Chapter 52 New Experiment

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  Chapter 52: New Experiment
  The two of them diverted to the laboratory.

  Before designing the seed optimization plan and conducting experiments, Link prepared to conduct a targeted breeding and screening of Silver Star flower seeds.

  The specific method is to use a new germination method to germinate the seeds of Silver Star Flower, and then cultivate them according to conventional methods. When the Silver Star Flower matures and is planted, qualified seeds will be selected and the new type of germination and cultivation will continue.

  Repeat several rounds until the rate of improved seeds reaches a point where it cannot continue to improve.

  At this time, the Silver Star Flower seeds are the truly ideal experimental material.

  This approach is also to verify the positive impact of the new germination method on the yield rate of Silver Star flower seeds.

  It's just not as comprehensive as the third set of experiments in the previous experimental plan (see Chapter 30).

  Even if the data obtained has been processed and has certain statistical significance, due to the lack of a control group, it has flaws in validity and reliability, and is not suitable for writing a "paper" based on it.

  "Jasmine, come help."

  Link called to Jasmine and carefully selected and pre-processed the Silver Star Flower seeds he bought, eliminating all inferior seeds with even a trace of vitality problems.

  This is a delicate job and requires patience.


  Jasmine responded cheerfully, her tone rising, and the ending of her voice was long.

  More than a quarter of an hour later, all the Silver Star Flower seeds were selected.

  After storing the picked seeds, Link will prepare the Silver Star Flower seed nutrient solution based on the information and using materials prepared by the laboratory.

  Unlike the greenhouse simulation equipment that contains soil, the germination method and cultivation used in the laboratory are soilless cultivation.

  This requires the preparation of specific nutrient solutions.

  Fortunately, Link had read relevant information and was no stranger to this.

  He first found the source of the relevant information in the Hall of Thought, then used the portable smart computer to call up the document, and handed it to Jasmine: "Please take a look at these contents first to get a general impression." Jasmine immediately took the portable smart computer

  , Read carefully.

  Research assistants need to be vigorously cultivated and cannot be used as mere tools.

  Otherwise, why would you want to study an assistant? Wouldn’t it be nice to use a smart puppet?

  Link tried his best to let Jasmine know what the research and experiment at hand was and why it happened.

  In this way, Jasmine can grow and give Link more and greater help in the future.

  It is worth pondering. Located in the laboratory building, just like in the library, the portable computer can access high-end literature libraries.

  Neither teaching buildings nor dormitories are allowed.

  In other places, such as the administrative building, Link has not tested it yet, so he doesn’t know the details.

  But those office smart computers placed on the desk are definitely OK.

  The teaching building is a place for learning the textbook content and the knowledge taught by the teacher, so it is barely understandable that there is no need for knowledge beyond the syllabus.

  So, what about the dormitories?

  And why can’t I enter the high-end literature library?
  Link doesn't know the reason for the moment, but he doesn't dwell on it.

  If you need to consult advanced literature, it's not a hassle to go directly to the library or to the laboratory building.

  By the time Jasmine finished reading the information, Link had already completed the preliminary preparations for formulating the nutrient solution.

  Instructing Jasmine to take over the preparation of nutrient solution, integrating theory with practice.

  Link began to follow the instructions again and explore the use of various experimental equipment in the botany laboratory.

  After some exploration and comparison, Link successfully mastered how to use the equipment.

  After the nutrient solution was properly configured, Link set the air humidity, light duration, light intensity and other parameters while explaining why the settings were so set and how the equipment operated.

  Appropriate for teaching.

  The nutrient solution needs to sit for a while, so germination can only be started tomorrow morning.

  After setting various parameters, the two of them left the laboratory without staying long.

  Because the afternoon class was the "Human Body" practical class, the two of them did not leave the laboratory building, but only went up from the third underground floor to the fourth floor.

  There was still some time before class, so Link took out a pen and paper and wrote down some information he needed to know in advance to be a research assistant.

  Mainly the entry methods and jump paths to the high-end literature library, "Papers" page and "Patent" page.

  As for related knowledge such as research system, research methodology, experimental plan design and writing, Link has found some information and is studying and organizing it.

  Since the information was scattered and unsystematic, I didn’t rush to tell Jasmine to avoid any mistakes.

  After all, the experiment should not be rushed, just proceed slowly.

  As the process progresses, Link can take Jasmine to gradually learn the research system of the wizarding world's civilization.

  Handing the paper with written content to Jasmine, Link continued to design the experimental plan.

  Thanks to the "Occlumency" and the help of the Hall of Thought, Link uncovered some knowledge about high school creatures in his previous life.

  As we all know, there are mainly the following methods of breeding:

  1. Mutation breeding, whose principle is gene mutation;

  2. hybrid breeding, whose principle is genetic recombination;
  3. polyploid breeding, whose principle is chromosomal variation;

  4. haploid breeding The principle of sports breeding is chromosome mutation;

  fifth, genetic engineering breeding (transgenic breeding), its principle is genetic recombination;

  sixth, cell engineering breeding;

  seventh, plant hormone breeding.

  Link would not rely too much on the knowledge of previous lives, and certainly would not underestimate the wisdom of countless predecessors.

  This knowledge may not all be applicable to the wizarding world, but it can have some effect, such as inspiring thinking.

  Combining the information and literature he had learned and consulted, and inspired by "Pomona Sprout's botanical talent", Link believed that mutation breeding and hybrid breeding were more suitable for optimizing Silver Star flower seeds. .

  Considering his own limited knowledge and economic conditions, Link finally decided on cross-breeding as the experimental method for the first phase of the experiment.

  If the results of the experiment are as expected, the first experiment becomes the only experiment.

  Although Link's own wishes were included in the optimization of the Silver Star Flower seeds, it was more to prove to the Paro wizard that Link did not waste such a high-end laboratory for a wizard apprentice.

  If the experimental results are lower than or not in line with expectations, then you can consider launching a second phase of the experiment and change the experimental method.

  The principle of cross-breeding is genetic recombination, and the method is continuous self-crossing and continuous selection (crossing between different individuals to produce offspring, and then continuous self-crossing to screen the required homozygotes).

  Genetic recombination refers to the free combination of non-alleles on non-homologous chromosomes to produce new genotypes.

  The "Botany" course also has concepts such as "genes", "chromosomes", "sexual reproduction", and "meiosis", but the wording is slightly different.

  After translation, it is consistent.

  The general direction has been set, and then the details need to be filled in, such as intra-variety hybridization, inter-variety hybridization, interspecific hybridization, or introgression hybridization.

  This is not something that happens overnight, it requires slow work and careful work.

  It just so happens that several rounds of cultivation and screening of Silver Star Flower seeds also take a long time to carry out.

  Link had both time and patience.

  (End of chapter)

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