Chapter 103 A superficial test

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  Chapter 103 A Brief Test
  It was already late at night when I returned to the academy.

  Wizard Paro became interested and had a great time browsing the "Forum" in Wizard Serin's Pharmacy.

  No one dared to leave without permission, so they could only watch the fun with Wizard Paro.

  In the end, it was Wizard Serin who snatched the brain from Wizard Paro during dinner, which stopped Wizard Paro from continuing to indulge.

  After eating in the store restaurant, everyone went back to their homes.

  On the road.

  Jasmine lowered her head silently and walked in front.

  At the beginning, out of some utilitarian mentality, Jasmine designed some small actions for herself when the two of them get along, such as holding hands, being coquettish, and walking behind Link to pull his sleeves.

  After getting along for a long time, gradually, the utilitarianism faded away, but some habits were retained.

  For example, walking behind Link and tugging at his sleeves from time to time.

  However, since wizard Seren told Jasmine that Link had become a second-class wizard apprentice, she no longer walked behind Link.

  Even if she was only half a body ahead, Jasmine had to walk in front.

  It feels really uncomfortable to be left behind.

  "I'll go up first. You can go back."

  When she came downstairs to the dormitory, Jasmine turned around, waved to Link and went upstairs.

  It's neat and tidy, unlike many times when you have to pull it deliberately.

  Link didn't feel uncomfortable at all, but he felt deeply that more than half a month of part-time work had helped Jasmine grow more than studying in an entire autumn semester.

  Growth really depends on reading people and experiences.

  Seeing Jasmine's back disappearing around the corner, Link turned and walked towards his dormitory.

  Dormitory door.

  The five friends whom I had not seen for a long time were waiting there again.

  "Good evening, boss!"

  When the five brothers saw Link, they immediately bowed and shouted in unison.

  These uniform movements and sounds were obviously carefully practiced.

  "I'm not your boss, don't call me that."

  When Link saw this, he was not in a hurry to enter the dormitory. He stopped and asked, "Is something wrong?"

  He knew that the five brothers were not blind people. I haven't acted like this since I was warned.

  If you put on this attitude again tonight, something must be wrong.

  "Someone asked me to bring you a message."

  The external spokesperson of the five friends, who appeared to be the boss, nodded and said, "I want to invite you to join the Sail Alliance. I said that as long as you agree, you can become the deputy leader immediately. He also said... ..."

  Link had heard of the apprentice organization "Sail Alliance", which was relatively low-key and far less publicized than the "New Blood Mutual Aid Association".

  However, it is rumored that the "Sail Alliance" is closer to the North District and often organizes friendships between apprentices from the two districts.


  It's euphemistically called a friendship, but it's actually about selecting some of the more beautiful and well-figured female newcomers among the alliance members to have dinner, drink, and exchange feelings with the male apprentices in the North District.

  "What else are you talking about?"

  Link frowned slightly. He didn't want to be associated with this kind of apprentice organization that was obviously a pimp.

  But don’t refuse too harshly.

  You still have to listen to the conditions offered by the other party.

  The boss on the surface shrank his head and said hesitantly: "I also said that I will match you with several study companions. Even if you want a noble lady from the North District to study with you, it is not impossible to consider it." Anger suddenly flashed in Link's eyes

  . meaning.

  Who do you think he is?
  But he didn't vent his anger on the five brothers. Instead, he restrained his anger and asked, "How come you are related to them? You think your reputation is too good!" The superficial

  boss suddenly started to hesitate even more. .

  Obviously, something happened to them, and they had to take this trip because they were caught.

  "Go back and tell them. Just say that I am used to being a loner and have no intention of joining any organization."

  Link didn't say that he really didn't like the shameless style of the "Sail Alliance". This was too straightforward and unpleasant. Easily offends people.

  Pimps have always been like this.

  You can do it yourself, don't let others tell you, and you will be anxious when you say it.

  Link didn't want to make another enemy just because of a few words.

  "Okay then."

  After receiving the reply, the task was completed. On the surface, the boss didn't care whether Link agreed or not. "Then let's go back, boss." The

  five brothers bowed in unison again.

  When he reached the end of the aisle and was about to turn the corner, the apparent boss, who still did not have a name, turned around, made a fist and waved his arms, and praised: "Boss, your way of dealing with that guy is so beautiful!" After that,

  Wu This dear friend accelerated his steps and disappeared in a flash.

  Everyone knows who they are talking about.

  Link knew in his heart that these five brothers were tactfully reminding him that the news of Harold Andrews' death had spread, and someone was vaguely pointing out that Link might be the murderer.

  Before taking action, Link knew that this matter would inevitably be known to all the new blood.

  Now that he has done it, as long as he is not caught red-handed and no evidence is left behind, Link is not afraid of anyone finding out.

  If a person is not ruthless, he cannot stand firm!
  Link has realized that it is difficult to survive in the wizarding world.

  Riversouth Academy looks very peaceful on the outside.

  There is only one western district in Reversos City that is slightly chaotic.

  However, the background of rolling inward and flying up is more suffocating and despairing for many people who cannot roll or fail to roll than the bloody killings all day long.

  If you want to stand out, you have to stand out.

  Don’t shrink back just because you’re afraid of rotting.


  What can you do without risk?

  It’s still the same eight words, be low-key in life and do things in a high-key manner.

  Link warned himself again, opened the door and entered the dormitory, washed and changed clothes.


  After deep meditation, Link regularly reflected on himself.

  It's called revenge on Sophia Lucia, but in fact, the matter of satisfying one's heart has come to an end.

  There may be some aftermath, but it shouldn't be serious.

  As long as you keep a low profile and aren't arrogant, there will probably be no problem.

  Link turned to focus on his own training progress.


  With a low voice in his heart, Link called out the panel.

  [Link Grande

  wizard qualifications: Fourth-level middle-level
  wizard level: Second-class wizard apprentice, mental power: 43.
  Level 0 witchcraft:
  water system: secondary fog and rain (perfect), water ball (perfect), water shield. (Perfection), Water Purification Technique (Perfection), Ice Cone Technique (Proficient), Water Blade Technique (Proficient)
  Wood Element: Birthing Technique (Perfection), Thorn Winding (Perfection), Leaf Arrow Technique (Perfection), Withering Technique (Perfection) , Thorn Whip (Mastery), Greenfield Tracking (Mastery)
  Card Pack: None
  Used: Slightly

  Number of Card Draws: 0 (1 Standard Level 2 Magic Stone)]

  Compared to two months ago (Chapter 67) , there are only two changes to the system panel.

  The first change is to adapt to his cognition, and the data of mental power appears, which allows Link to know the progress of his meditation without using detection rituals or detection instruments; the second change is the mastery of
  witchcraft The levels are clear at a glance.

  There are still 32 points left between the 75 points of mental power required to be promoted to a third-class wizard apprentice.

  At the current pace of meditation, I should be able to make it in time for the midterm exams in the spring semester.

  The competition between the two districts was on the third day of the midterm exam.

  Calculated in this way, there is still plenty of time.

  After understanding the information, close the panel.

  Link opened a bottle of Hemerocallis incense and fell asleep in the scent.

  The next day.

  Get up early as usual, everything is ready and ready to go out.

  Opening the door to the dormitory, Link raised his right foot and put it down again.

  A dark package was placed outside the door.

  Something is wrong.

  Anything distributed by the college is deposited into the huge mailbox next to the door.

  This package could only have been delivered by a private person.

  Link glanced left and right to make sure that the surveillance cameras at both ends of the corridor were still intact, and he became increasingly worried.

  The person who placed the unknown package did not destroy the surveillance. There are only two situations:
  one is that he cannot do it or is not aware of it; the other is that he does not care about being caught on surveillance.

  Link prefers the second scenario.

  No other reason than intuition.

  The "Defender 3202" suit, which was transformed into a rune item casual suit style, failed to trigger and was in a passive defense state.

  Link took a few steps back gently, without closing the door, and took out his portable computer. He immediately notified Jasmine to enter the study, opened the rain cover, and then applied for emergency assistance from the college.

  Faced with an unknown package, Link would not unpack it stupidly.

  What if it was a "bomb" that exploded as soon as it was touched and killed me?
  No matter how powerful the defense of the "Defender 3202" set is, it is still a level 1 witch weapon.

  What if the person who placed the package contained a 2-level killer weapon inside?

  Although Jasmine didn't get a specific explanation, she knew that an emergency must have occurred.

  She followed Link's instructions very obediently.

  I entered the study room, opened the rain cover, and took a photo to send over to report that it was safe.

  This made Link feel quite relieved.

  Not long after, two intelligent law enforcement puppets flew over.

  An intelligent law enforcement puppet flew in front of Link and turned on the protection mode;
  another intelligent law enforcement puppet began to scan the unknown package.

  A few beeps and the danger is eliminated.

  There were no offensive items in the package, it was empty.

  The smart law enforcement puppet dismantled the package on the spot, and inside there was only a piece of paper with a few words written on it.

  "Hello, Link Grande, I just want to say hello this time."

  After reading the words on the paper, Link was wondering who was causing the trouble.

  Link has offended many people and organizations.

  Enrique Bernalese is dead, Rivers Francis is dead, Antoine Hilton is dead.

  The "New Blood Mutual Aid Association" is controlled by the Paro wizard, so it is impossible.

  Lanie Taylor?

  Not like her style, exclusion.

  "Sail Alliance"?
  In a pimp organization, the people in it are either weak at the knees and accustomed to kneeling; they are also coquettish and have no spirit of self-improvement and self-reliance.

  Link didn't think they dared to blatantly break the academy's rules and do such a thing.

  Then, after much thought, Link could only think about the "Pure Blood Will" and the Rukia family.

  Politely declined an inquiry as to whether the intelligent law enforcement puppet would continue to report.

  Everything that is available can only show that the person who sent the package is acting suspiciously, but there is no tangible evidence to prove that the other party wants to do harm to Link.

  There is no use in continuing to report.

  Watch as two smart law enforcement puppets take away the package and note.

  Lin Keke decided to report this troublesome matter that was obviously beyond his capabilities to the big boss behind him.

  After careful consideration, Link rushed to the downstairs of Jasmine's dormitory and informed Jasmine to be more cautious when she came down.

  "Link, what happened to you over there?"

  Jasmine came downstairs unharmed and immediately asked with concern.

  "Someone left a package at my door."

  Link told the truth without hiding it, and reminded, "If you see an unknown package in the future, don't open it rashly, and don't even touch it." "

  Yeah, I know. "Yes."

  Jasmine nodded and asked, "What should we do now? Do you know who did it?"

  "Don't worry."

  Link motioned Jasmine not to panic, "Go to work first and tell Wizard Seren about this matter." Mention it and ask her how we should deal with it."

  "I understand."

  Jasmine changed her mind and immediately understood Link's intention.

  Without further words, the two walked out of the academy and took the rail transit train.

  Unlike in the past where there were only a few passengers on the first train, today's first train was actually full of people and there wasn't even a single seat available.

  Rail transit trains only have one carriage. There is no such thing as moving to the next carriage when the carriage is full.

  Moreover, rail transit trains are extremely fast. If you don’t get a seat, you have to wait for the next train.

  Link was suspicious.

  Only some of the people sitting in the carriage looked like the new blood from the South District and the local apprentices from the North District.

  A considerable number of people felt that Link was just like those five gangsters wandering the streets of the West End.

  Standing at the door of the carriage, Link glanced around from beginning to end, and actually found the five gangsters he had dealt with twice.

  Signaling Jasmine not to get out of the car in a hurry, Link walked up to the five gangsters who were shivering, wishing that no one could see them. He pushed up the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, with a soft smile on his lips, and said in a warm tone: " I'm very happy to see you again. What about you?"

  "Brother...good morning...good morning." The

  gangster boss stammered in response to Link, his tongue almost licking his tongue.

  He was wailing in his heart, angrily cursing the middleman who introduced this trip, saying that it was very simple, just occupying a seat so that two first-year Storm Sea freshmen, a boy and a girl, could not catch the first rail transit train.

  It's a man and a woman, but you didn't tell me that the new blood of the Storm Sea is a gentle scum who kills people with a smile without blinking an eye!

  "Why are you shaking? I don't know how to eat people."

  Link leaned down, patted the gangster boss's shoulder, looked at each other with the other four trembling gangsters, and said with a smile.

  The arc of this smile is just right, revealing a row of neat white teeth.

  And the snow-white teeth were shining with cold light.

  The fear that Link implanted in the hearts of the gangsters suddenly appeared suddenly through simple psychological means last time.

  The bodies of the five gangsters were shaking more and more seriously, and their vests were covered in cold sweat.

  Damn it, can you stop being so scary, brother?

  You really look like you want to eat us in one bite.

  ", I...I...I'll give you my seat."

  The gangster boss gritted his teeth and said the sentence completely. Then, without waiting for Link's response, he stood up and kicked the four of them. The famous subordinates rushed out of the carriage.

  Link waved to the five gangsters who got out of the car in a panic, and motioned for Jasmine to come and sit down.

  The other people occupying seats in the carriage, whether they were new blood, local apprentices, or West End gangsters who came early in the morning to earn magic stones, looked at this scene, all confused and suspicious.

  What evil things did this person do to those people?
  Is he afraid of being like this?
  Just get out!

  (End of chapter)

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