Chapter 80 Part-time Introduction Waiting

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  Chapter 80 Part-time Introduction:
  Don’t go out if you wait for good things.

  Bad things spread thousands of miles at once.

  While this isn't a bad thing, it's definitely not a good thing either.

  The news also spread at different levels and at different speeds.

  Those who got the news roughly understood the whole story of the incident in a very short period of time.

  As soon as Link walked out of the college's Law Enforcement Department office and before he could even go downstairs, he was summoned by Wizard Paro.

  Turning to go upstairs, Link quickly arrived at the "thesis" review office on the fifth floor. After knocking on the door to remind him, Link walked in.

  When the relationship is not close enough, when entering the office of a person with a higher status, it is best to knock on the door and wait for the other person's permission.

  Whether the relationship is adequate or not enough, depending on the situation, you can choose to wait for permission after knocking on the door, or go in directly.

  There are different people and different tasks, different personalities and different styles, so the choices should naturally be more flexible.

  Link came here several times and saw the door to Wizard Paro's office open. This time, he seemed less rigid and restrained. He chose to knock on the door and go straight in.

  As expected, the Paro wizard does not demand superficial respect and absolute obedience from his subordinates.

  "Sit down."

  He motioned to the chair in front of the desk with his eyes. Wizard Paro got straight to the point and asked directly, "Have the beginning and end been taken care of?"

  Good guy!
  Are you having such serious problems when you first come here?

  Do all the official wizards who serve in the Junior College know that I killed Harold Andrews?
  Link grumbled in his mind as he sat down in the chair.

  Of course, he did not dare to leave the Paro wizard alone, and immediately replied: "Nothing went wrong, everything that should be done was done, and nothing that should not be done was done."

  This sentence is a typical saying that everyone who understands understands, but those who don't understand There is no need to understand.

  Not only did he respond to the Paro wizard, but he also did not leave any excuses to avoid giving space to those who were interested.

  "Well, that's good."

  Wizard Paro nodded, and then said something that Link should not know anyway,

  "I and several close friends made a bet on this matter, betting that you can Can this problem be solved during the holidays, and within what period of time can the problem be solved?"

  When Link heard this, he was very surprised, and his thinking couldn't help but wander a little.

  Co-author Paro Wizard also likes to pay attention to the gossip on the "forum".

  Are you still betting on this?

  You guys are quite good at playing in that circle.

  Link groaned in his heart to relieve the pressure he couldn't help but feel when facing the Paro Wizard.

  But the boss has already started talking, so we can’t stay silent.

  Link took over the conversation and responded: "Then I wonder if the result will satisfy Wizard Paro and your friends?" "


  A rare smile appeared on Wizard Paro's face, he waved his hand and said with a smile, "They Everyone thought that you would be able to solve the problem in the middle and later part of the holiday, but I am the only one who is sure that you can solve it at the beginning of the holiday." "Thank you, Wizard Paro, for your concern!" Link immediately replied with a solemn expression and a serious


  . He said, "I'm glad that I didn't disappoint Wizard Paro." When

  Wizard Paro heard this, he couldn't help but feel a little happy even though he knew that Link was flattering him and following his words.

  Who doesn’t like to hear nice things said, right?
  After laughing for a while, the smile on Wizard Paro's face faded, and he talked about the serious matter of summoning Link, and asked: "I went to Riversouth City on the first day of the vacation. What are your plans?"

  Having already invested, and the investment object has shown characteristics worthy of additional investment, the Paro wizard is certainly not stingy about investing more.

  In any case, what was a drop in the bucket to him was extremely important to Link Grande.

  Link replied honestly: "I plan to find a part-time job in the city. While working, I can learn about the outside world. I can't stay in the academy forever." "Part-time job?" Wizard Paro pondered for a while, then said, "I


  . There are several places recruiting part-time workers, but I just don't know where you want to go." "

  I've been studying pharmacy on my own recently. If I don't cause trouble to the Paro wizard..."

  How could Link give up a great opportunity and miss it? With the welfare at hand, he immediately stated, "I want to try to find a part-time job related to pharmacy."

  "Pharmacology related?"

  Wizard Paro muttered to himself again and began to think.

  The result came in a moment, and he said: "I have a good friend. The college arranged for her to teach "Alchemy and Pharmacy" to third-year students in the North District, but she resigned. She just opened a pharmacy in the East District and is in need of some formal or part-time jobs. An employee. If you are confident and competent, you can give it a try."

  "Thank you, Wizard Paro!"

  Link was overjoyed and quickly thanked him.

  Someone had already revealed on the "Forum" that it was very difficult for the first-year Storm Sea new blood to find a suitable part-time job in Riversouth City.

  Those owners, bosses, and operating personnel cannot trust your knowledge and professional abilities.

  The study time is too short, the hands-on ability cannot catch up with the work requirements, etc., etc., etc., these are all common problems among first-year Storm Sea freshmen.

  Even if Link claimed to be the first in his grade overall, it would be useless.

  You may find that in the end, you are either carrying bags or delivering food. These jobs have no technical content and can be replaced by smart puppets at any time.

  "No need to thank you in a hurry."

  Wizard Paro waved his hand and said indifferently, "Whether you can win the job depends on your own ability and whether you can impress Wizard Serin." "

  This is enough, very Thank you."

  Link didn't care about anything else and just thanked him repeatedly.

  When a superior treats you with humility and courtesy, you must not take it seriously and do not base your words or actions on this.

  Even if people really think so, you can't think so.

  You have to have some idea in mind, right?

  "Okay, that's it."

  After the Paro wizard finished talking about the business, he increased the investment and left Link Grande alone, trying not to say anything good or flattering to him.

  Link did as he was told, exercised all manners, and got up to leave.

  Walking to the door, Wizard Paro said quietly like last time: "The fighting talent is good, don't waste it."

  After walking out of the administration building, the smile on Link's face gradually faded, and he felt that his back was the same as last time. , dripping with sweat.

  That last sentence really scared Link.

  This is being targeted!

  After taking a few deep breaths to adjust himself, Link walked to the dormitory.

  In the distance, Link saw a familiar figure.

  It's Jasmine Kidman.

  The girl sat on the lawn in front of the dormitory building, with her hands around her knees, her head tilted to the side, resting on the back of her right hand draped over her left arm, staring in the direction of the college gate.

  Link walked a few steps quickly, nodded lightly on Jasmine's head, and asked, "Why are you sitting here? When did you come here?" "


  Jasmine suddenly heard Link's voice and jumped up, surprised. She yelled, "You're back!"

  After she finished speaking, she may have jumped too fast and landed too hard, which irritated her intestines and stomach, causing Jasmine's stomach to growl.

  This is a bit embarrassing.

  "Why did you come back?"

  Jasmine's face turned red, she rubbed her belly with her right hand and said aggrievedly,

  "I'm going to starve to death!"

   Thanks to the book friend Qingtian Zzj for the tip, thank you!

    Even if the boss is here specifically to give negative reviews
  (end of chapter)

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