Chapter 392 Dragon absorbs water

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  Chapter 392: The Dragon Absorbing Water

  Refining Conference ended. Chen Wei, who looked a little tired, followed President Tan, Teacher and other big names in the refining industry to the building of the Refining Association.

  In the lounge, Han Jiuyao looked at Chen Wei's pale face and teased, "How does it feel to overload your natural talent?" "

  Teacher, I feel like my head is about to explode!" Chen Wei had a wry smile on his face.

  It was okay at first, but as time went by, his brain felt like a needle pricking pain from time to time.

  "It's good to know that it hurts. Overloading your talent has a certain chance of causing Yuan Xing to be downgraded. You'd better not be so stubborn next time. Winning or losing a medicine refining conference won't determine anything." Han Jiuyao shook his head slightly and took out a dispensing pill

  . The pill with a little starlight was handed to him.

  "This is the Origin Pill, which can effectively replenish mental power and reduce the load on the Source Star." "

  Thank you, Master."

  Chen Wei's eyes lit up and he swallowed the pill directly into his belly.

  The Peiyuan Pill, which can compensate for the mental power and Source Star, and prevent damage to the Source Star, is a rare fourth-level high-grade elixir, and it is expensive.

  This pill alone may cause fierce competition among many elite beast masters.

  It seems that his first place in the alchemy competition really made the teacher very happy, and he gave away rare elixirs casually.

  Feeling the pure medicinal power overflowing from his body, Chen Wei couldn't help but rub his brows and breathed a sigh of relief.

  "I have to say, you kid is really a surprise. This God-Jointing Pill is yours now!"

  Seeing Chen Wei's condition improving, Han Jiuyao's white fingertips traced the star ring, and a flawless white The white jade bottle appeared instantly.

  Lu Caiyun, who was sitting aside, was not surprised at all when he saw Teacher Han, who looked like a lolita, looking old-fashioned and unconventional. Instead, his face showed a bit of envy towards Chen Wei.

  The pill that can achieve the Yellow Level Spiritual Realm and pave the way to the king is a treasure that can only be exchanged for 100,000 points in the master's treasury, and there is also a limit on the number of exchange places.

  Even though she had collected 100,000 points with the help of her family, she still could not redeem the Shen Shen Dan she wanted to have in the treasure house.

  At this time, seeing Chen Wei excitedly taking the God-Jointing Pill, Lu Caiyun couldn't help but step forward and asked with a faint hope.

  "Senior Brother Chen, are you selling the God-Jointing Pill? I can buy it with 150,000 sect points."

  Hearing the gentle whisper in his ear, Chen Wei shook his head decisively, "Sorry, this God-Jointing Pill I want to use it for myself, so junior sister should find someone else to buy it."

  Hearing this, Lu Caiyun bit her teeth lightly, with disappointment on her face.

  After taking a look at the ten disciples who were reluctant to buy it, Han Jiuyao reminded: "The God-Jointing Pill is very powerful. Unless you have a strong will, it cannot be taken by those who have reached the fifth level of Yuanxing cultivation. However, with your spiritual cultivation, the fourth level of Yuanxing You can try taking it when you reach the peak, but there is one thing you have to pay attention to. Your mental state must be perfect before taking the God-Jie Dan, otherwise the effect may be compromised." "Understood." Chen Wei nodded


  After Han Jiuyao finished explaining the matter, the star ring between Tan Haobo's fingers flickered, and a mysterious and simple Qiankun Medicine Cauldron suddenly appeared in the hall.

  "A good horse with a good saddle, this Qiankun medicine cauldron is enough to improve your medicine refining skills by three levels." Chen Wei stretched out his hand and gently touched the alchemy

  cauldron in front of him. A faint spirituality circulated on the surface of the medicine cauldron, and then he let out a burst of A dazzling array of brilliance.

  Seeing doubts in Chen Wei's eyes, Tan Haobo smiled.

  "The source weapon has spirit. This is a sign that the Qiankun Medicine Cauldron likes you!"

  "Do you like me? Maybe there will be an opportunity in the future to turn the Qiankun Medicine Cauldron into a pet beast." Chen Wei thought to himself. "Next, we still have to deal with some matters. After receiving the rewards, you can leave." Tan Haobo began to issue an eviction order.

  Looking at the disappearing figures of Chen Wei and others, Tan Haobo and Han Jiuyao looked at each other, and then walked together to the secret room on the bottom floor of the Alchemy Building, where the Nine-turn Alchemy Emperor retreated.


  At the same time, when Chen Wei and other contestants were receiving their awards at the Refining Medicine Building, the outside world was in a commotion.

  The entries of [The First Alchemist in History], [The First in the Alchemy Conference], [The Perfect Pill] and [Who is Chen Wei] directly ranked first in the hot searches on the official website of the Alchemy Association and other news platforms.

  "Chen Wei refined the fifth-level middle-grade perfect elixir [Qi-increasing elixir] at the age of nineteen!" This shocking news spread to all parts of the country at a very fast speed.

  Affected by this, the number of tens of millions of fans on Chen Wei's social platform instantly increased to hundreds of millions.

  Countless people commented on his account, including newcomers who wanted to make a name for themselves.

  As the protagonist of the incident, Chen Wei has already leisurely embarked on his way home.

  "I'm back!"

  As soon as he opened the door of the villa, Chen Wei saw Bai Luo with an innocent face, and the golden fish scales in his hands that looked very familiar.

  Chen Wei's eyes widened and he swallowed, "Bai Luo, did you eat Xiao Jin?"

  Bai Luo blinked and shook his head quickly.

  "Chirp!" (д;) (I didn't, not me!)
  Looking at Bai Luo who rushed to him to explain crazily, Chen Wei touched his chin and wondered: "Then where did the fish scales on your hands come from? ?"

  "Chirp!" ( ̄. ̄) (This is the reward!)

  Finding that the explanation was unclear, Bai Luo waved his little hand, and Xiao Jin, exuding golden light, appeared on the floor instantly, with a pair of more cute eyes than before. A bit curious.

  [Pet name]: Xiaojin (Red Tail Gold)

  [Pet attribute]: Dragon type
  [Racial skills]: water jump, dragon water absorption
  [Strength level]: Youngster level seven
  "Good guy, even if your strength has been improved by one level, you have actually learned a new skill. Xiao Jin must be a top genius among the red-tailed gold races, right?" Chen Wei's face changed slightly, and he focused on

  Xiao Jin's extra skills. superior.

  [Skill]: Dragon absorbs water

  [Level]: Second-level water skill

  [Introduction]: In lakes, rivers, streams and other water surfaces with sufficient water resources, it can set off a high-speed rotating water column and gather the surrounding water together. , not very powerful, but it can be used to get water.

  Well, after reading the skill introduction, Chen Wei said that he overestimated Xiao Jin. This garbage dragon's water-absorbing skill can only be used to sprinkle water and raise plants!
  Use this skill to fight? I'm afraid Xiao Jin will be beaten!

  Disappointed, Chen Wei grabbed Xiao Jin and said to Bai Luo: "You didn't teach this dragon to absorb water, right?" "

  Chirp." ( ̄▽ ̄)~* (Yes, it used fish scales to follow me Change skills.)
  Bai Luo nodded proudly, then raised a large ball of fish scales in his hand.

  "Chirp!" (I want to eat crispy fish scales and fish scale jelly!)

  Chen Wei fell silent when he heard the names of the two dishes shouted by Bai Luo.

  Even the names of the dishes were so clear, Bai Luo had obviously planned it in advance.

  (End of chapter)

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