Chapter 32: Strange Rose Stone (please follow up)

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  Chapter 32 Strange Rose Stone (please follow up)

  "I am the student introduced by Ning Yi. Didn't she tell you?"

  The girl's question made Chen Wei slightly startled. Didn't Ning Yi say that she had already fought with her best friend? So hello!

  "Ah..., that's it." A blush appeared on the girl's face. "You sit here and wait for a while. I still have some things to deal with first."

  Chen Wei: "Okay."

  Gu Yuwei has a habit of not putting her phone next to her when meditating.

  When she walked into the room on the right side of the hall, she found her mobile phone that was charging. As expected, her mobile phone screen was displaying several messages from her best friends.

  "Xiaowei, I have recommended a very capable student to you. Remember to treat me to dinner tomorrow..."

  After reading the message Ning Yi sent her, Gu Yuwei smiled helplessly.

  How can there be so many beast-controlling geniuses in this small Shuishan City? Even the geniuses from the capital are...


  in the gym hall.

  "Sorry, I wasn't looking at my phone just now. Are you here to learn meditation?" Gu Yuwei said with a smile.

  "Yes, I heard Ning Yi say that you teach the advanced meditation method of pet beasts here, and it is free."

  Chen Wei nodded, and when he said the word "free", there was still a hint of doubt in his tone.

  "Xiaoyi always likes to talk nonsense." A faint smile appeared on Gu Yuwei's cold face.

  "Let me introduce myself first. My name is Gu Yuwei, and I am the owner of the Starlight Gym."

  Without waiting for Chen Wei's response, she continued: "The advanced meditation method Ning Yi mentioned is actually problematic. To be precise, It should be the incomplete meditation method, but its efficiency in increasing the beast's meditation can be comparable to the high-level meditation method."

  Chen Wei was surprised when he heard this. The incomplete meditation method can be compared with the high-level meditation method, so wouldn't the full version be even more powerful? .

  As if aware of Chen Wei's inner thoughts, Gu Yuwei said calmly: "I also thought this meditation method was very powerful at first, but in fact this meditation method has a very serious shortcoming." "What shortcoming?" Chen Wei was a little curious

  . .

  "It can only be understood by the pet beast itself, and the meditation methods learned by each pet beast are different, and the improved meditation efficiency is also different. The only thing that remains unchanged is that the meditation methods learned by the pet beasts are all different. It's incomplete."

  After saying these words, Gu Yuwei glanced at Chen Wei who looked surprised.

  "Do you think it's powerful, but in fact most of the pet beasts, including my spiritual pet beasts, can only understand low-level meditation methods, and they are still incomplete. With such a meditation method, do you still want to try it? Want to give it a try?"

  "I want to give it a try." Chen Wei nodded immediately after hearing this.

  Try it, he definitely wants to try it. Just hearing the introduction to this meditation method, he felt that it was an incredible secret.

  There was no surprise on Gu Yuwei's cold face. She once thought that her pet beast was the only exception, but the reality gave her a painful blow.

  "Summon your pet beast first. The understanding of this meditation method has certain requirements on the pet beast's mental strength."

  Chen Wei didn't say much and directly summoned the resting colorful spirit from the star ring.

  "Second-order source star? Cold Jade Snake!" Gu Yuwei looked at the Cold Jade Snake that appeared in Chen Wei's arms, with a hint of surprise in her eyes.

  As expected, she still couldn't have high expectations for the genius introduced by Ning Yi. She shook her head secretly, Shuishan City was still too small after all!
  "Remember to calm down its mood. It may get a little excited when I use my mental perception." After being disappointed, Gu Yuwei said to Chen Wei. "Okay."

  Chen Wei felt a faint fragrance suddenly coming from in front of him.

  While stroking Cai Ling's body with his hands, he used his thoughts to comfort Cai Ling, who seemed restless in his arms.

  "The Cold Jade Snake of the ice and spiritual systems can also use telekinesis, and its mental power has reached the standard." After careful inspection, Gu Yuwei said with satisfaction.

  "Is Cai Ling ready to learn meditation?" Chen Wei was delighted when he heard this, and then asked softly.

  "Of course, but there is one thing I want to make clear in advance. There are conditions for free study." Gu Yuwei suddenly said as she raised her head and glanced at Chen Wei beside her.

  Chen Wei nodded slightly, and a trace of relief flashed in his eyes. Sure enough, there is no free lunch in this world.

  But that's okay, he really doesn't dare to let Cai Ling practice the advanced meditation method that he got for no reason.

  "I have only one condition. After your pet beast has understood it, you must record the meditation method it has learned as soon as possible, and then give it to me." Gu Yuwei looked directly at Chen Wei, her tone a little relaxed.

  "Yes, this is a matter of course." Chen Wei agreed directly.

  He didn't expect Gu Yuwei's condition to be so simple!
  Seeing that Chen Wei readily agreed, a faint smile appeared on Gu Yuwei's delicate cheeks.

  If there were more low-level meditation methods, she might be able to unlock the secrets hidden in this star stone in the future.


  Gu Yuwei took Chen Wei to the backyard of the gym.

  The first thing that caught Chen Wei's eyes was the ground paved with multiple green bricks and a strangely shaped boulder located in the center of the courtyard.

  "Let your Cold Jade Snake touch the star stone with your mind, and you will realize your own meditation method." Gu Yuwei said directly, without any concealment in her tone.

  Traditional type of meditation? Looking at the strange boulder in front of him, Chen Wei nodded nervously.

  "Concentrate and use your mind to sense the stone." Pointing to the strange stone in the distance, Chen Wei conveyed his thoughts to Cai Ling.

  "Hey." (* ̄︶ ̄) (No problem.)
  Cai Ling's eyes and the ice crystals on her head immediately glowed with blue and white light, and then she carefully controlled her mind to touch the stone that had always exuded a strange attraction.

  The moment his mind power came into contact with the stone, a white light suddenly burst out from the star stone in front of him.

  Upon seeing this, Chen Wei quickly blocked the dazzling light with his hands, and then felt Cai Ling's mental state through the contract.

  After a second, the light disappeared.

  "Bah, bah, bah!" (`_)ゞ (There are so many more things in my mind!)

  Feeling the surprise from Cai Ling through the contract, Chen Wei's spirit also cheered up.

  This meditation method is so easy to understand!
  "Okay, please remember to ask the pet beast to record the meditation method he learned later." After reminding Chen Wei, who was smiling, Gu Yuwei took out the paper and pen from the star ring and handed them to him.

  Gu Yuwei has seen this kind of scene of accepting inheritance many times, so there is nothing surprising about it.

  "Okay." After taking the pen and paper from Gu Yuwei's hand, Chen Wei held Cai Ling, who was still a little dizzy, in his arms.

  "Cai Ling, please write down the meditation method you just realized later."

  "Eyah!" (Okay!)
  (End of this chapter)

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