Chapter 74 Overture

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  Chapter 74 Overture The
  angrier Link becomes, the calmer he becomes.

  His pace remained unchanged, his demeanor remained unchanged, and he walked out of the rune item area very naturally and arrived near the entrance of the black market.

  There is an inconspicuous hidden stall here, hidden in the corner, selling various drawings.

  For example, the West District recently updated its terrain and relief map.

  Link found this message after searching repeatedly on the "Forum".

  It took the boss a lot of time and effort.

  Standing in front of the stall, Link didn't say anything. He took out five standard first-level magic stones and placed them one by one on the stall's chopping board.

  Five magic stones occupy five corners, forming a more abstract five-pointed star.

  This is a code word, indicating that you understand and abide by the rules of this stall.

  Once you buy it, don't talk nonsense.

  The blind old man guarding the stall sensed the movement, stretched out his shaky hand tremblingly, touched the chopping board, and touched the magic stone.

  The blind old man touched it very slowly and patiently until he determined that the five magic stones were in the shape of a five-pointed star, and then he put away the magic stones one by one.

  Then, he shook his head and took out a wrinkled map from under the chopping board, placed it on the chopping board, and then slowly turned his back.

  Brand new maps are for sale.

  A crumpled old map is called lost.

  Although there is a suspicion of taking off pants and farting, at least it leaves room for turnover for stall owners, black market owners and the people behind the black market.

  Gray area, survival in the cracks, this is the norm.

  There is no carefreeness, only trepidation.

  As a result, people with excessive mental stress often develop abnormal and antisocial personalities.

  Link picked up the crumpled map, quickly opened it, took a look at it, compared the information in the map with the memory in his mind, wrote down the updated parts, and then immediately left the hidden stall.

  After walking out of the dark tunnel and returning the mask, Link quickly left the black market.

  He wandered around several nearby streets and finally found some of the street gangsters who had followed him for several streets.

  Staying far away, I have repeatedly confirmed that several street gangsters are wizard apprentices, and they are all within the range that Link can deal with, and nothing will go wrong.

  Link then stood at the entrance of a dead end alley and waved casually to several street gangsters who had discovered Link's whereabouts and became suspicious.

  The street gangsters were all grumpy and concerned about face, and when they saw this, they immediately became angry.

  Who is this guy looking down on?

  Want to call a few of us over like a dog?

  As a result, several street gangsters dispersed, moved forward, and then reunited, cornering Link into a dead alley.

  From all the information he could find about Riversouth City, Link knew the general situation of the street gangsters in the West End.

  Most of these people are locals from Reversos City and the surrounding areas, and have wizard qualifications, but they all have third-class qualifications or below, which is very embarrassing.

  They couldn't afford the expensive tuition, and they were unwilling to sign a "prostitution agreement" (similar to the agreement of the new blood of the Storm Sea). They were unwilling to finally enter the Nancheng District after studying hard for four years at Riversoth College of Biology and Medical Sciences. Those sweatshops, workshops.

  They can only casually learn an ordinary meditation method that may not be suitable for them, learn a few ordinary witchcrafts that may not have development potential, and then wander around like a hyena all day long. Searching the streets of the West End for carrion.

  As long as they work a little harder, they won't end up in this situation.

  After all, you can join the various gangs in the West District, right?

  Link was surrounded, but he didn't panic.

  He gently pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said with a very gentle smile: "Everyone, I don't mean any harm." The

  street gangsters did not respond, but smiled ferociously, preparing to swarm them.

  I wanted to rob this fat sheep who was wearing runes and even witchcraft before, but it was a pity that this guy went to the black market.

  Unexpectedly, the fat sheep came out of the black market and took the initiative to find them and provoke them.

  What else is there to say, just do it!
  Suddenly, a thick fog enveloped the street gangsters.

  There was a sudden change, and the vision of the street gangsters was severely restricted. Their

  eyes were completely white, and they couldn't see anything except the thick fog.

  Including those around you.

  There is obviously physical contact and I can feel the presence, but I can't see it.

  The street gangsters were shocked and launched a sneak attack!

  Just as he was about to start a counterattack,

  dozens of thorns quietly grew and wandered around, tightly entwining and binding the legs and torso of the street gangsters.

  Five sharp leaf arrows flashing with light also hit the foreheads of the street gangsters at the right time.

  As long as Link has a thought, the street gangsters will have no time to activate the defensive effects of the runic items on their body, and they will die suddenly.

  The secondary fog and rain technique was removed, and the super dense fog dissipated.

  The street gangsters recognized the reality and did not dare to move at all under the threat of Ye Yashu.

  In less than 0.5 seconds, Link first "instantly casted" the perfect level secondary fog and rain technique, and at the same time, he also instantaneously casted the entanglement of thorns in the form of pseudo-natal witchcraft.

  Immediately afterwards, the "parallel casting" developed based on pseudo-natal witchcraft was used to perform five leaf arrow spells in less than 1 second.

  This combo of interference, control, and intimidation went very smoothly, completely shocking the street gangsters.

  Three witchcrafts were used in the blink of an eye. Although they were all common among level 0 witchcrafts,...

  this was not something that ordinary wizard apprentices could do!
  Which young master from Beicheng District comes to the West District to have fun?
  "Brother, tell me what you have to say. There is no need to come here."

  The guy who acted like the boss among the street gangsters spoke with a trembling voice.

  But at this time, the boss was still embarrassed and did not directly beg for mercy.

  Link didn't care about this, and asked with a warm attitude: "Now, can we talk calmly?" "

  No problem, you have the final say."

  Several street gangsters responded in unison, "You can use witchcraft first. Withdraw it. Talking like this makes people panic."

  Link smiled and removed the leaf arrow technique, but two self-destructing fire mines appeared on his left hand in time.

  He can take advantage of street gangsters once, and he can take advantage of them a second time.

  After that, he no longer gave the street gangsters any room to talk, and asked directly: "I have a job, and the reward is ten standard first-level magic stones. Can you do it?" The

  street gangsters looked at each other.

  Brother, you are making such a big fuss just to give us a job.

  You think too highly of us!

  "You said."

  The situation is stronger than the person. What can the street gangster boss do? Of course he agrees.

  Link immediately described Harold Andrews' height, hair color, body shape and clothing to the street gangsters, and then said: "This man will come out of the black market soon. I want you to find a way to lure him to Spider End Alley. ."

  As he said that, Link took out ten magic stones with his right hand and each lost two.

  This is not a consultation, but an order.

  "After you get the money, you have to do things, right?"

  Link looked over the street gangsters who were tied in place by thorns, and turned around with a gentle smile.

  The snow-white teeth flashed coldly.

  (End of chapter)

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