127. Chapter 127 Up!

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  Chapter 127 Top!

  This is all Yi Hua's current savings. Now the price of the Soul Fusion Potion has exceeded its value. If Xue Hand increases the price again, he will have no choice but to give up the Spirit Fusion Potion and let Xue Hand buy it at a high price.

  Unexpectedly, just after Yi Hua had this thought, there was no sound from the bloody hand. As the hammer struck for the third time, Yi Hua pocketed the spirit-melting potion.

  Going back in time a little, Xue Shou was in Box 60. Just before Xue Shou was about to increase the price to compete with Yi Hua for the spirit-melting potion, the voice of a close confidant beside him sounded: "Lord Xue Shou,

  President There are still three items on the list handed over to us, but I'm afraid we don't have enough Wu Jing in our hands. If we want to take the final item, we must give up at least one of the auction items!" I heard from the confidant

  . Xue Shou's face was stunned for a moment, and he opened his mouth, which was about to continue to increase the price, and then closed it again.

  "It's all that damn guy from Yihua! If he hadn't been against us, we wouldn't have lost two thousand witch crystals in vain! As a result, we couldn't complete Lord Melkor's instructions!" All the items on the list, including the spirit-melting potion, are from Mir

  . Anything short of what Kor needed could have unintended consequences for Melkor's plans.

  If Bloodhand gives up any of them, he will definitely be punished by Melkor after returning.

  Thinking of this, Xue Hand's hatred for Yi Hua became even stronger. If apprentices were prohibited from killing openly in the academy, he would have rushed out of the room and tried to kill Yi Hua by force.

  In the end, he suppressed his anger and decided to give up the bid for the spirit-melting potion while gasping for breath.

  Although the items on the list are all needed by Melkor, they also have varying degrees of importance.

  Although the spirit-melting potion is precious, it is far less important than the final treasure.

  The bloody hand who woke up exhaled a breath and made his own decision:

  "Give up the bid for the Soul Fusion Potion. The finale item in this auction is the most important, and you must ensure that you are sure of it!"

  After taking the bid for the Soul Fusion Potion, , Yihua took a deep breath, and the tense thoughts at the auction also relaxed.

  Now that the three auction items he regarded as targets have been obtained, Yihua is not ready to give up his counterattack against the bloody hand.

  Considering the funds in hand, Yihua could not let the auction items fall into his hands, so he was much more conservative in his subsequent bidding and accepted it as soon as it was good.

  However, with his keen eyesight, he still suffered heavy losses on several auction items that Bloody Hands targeted.

  In this way, the auction gradually came to an end, and the final auction items were officially launched.

  Before the auction items appeared, the fourth-level old wizard in charge showed a mysterious look on his face and said seriously: "
  As the most valuable auction item in this auction, let me explain it first. I wonder if you know. The Snake of Shadows?"

  "Is it the legendary Snake of Shadows that has the terrifying talent of controlling the mind and shadows, and has reached the same level of transcendence as a formal wizard?" After hearing the old wizard's description, a well-informed

  man The middle-aged third-class apprentice's shocked voice came out.

  The surrounding apprentices who knew about the existence of the Shadow Snake and heard the description of the middle-aged third-class apprentice all subconsciously let out exclamations of surprise.

  Sitting in Room 83, Yi Hua immediately pricked up his ears and heightened his vigilance when he heard the name "Snake of Shadows".

  He is naturally no stranger to the Shadow Serpent. After all, this is the extraordinary bloodline inherited by Melkor, his enemy and a blood warlock.

  Sure enough, the apprentices present were not kept waiting for too long. Seeing that the atmosphere had changed, the old apprentice continued:
  "Yes, as the finale item of this auction, it was excavated from the ancient ruins of the mainland and came from a first-level extraordinary life. ——A tube of blood from the Shadow Snake!"

  As soon as he finished speaking, under the scorching gazes of a large number of apprentices around him, a tube of liquid as black as ink with spots of dizzying and magnificent purple halo appeared in front of everyone.

  The moment the blood appeared, an extremely heavy and suffocating sense of oppression centered on the tube of blood and spread to the surroundings.

  At the same time, the surrounding apprentices below the third level felt stiff and their hairs stood on end, as if they were being stared at by natural enemies.

  Vaguely, a dark snake shadow with scarlet vertical pupils appeared where the blood was, opening its abyssal mouth, as if it wanted to devour the many apprentices present.


  Several weak-willed and low-spirited wizards present were frightened and screamed.

  Fortunately, the old wizard in charge of the auction had already known the effects of the blood of the Shadow Snake, and quickly covered the blood of the Shadow Snake with the isolating red cloth.

  "Even a tube of blood can create a sense of oppression that is even greater than that of a fifth-level mentor Simon."

  With the physique of the Earth Knight, Yihua was lucky enough to escape the oppressive influence of the Shadow Snake's blood in advance.

  Since it is just a tube of blood, the total amount of pressure generated is much lower than that of a fifth-level wizard apprentice.

  But in terms of quality, it is far superior to that of a fifth-class apprentice. Just a trace of blood from a tube of blood is almost as powerful as a fifth-class apprentice's undisguised coercion.

  After all, in the knowledge learned by wizards, even the lowest level of bloodline life is thousands of years old, and can flatten mountains with every move. It is far beyond the fifth level, and has reached the terrifying realm of transcendent sainthood. .

  Official wizards who have been promoted to extraordinary are almost two different species from mortals and wizard apprentices.

  For formal wizards, whether they are fifth-level wizard apprentices or ordinary mortals who have no power to bind a chicken, they are like ants, and can be destroyed with the flip of a palm.

  "'Blood Maker' Petain can extract blood from blood. It seems that this tube of the blood of the Shadow Serpent should be a must-win for Melkor." It is said that the Shadow Serpent is shaped like a mountain, just a tube

  . The blood in the finger-thick medicine bottle contains very little blood.

  But the power of the first-level extraordinary life is so powerful. Even a tiny ray of blood can undoubtedly make Melkor, who is still at the third level, more powerful.

  "We must stop the bloody hand from capturing the blood of the Shadow Serpent for Melkor!"

  Realizing this, Yihua focused his attention on this final auction item, always observing the bidding trends of the Shadow Serpent's blood.

  "A tube of blood from the first-level extraordinary life - the Snake of Shadows. The starting price is one thousand witch crystals! A single increase in price must not be less than one hundred witch crystals!" "Two thousand witch crystals!" The old wizard had not yet finished, and his bloody hands were


  little The urgent voice sounded, and it also confirmed Yihua's suspicion.

  "Three thousand witch crystals!"

  Rey's voice sounded immediately.

  After a long period of observation, Rey also realized Melkor's goal.

  Although Rey wants the blood of the Shadow Serpent that can enhance Melkor's strength to no avail, in order to prevent Melkor from becoming stronger, he will definitely not give it to him easily.

  "Three thousand five hundred witch crystals!"

  Just as the two were competing, a strange fourth-level old wizard suddenly stepped in and competed with the two.

  (End of chapter)

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