the second-class light therapy scrolls produced by Yihua and recently sold in large quantities, as well as the second-class breath of death scrolls produced in small quantities to test the market.

  Returning to the residence again, under the expectant gazes of several Masonic apprentices, the leader of the Dead Fish Eyes apprentice tore open two scrolls at the same time.

  They summoned a palm-sized golden light group and a gray-white mist of death power that gathered together.

  Through precise control, the two forces were controlled by the Dead Fish Eye Apprentice to slowly approach the "branches of life" in the container.

  However, after a long period of exposure to two mutually repelling forces, the "branches of life" in the container did not change at all.

  "Is it because the power is not enough?"

  Seeing that the power summoned through the scroll was about to be exhausted, the Dead Fish Eyes apprentice ordered several Masonic apprentices on the side to tear open a second-class light therapy and breath of death scroll again.

  After the scroll was replenished, the two forces in the container quickly returned to balance.

  After a while, after being soaked by the two forces for a long time, the "life branch" in the container began to make a sizzling sound like frying.

  The dead fish-eye apprentice, who had no previous experience in extracting life essence, saw that the "life branch" in the container had finally changed. He was overjoyed and quickly ordered: "It's working, increase the intensity!" Upon hearing this, the dead fish-

  apprentice Following the instructions, several Masonic apprentices who were watching the extraction process intently behind them reacted and quickly tore open all the remaining second-class light therapy techniques and the Breath of Death scroll.

  In an instant, the golden light mass and the mist mass of death power in the container swelled to the size of a head.

  In the confrontation between the two forces, the "branches of life" in the container flickered brightly and dimly, and the squeaking sound became louder and louder.

  "Almost! This is it..."

  Before the dead fish-eye apprentice could say anything, a violent explosion occurred in front of the two of them.

  The excess life energy collided with the power of death, and the resulting impact directly shattered the crystal container. A large number of crystal fragments were shot like bullets at several Masonic apprentices present.

  Although there is a witchcraft shield, it cannot withstand the erosion caused by the out-of-control life energy and death power at close range.

  Under the impact of a huge amount of repulsive force, and the impact of scattered crystal fragments.

  The shields of several Masonic apprentices present were broken one after another, and their bodies were directly injured by the out-of-control witchcraft power.


  Amidst the screams of several Masonic apprentices, a violent explosion collapsed the house. Hundreds of crystal fragments pierced the skin of several apprentices, turning several of them into hedgehogs.

  When the most powerful apprentice with Dead Fish Eyes came to his senses and looked at the devastated building in front of him, he endured the severe pain and looked in the direction of the "Branches of Life".

  "That branch of life cost a full sixty witch crystals. Don't let anything happen!"

  He didn't even bother to check the life and death of several companions. He dragged his body covered with crystal fragments, like a bloody man, step by step firmly. Run towards the location of the "Branches of Life".

  After a while, he saw the broken stone table, the "life branch" that looked intact and exuded emerald green light, and couldn't help but feel relieved.

  "Fortunately, the branch of life is fine!"

  The moment this thought flashed through the dead fish-eyed apprentice, the emerald green light on the surface of the "branches of life" dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into a withered piece of rotten wood.

  "My branch of life!"

  Before the dead fish-eyed apprentice had time to be surprised, a ball of colorful gel matter precipitated from the withered "bough of life" and rolled to the side.

  Looking at the colorful gel, the dead fish-eyed apprentice's face changed again and again, and finally anger arose in his heart.

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  (End of chapter)

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