Chapter 458 Red Phoenix’s Plan

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  Chapter 458 Red Phoenix Plan
  Next, Chen Wei tested it several times. He found that as long as he fell into meditation for one minute, a star would fall from the bright galaxy in the sky that could not be stopped no matter what method he used.

  After several heavy blows from the stars, the intensity of Chen Weiyuan's star space increased a bit, but the brilliance also dimmed a lot.

  "You have to exit the trial and recover after taking the test three more times at most, otherwise you will only cause the source star to suffer irreparable damage!"

  Chen Wei felt the faint sting from the source star with his heart, and knew in his heart that it was the source star. A sign of impending trauma.

  It would be fine if he managed to break through the level moderately. Even if he failed to break through the level, the Heavenly Star that could destroy the world would still be able to temper the strength of his Source Star through hardships.

  If he forced his way through the barrier and was bombarded continuously, even the arrival of the illusory heavenly star would be enough to degrade or even collapse his source star.

  "Calm down, you must not meditate anymore before you study it clearly." Chen Wei took a deep breath and tried to calm down his brain.

  Even Teacher Han and Senior Sister Tan could pass the seventh level of the inheritance trial, but he couldn't stop at the fifth level.

  Chen Wei lowered his head and looked at the Jiaolong watch on his wrist, "Cailing, can you meditate on the Taihao Green Dragon Picture here?" "

  Hey!" (o▽)o (Okay!)

  Cailing closed her eyes and meditated, with the stars hanging around her. The stars suddenly overflowed with wisps of shimmering source power and sank into her body.

  "It seems that the arrival of the sky star has no effect on the pet beasts, and will only react to the beast master Yuan Xing."

  In order to confirm the existence of the sky star, Chen Wei studied with the pet beasts for fifteen minutes until he confirmed his guess.

  He now has two ways to survive the fifth level of the trial.

  The first is that his Origin Star cultivation is strong enough, strong enough to ignore the obstacles and damage caused by the arrival of the Heavenly Star, and force his way through with absolute strength.

  If he wants to use this method to pass the test, his Origin Star cultivation level must reach at least the fifth level, or even the fifth level peak.

  Obviously, Chen Wei, who is only at the late fourth level of Source Star at this moment, cannot meet this condition at all, and can only choose the second method to improve his spiritual realm.

  If his spiritual realm is high enough and reaches the Yellow Level Spiritual Realm, he will be able to clearly see his true nature and see through the reality of the Star's arrival. He can completely ignore the Star's arrival and pass the test in one fell swoop.

  Thinking of this, Chen Wei decided to leave here and go to the source star realm, a holy land of cultivation that he had never been to before.


  At the same time, the students outside the Beast Refining Tower were very excited because of the replacement of the number one on the pagoda list (the current one).

  You know, during the week when Huang Miaotong ranked first on the pagoda rankings, the students at Red Sandalwood University were so aggrieved that they even chose to avoid students from Chihuang University when they met on the road to avoid being ridiculed and shown off.

  "As landlords, they can't even keep the first place!"

  Now, when they learned that Chen Wei had replaced Huang Miaotong in the rankings and kept the top five spots for Rosewood University, not only did the school's dormitory area burst into cheers from time to time, There were even a few brave girls who chose to express their love in public.

  While the students from Zitan were cheering, there was silence in the luxurious villas of the other four prestigious universities and the eight major colleges.

  Especially the students from Chihuang University, whose faces are full of complexity and bitterness.

  It had only been a week, but Huang Miaotong, the peerless genius they were so proud of, had been caught up by a freshman who was four years younger. Who wouldn't be devastated!
  The moment Luo Weiyue learned the news, she was afraid that something would happen to her beloved daughter, so she hurried to Huang Miaotong's luxurious villa.

  However, when she walked into the hall, what she saw was Huang Miaotong, who smelled of alcohol, had a pretty face and was slightly red from drinking. Seeing this scene, Luo Weiyue breathed a sigh of relief.

  Only she knew that in the eyes of Chihuang students, Huang Miaotong, the flower of Gaoling with a cold temperament and stunning appearance, was actually an alcoholic who liked to drink and would never be happy without drinking.

  Upon noticing Luo Weiyue's arrival, Huang Miaotong raised his head and glanced at her.

  "Teacher Luo, why are you here?"

  Luo Weiyue did not answer. She walked up to Huang Miaotong and forcibly took the gourd-shaped wine bottle from her hand.

  "You can't drink too much Dark Dew Wine. With your current cultivation level, you can only drink up to two cups a day. If you want to drink, just drink the Clear Frost Wine I brought." After saying that, Luo Weiyue took out a bottle of Exuding Frost Wine from the Star Ring

  . A slightly cold wine bottle.

  Qingshuang wine is a third-level spiritual wine brewed by winemakers using various spiritual plants such as warm chalcedony marrow and green spirit grass. It has the effect of clearing the heart and calming the qi and cooling the heart fire. It can be bought in the market for just money.

  The Anlu Wine is different. As the famous sixth-grade top-grade spiritual wine, the Anlu Wine is a top-grade spiritual wine made by a master winemaker condensing the essence of the light of the moonlight in the dark night and combining it with various precious spiritual plants. It has flesh and white bones. , strengthen the body, and treat all hidden injuries and fire poisons in the body.

  In the eyes of some alcoholics who are addicted to alcohol, a taste of dark wine is enough for them to shed blood on the tip of a knife and risk their lives.

  If it were sold at an auction, just a glass of Dark Dew Wine would be enough to sell for tens of millions of star coins.

  In order to suppress the innate talent [Jihuang Nirvana] that was so powerful that even the physical body could not bear it, Huang Miaotong drank two glasses of dark wine every day. One can imagine the hidden power behind the Huang family.

  You know, Huang Miaotong's annual consumption of hidden wines alone is equivalent to the entire family property of a third-rate beast-controlling family (such as the Yu family where Yu Xiumin belongs).

  "You don't have to worry about me. With Chen Wei's age and the strength shown by the black dragon, it's normal for him to surpass me through the fourth level of inheritance trial."

  Huang Miaotong frowned and took a sip of Qingshuang wine. The soft taste made Habit secretly She was a little uncomfortable with the cold taste of the wine.

  "Don't deny it. If you really didn't care, you wouldn't be covered in the smell of alcohol." Luo Weiyue complained.

  Huang Miaotong raised her fair and slender neck in displeasure.

  "It doesn't matter if he stays at the top of the pagoda list for a week. After one week, I will still be the top of the pagoda list."

  She only needed to mix Origin Qi with Anlu Wine for a week, and she was able to successfully break through the Origin Star from the middle level of the fifth level to the upper level of the fifth level, surpassing Shu Zhize and Han Wuguang of the same age in one fell swoop, and became the well-deserved first person of the new generation.

  As for Chen Wei, maybe his pet beast is very powerful and can fight across levels, but due to the short training time and low Origin Star cultivation level, it is absolutely impossible to break through the fifth level of the inheritance trial.

  Hearing this, Luo Weiyue's expression softened. She was very aware of Huang Miaotong's uncompromising character.

  "Very good. If you can reach the top of the Pagoda again, I will do my best to help you obtain Grandmaster Han's Pure World True Fire Seed."

  Huang Miaotong's eyes lit up.

  The True Flame of the Pure World has never been rumored. Since Teacher Luo dares to make such a promise, it means that she has a treasure in her hand that can make Grandmaster Han change his mind.

  (End of chapter)

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