186. Chapter 186 The beginning of the third battle

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  Chapter 186 The third battle

  begins with the advance to the base.

  In the conference room, many department chiefs and deputies gathered.

  Sage Paro sat high on the throne and said nothing.

  The director of the staff department explained the re-formulated combat plan for the third battle in front of the holographic projection map.

  Originally, the frontline headquarters did not want to end the mission of conquering the heavens in the third battle.

  I want to fight one or two more battles, through actual combat, to break into this motley army that has been casually organized by the administrative department of the college.

  This is external.

  Use actual combat to hone the regiment's coordination, coordination and tactical literacy.


  By investigating the infiltration of "hostile forces" and the paralysis of many departments in forward bases and rear camps, the frontline command headquarters eliminates unqualified members, selects outstanding ones, and establishes a sound internal management and self-correction mechanism.

  The arrival of Link Grande, whether it was an unintentional act or a deliberate meritorious service, accelerated both internal and external processes.

  Especially externally.

  The director and two deputy directors of the Medical Department had indeed given the wrong definition of large-scale goblin mutations.

  This led to the misjudgment of the frontline command.

  As a result, the sixth version of the third campaign plan formulated by the Staff Office is still focused on honing the regiment's dispatch, cooperation and tactical literacy.

  After adjustments, the seventh version, which is the combat plan being introduced by the Chief of Staff at this time, focuses

  on blitzes, emphasizes the high mobility of the legion, and makes full use of the crushing super firepower. The
  emphasis is Win quickly and bloom more.

  On the one hand, they directly raided the heavily-garrisoned fortresses of the Goblin Royal Family and eliminated the last living force of the Goblin Royal Family; on
  the other hand, under the guidance of the special team, they completed the "beheading" of the Goblin Royal Court.

  With lightning speed, they achieved fruitful results and achieved a comprehensive victory in the third battle.

  Taking advantage of the trend, the great nobles of several major goblin groups were forced to agree to become vassals regardless of their willingness or unwillingness.

  Actively help the world will of the wizard world and "infect" the world will of the fairy world.

  The goblin world is transformed into the shape of the wizarding world while retaining enough original features.

  "To sum up, the essence of this combat plan is that after the seven-member special team finds the place where the Goblin King sleeps, the entire army will be dispatched to blitz the Goblin Royal Family's fortresses and surprise the Goblin King's Court." After the director of the Staff Department finished explaining the specific plan

  , Made a summary.

  "Well, sit down."

  Sage Paro gestured, and then asked, "Everyone, let's talk about this plan, are there any problems, and can it work."

  The leader of the first main force stood up for a moment . Standing up: "Report, the 1st Regiment requested to be changed from left wing flank attack to vanguard and responsible for the main frontal attack."

  In the battle plan drawn up by the staff office, the commander of the second main regiment, who served as the vanguard and the main frontal attack, suddenly became anxious.

  He also stood up suddenly and shouted loudly: "Report, the second regiment is confident to complete the main attack mission, and there is no need for irrelevant people to come and intervene." The

  leader of the third main regiment, who was responsible for the right flank, lowered his head and remained silent.

  The so-called miscellaneous army has many sources and complex ingredients.

  The leader of the first regiment and the leader of the second regiment are both new blood from the Storm Sea. After working hard for decades, they have become third-level wizards. They serve as the leader of the main regiment and lead 300 first- and second-level wizards. They still have ambitions to climb up.

  Naturally, he is unwilling to be second to others and is eager to make new achievements.

  Sage Paro also walked this road.

  His bodyguards, the direct descendants of his family, have endured wind and rain, waded through mountains of swords and seas of fire, and have followed him to this day.

  If the leaders of the first regiment and the second regiment want to take this road, they must fight bravely.

  The leader of the third regiment came from a small half-blood family.

  It took several generations of clan members to support two main group leaders, and he was one of them.

  How could one risk the family's foundation and work for Sage Paro when the income cannot be maximized?
  If he can not be passive and lazy in the battle of the heavens, he has a bottom line and a moral character.

  What more could you expect?
  Sage Paro was unfazed.

  He appreciated the competition between the leaders of the first regiment and the second regiment, and he did not reject the complacency of the third regiment leader.

  Everyone has their own way of living.

  However, after the conquest of the fairy world is over, Sage Paro will request to the academy to be transferred from the third main group.

  It’s better to lack than to overdo it!

  "The original battle plan remains unchanged. The main attack should be the main attack, and the flank attack should be the flank attack. On the battlefield, the credit will be determined by the results of the battle. If you are ambitious and capable, go to the battlefield and fight for it." "Yes." There is no need to hammer the drum,


  . Luo Xianzhe settled down the two main group leaders who were competing for the main attack with just two words.

  Afterwards, Sage Paro looked at the person in charge of the rear camp and asked kindly: "Can the logistics ensure that there are no mistakes?"

  This question was an understatement and did not contain any anger.

  The person in charge of the camp in the rear broke out in cold sweat and was frightened when he was asked.

  He is not a direct descendant of Sage Paro, and is even deeply connected with "hostile forces".

  Otherwise, it would be impossible for those female spies like KGB Swallows to appear in various places in the rear camps and some institutions in the forward base like entering and exiting the market.

  The general manager of the rear camp turned a blind eye and let the situation go.

  He also didn't expect that these female spies would be so ruthless this time, causing such a big wave and paralyzing half of the rear camp and a third of the forward base.

  When the situation was at its worst, the attack time of the flying fortress in the second battle was delayed by just one step.

  You know, the objects supported by the Sky Fortress are the bodyguards of Sage Paro.

  If this incident really caused unnecessary battle losses to the Guards, then he would have committed a serious crime.

  At the critical moment, the person in charge of the rear camp withstood the pressure from "hostile forces" and ensured the timely dispatch of the aerial fortress.

  After that, the person in charge promptly cut off the "hostile forces" and confessed everything to Sage Paro in private.

  Only then did he have the opportunity to sit here and continue to participate in the discussion meeting on the seventh edition of the battle plan for the third battle.

  Wiping the non-existent sweat on his forehead, the person in charge shouted loudly: "I promise there won't be any problems. If there are any mistakes, please report them to me." "


  Sage Paro nodded, expressing satisfaction, and then looked at Xiang Qianjin Base Logistics Director, "Do you have any questions?"


  The Logistics Director stood up and answered.

  "What's the problem?"

  Sage Paro immediately asked seriously.

  When the three armies are not moved, food and grass go first. This is the case at all times and in all countries.

  In the battle of the heavens, logistics is the most important thing.

  The general person in charge of the rear camp ensures the collection, distribution and transfer of materials.

  The director of the logistics department of the forward base is responsible for the comprehensive supply of front-line troops.

  Something goes wrong in the rear camp, and you can still survive by relying on the storage in the forward base.

  If there is a problem with the logistics of the forward base, it will affect the entire war situation.

  There is no reason why the Paro sage did not pay attention to it.

  "It was originally expected that there would be four to five battles, so there were too many supplies stored in the early stage.

  If there are no more battles in the future, the consumption of storing these supplies will exceed the cost of the supplies themselves.

  Therefore, I suggest increasing the base of firepower output by 2 points and consuming all these materials, rather than keeping them moldy and wasting resources. "

  The director of the Logistics Department said with an embarrassed look.

  Sage Paro, the leader of the three main regiments and the leader of the personal guard regiment, heard this and wanted to kill this guy.

  The problem with relationships is not the lack of supplies, but the storage of supplies. Too much.

  Is this a fucking problem?

  Front-line troops are always too few, never too many. No matter

  how much supplies are distributed, they will all be consumed.

  Are you still embarrassed?

  This guy is definitely trying to show off.

  " Then increase it by 2 points. "

  Sage Paro waved his hand and agreed to the suggestion of the Director of the Logistics Department.

  As a result, the face of the Director of the General Staff Department looked as if he was constipated, extremely twisted and uncomfortable.

  Damn it, give it to the three main groups. Sold well with the Guards, that's no problem!

  But don't step on my fucking head to climb up!
  It seems that when my staff office formulated the combat plan, it was not detailed enough and ignored the warehousing situation of the logistics department, right
  ? !
  The guards have been looking forward to Sage Paro's questions for a long time.

  What are the guards?
  They are the guards who have always followed Sage Paro. The mission is to protect the safety of Sage Paro (crossed out)
  The mission is to protect Sage Paro was not disturbed by little miscellaneous fish when commanding the battle.

  However, the thinking of the leader of the Guards Regiment had not yet changed from that of the leader of the main force.

  When the first battle broke out, he watched the whole process and felt very bored. .

  I miss the days of rushing and fighting very much.

  During the second battle, I was clamoring to go to the front line.

  The extremely annoyed Paro Sage threw a blocking mission over and was very happy.

  In the battle plan for the third battle, the Guards Regiment, as the general reserve force, would never move lightly until the most critical moment.

  Judging from the combat power shown by the Fairy World in the previous two battles.

  General reserve team, stay still!
  Therefore, the Guards had long been looking forward to Sage Paro assigning him another task.

  Unfortunately, it came to nothing and was simply ignored.

  Sage Paro ignored the leader of the Guards, looked at another third-level wizard in the Intelligence Department, and asked: "Is it okay?" The other

  party gave a brief response: "No problem."

  In this way, the third battle In the seventh version of the battle plan, there is nothing that needs to be adjusted.


  Sage Paro stood up and acted vigorously.


  The chief officers and deputies of each department immediately stood up and responded loudly.

  Everyone filed out of the conference room and carried out their respective battle plans.

  Not long after, the forward base became noisy.

  The Logistics Department took the lead.

  Vehicles are preheated, equipment is started, and piles of materials are transported.

  The three main regiments quickly completed their assembly, and each boarded the air fortress fully prepared by the logistics department and loaded with "munitions."

  There was a roar.

  The earth shook.

  Three aerial fortresses rose from the ground, and multiple powerful engines sprayed blazing tail flames vertically downwards, quickly rising from the ground to high altitudes.

  The aerial fortress is huge and blocks out the sky and the sun.

  The cold black paint exudes a strong murderous aura.

  The rotation direction of the powerful engine changes from vertical to horizontal.

  Boom, boom, boom.

  The aerial fortress, which is like a space carrier in the Avengers Alliance, directly enters high-speed flight from high-altitude hovering, and flies towards their respective battlefields.

  Paro Sage, accompanied by the guards, boarded an aerial fortress with a newer model, more firepower, and more advanced functions, and the speed was slightly slower at the back.

  This flying fortress was the wartime headquarters of the third battle.

  The staff office, liaison office, intelligence office and other functional departments were all gathered in the fortress's comprehensive command hall and were busy non-stop.

  In the Fairy King Forest.

  The special team has just contacted three teams sent by different goblin nobles.

  Surprises always come unexpectedly.

  One of the teams actually brought two very important news.

  One is the place where the Goblin King sleeps, and the other is where the civilian goblins who volunteered to be experimented on.

  The only problem is that the two places are far apart.

  Even if the special team is not afraid of being exposed, it will take more than two "hours" to take out the transportation vehicle and rush on the road as fast as possible.

  The special team's time is no longer sufficient.

  Only the captain, Otis, and the false director of the intelligence department, Asander, learned of the early start of the third battle.

  According to the combat plan, the frontal attack by the Second Regiment and the flank attacks by the First and Third Regiments were all considered feint attacks in the early stage, to cover the actions of the special team.

  If the special team's operations behind enemy lines fail, the offensive will be stepped up on the frontal battlefield and the feint attack will be converted to the main attack on the spot.

  He did not hesitate to cause greater "loss" and directly plowed up the Goblin Royal Family.


  less gain is a loss.

  There is nothing wrong with this algorithm.

  The flying speed of the flying fortress is much slower than the flying vehicles that transport special teams for airdrops behind enemy lines.

  Even so, there isn't much time left for the special teams.

  No matter how much you try, there is only less than 2 "hours" of buffer time.

  And less than 1 "hour" of action time.

  In the final analysis, it was the two pieces of news that Boss Otis sent back to the advance base that played a role.

  The news that the Goblin King didn't even bother to pick up the broken arm he dropped while escaping supports the information that the Goblin King fell into a deep sleep as soon as he returned to the Goblin Court in order to recover.

  Based on the blood test results of the Fairy King's severed arm, it was speculated that the Fairy King had undergone biochemical transformation and enhancement on himself before the second battle. This prompted Paroxian, who had always been wary of the world will of the
  Fairy World, to decide in advance. The decision to launch the third campaign.

  With the blessing of the world will of the wizard world, there is only one chance for the world will of the fairy world to kill or expel the Paro sage.

  Based on the injuries the Goblin King suffered, Sage Paro did not believe that he could recover on his own.

  The so-called sleeping in order to recover will never succeed unless the world will of the fairy world takes action.

  And since the world will of the fairy world has taken action, it is impossible to just restore the fairy king's injuries.

  It will definitely complement the Goblin King's biochemical transformation and enhancement of the goblin's natural abilities.

  If it drags on any longer, the Paro Wizard will most likely face a level 5 Fairy King in his prime.

  Even with the help of the World Will and Legion of the Wizarding World, Sage Paro is not afraid of the Level 5 Fairy King, nor does he want to make what is easy to accomplish more difficult.

  These were the considerations of the Paro sages.

  The difficult question before Boss Otis needs to be considered is whether to attack the "Biochemical Factory" or to reconnoiter the "Sleeping Holy Land".

  pick one of two.

  Or be more ambitious and want them all.

  Boss Otis has a stable temperament. He became a third-level wizard and was promoted step by step.

  So, he chose to have them all!
  "Let's go at full speed. Target: 'Biochemical Factory'. Mission: Destroy."

  Otis made a decision and immediately ordered.

  The special team suddenly showed a completely different look from its previous latent march.

  Four fully armed off-road vehicles transformed from miniaturization back to normal size.

  Link was sitting on the third off-road vehicle, sandwiched between Assander and "Wildcat" Betty.


  Loken, who had the first off-road vehicle to himself, screamed and rushed out quickly.

  The twins Onkers and Marco sit on the second off-road vehicle, outputting strong firepower at any time.

  The magic weapon does not expire, so use the magic weapon first.

  If the witchcraft weapon fails, replace it with witchcraft.

  Boss Otis stayed behind as always.

  The cross-country convoy dashed through the Fairy King Forest, rolling up a tornado composed of fallen leaves, sand, and broken branches.

  You can be as arrogant as you want to be.

  Royal court, royal palace.

  Through the mirror-like "suppressor", three teams of fairies were vaguely visible.

  The third prince was already very angry.

  Seeing such an arrogant scene again, I almost lost my mind with anger.

  He took a few deep breaths to calm down, then pushed the wheelchair to a secret room that only he could enter.

  Not even the Goblin King has entered this secret room.

  The third prince stopped in front of the altar in the center of the secret room.

  There was silence and hesitation.

   Thanks to book friend Jiugaozhu for the tip, thank you!

  (End of chapter)

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