Chapter 339 Black Dragon Mutation

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  Chapter 339 Black Dragon Mutation
  Hearing this, Chen Wei's expression softened.

  Although it was still difficult for Cai Ling and Yu Tong to unleash the peak attack of the sixth level king, it was not completely impossible. It was much easier than he had expected!

  Chen Wei's eyes flashed and he asked loudly: "If we can break your source power furnace, senior, does it mean that we have successfully broken through and can ascend to the Sky City." The black armored black dragon raised its head proudly

  . First, "Of course not. Breaking my source power furnace will only make me lose the blessing of infinite energy. Only by completely destroying my head can I be considered a success." "Also, I would like to remind you that you don't have much time.

  If You can't defeat me within twelve days, and your team members will never survive!"

  After saying that, the huge alloy wings behind the black armored dragon instantly spread out, and then the whole dragon rushed high into the sky of the training room.

  Chen Wei took a deep look at the black armored black dragon's back, then withdrew his gaze, looked down at Cai Ling and Yu Tong, with a hard expression on his face, gritted his teeth and said.

  "Everyone, please work harder. Next is a critical moment for us to quickly improve our strength. As long as everyone works hard, I can fully control the strengthening of dragon control during this period!" Hearing this,

  Cailing and Yutong's eyes suddenly lit up.


  Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, nine days passed.

  During these nine days, Chen Wei and his two pets have been staying in the training room for strengthening and training, living a life of ascetic cultivation without leaving the door, and occasionally receiving guidance from the Black Armored Black Dragon.

  With the help of Black Armored Black Dragon, Yutong mastered the full-body transformation of Shenglongmao on the fifth day of training. Even the racial skills Purgatory Aurora and Burning Dragon Crown, which he had not learned for a long time, were completely accessible, and his strength level was completely stable. At the lower level of the fourth level.

  Cai Ling's learning speed of Shenglongtang was relatively slow. It was not until the eighth day of training that he mastered the full body of Shenglongtang.

  On the contrary, the training of Eternal Frost Sealing and Slow Space that she learned after the advancement progressed very quickly, and the degree of control of the skills was directly upgraded from the entry level to the proficiency level. Even her strength has improved to the lower level of the fourth level due to the increase in skill proficiency. A big step forward.

  But compared to these, what surprised Chen Wei the most was that Cai Ling's Frost Falling Embers skill had reached a perfect level.

  The perfect level of Frostfall Embers not only doubles the power of Cai Ling's ice skills, but also has an additional feature [Ember Dye].

  That is, the source power and vitality that the frost ember deprives the opponent of can be freely used on the ice skills released by Cai Ling, thus making the power of Cai Ling's already terrifying ice skills become even more outrageous.

  "Are you ready?"

  Looking at the two pets in front of him whose strength has soared, Chen Wei showed a satisfied smile on his face.

  During this period, in order to prevent the power of dragon control from being exposed, he spent all his energy every day on strengthening his two pets. He did not even strengthen a single high-level dragon crystal. This is why Cailing and Yutong were able to do this in such a way. The reason for the sudden increase in strength in a short period of time.

  "Eh." (**) (No problem at all.)
  "Mi!" (o▽)o (Me too.)
  Cailing and Yutong looked at each other, their expressions a little eager to try.

  Of course they couldn't defeat the eighth-level legendary emperor in his heyday, but that was another matter for the third-level legendary emperor.

  With the same strength, or even superior strength level, they don't think that they will lose to other alien beasts.

  "Very good, let's go then. Senior is still waiting for us at the Cliff of Partition."

  Chen Wei opened the door of the training room and looked at the light beam in the distance that almost connected to the Sky City, with a cautious look on his face.

  "Success or failure depends on this one move!"

  At this time, the members of King Qin's team who were detained by Heilong in a separate prison and watched Chen Wei leave alone were suddenly filled with questions.

  "Is this guy planning to challenge the black armored black dragon?"

  ... The core area of ​​the First Emperor's ruins, the Cliff of Partition.

  Walking on the steel bridge connected by source steel, Chen Wei looked up at the light beam shining with blue light above, and Chen Wei felt a little lost for a moment.

  You must know that in the eyes of most beast masters, legendary powerful beings are elusive and transcendent existences. But now I have to face a legend head-on with my pet beast. This is really an exciting feat. .

  Thinking of this, Chen Wei couldn't help clenching his fists.

  "Calm down, you are going to become a legendary strong person in the future. You are not just a black dragon. You will kill it today."

  Just when Chen Wei suppressed his inner excitement, there were loud thunderous sounds in the sky. ring.


  As if to be cool, the jet-black lightning turned into countless black thunder pillars and bombarded the ground. Rocks flew on the ground, and a deafening and terrifying sonic boom sounded in Chen Wei's ears.

  Then, a black armored black dragon with a body that could cover the sky and the sun let out a thunderous roar under Chen Wei's nervous eyes.

  "Why are you alone?" Looking at Chen Wei who was alone in front of him, Xuanjia Black Dragon was slightly startled.

  What's going on, little brother, you want to fight against the legend alone, are you too arrogant?
  Without the help of beast control cooperation, just trying to break through its defense with the combined strength of two fourth-level beasts would be too belittling of its value as a legendary race.

  Don't you know that Chen Wei was also stunned and said softly: "Can't you do it alone?"

  Hearing this, the black armored black dragon blinked his majestic eyes.

  What's going on? Are all young people today so crazy?
  "Without the power of the giant spirit to control the beasts, how are you going to break through my legendary realm? Why did you bring those group of beast control masters in?"

  Xuanjia Black Dragon was a little confused. He left the prison key to Chen Wei for Let him conquer the team that is reasonably strong.

  Even if Chen Wei couldn't conquer the team in the end, it would be enough if he could get them to help complete the beast control collaboration!
  As a result, everything is screwed up now! ! !
  "What is the legendary realm?" Chen Wei's heart moved and he asked.

  Needless to say, he really didn’t understand something as high-sounding as the legendary realm, and he had no channels to learn about it.

  The black armored black dragon widened his eyes in surprise: "???"

  What's going on? As a genius of the beast-controlling family, you can't possibly not even know this bit of information!


  "That's it."

  Soon, after listening to Black Armor Black Dragon's story, Chen Wei suddenly had a new understanding of the horror of the legendary strongman.

  "In this case, I can only use the power of King Qin's team to control the beasts now. I don't know if they agree?" After thinking for a while,

  Chen Wei planned to go back to discuss with King Qin's team. Anyway, it was still too late.

  However, at this moment, the Black Armor Black Dragon's body suddenly stiffened, a red light flashed in his eyes, and the intelligence in his eyes completely disappeared.

  The huge body stopped in front of Chen Wei in an instant, and a terrifying momentum exploded.

  "Crossers, the assessment has officially begun!" A mechanical and emotionless voice suddenly sounded.

  (End of chapter)

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