Chapter 4 Cold Jade Snake

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  Chapter 4 Hanyu Snake

  Water Mountain Breeding Base In order to facilitate the raising and cultivation of different pet animals, it uses source power and technology to create a variety of environmental areas, such as: mountains, grasslands, deserts, lakes, snow mountains, volcanoes, etc.

  At this time, in the sky in the snow-capped mountains, the snowflakes looked like small flowers made of fluff. When the wind blew, they looked like white butterflies dancing.

  Chen Weizheng was weaving through the fine snow, walking hard one step at a time, and finally came to a valley.

  In the valley covered with fine snow, three small snakes as white as jade were curled up and resting. Under the bright sunshine and among the falling snowflakes, their scales shone with a faint colorful light from time to time.

  There are also two crystal clear ice crystals growing on their heads. Their big watery eyes and slender bodies make them even more petite and cute. No wonder they are called "Jade Snakes".

  Not far from Han Jade Snake, a student wearing the uniform of Shuishan No. 1 Middle School was sitting paralyzed. He probably suffered the backlash due to the failure of the contract, and his face was a little pale.

  There was still a bit of unwillingness on his face, and he sat on the snow with a dejected expression, staring at the Han Jade Snake.

  The petite cold jade snake opened its eyes impatiently and stood up to leave, crawling slowly to the corner of the snow. Apparently, it was a little irritated by human interference.

  [Pet name]: Cold Jade Snake

  [Pet attribute]: Ice, spirit

  [Racial level]: Earth-level high extraordinary
  [Racial skills]: Cold breath, ice spike, ice armor, ice concealment, charm

  [Introduction]: Survival Extraordinary snakes in the snow-capped mountains, with outstanding appearance, extremely fast speed, and arrogant personality. Those who have awakened non-spiritual talents have a very low chance of succeeding in their initial contract. It will ignore the orders of its master whose mental power is lower than its own, and is good at using charm and freezing its prey with cold breath.

  As a high-level extraordinary beast, Han Jade Snake's potential is considered top-notch among high-level extraordinary pet beasts.

  You must know that the general evolution of pet beasts can only evolve to one large level, but it has a difficult evolutionary route, which can transcend the large level of top elite and evolve into the yellow-level transcendent leader [Cold Jade Spirit Python].

  But with Han Jade Snake's proud temperament, it would be too difficult to contract it as an initial pet beast. But facing such a powerful pet beast, some people always feel that they are the exception.

  After all, this may be the closest opportunity for an ordinary beastmaster to come close to a transcendent leader-level pet!

  Few people would miss such a rare beast, but the queue at the door was indeed too large, beyond Chen Wei's imagination.

  It was estimated that it would take at least half an hour for his turn to make the contract. Chen Wei looked at the long queue around the valley and sighed slightly.

  Then he walked to the end of the line and lined up, while continuing to observe the contract situation in the snow valley.

  The staff at the base shouted unhurriedly: "Next one."

  Chen Wei also followed the flow of people and advanced in an orderly manner. As expected, the students who tried to make contracts in front of him also failed to make contracts one after another.

  Even the students lined up behind Chen Wei began to communicate nervously.

  "No way, there are dozens of them, and none of the contracts have been successful. Although I know the probability is low, they are just cubs. Is it so difficult to make a contract?" "Dozens are still relatively few. Senior

  brothers from the previous six years The total number of senior sisters is several hundred, and the contract failed and the whole army was annihilated."

  Listening to the whispers of the students around him and watching many people fail and leave one after another, although he still maintained his confidence at this time, Chen Wei couldn't help but start to get nervous stand up.

  He took a deep breath and turned his eyes away, but happened to catch the eye of the girl in front of him who turned around.

  The girl was wearing the school uniform of No. 1 Middle School. She had a baby face, her black hair spread over her shoulders, and a fair face under a pair of smart and beautiful eyes. She looked particularly pretty in Chen Wei's eyes.

  "Hello." Chen Wei smiled awkwardly and said hello subconsciously.

  The girl pouted first, then smiled. She covered her mouth in embarrassment and said shyly: "Hello, classmate, my name is Yu Xiumin, and I am a student in the first class of Beast Control in Shuishan No. 1 Middle School." "I am Chen Wei, a student in the second class of Beast Control in No. 2 Middle School. "Chen Wei said softly.

  "You have to be mentally prepared for the cold jade snake contract. Are you here to try your luck?" Yu Xiumin said generously with a smile.

  "Yes, if it's you, the chance of success should be high." Chen Weidao.

  "Ah, do you know me?" Yu Xiumin asked in surprise.

  "I've known you for a long time. I've heard of you in No. 2 Middle School. The beast-controlling genius who awakened the ice-enhanced talent [Blessing of Ice] in Shuishan No. 1 Middle School." "It's not that exaggerated. I also want to give it a try. Listen

  . He said that even if a senior beastmaster contracts a Cold Jade Snake, the chance of success is less than 50%, so I want to give it a try." "

  Yeah, two chances, and I won't be willing not to give it a try." "

  Yeah, yeah, Without spiritual talent, it is a bit difficult to rely solely on ice talent, but it is so cute. I really want to own a cold jade snake." "Yeah, even someone like me who is afraid of snakes

  likes it, but it's just For beast control apprentices like us, it depends more on luck." Although he said it modestly, Chen Wei was very confident in his mental power and [Dragon Control Power] as he dared to contract with the Cold Jade Snake. of.

  During the conversation, suddenly, the staff member said to the girl: "Next one."

  "It's my turn. I'll give it a try first and we'll talk later." Yu Xiumin responded quietly.

  Chen Wei nodded.

  Yu Xiumin took a deep breath, with a nervous expression and a hint of excitement, and then walked towards the snow valley unhurriedly.

  "Hey, isn't that Yu Xiumin? If even her contract fails, maybe no one can succeed this time." "It's her words, maybe it's okay.

  She is from the Shuishan Yu family, and she has awakened Bing." It is an enhanced talent."

  "Yes, she is so beautiful, maybe she will be favored by Han Jade Snake."

  "...Do you think all pet beasts are as single-minded as you? They only like beautiful ones!"

  Sure enough, those who are good-looking and talented will always receive preferential treatment. Even the people queuing up to watch are optimistic. Voice.

  In the valley, Yu Xiumin took out a jade box from the space ring, took out an ice magic core, and placed it next to a petite cold jade snake cub.

  The little snake opened its cute eyes, slowly wrapped its snake body around the magic core, and then narrowed its eyes in contentment.

  Yu Xiumin was immediately overjoyed when she saw this, subconsciously activated her natural talent, and then started to create a beast-controlling contract through the source star.

  She poured her mental power and source power into the source star in her mind, and condensed a blue five-pointed star talisman around the source star.

  The blue talisman array continued to absorb the source power and mental power in the source star, and then quickly became larger and brighter, and gradually emitted bright light outwards. Finally, the light shuttled through the space and appeared in front of her.

  The blue light flew in front of the Han Jade Snake, kept circling and entwining, then converged into a blue five-pointed star array, and finally linked to the head of the Han Jade Snake, which was happily absorbing the energy of the magic core.

  The talisman array flashes a blue-white light from time to time, indicating that the beast-controlling contract is being concluded.

  Feeling that the contract process was unexpectedly smooth, Yu Xiumin couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth, revealing a pair of sweet dimples on her cheeks.

  (End of chapter)

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