258.Chapter 258 Arrival

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  Chapter 258:
  New hatred and old hatred come.

  Link has another reason to kill Sauron Rukia.

  Even if Link knew that Sauron's sneak attack on him was most likely due to Ms. Lysandra's arrangement.

  It is estimated that he is also executing some plan of the academy.

  But what does that have to do with Link.

  Link believed that when he launched a sneak attack, Sauron was absolutely determined to kill him completely and did not hold back.

  Those three Star Destroyer Cannons were not only accurate, but also full power and full power.

  The "Phantom Coupe" hit the target accurately at the moment when it dropped from 8 times the speed of sound to traveling at subsonic speed.

  It directly broke through Link's numerous defenses, causing a hole in Link's chest and back.

  Various performances revealed Sauron's careful planning and fierce murderous intention!
  Considering this, Link didn't dare to act rashly.

  What if Sauron is in the mixed army, or has backup in the mixed army?

  He decided not to act in a hurry and to observe the situation again.

  The decision will be made based on the situation at that time.

  If it really doesn't work, escape into the world of fairies.

  Losing face means losing face. How much is face worth?

  Life is more important.

  Mixed Legion Monitoring Department.

  Sophie Lucia took out the encrypted cross-border communicator during her break and prepared to contact her cousin Sauron.

  "What do you want to do?"

  Tracey Lucia suddenly appeared behind Sophie, her eyes fixed on the communicator in Sophie's hand, and asked coldly.

  "It's none of your business."

  Sophie put the communicator away to prevent it from being snatched away, and choked back, "It's none of your business."

  "It's none of my business?"

  Tracy suddenly became furious, "If it weren't for you, would the family be like this? Ah!" "What does

  this have to do with me?"

  Sophie's eyes were red and she glared at Tracy fiercely, "Yes, I was at fault. But don't put all the blame on me! The family has fallen into such a situation, and every Lucia has an unshirkable responsibility!" "Whatever you say." Tracy's expression turned indifferent, and her tone became more


  . , "Don't do stupid things, let alone cause trouble again, otherwise, I will kill you."

  After saying these words, Tracy turned and left.

  Sophie, who stayed where she was, felt the murderous intent in Tracy's words and was shocked.

  She gritted her teeth, anger boiling in her heart.

  Why do everyone have to have trouble with her and target her!
  Immediately, Sophie took out the encrypted cross-border communicator and sent a message to her cousin Sauron: "Link Grande is here, what do you need me to do?"

  After a long time, before the rest was about to end, , the reply will arrive soon.

  "Don't act rashly."

  Sauron's reply disappointed Sophie who was full of expectations.

  She thought that even if it was inconvenient for her cousin to come in person, some people would be arranged to take action.

  Either kill them directly or capture them alive.

  In short, we have to deal with Link Grande.

  However, he actually told her not to act rashly.

  Is this still the cousin who thinks that Link Grande is the biggest scourge for the family's future and needs to be killed in advance at all costs?

  "Everything has changed."

  Sophie murmured to herself, her face full of loneliness.

  Then he took a deep breath, adjusted his mentality, concealed his loss, and returned to the monitoring department as if nothing had happened.

  Tracy stared at the thirty surveillance screens under her jurisdiction seriously. She did not look at Sophie who came back, nor did she say any harsh words.

  Anyway, the decision has been made.

  If Sophie, this idiot, does something stupid again, it will implicate the family and her.

  Even if she risked everything, she would still kill Sophie.

  The worst consequence is death at the hands of Sauron.

  If things really develop to that point, Tracy would like to ask Sauron, is this how you revitalize the family?
  Wizarding World.

  University of Mesobrada.

  Soren Lucia looked at Dean Forrester who had appeared here through an unknown channel, raised the encrypted cross-border communicator held in his right hand, and asked calmly: "Is this okay?"

  Dean Forrester The leader did not speak, but gave Sauron a thoughtful look, took a step forward, and disappeared.


  Sauron's left hand pressed on the stone table unconsciously and exerted force, leaving a very clear palm print on the top of the stone table.

  If you don’t become a sage, you won’t be free!

  I want to kill someone but I can't. It's really frustrating.

  And you have to be like a puppet on strings, at the mercy of others.

  But if you want something, you have to compromise and compromise.

  Everything is so annoying!

  Dean Frist suddenly entered the office of the president of the University of Mesobrada.

  The principal was waiting. When he saw Frist, he immediately asked: "Are you done with your work there?" "

  It's over for now."

  Frist sat down across from the principal with a look of helplessness on his face, "But there are always surprises. Happened, another disaster almost happened."

  "It's normal, good things come hard."

  The president of the university also showed a distressed look on his face, "The anti-corruption here is also somewhat difficult to carry out, and there is a lot of resistance."

  "This is none of my business."

  Forrest said cheerfully, "I have advised you not to procrastinate and cut through the mess quickly. But you didn't listen."

  The president of the university waved his hand and changed the topic: "Let's not talk about this anymore. . The next phase of the plan is about to begin. Are you ready? I got news that Lieyan and Metal Trading Company and White Tower Alliance have made changes recently, and they seem to be directed at you." Forrest replied in a solemn tone:

  " I also discovered it here, but I still don’t know which point they are targeting? They have done a very good job of keeping secrets this time. They can’t find out the specific information, and they can’t defend themselves in advance. They can only take one step. Take a look and adapt accordingly. I hope the loss will not be too great."

  Lieyan has joined forces with the two top forces in the Michelle District, Metal Trading Company and White Tower Alliance, which is no small matter.

  Even if the comprehensive strength of River South College ranks first among the five wizard organizations, there is no guarantee that it can safely prevent the raids of the two organizations.

  Especially when the other party’s movements are unknown.

  We can only increase vigilance and take precautions in all important places in order to reduce losses.

  "That's really the only way."

  The president of the university agreed. He thought from Frist's point of view and couldn't think of any other way.

  "I still have things to do, let's go."

  Frist sighed, stood up and left, "I am just a hard worker."

  The president of the university looked at the place where Frist disappeared out of thin air, and sighed: "Who is not a hard worker? What?"

  Even if you become a sage, you will not be free!
  Riversouth City.

  Wizard Seren's North District villa, underground witchcraft laboratory.

  A miniature sage promotion ceremony is about to begin.

  Wizard Serin rejected the suggestion from the academy headquarters to publicly hold a large-scale sage promotion ceremony.

  She chose to hold her sage promotion ceremony quietly and only invited four people to attend.

  They are Shalia, Ella, Tina and Jasmine respectively.

  The first three have clearly decided to leave the Paro Sage Faction and officially transfer to the Serin Wizard Faction, which is about to become independent.

  Inviting Jasmine was out of compensation.

  There is indeed an objective reason why the relationship between the "bone worm" and the "god-eating worm" has not been found.

  Jasmine also took the initiative to come to the door and accepted the "bone worm" biochemical transformation plan to improve her wizard qualifications.

  For accidents such as the "Bone Worm" returning to its ancestors and the "God-Eating Worm" eggs being laid in Jasmine's bone marrow, Wizard Seren is not responsible at all.

  But Wizard Serin didn't take it for granted and didn't take this "mistake" seriously.

  Respect is mutual and is reflected in every detail.

  Letting Jasmine watch the ceremony was Wizard Serin's compensation for this "mistake".

  None of the other members of the Paro Sage faction, Wizard Cody and his faction members, or Wizard Serin were invited, for a very simple reason.

  Since you have to cut, make a clean cut.

  With this decisive gesture, I tell everyone that from today on, Wizard Serin, no, Sage Serin is Sage Serin, and is no longer Serin of the Sage Paro faction.

  The most important thing is to tell Paro that I don’t want to wait any longer.

  You can do whatever you want, I'll deal with it on my own.

  That's how women are.

  Love firmly.

  Once you become cruel, even if you still have love in your heart, you can bear the pain of separation.

  If Sage Paro does not change his attitude, he may really lose Wizard Serin.

  In the center of the witchcraft laboratory, Wizard Seren adjusted his state, relaxed his mind, and used the rules he understood as a guide to call for the will of the wizarding world to come.

  Shalia, Ella, Tina and Jasmine, their four pairs of eyes were fixed on Wizard Serin who was receiving the will of the wizarding world, hoping to gain some insights from it.

  He even went a step further and gained the favor of the wizarding world.

  Jasmine didn't know how the other three people had gained.

  All she knew was that the baby silkworm "God-Eating Insect" in the sea of ​​consciousness was jumping happily again.

  The will of the wizarding world did not favor Jasmine, but favored the "God-Eating Insect" cub, giving the "God-Eating Insect" that was born by chance the mark of the Wizarding World.

  Even if we encounter the remaining royal family of the Zerg world in the future, we will not be enslaved by the royal family’s backhand left in the bloodline of the “God-Eating Insects”.

  As Jasmine's companion spirit beast, the "God-Eating Insect" cub has gained favor, and Jasmine can also benefit from it. The mental power that has reached the limit of an ordinary first-level wizard has taken the first step towards liquefaction.

  This change, seemingly small, actually saved Jasmine 2 to 3 years of time.

  After that, Jasmine only needs to liquefy all her spiritual power bit by bit to be successfully promoted to a level two wizard.

  When other people learn about this benefit that Jasmine has received, they will go crazy with envy.

  "You guys go back."

  Wizard Serin, no, Sage Serin completed his promotion and immediately issued an expulsion order.

  She had to take this time to deepen her resonance with the will of the wizarding world and deepen her understanding of the rules she understood.

  Shalia, Ella, Tina and Jasmine also need to consolidate their income from the ceremony.


  The four of them responded in unison and left Sage Serin's North District villa together.

  Sage Serin walked out of the underground witchcraft laboratory and came to the roof of the villa, looking up at the stars.

  The virtuous man has become free.

  Serin in the past, Serin now, Serin in the future.

  Picture after picture flashed in Sage Serin's eyes.

  "Don't let me down."

  The screen disappeared, the murmur fell, and Sage Serin had a deep thought.

  Seven days passed quickly.

  The news that the Paro Sage Legion won a great victory spread back to the academy.

  The results were staggeringly rich.

  The logistics staff who stayed in the local area suddenly forgot the shock and panic they felt after Wizard Seren secretly told them that they would develop independently in the future and made the decision to cut off the industry.

  In the festive atmosphere, Renee Clark suddenly heard the news that Asander Cornette had officially resigned and planned to leave the Paro Sage Legion. She was very puzzled.

  It is developing well, has not lost a battle, and has not suffered any losses.

  Why do you suddenly want to quit midway?
  What happened?

  Renee did not rashly go to Assand to inquire. Instead, she came to Sage Serin, who had been quietly promoted but few people knew about it, to inquire about the information.

  "Seline, what's going on with Asander's resignation? Do you know the reason?"

  The friendship between wizard Renee and sage Serin has not been affected by the widening level gap between the two.

  Renee Clark still calls Sage Seren by her first name.

  This kind of intimacy without being too polite was more in line with Sage Serin's wishes.

  "I don't know either."

  Sage Serin replied, "As you know, I have secretly completed the separation with the Paro family, but I haven't announced the news yet. Therefore, I no longer pay attention to the news in this area. ."

  "So fast? And, do you really have to do it so brilliantly?"

  Renee asked curiously, "What stimulation did you receive? Why did the change happen so suddenly and so drastically?"

  In fact, from the beginning, Renee felt that she My best friend is too love-minded.

  I don’t think it’s a good thing that Sage Serin has been waiting.

  I have tried to persuade him many times, but to no avail.

  Unexpectedly, Sage Serin actually figured it out on his own.

  However, going from one extreme to another is not what Renee wants to see.

  "It's not exciting."

  Sage Serin smiled when she remembered how she met Dean Forrester immediately after the attack on Link Grande and asked for an explanation, but learned that everything was arranged by the academy. He smiled and said, "It's just a deepened understanding."

  "What understanding?"

  Renee asked immediately, "Speak out and let me gain insights."

  Sage Serin shook his head gently: "It's useless to listen. You have a deep understanding of it yourself."


  Seeing Sage Serin's attitude, Renee did not ask any more questions, but asked for advice, "Do you think I should go to Assand and care about him?"

  " Just go if you want, what's the point of hesitation?"

  Wizard Serin asked strangely, "It's not your style to be hesitant." "

  Hey, aren't you getting married soon? I'm a little shy."

  Rui Ni's face suddenly turned pink, revealing a shy and youthful look.

  Wizards are all masters of expression management.

  "Get out!"

  Sage Serin immediately lowered his face and drove his unscrupulous girlfriend out of the villa who was showing affection.

  What is this behavior?
  This is naked ridicule!
  Sage Serin didn't want to suffer from this.


  Renee let out a string of laughter like silver bells and left the North District villa of Sage Serin.

  Go home and take your sister, Iris Clark, who has been in a low mood recently and is always huddled in a corner alone in a daze, and go straight to the cross-border teleportation gate.

  "Sister, where are we going?"

  As she was about to enter the portal, Iris just came out of her daze and asked weakly.

  This wilting appearance is not at all in line with the madness of the crazy woman.

  Renee looked at her sister with a variety of personalities, and she felt extremely pity in her heart: "I'm afraid you'll be bored, so I'll take you out to relax, and find your future brother-in-law by the way." If it was normal, Iris would say the same thing no matter which personality she had

  . "I see you want to find your brother-in-law, take me to relax by the way."

  But now, Iris just said "Oh".

  Acting really abnormal.

  Without saying anything, Renee led Iris into the portal and headed to the rear camp of the Paro Sage Legion.

  Desolate world, rear camp.

  Link came here as soon as the portal was restored from controlled one-way to free two-way.

  He submitted an application to return to the wizarding world to the tower spirit who managed the portal and waited quietly.

  Link has used the portal many times in the past, and he didn't have to wait too long.

  But this time, because Link went from the wizard world to the elf world, it was a "smuggling" and there was no entry or exit record.

  The tower spirit must verify Link's identity and ask for permission.

  Therefore, when sisters Renee and Iris walked out of the portal, Link was still waiting.

  "Link! So you're here!" As

  soon as Iris saw Link, she stopped feeling tired and shouted excitedly.


  Renee thought of her best friend's joke and complained, "Do you really want to be a child?" "

  Sister, go find your brother-in-law."

  Iris pushed Renee to the side with both hands, leading to the fairy The portal to the world is pushed open.

  "Young sister, I won't bother you anymore."

  Renee glanced at Link, who had been silent, and teased with a smile, "You two must be good."

  Then she walked into the portal and went To the fairy world.

  "Are you going back to your homeland?"

  Iris jumped up to Link, raised her head slightly, looked at Link who was a head taller than her, and asked happily, "Can I go back with you?" "

  Then take photos or videos, and get angry. Jasmine?"

  Link asked indifferently.


  Iris was not embarrassed at all when she was told what she meant. She just kept smiling.

  She doesn't look like a crazy woman, but more like a fool.

  "Let's go."

  The tower spirit approved Link's application at this time, and the portal lit up.

  "Go together, go together."

  Iris shouted loudly, and walked into the portal with Link.

  The light comes on.

  A beam of annihilation light came from the outer space of the desolate world and hit the high platform where the portal was located.

  The attacks of Flame and Metal Trading Company and White Tower Alliance should be here.

  The portal leading to the fairy world was destroyed shortly after it was built.

  The same goes for the portal to the wizarding world.


  The consequence of being interrupted before the teleportation was completed was that Link and Iris were involved in the turbulence of time and space that led to unknown directions.

  It turns out that this is how disaster strikes.

  Disaster is coming from the sky above!
  "Don't let go!"

  At the critical moment, Link grabbed Iris' hand and quickly took out the "Tissot".

  Ignore the damage that the turbulence of time and space may cause to the "Tissot".

  Link pulled Iris into it, opened the full-power defensive shield, and hid directly in the escape cabin.

  Add a little hope of survival!
   The previous chapter was Chapter 146.

    This chapter is the real chapter 147.

    I'll go to the editor tomorrow and change the chapter order and chapter names back.

    Sorry, my eyes were blurred and I made a mistake in publishing.

  (End of chapter)

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