170.Chapter 170 There was an uproar and everyone broke their defenses

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  Chapter 170: There was an uproar, and everyone broke their defenses.

  "You can leave."

  Wizard Serin had a complicated look on his face, and issued an order to expel the guests in a cold tone.

  "I don't want to see you again within three days."

  Link didn't know what Wizard Seren had just experienced, and his attitude had changed so drastically.

  But it must not be something that makes her happy, and it faintly breaks her guard.

  Otherwise, they would not only have "expelled" him, but also imposed a three-day time limit on not seeing him.

  Although these three days should be the time Jasmine stays here to receive treatment.

  Link didn't dare to get into trouble, so he immediately stood up and prepared to leave in despair.

  "Remember to report to the academy, it will be beneficial."

  Before leaving the basement, Wizard Serin still gave a reminder to prevent the little guy from wanting to stay in hiding again.

  This made Link feel slightly relieved.

  It seemed that Wizard Seren really didn't have any negative emotions such as disgust towards him.

  That's good, that's good.

  As for the reason for the change in attitude, there is no need to guess, it is obvious.

  In all likelihood, it has something to do with his changes in the promotion ceremony.

  Thinking about it, this kind of radical change should be extremely rare, even something that Wizard Serin himself had dreamed of but had never experienced.

  Link thought this way, feeling a little happy, a little proud, and a little wary.

  As for what he was wary of, he had no specific idea.

  Wizard Serin took a few deep breaths, righteousness swelled up, and the mood of breaking through the defense returned to calm.

  Recalling my previous "childish" behavior, I couldn't help but smile.

  It's a pity that no one appreciates the infinite style that blooms in this moment.

  She took out the encrypted communicator and connected the communication with the Paro wizard.

  "Link Grande has won the favor of the world's will in your promotion ceremony."

  Without waiting for the other party to speak, Wizard Seren coldly dropped a sentence and hung up the communication.

  I'm still angry and too lazy to care.

  Back at the academy, Link decided to follow Wizard Seren's instructions and take the initiative to report to the academy that he had been promoted to an official wizard.

  And sooner rather than later.

  In fact, he had this plan in the first place, but it was just delayed.

  After all, the knowledge about the cultivation of formal wizards, whether it is meditation or level 1 witchcraft, is beyond the reach of wizard apprentices.

  If you want to obtain it, you must increase your permissions.

  Dormitory, study room.

  Link took out his portable computer and entered the college's "official website" to make a report.

  The operation is very simple, just fill out the form.

  This time, the portable brain did not initiate verification on Link like last time. (See Volume 1, Chapter 16)
  Link had expected this.

  What if a portable computer could detect whether a person was an official wizard?

  Wouldn’t everyone be in danger?

  Not long after, the college sent a notice asking Link to go to the "Wizard Management Office" office on the third floor of the administration building.

  Link immediately set off and headed to the administration building.

  On the third floor, the door of the "Wizard Management Office" office is closed.

  Link knocked on the door and waited for a reply.

  "Come in."

  The door opened automatically and a voice came from inside.

  Sensing the hidden but slightly visible mental energy fluctuations, Link raised his eyebrows.

  He had visited Wizard Paro's office so many times and Wizard Cody's office several times, but he had never encountered a similar situation.

  What is the wizard inside doing?

  Give Link a blow?

  Let him, the new official wizard, correct his attitude and stop being arrogant?
  To remain humble and respectful?
  Everything is possible.

  Link was making wild guesses in his mind, but his attitude on his face was very upright, neither humble nor overbearing as he walked into the room.

  "Link Grande?"

  Sitting behind the desk is a "middle-aged" witch with short hair. She has a tough temperament and a slightly serious appearance.

  She lowered her head, holding a pen in her hand, writing something on a document.

  Without raising his head, he asked questions indifferently.

  The tone and attitude are not very good.


  Link would not put a hot face on a cold butt, so he responded calmly, cherishing his words like gold.

  "Just finished the first grade?"


  "The competition between the two districts in the first grade?"


  "You just came out of the apprentice-level practice secret realm yesterday?"


  "Promoted to a formal wizard?"

  " Yes."

  "Prove it."

  After asking several questions in succession, and receiving an affirmative answer of "yes" one after another, the middle-aged witch finally raised her head, looked directly into Link's eyes indifferently, and made a request.

  But the tone was even worse, a little condescending and a little aggressive.

  It's not like he's verifying whether Link has become an official wizard.

  It's more like trying a prisoner.

  No respect.

  Link didn't care.

  This person was probably from a pure-blood or half-blood family on the West Coast.

  The more you interact with local wizard apprentices and wizards, the more similar scenes you will see.

  No need to be angry about it.

  Just keep it in mind.

  Right now, we should take care of business and not be upset.

  With a thought in his mind, he put on the natal witchcraft "Kailan Armor" in an instant.

  Another thought occurred to me, false natal witchcraft, "continuous casting" and "parallel casting".

  Water ball, thorn whip, thorn entanglement, leaf arrow, wooden thorn, water blade, ice pick...

  any level 0 witchcraft with some attack power rushed straight towards the proud middle-aged witch.

  As fast as the speed can be.

  As powerful as it can be.

  Attack with all your strength without reservation.

  Didn’t you ask me to prove it?

  Then I'll prove it.

  What better way to prove the intuitive difference between a wizard apprentice and a formal wizard than the time it takes to cast a spell and its effect?

  Not anymore, right?

  Then I'm sorry, senior.

  The middle-aged witch was caught off guard.

  Although she has been promoted to the second level wizard for more than ten years, she has been sitting in the office.

  I only went to the front line during my internship before finishing my advanced studies at the Advanced College, so I really lacked combat qualities.

  Unexpectedly, he was attacked by Link without any witchcraft, which made him panic a little.

  He was hit in the face by a water ball and made a crisp sound before he could react.

  The middle-aged witch used her natal witchcraft in time, a shield composed of metal and earth elements, to block all of Link's subsequent attacks. Then she raised her voice and coldly shouted: "That's enough!" "Oh

  . "

  Link stopped the attack in response, but put away the armor. He still held two thick thorns in his hand, twitching them gently, and the sound came out through the visor.

  He said angrily: "Then I have proved success?"

  "I didn't ask you to prove it like this!"

  The middle-aged witch slammed the table hard, causing a crack, and scolded, "What do you mean? You are in a mood. Are you resisting?"

  Link's voice came out from behind the visor again, with a very aggrieved tone: "Didn't you ask me to prove it? I only know this one method of proof." The middle-aged witch opened her mouth, but had nothing to say

  . It can be said.

  Her selfishness played a big role in fueling the current situation.

  Standing in front of her was no longer a little wizard apprentice, but a formal wizard. We can no longer bully people at will and should be respected.

  If it makes a big fuss again, she won't end up well.

  Breathing out a heavy breath from her nose, the middle-aged witch thought of the other party's background and super-fast practice speed, forced down her anger, and said coldly: "Don't be so reckless next time. You don't know how to prove it, you can Ask me."


  Link got the advantage, didn't push it too far, gave up when he was ready, and released the armor form.

  "In view of your special situation, you need to suspend your studies in the junior college, but the existing knowledge base is not suitable for further study in the senior college now. The college has decided to open your access to the library of the senior college, where you can study on your own. ."

  The middle-aged witch went about her business, picked up the document she had written before, and read out, "There will be one-on-one private lessons once a month to answer the questions you have during your self-study. In addition, the benefits have been increased to one yuan per semester for standard level two. Magic Stone."

  After saying that, the middle-aged witch handed the document in duplicate to Link: "If you have no objections, just sign it."

  Link took the document and read it carefully, confirming that there was nothing wrong with the agreement, and there was no Move your hands and feet and sign your name.

  "Okay, you have nothing to do here."

  The middle-aged witch didn't want to see Link's handsome face that disgusted her, so she ordered him to be kicked out.

  Link took his copy of the agreement and left without bothering to say false thanks.

  Walk out of the administration building, walk to the east bank of the boundary lake, and look at the senior college on the west side of the boundary lake.

  Link felt a surge of pride in his heart.

  A new journey is about to begin!

  But before going, Link planned to complete the four-year wizard apprenticeship course by himself.

  The foundation still needs to be laid firmly.

  The firmer the better.

  Instead of going back to the dormitory, Link headed to the laboratory to verify something.

  Sure enough, as he expected, after reporting to the college, his authority was increased.

  The advanced literature library and "credits" exchange page have opened some advanced materials and documents to him.

  The college even took the initiative to send a document containing the textbooks and reference materials for all courses in the second, third, and fourth grades.

  Judging from the academy's proficient response, there are definitely not a few people in history like Link who were promoted to official wizards early.

  The only coping principle is to give those who are promoted early the greatest autonomy and convenience.

  Anyway, you can be promoted from an apprentice to a formal wizard before completing the four-year education arranged by the academy, which means that your self-learning ability is super strong.

  A lot of work goes to those who can, so just keep studying on your own.

  At most, we can arrange a monthly Q&A session for you.

  Link was so happy.

  To be honest, there are "Occlumency", "Botany Talent", "Charms Talent", "Potions Talent", and "Multi-Threaded Thinking" status cards. Link teaches himself, which is more efficient than receiving education step by step.

  Then start studying on your own.

  Except for meeting Jasmine on the way to solve the problem of incompatibility between soul and body.

  During the remaining month of the vacation, Link devoted himself to reading and studying, crazily absorbing knowledge from the second, third, and fourth grade courses.

  The "Multi-Threaded Thinking" status card once every four days is never wasted, and I don't even want to wait for one more second. It is used immediately after cooling down.

  In this way, a month passed.

  The academy has welcomed a new batch of new blood from the Storm Sea and local apprentices.

  Link, Jasmine, the Friends Group and the Social Terrorism Group became second-year students.

  Of course, Link can cross it out.

  Before the start of school, after Jasmine learned that the "New Blood Mutual Aid Association" had officially been cancelled, she discussed with Link whether to take over the position of the "New Blood Mutual Aid Association".

  After careful consideration, Link agreed with Jasmine's opinion.

  Recruiting several members among the first-year new blood.

  However, Link believes that the number of people should not be large, and quality should not be valued.

  The best must be selected from the best, especially personal character, which must be strictly controlled.

  As the actual manager of "Freedom to Do Anything", Jasmine is fully responsible for this matter.

  From now on, except for special matters, Jasmine will make her own decisions about "freedom to do anything" and there is no need to report to him.

  Jasmine accepted Link's arrangement.

  The power is in hand.

  It's just that the mood is not good.

  Such an arrangement means that Link trusts and values ​​him, and it also means that Link has taken another big step forward.

  He is about to leave the South District, leave the junior college, and go to a higher and farther place.

  That's what it means to drift away.

  The start of the fall semester has finally arrived.

  Various apprentice organizations in the South District suddenly discovered two changes.

  The "New Blood Mutual Aid Association" has been cancelled, and "Freedom to Do Anything" has recruited new members.

  Before these two changes could make a huge splash, a big piece of news was officially released by the college.

  Link Grande, after hard work and 100 million points of talent bonus, was promoted to an official wizard during the holidays. It is gratifying to congratulate him.

  I didn’t see much of Xihe, but I had a lot of envy, jealousy, and hatred.

  Those who have interacted with Link, whether they are new blood or local apprentices, whether they are friends, or have disputes or grudges, all have different attitudes.

  But there is no doubt that Kudu was shocked.

  After Lanny Taylor heard the news, she sat in the library for a whole day, thinking about some things and resting her mind.

  Late at night, when she walked out of the library, she had taken off her veil, revealing a face that was still beautiful despite its flaws.

  After looking up at the bright moon for a while, Lanny touched a scar at the corner of her right eye.

  This was when she was nine years old, when she resisted her drunken stepfather, broke away from the bully and ran out, she accidentally hit the knife handle and made a scratch.

  This is also the knot in her heart and the past she doesn't want to face.

  The stimulation she received today made Lanni let go of everything in the past.

  She decided to bid farewell to her past self and move forward on the path of a wizard wholeheartedly.

  Great power belongs to oneself, and everything else is just a cloud.

  North District.

  Iris crossed her knees with her hands and sat on the bay window of the dormitory, her shadow stretched by the moonlight.

  No madness, no rage, just peace and solitude.

  Finally, she found an interesting guy, a friend who was willing to play with her, and a stranger who seemed to come from the world in her dreams.

  It's actually about to be lost again.

  This feeling is really annoying.

  It was just like how she felt in the dream when she saw a tattered blanket that she cherished so much being forcibly thrown away by her relatives.

  "Don't let me catch you again."

  For a long time, Iris gritted her teeth and murmured bitterly.

  I really want to squirt that guy in the face.

  Hawke Lucia and Bobby Smith sat opposite each other, silent.

  His face was full of unbelievable shock and the bitterness of subconscious belief.

  "Is this a promotion?"

  Hawke asked his friend Bobby with trembling lips.

  "This is a promotion!"

  Bobby's decisive reply broke through Hawke's luck.

  "We're in big trouble!"

  Hawk couldn't help but wailed.

  For a genius who has been promoted from an apprentice to a formal wizard in less than a year, the academy will definitely focus on training and protect him.

  How could the Lucia family be allowed to destroy it for their own selfish interests?

  And with Link Grande's vengeance shown in the past, he will definitely cause trouble for the Lucia family when he grows up.

  Bobby nodded and stabbed Hawke's wound again: "The trouble is indeed big! But it's just the Lucia family's trouble, and it has nothing to do with me."

  Hawke couldn't help but glare at his friend who could still see the joke at this time. .

  Sophie Lucia is breaking things.

  It wasn't enough to smash the bedroom, so I continued to smash the study.

  If the study was smashed, then the living room would be smashed.

  After smashing everything she could, she curled up and sat at the base of the wall, rubbing her hair frantically.

  Why did Sauron Lucia suddenly disappear recently?
  If others don’t know, how can Sophie not know?

  It was the college that sent an urgent mission.

  At first, Sophie couldn't figure out the reason, but now she knows.

  It was actually to protect that bumpkin and prevent Sauron from ignoring him and suddenly killing him.

  "Ah! Ah! Ah!"

  Sophie completely broke her guard, collapsed and shouted.

  How come that country bumpkin got promoted?

  How can I get promoted?
  No justice!
  (End of chapter)

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