Chapter 425: Recruitment

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  Chapter 425 Recruiting
  To be honest, after living in Rosewood City for so many years, the butcher has met many students from Rosewood University.

  The futures of these students vary, and only a few can eventually become king beast masters.

  Although the butcher was very envious that Lao Wang's child could enter Rosewood University, he did not feel that Wang Yuanbai could become the king.

  After all, if you want to support a sixth-level king, it is absolutely impossible without the help of the three great treasure pills of Condensing Essence Pill, Qi-increasing Pill and Soul-Rising Pill!

  And Lao Wang is just a supermarket owner. Even if he sells the supermarket by selling iron and steel, he can only collect the Condensing Essence Pill and Qi Enhancing Pill at most.

  As for the fifth-level high-grade Soul-Enriching Pill, it is not a pill that ordinary beast masters can have access to.

  However, since Wang Yuanbai can have a relationship with Chen Wei, who is rumored to be a civil and military star, it means that he will definitely have a bright future in the future.

  "No, not really." Lao Wang smiled and pushed away the pork handed over by the big man.

  The Black Lingmang Pig is a fourth-level elite beast. The meat on its body can nourish the kidneys and blood, and enhance physical fitness. If eaten for a long time for a year, it can even increase the strength of a beast master by a hundred kilograms. The price is extremely expensive.

  Generally, only the beast-controlling families with six-level kings and above enjoy the exchange share in the Rosewood City Beast-controlling Association.

  After listening to the conversation between the two, a trace of undetectable envy and longing flashed in Jiang Jinyao's eyes.

  Ever since the news came out that Chen Wei won the first place in the Double List of Rosewood, all the middle and high school students in Rosewood City have basically become his fans. Even I, a useless person who cannot hear outside the window, can hear a lot of it. News about Chen Wei's deeds.

  To put it simply, there may be people in Rosewood City who don’t know the title of the president of the Medicine Refining Association, but there will definitely be no one who doesn’t know Chen Wei’s name.

  Jiang Jinyao silently spread the medicinal materials on the table to ensure that the sunlight could shine evenly. As for the conversation between the two people, she had no interest in getting involved.

  Because in Jiang Jinyao's eyes, she and Chen Wei were completely from two different worlds. One was a peerless genius who stood in the clouds and looked down upon the crowd, and the other was a useless person who fell into the mud.

  "If I hadn't been severely injured, maybe I could join the Zixia Club like Lao Wang's children." This thought suddenly came to Jiang Jinyao's mind, and then he smiled bitterly.

  If she had not been deposed and fell from the clouds into the dust again, I am afraid she would not have noticed Chen Wei, a peerless evildoer who came from a remote third-level city.

  "Perhaps I should have died on that day with Youlu and Sheng Hong."

  Looking at his scarred palms, which were neither fair nor delicate, and full of cracked lines, Jiang Jinyao suddenly fell into memories.

  "Gu Gu!"

  Sensing the sadness coming from the beast master, the Lihuo Rabbit flicked its ears and slapped Jiang Jinyao's sallow cheek.

  "Fortunately, I have you."

  Seeing the Lihuo Rabbit's eyes widening and looking angry, Jiang Jinyao shook his head and suppressed all the messy thoughts in his heart.


  "Is she Jiang Jinyao?"

  Chen Wei asked in surprise as he looked at the woman drying medicinal materials in the distance.

  "That's right." Yu Xiumin nodded slightly.

  "Strange, even if Jiang Jinyao can only refine second-level elixirs now, a Five-Yao Alchemist shouldn't be like this!" Chen Wei frowned.

  You know, the alchemist has been a noble profession since ancient times. Even in today's star calendar era, which is impacted by high-tech alchemy technology, an Eryao alchemist is not said to be extremely rich, but at least he can handle economic issues. More than most elite beast masters.

  From Jiang Jinyao's washed medicine refining clothes that were almost white, and her clean but old-looking shoes, Chen Wei could sense her financial constraints.

  And this kind of poverty should not appear to alchemists, even if they are just starting out as Yiyao Alchemist. Chen Wei's thoughts changed rapidly and he turned his head to Yu Xiumin and said, "Let's go up and visit."

  No matter what, if a Wuyao Alchemist is willing to give up the room for improvement and devote himself wholeheartedly to refining elixirs and nurturing elixir energy for him, he can at least push the number of revolutions of Yanhuo Heart Fetus to six revolutions.

  As for the Fire Heart Embryo above rank seven, unless Chen Wei deliberately extended the gestation period to compensate for quality with quantity, it would probably take a master alchemist or even a grand master alchemist to condense the elixir energy that has been produced many times during the alchemy process.

  At this time, Jiang Jinyao, who was drying medicinal materials, suddenly found that the sunlight was blocked by two figures, and she couldn't help but say something.

  "I am drying the medicinal materials and will start refining the elixir later. Please wait a moment."

  Looking at the man in front of me with a sallow complexion, dry hair, and a haggard complexion, his facial features can vaguely detect the previous exquisiteness. He looks to be in his forties. Woman, Chen Wei smiled slightly.

  "It's not alchemy. We have other matters to see you. Can we go into the room to discuss it?"

  Jiang Jinyao raised her head and noticed that Chen Wei and Yu Xiumin were wearing red sandalwood university uniforms, and they were wearing a lot of Yuanli restraints between their fingers and wrists. , vaguely revealing some extraordinary high-level source weapons, and an alarm bell sounded in my heart.

  "Li Huo, help me continue drying the medicinal materials."

  After saying that, Jiang Jinyao stood up, opened the door of the pharmacy, and led Chen Wei and the others into the store called Jinxin Medicine Hall.

  As soon as he entered the medicine hall, Chen Wei smelled the familiar fragrance.

  "The medicinal fragrance of Falling Star Pill and Forging Star Pill is really a rare memory."

  Chen Wei wrinkled his nose slightly, and the more he smelled it, the more he liked it.

  Then he carefully observed the layout of the store.

  Contrary to expectations, the medicinal materials placed in the medicine hall are all first- or second-level spiritual plants, and there is not a single third-level spiritual plant. The elixirs for sale on the counter are all low-level elixirs. medicine.

  To anyone, this is just an ordinary medicine hall. It is completely unexpected that a high-level alchemist would live here in seclusion.

  "Visitors don't come here very often, so there's no tea ready. If you have any questions, just tell me." Jiang Jinyao said.

  She knew that Chen Wei was not lying.

  The students in the Alchemy Department of Zitan University are all masters of alchemy.

  If these two guests want to make alchemy, there is no need to look far away and leave their excellent classmates resources unused. Instead, they find themselves, an ordinary Eryao alchemist.

  Chen Wei: "Senior Jiang, how should I call you?"

  Hearing this, Jiang Jinyao's fingers trembled imperceptibly, raised his head, and looked at Chen Wei seriously with his eyes.

  After a long time, she spoke in a calm voice: "You are late. All the medicine refining knowledge I have has been sold. As for the medicine refining inheritance of the medicine refining workshop, I think you two will not care." She did

  not I don't mind telling others about the inheritance of the alchemy shop, because that knowledge is almost lost among the alchemists, and the top students of Rosewood University look down on this inferior inheritance.

  Chen Wei smiled and shook his head, "You misunderstood, our target is you."


  Jiang Jinyao narrowed his eyes, "I'm just a useless person, not worth your time."

  (End of chapter) )

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