268.Chapter 268: A heavy blow at the beginning

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  Why return to the Zerg world?

  A task is a task. Since it has been issued and accepted, there must be an explanation.

  Complete, fail, appeal, it's all OK.

  For some reason, Ms. Lysandra only expelled the alien Zerg that invaded the Level 3 Zerg world, but did not completely solve the Level 3 Zerg world.

  Afterwards, no appeal was made to the Supreme Council for a ruling in the name of Reversos College.

  This means that even with the incomplete report submitted by Link, Shandora's mission has not actually been completed.

  After so long delay, Shandora finally coordinated everyone's time.

  Returning to the Zerg world this time is to complete the unfinished task.

  On the "Yun Ni", the cockpit.

  After the "Yunni" entered the sub-light cruise mode, Shandora summoned 11 micro-corps members and announced:

  "Our goal is simple when we return this time, which is to investigate the current ecological structure of this level 3 Zerg world. The abnormal changes that have occurred and the reasons for them."

  After a pause, Shandora emphasized: "There are only these three goals."

  After experiencing a "shock education" from Ms. Lissandra, plus some subsequent Things have changed, Shandora has undergone some changes.

  For example, I no longer think that there is nothing I can't do if I take action.

  For example, you don't raise the tone before you start doing something.

  Therefore, this time back, there are only three original goals issued by the Supreme Council.

  The three additional targets last time were not even mentioned.

  It seems to have given up completely.

  After announcing the target, Sandora's division of labor among the members of the mini-legion was similar to last time.

  8 people reconnaissance and combat, 4 people research and detect.

  Link was transferred to the reconnaissance and combat teams to fill the gap of the fat man with a round face.

  Jasmine took over Link's position.

  But this time, the four people responsible for the research were not divided into groups and did not need to compete.

  After the brief meeting was over, Tiffany Colonna took the initiative to find Link and said, "Do you know what happened in the local area recently?" "

  What happened?"

  In the past two months, immersed in further study, research, and experiments, Link really There is no energy to pay attention to local affairs.

  I haven't logged in to several forums that I frequently visited before.

  Even "Freedom to Do Anything" and Grande Pharmacy completely let it go and ignored it.

  Tiffany did not show off and said directly: "The University of Mesobrada surrendered and handed over the core members of the Lucia family. Sage Cody came forward to take over on behalf of the college and killed many people from the Lucia family on the spot. However, Lucia The patriarch of the Ya family and the Sauron wizard are not among them."

  "That's it."

  Link was not surprised by this.

  The moment he saw the Lucia family's mixed army at the camp behind the deserted world, he knew that the Lucia family's defection must not be a true defection.

  Of the three parties involved in this incident, the college has something to ask for, the University of Mesobrada has something to ask for, and the Rukia family has paid such a high price, so their demands are even greater.

  Now that all three parties' requests have been achieved, the Lucia family will naturally return to the academy.

  In the future, it is possible whether it will continue to be retained under the name of Lucia, or it will be developed separately under another vest.

  Before coming to the academy headquarters for further studies, Link tried it out with Dean Forrester, but was beaten.

  Therefore, Link has temporarily given up on taking revenge on the Lucia family and Sauron Lucia.

  Unless things take a turn for the worse, the academy gives Link a chance.

  Just like Sauron, Lucia and the Lucia family endured the humiliation and reconciled with Link and the line of Cody wizards at the time, the Paro Sage, under the beating of Dean Forrester;
  It seems that Sauron Lucia got arranged by Ms. Lysandra and attacked Link brazenly.

  It's a pity that Sauron failed to seize the opportunity and kill the thorn in his side and the thorn in his flesh.

  Link decided to learn from this lesson. Once he seizes the opportunity, he must hit Sauron and kill Sauron Lucia with one strike.

  Seeing Link's lack of interest, Tiffany immediately understood that there must be pressure and restrictions from the academy, which forced Link to give up his desire for revenge.

  Now I don't even bother to pay attention to the Lucia family.

  She did not continue the topic, but asked: "This time on the mission, are we going to be the same as last time?" "


  Link nodded in agreement, and then asked for answers, "Why are you so aggressive in getting closer? ?"

  The Colonna family has a fifth-level sage and three fourth-level sages, who are stronger than the Lionel family.

  As long as they can help this fifth-level sage advance, the Colonna family will naturally be able to settle in the academy headquarters.

  This is the right way. There is no need to be like Lanny and try to take advantage of Shandora.

  After all, Ms. Lysandra is behind Sandra, not a powerful person like Dean Forrester!

  Even if the Colonna family seeks better development, there is absolutely no need to do this.

  Tiffany knew where Link was confused. She was silent for a moment and sighed quietly: "It's not for the family, it's for myself." Every

  family has scriptures that are difficult to recite.

  Among the four sages of the Colonna family, there is not a single witch!
  There is even no female member of the Colonna family’s decision-making staff!
  So what if Tiffany has the best qualifications and is the most diligent?

  After completing her advanced studies and graduating from a senior college, the family did not take Tiffany's whereabouts too seriously at all.

  Even Iris Clark has been assigned to join the Clark Family Legion for training, while Tiffany is still unemployed at home.

  The final outcome waiting for Tiffany is to marry other families in exchange for cooperative projects and resources.

  Before becoming a second-level wizard, all the family benefits Tiffany enjoyed were obtained by "selling" her marriage.

  It was under this circumstance that Shandora's recruitment was sent to Tiffany.

  At that moment, Tiffany knew that if she wanted to truly stand out, besides relying on herself, the only person she could rely on for the time being was Sandra.

  And Ms. Lysandra behind Sandora.

  The family is not reliable at all!
  Even the family has become an obstacle to Tiffany.

  Link heard a hint of sadness in Tiffany's brief words.

  After thinking about it, Link asked sincerely: "Would you like to join the 'Freedom to Do Anything'?"

  This is not a whim, it comes up as it comes.

  If "Freedom to Do Anything" wants to grow, it certainly can't develop only among new blood.

  Link has tried to slowly extend his tentacles to the western part of Reversos City, absorbing some of the bottom layer as the outer periphery.

  But the water in the west area is too deep, and Link is afraid that if he does something wrong, he will drown himself.

  So, just slowly, bit by bit, seep in.

  In the next step, Link originally wanted to target local apprentices whose family conditions were not very good.

  Not all of the local apprentices at Junior College North Campus come from large families.

  There are also many middle-class families from the East Side and proletarian families from the South Side.

  This is also a very huge potential.

  If the operation is good, "freedom to do anything" can be quickly reinforced.

  After that, they will absorb some wizards who are not valued in half-blood families and pure-blood families.

  Now that he has the opportunity to directly develop the geniuses of a pure-blood family and become a member who is "free to do anything", Link certainly cannot miss it.

  As for having second thoughts after joining, it's quite normal.

  As long as they are not aimed at hollowing out or defeating the "freedom to do anything", Link will welcome them with open arms.

  "I don't know if Tiffany is willing, but I am willing."

  Lanny Taylor came over at this time and interrupted suddenly.

  The tone, expression, and attitude were all very serious, not like a joke.

  "Wizard Sandora is willing to let her go?"

  Link suddenly became interested and asked with raised eyebrows.

  Lani smiled and said, "Is there any conflict?" She had learned about the very loose and unbinding charter of "you are free to do whatever you want."

  "Freedom to do whatever you want" adheres to the principle of strict entry and leniency.

  The barrier to entry is high and the exit procedure is simple.

  Just write a note and get approval.

  I won't be fooled by Link.

  "There is indeed no conflict, but..."

  Link replied frankly, "You should ask Sandora for her permission."

  "No need."

  Sandora listened to the conversation of several people from the captain's seat. A voice came from the smart brain speaker, "If you dare to agree, I can also join the 'Freedom to Do Anything'."

  Suddenly, Link's "Freedom to Do Anything" actually became a hot commodity.

  Everyone was singing to join in.

  "Did something happen that I don't know about?"

  Link turned to look at Jasmine, who had been keeping quiet, and asked.

  "The first place winner in the first-grade two-district competition is another one of our 'free to do anything' members."

  Jasmine replied lightly.

  This word "and" is used extremely well.

  Including Link, in just a few years, "Freedom to Do Anything" has already won the first place in the first-grade and two-district competitions three times.

  As for the two-district competition between the second, third and fourth grade students, their performance was even better.

  Anyone with a discerning eye can see that as long as Link, the leader who is "free to do anything", will not fall behind.

  "Freedom to Do Anything" will continue to be the most dynamic and potential small organization within Riversouth College in the next ten to twenty years.

  Not to mention, Link, the leader, has already brought a girlfriend with a third-level wizard qualification to the academy headquarters for further study.

  With such performance, it is simply a super blue chip stock.

  If you don’t press on a treasure now, when will you wait?

  Within Riversouth College, wizards are never prohibited from developing their own personal power.

  Not only is it not prohibited, it is even highly encouraged.

  The big families in our headquarters, the local pure-blood families and half-blood families, and the legions of sages commanded by the new blood sages from the Sea of ​​Storms all developed in this way.

  In Link, many people saw the possibility of the rise of another sixth-level sage-level faction.

  Especially after Iris Clark's special "stranger" identity was confirmed.

  Being able to accompany a special "stranger" into the test, even if he only participated in the first round of the test, Link Grande can be regarded as the number one figure in the entire wizarding world.

  With his mind spinning, Link thought about something and remembered something Dean Forrester once said.

  That was before Link was ambushed by Sauron Lucia.

  Dean Forrester told Link: "Remember, you are no longer a nobody and can be manipulated by others."

  One moment, another moment.

  At that time, in the eyes of Dean Forrester, Link should show some courage and the pattern should be enlarged.

  When doing things for others, stop being restrained and contented, and be bold and bold.

  Needless to say at this point.

  Dean Forrester brought Link to the Great Sage Rivo and the Great Sage Soth to register.

  "I see."

  After thinking about this, he muttered to himself. Link straightened his body and showed his domineering side, "Come! Anyone who is willing to join, come."

  Anyway, the top-level design of "freedom to do anything" is doomed." "Freedom to do whatever you want" cannot always belong to Link alone.

  Members who join it must contribute to it if they want to benefit from it.

  Although Link selects people and strives for excellence, he will not reject talents who are willing to join. On the contrary, the more the better.

  "You really dare to agree?"

  This time it was Sandra's turn to be surprised.

  Not only was Sandora surprised, but her six friends, Lani, Tiffany, Fried, and everyone present except Jasmine looked at Link with incredulity.

  Sandora is the great-granddaughter of two great sages.

  Her mother was the only woman in the third generation of the Diomande family, and she was the only woman in the fourth generation of the Diomande family.

  Both of them are much loved and are truly the beauties of heaven.

  What does "freedom to do anything" mean now?
  At most, it is just a sapling on the ground with a promising future.

  "What are you afraid of?"

  Link asked calmly.

  When everyone heard this, they were even more shocked.

  Then I thought about it carefully, and it seemed to make sense.

  After all, it was Sandora who proposed to join, not Link's invitation.

  "Okay! I'll join!"

  Stirred by Link's attitude, Shandora didn't know why, but suddenly felt that joining "Freedom to Do Anything" might be able to resolve the dispute over the ideological differences between her and Ms. Lissandra. In, have the upper hand.


  Link said with a smile, "Jasmine, send our newly revised 'Freedom to Do Anything' constitution to Wizard Sandora."

  After saying that, Link turned to look at Lani and Tiffany: "What about you? Are you sure you want to join? If you are sure, Jasmine will also send them a constitution." The six children of the big families of the college headquarters looked at the whole

  person Link's temperament suddenly changed, from calm and reserved to bold and heroic, as if he was looking at a madman.

  If this matter is reported back to the academy headquarters, it will definitely stir up a storm.

  There were originally many children from big families, but Link Grande was unhappy.

  Why did Sage Forrester praise a new blood from the Sea of ​​Storms in public more than once as the "most genius in six hundred years" of the academy!
  There are so many children from big families in the academy, so many young talents, but none of them can catch the eye of Sage Forrester?
  No one believed it!

  If it weren't for the two great sages who specially met with Lin, someone would have come looking for trouble.

  Now, Link has included Shandora, who is admired by countless younger generations, as "free to do anything", which is equivalent to kidnapping their little princess.

  Such behavior will inevitably lead to verbal and written criticism and public outrage.

  The six people seemed to have seen the scene where Link Grande was besieged by an angry crowd after returning to the academy headquarters.

  "Warning! Warning!"

  Just as the six people were thinking about it, the "Yun Ni" turned on the red light, and the tower spirit issued an emergency reminder.

  "An unidentified fleet is approaching! An unidentified fleet is approaching!"

  Sandora immediately entered the role of captain and issued orders one after another:

  "Everyone returns to their positions."

  "Full power defense, full power reconnaissance of the enemy."

  "Do well. Prepare for attack."

  "Be prepared for emergency evacuation."

  Talling: "Understood."

  Soon, the huge screen directly in front of the cockpit showed the stars on the left and right, surrounding the "Yun Ni". fleet.

  The main ships of both fleets showed their hull numbers and the emblems of their organizations to the "Yunni" without reservation.

  The one on the left is the Flame and Metal Trading Company, and the one on the right is the White Tower Alliance.

  Judging from the arrogance and arrogance of the two fleets, it seems that they are coming with bad intentions.

  Obviously here to regain some ground! (End of chapter)

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