174. Chapter 174 The young man is not only brave, but also ruthless! (superior)

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  Chapter 174 The young man is not only brave, but also ruthless! (Part 1)

  "Hello everyone, I am Link Grande."

  Link ignored the arrogance and high expectations, and introduced himself seriously, "This is the first time we meet, please take care of me."

  "Little brother, come to Virginie Sister, Sister Virginie is here to protect you." The

  female pharmaceutical developer who claimed that she was extremely powerful continued to look like she was in heat and had not given up the idea of ​​seducing Link.

  "Sister Grace will also protect you."

  The female pharmaceutical developer who said she wouldn't mind joining was not to be outdone, and even pointed out her new manicure to Link, "Isn't my little brother a 'friend of the witch'? Look at my sister's Nails, do they look good? Do you like them?"

  Link didn't want to offend anyone, but he also didn't want to be smeared when he came, so he said sternly: "I am not a casual person, and I ask you to respect yourself and love yourself."

  Virge Ni immediately changed color, her face became gloomy, and she was very unhappy.

  It seems that Link's words "please respect yourself and love yourself" are very insulting words.

  Grace, on the other hand, has not changed much.

  As if he didn't feel that Link's words were offensive, he stood up with a smile, went to the water dispenser to get a glass of water, and walked towards Link with it.

  As she walked, she said: "Oh, brother, don't be so angry. Sisters are just joking with you. Come, drink a glass of water to clear the fire." Link glanced at the water glass and the water in the glass, but did not take it


  Grace's right hand holding the cup always stopped in front of Link, and there was a vague feeling that Link must take the cup, otherwise it would be really disrespectful.

  Logically speaking, newcomers who have just arrived must give some face to the elderly.


  With a sneer, Link took the water glass, raised it, and put it to his mouth.

  The four male pharmacy developers cast complex glances at Link.

  There is admiration, regret, and regret.

  As both first-level wizards, why are the four male potion developers unable to escape the oppression of Virginie and Grace?
  Wasn't even the once strong-willed R&D team leader taken over by another female pharmaceutical R&D engineer, Hamius?
  The reason is that they have mastered a very unsolvable "aphrodisiac" medicine.

  At least the leader of the R&D team and the four male pharmaceutical R&D engineers had no solution.

  They could conclude that the "aphrodisiac" drug must have been added to that glass of water.

  As long as Link takes it, he will be "captured".

  As long as he smells the smell of a special medicine, he will be unable to control his actions, controlled by desire, and will give in under his pomegranate skirt.

  A great genius is about to "fall".

  For a moment, the eyes of the two women and four men in the laboratory living/office area were focused on the cup in Link's hand.

  I want to see what Link's reaction will be after drinking water.

  "This water is a bit dirty."

  However, after raising it to his mouth and sniffing it lightly, Link not only stopped, but also poured the water on the ground,
  "I think it's better not to drink it."

  They were strangers, it was just a little quarrel, not even a quarrel, but they were so uncompromising and plotting against each other as soon as they started, it was really a bit too much.

  Link simply stopped saving face for the other party and sneered:
  "This water is just like you, dirty. I would like to advise, not everyone is like you and doesn't take their own personality seriously." Damn


  This young man is a bit naughty!
  The four male pharmaceutical developers were so shocked that their eyes almost dropped.

  How dare you be so direct, you almost point your nose at them and call them bitches.

  Grace suddenly couldn't keep her face straight anymore and was so angry that her teeth itched.

  Virginie immediately broke her guard and opened her mouth to curse.

  Link rolled his eyes and stared directly in the past. His eyes were indifferent, but one could feel the strong murderous intent at a glance.

  For some reason, Virginie groaned a few times and did not dare to say anything.

  After all, she is also someone who has been on the front line.

  How could you be intimidated by a newbie?
  Grace wasn't much better.

  She stood right in front of Link, sharing a lot of the pressure.

  Link walked around Grace, who was affected by his aura, found a desk away from the six people, and sat down.

  Dragons do not live with snakes.

  After just one meeting and a few words of conversation, Link knew that he was not from the same group as them.

  Moreover, the positions of the two sides are obviously different and they belong to two ends.

  There is a high probability that conflicts will occur in the future, so there is no need to insist on higher emotional intelligence, be polite and perfunctory with others, and be conciliatory.

  Ignoring the various reactions of the two women and four men, they communicated privately with whispers.

  Link opened the office computer, searched around, found the laboratory work log, and clicked on it.

  As expected, the work of the pharmaceutical research and development team has been suspended for a month.

  A month ago, in response to the needs of the frontline medical department, we took over the business of a topical medicine.

  This business was not completed in time, and no further requests were received from the frontline medical department.

  It seems that the problem in the pharmacy department, or at least the pharmacy research and development team, occurred a month ago.

  A look of understanding flashed in Link's eyes.

  I thought, if I want to know the truth, I have to find out what special thing happened in the pharmacy department a month ago.

  But that's not Link's job.

  His position is that of a pharmaceutical developer, which means that what Wizard Paro needs him to do is to do his job of developing pharmaceuticals.

  Occasionally, you can do potion refining part-time, but it is best not to involve administrative management.

  Link felt that no matter what aspect he considered, he must find a suitable time as soon as possible to contact the Paro wizard.

  No matter what happens, you still have to communicate with Wizard Serin and listen to his opinions.

  But don't rush this moment.

  The time and place were not very suitable.

  There are more important things to do right now.

  With this thought in mind, Link stood up and walked towards the experimental area.

  The six pharmaceutical developers, two women, four men, were immediately attracted by Link's movements.


  After seeing Link's movements clearly, Virginie curled her lips and said in a disdainful tone, "Do you really think that just because you are called a 'genius', you can show off as a genius? Let's see how you die in the future!" Grace said to Will

  . Zini shook her head and signaled her to stop talking nonsense.

  The wind has been going very wrong lately.

  Yesterday a minister was parachuted in, and today another pharmaceutical developer was parachuted in.

  He is also the "genius pharmacist" who has been in the limelight recently in the local area.

  The person who independently developed the acclaimed "Super Brain" potion is by no means an incompetent person.

  One is good at management and decisive in killing; the other is good at research and development and has achieved remarkable results.

  With such a configuration, it is impossible to say that the frontline headquarters has no idea about the rear pharmacy department.

  Is this because the frontline command has lost its patience and wants to purge them all?

  Then they have to make other plans as soon as possible.

  The task they received was just to paralyze the normal operation of the pharmacy department for a period of time.

  It has been successfully paralyzed for a month.

  That's enough.

  There is no need to continue to waste time, lest you break yourself.

  That's not worth it.

  Virginie was startled when she saw the worry in Grace's eyes.

  Then he realized what Grace was worried about.

  For a moment, her mood became complicated.

  We have to find a way to escape as soon as possible.

  Link changed into protective clothing and walked straight into the innermost laboratory.

  After getting a little familiar with the facilities and equipment, I started to operate them.

  He first found a container, took out the few drops of water that had been collected into the "seed" when he splashed the water, started to run the equipment, and began to test the composition of the glass of water.

  At that time, he did not sense any hostility or malice from Grace.

  However, relying on his knowledge of potions and "potions talent", Link instinctively felt that there was something wrong with the glass of water.

  Since there is a problem, not only can't drink, but you also have to figure out what the problem is.

  Only in this way can we take targeted prevention, or directly solve the problem in one step.

  That's how the current scene happened.

  The test results came out quickly.

  In addition to water, there is an additive of unknown ingredients.

  Link continued to operate, patiently precipitating the additives bit by bit, and then conducted further testing.

  Link didn't come out of the laboratory for a long time, which aroused Grace's suspicion. She winked at Virginie, cooed at Link's position, and asked with her eyes if she wanted to explore.

  Virginie immediately looked at the four male pharmaceutical developers.

  He was aloof and bossy, his eyes full of threats.

  The four people understood and reluctantly stood up and walked towards the experimental area.

  Unexpectedly, the single room where Link was located was locked from the inside, and he couldn't open the door no matter what.

  Knocking on the door and shouting, there was no response.

  Link didn't understand any of these people and didn't trust any of them.

  How could you not be more careful?

  Ignoring the commotion outside the door, Link continued his testing.

  Not long after, the test results came out.

  Link carefully looked at the ingredients of the additives several times.

  His eyes were firmly fixed on an unknown ingredient that he had never seen or heard of before, named "?"

  The functions of other ingredients are to relax the mind, soothe the mind, and improve the quality of sleep. There is no big problem, and there are even benefits.

  Only the function of this ingredient, Link intuitively deduced, thinking that it has the effect of amplifying desire.

  Especially the most primitive desire to mate and reproduce.

  "It's interesting."

  Link suddenly became interested.

  First, I deliberately saved a few samples, and then continued research on this unknown component.

  Another ten rounds of rapid testing are over.

  Routine and irregular, all tests that can be supported by the existing laboratory conditions have been done.

  After everything was done, not much progress had been made.

  Looking at more than thirty test results filled with various data, Link thought for a while and decided to think about it carefully.

  With a thought, "multi-threaded thinking" is turned on!

  Strings of data are constantly being scrambled and compared in my mind.

  A piece of knowledge about botany, human body, physiology, pharmacology, pharmaceutics, and alchemical pharmaceutics emerged.

  Suddenly, Watson discovered a blind spot.

  Link had a flash of inspiration and grasped the specialness of this unknown ingredient.

  As we all know, "aphrodisiac" drugs are divided into three categories: hormones, neuronarcotics, and hallucinogens.

  But this unknown ingredient does not fall into these three categories.

  It does not focus on human physiology, but on human mental strength and will.

  It has strong concealment and can lurk for a long time.

  It is also highly inducing.

  All it takes is an introduction to induce specific changes in mental power, disintegrate the will, and lower the defense.

  At this time, combined with some hormonal or neuroanesthetic "aphrodisiac" drugs, the effect will be very terrifying.

  Not to mention LSD!
  No wonder the four men outside looked like they were overdrawn.

  All of them were like ostriches, not daring to say a word in front of the two girls.

  It turns out that I was caught.

  Link suddenly understood and understood how the pharmacy department, especially the research and development team, quickly languished in a few days.

  Honey trap?
  No, it’s a needle grinding trick!

  Shivering slightly, Link increased his vigilance.

  Pharmacists and pharmaceutical developers are really hard to guard against if they want to trick someone.

  It seems that the water, food, and even the air that I breathe will have to be treated specially in the future.

  After suppressing the distracting thoughts, Link did not stop studying.

  Once you understand what this ingredient does and how it works, you can simply "solve" it.

  Link considered developing an antagonist or inhibitor to suppress or even eliminate the stress response of this ingredient to the primer.

  The ideas are clear, the knowledge reserve is rich, and the "potions talent" is stimulated.

  Not long after, a sample of the antagonist was released that shone with enchanting light.

  The results of the drug test are very promising, and it can almost completely block the stress response.

  Link thought for a while, and simply refined a few more antagonists, and casually wrote down the formula, refining method and principle on the paper.

  The antagonist and paper were then deliberately left on the workbench in a conspicuous position.

  "Get out of the way, good dogs don't block the way."

  Opening the door of the single room and looking at the four men coldly, Link released all his aura without restraint.

  The four men were weak to begin with, but after being stimulated like this, they immediately staggered around.

  Nothing like a formal wizard at all.

  Link walked out of the way that the four men hurriedly moved out of the way.

  After walking a few steps, Link turned back, gave a look, and said, "Don't touch the things inside. I won't be responsible for anything that happens."

  The two women were always paying attention to this side.

  That's all Link can do.

  If you can understand, it means that the four men can still be saved.

  No, it doesn't matter.

  Just do it casually, similar to Xianzi, it will work better.

  Without even looking at the two women, Link went straight back to the dormitory.

  Passing by the office, I was surprised to find that the movement in the locker room was getting louder and more explicit.

  The wheezing sound was as loud as that of an ox.

  The soprano nearly shattered the glass.

  It's absolutely crazy.

  Link shook his head, accelerated his steps, and quickly moved away.

  He was afraid that if he took one step too late, his ears would be too dirty to be washed.

  Returning to the dormitory, Link immediately took out a witchcraft weapon the size and shape of a button and activated it to prevent eavesdropping.

  Then he took out his portable computer and sent a voice communication request to Wizard Paro.

  "Is something wrong?"

  The communication was connected and the voice of Wizard Paro came.

  "Reporting to you, I also want to report a problem I found in the Pharmacy Research and Development Team of the Pharmacy Department."

  Link knew that Wizard Paro was very busy, and it was extremely rare to find time to accept his communication.

  So I'm not polite and procrastinate.


  The Paro wizard cherished his words like gold.

  "Three female members of the pharmaceutical R&D team are suspected of using a special 'aphrodisiac' drug to control the R&D team leader and four male team members. I have developed an antagonist for this 'aphrodisiac' drug and given it to the four The male team member left samples and formulas. Please give instructions on what to do next."

  Link gave as simple an answer as possible.

  "Very good. You go to Murphy, and he will listen to him on this matter from now on. He will listen to you on potion research and development."

  Wizard Paro praised, and then gave instructions.


  Link agreed decisively.

  The voice communication was interrupted.

  Most of the legion that Wizard Paro took over had extremely complex compositions.

  There are very few direct descendants belonging to him.

  There are a lot of things to do every day, and I really don’t have much energy to take care of the pharmacy department at the back.

  Being able to allocate a Murphy and then call in a Link is already the best effort.

  If it doesn't work, just give up on the rear pharmacy department.

  It’s not like there are no pharmacists and pharmaceutical developers trained by Wizard Serin in the frontline medical department.

  If it weren't for the attitude of those old people in the academy.

  Wizard Paro has long since killed these fools who overestimated their abilities and dared to go against him for a little magic stone and some empty promises!

  Idiots deserve to die.

   Chapter 64 has been blocked for some reason and is in the process of applying to be unblocked.

  (End of chapter)

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