Chapter 55 Unknown Scales (please read more!)

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  Chapter 55 Unknown Scales (please read it!)
  "How is it, how do you feel?" The excited Chen Wei turned to look at Cai Ling.

  "Yeah?"∑(△`)? (What?)

  The confused Cailing looked at her beast master in surprise.

  "It seems that only I can feel that special attraction!" Chen Wei thought thoughtfully.

  "It's okay, just use telekinesis to take me up to see the jade plate."

  "Eaaah!" (Okay!) Cai Ling responded crisply.

  Not long after Chen Wei finished speaking, he and Cai Ling arrived above the jade plate.

  Only then did he observe clearly that the light reflected on the giant disk were two huge white scales. One piece is about half a meter in size, and the other is one meter long and wide.

  Chen Wei's eyes suddenly lit up. Could it be dragon scales?

  From the size of the two dragon scales in front of him, he could roughly deduce that the owner of the scales was at least several hundred meters long.

  Such a body shape would be a bit unscientific if it were not a dragon!
  "Cai Ling, let's go down first." Chen Wei couldn't help but said, the power of dragon control in his mind was boiling violently.

  One person and one pet slowly landed on the jade plate. Chen Wei hesitated for a moment, then reached out and touched the scales in front of him. He felt that the touch was warm and comfortable, and the restlessness of the dragon-controlling power on his body slowly calmed down with this touch. Come down.

  So he held the dragon scale with both hands, then raised it vigorously, preparing to put it into the star ring.

  Chen Wei suddenly let out a sigh and frowned. He found that there was something wrong with the weight of the meter-sized scales. Compared with its size, it seemed too light!
  At this time, he was so surprised that he remembered the identification skills.

  [Unknown Dragon Scale]: It seems to be the scales shed by a real dragon in ancient times. A long period of time has exhausted the extraordinary power contained in this scale, but it is still extremely strong. Perhaps it can be used to make a piece of armor.

  Chen Wei rubbed his eyes in disbelief, what the hell, the rare dragon resources he had expected!
  You must know that the weakest true dragons are powerful beings at the epic overlord level, and any core scale on their body is a precious level 7 beast-controlling resource.

  Although the core dragon scales are not as important as the reverse scales, without the natural shedding of dragon scales, each core scale removed will weaken the true dragon's strength to a certain extent.

  Therefore, this kind of overlord resources can generally only be exchanged through barter.

  Especially in Donghua, which worships true dragons, this is a completely priceless resource. If it were exchanged for star coins, it would be worth at least 1 billion, and it might not be possible to buy it.

  Chen Wei's requirements are not high. He can accept even scraps from real dragons, which can be worth hundreds of millions of star coins.

  As a result, the difference in identification was so great that he couldn't accept it for a while.

  No wonder the journey was so safe, without even the slightest danger!

  "What do you think of this?"

  Chen Wei swallowed and looked expectantly at Cai Ling, who was keeping vigilance beside him.

  "Yeah!" (^_^)/(T_T) (Isn't it just a broken piece of stone!)
  Feeling the violent mood swings of her beast master, Cai Ling curiously looked at the scales in front of her and found that this thing was ordinary. No wonder, not attractive at all, he comforted him nonchalantly.

  I have endured too many snakes, and I have to always care about the beast master in front of me who is often startled when I have nothing to do!
  "Is it possible that these dragon scales are useless?" Chen Wei couldn't help but feel a tremor in his heart.

  Thinking about it, if this thing was attractive to strange beasts, this place should have been occupied by the strange beasts that were looking for it, and it would not be his turn to discover it.

  The disappointed Chen Wei sighed heavily, but the corner of his eyes unconsciously glanced at another dragon scale.

  His eyes suddenly moved. He hadn't identified this slightly smaller scale yet. Maybe there would be a surprise!

  With a glimmer of hope, Chen Wei put down the dragon scale in his hand, quickly walked to the other dragon scale, and used his appraisal talent again.

  [Unknown ice dragon scales]: Perhaps they are the core scales shed by the ice dragon in ancient times. Most of the ice-type dragon power contained in this dragon scale has been wiped away by the long years, leaving only a little bit of pure ice-type dragon power, which can be used as the main material for the evolution of ice-type pet beasts.

  Chen Wei's pupils suddenly shrank and his heart beat rapidly. Maybe, probably, or, maybe... Although he couldn't tell what level of beast-controlling resources this was, he was certain that this great prize from heaven fell on his head.

  "Hey, what's the use of being big? It's something that is worth looking at but not useful."

  Chen Wei, who had recovered from his ecstasy, glanced disdainfully at the huge jade dragon scale not far away.

  When Cai Ling heard this, Shui Lingling's eyes widened suddenly, and she looked at the beast master in front of her in shock.

  "It's over, it's over, Chen Wei is talking to himself in front of the stone pieces now!"

  Chen Wei, who couldn't put it down, turned his attention to Cai Ling, who was full of surprise. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, as if to show off. .

  "Cai Ling, what do you think of this?"

  "Yeah!" Σ(☉▽☉"a (This is also a piece of broken stone!)

  Cai Ling shook her head, then looked at Chen Wei worriedly. Why does his own beastmaster want to ask the same question! Could it be possible...

  Sensing Cai Ling's strange mood, Chen Wei twitched the corner of his mouth unnaturally.

  "Hey, hey, I've said it several times, you are slandering me in person like this I can feel it clearly!"

  Chen Wei immediately rolled his eyes at Cai Ling and knocked Cai Ling on the head.

  "This is not a piece of stone. It may allow you to evolve into a high-level super pet. Beast!" Chen Wei's eyes were full of joy, "These are dragon scales!"

  "Eaaaay? Eaah!" Σ(°△°|||) (Really? Dragon scales actually look like this!)

  Cai Ling's eyes Rapid changes occurred, how could she not know about such a rare thing as dragon scales!

  She then looked at the scales in Chen Wei's arms curiously. Well...she really couldn't see anything special about this jade piece.

  "It seems that this dragon scale can also hide its own aura." Chen Wei thought to himself.

  At this moment, he was sitting quietly on the jade plate, and then continued to take out the stored items from the star ring.

  Chen Wei's expression is a little complicated, which may also be the trouble of happiness.

  That's right, the inner space of his star ring is a bit insufficient, and the two dragon scales in front of him can't squeeze in at all.

  "Bah, bah, bah!" (▼ヘ▼#) (I just can't put it down, there are too many things!)

  Seeing so many clutter being stuffed into her room, Cai Ling's eyes flashed with distress.

  "This is the last bit, I'll just carry the rest." Chen Wei comforted softly.

  After successfully storing the dragon scales into the star ring, Chen Wei couldn't help but have a headache when looking at the debris on the floor.

  "I should have bought a star ring with more space in advance!"

  After a while, Chen Wei stood up and stretched. It took him a lot of effort to organize the sundries in front of him into a backpack.

  Feeling relaxed all over, an idea suddenly came into his mind.

  "Now that the dragon scales are there, will there be dragon eggs here?"

  Chen Wei couldn't help but wonder, and then looked around.

  (End of chapter)

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