Chapter 290 Seven-member Team

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  Chapter 290 Team of Seven:
  "Let's form a team, three of us."

  Ignoring the eager gazes around him, Chen Wei said to Yu Xiumin and Yu Xianglu who had gathered around him.

  Rather than forming a team with unfamiliar classmates, he would rather team up with familiar friends, so as to avoid minor conflicts such as communication within the team.

  "In this way, we are still short of four teammates. Xiang Lu, do you have any suitable candidates?" Yu Xiumin frowned.

  Military training is conducted in small teams, which means that there is a high probability that the second phase of ruins exploration will be conducted in small teams.

  In this way, a reliable teammate is obviously more trustworthy than a strong teammate.

  Although she is the squad leader of the first alchemy refining class, the person with the most connections in the class is Yu Xianglu, who has a quiet and gentle temperament and is extremely skilled in refining medicine.

  "I only know a few friends who are very good in character and refining medicine, but their strength is average." Yu Xianglu shook his head.

  How much water a barrel can hold depends on the length of the shortest piece of the barrel, not the longest piece.

  Although there is a person like Chen Wei in the team who is ranked first in combat power and the combat power is sufficient, an excellent team cannot have too many shortcomings.

  Hearing this, Yu Xiumin turned her attention to Chen Wei, "Then should we form a team with Zhuang Jinggen and the others?"

  After hearing this, Chen Wei raised his eyes and scanned the classmates on the training ground, and finally his eyes rested on a boy named Zhuang Jinggen. A small group of four people.

  Zhuang Jinggen is a genius from Dongyi City, Wushu Province. At a young age, he is not only an Eryao Alchemist, but the strength of his initial pet beast [Red Black Jade Bee] has also reached the middle level of the third level.

  However, he seems to be a little bad at fighting, and his ranking in the qualifying round is only 80th, but despite this, his strength can be regarded as one of the best in the medicine refining class.

  "Forget it Zhuang Jinggen, I think the strength of teammates is not very important. The most important thing is character and running-in." Chen Wei said without interest.

  Compared to Zhuang Jinggen, who looked arrogant and seemed difficult to get along with, he wanted teammates who would obey his orders.

  As for the issue of strength, maybe it seems a bit arrogant to say this, but Chen Wei feels that even he alone is enough to defeat any seven-man team on the training ground.

  "Then it's up to you."

  Yu Xiumin put her arm around Yu Xianglu's shoulders and said.

  "There isn't much time left. I'm going to ask now."

  Yu Xianglu, who was a little uncomfortable, stepped back and broke away from Yu Xiumin's arms, and then walked towards the small group in the distance.

  "There are three minutes left! Remember, each team has to elect a captain to stand at the front of the queue."

  At this time, instructor Zu Hao's serious and steady voice spread throughout the training ground.

  "How about you become the captain?" Seeing Yu Xiumin's eyes light up when she looked at him, Chen Wei decided to take a preemptive strike.

  "No." Yu Xiumin resisted.

  When Chen Wei and Chen Wei started chatting, the students on the field couldn't sit still!

  There is only one thigh here. If the team can hold the thigh, they will definitely be able to pass the first stage of the running-in period.

  However, some powerful students approached Chen Wei with the idea of ​​joining forces.

  "Would you like to form a team together? We happen to have four people here."

  Sensing Chen Wei's gaze just now, Zhuang Jinggen immediately walked up confidently.

  At the same time, a man and two women behind Zhuang Jinggen also looked at Chen Wei expectantly.

  With Chen Wei and Zhuang Jinggen here, their team must be the strongest team. "Sorry, we have a teammate we like!" Chen Wei pointed to the direction of Yu Xianglu.

  "Understood." Zhuang Jinggen nodded, with a sunny smile on his face.

  However, Chen Wei keenly noticed a subtle dissatisfaction in his eyes, and he immediately had a general understanding of his character.

  After Chen Wei rejected the invitations of several strange classmates one after another, Yu Xianglu happened to come to them with four classmates, one boy and three girls.

  "Let me introduce, these three are my classmates in Rosewood City, Wu Sixi, Wu Yaojin and Ding Ziling. They are all alchemists in the later stages of Eryao." "This is

  my cousin Yu Yang, a peak alchemist in Eryao. "

  Yu Xianglu pulled Ding Ziling's catkin affectionately, and then introduced her openly.

  "Good guy, this rarely seen Eryao Alchemist is actually in the Alchemy Class 1. He is truly worthy of the Red Sandalwood University, which is famous for its Alchemy Department." Chen Wei and the other two cast their surprised eyes in front of them

  . of four people.

  Wu Sixi is a slender, tall blue-haired girl with a very hot figure.

  Wu Yaojin wore a white dress, giving her a girl-next-door temperament.

  Ding Ziling's hair is purplish, with a single ponytail and a black peaked cap on his head. Coupled with his plain chest, he looks more like a cold and handsome guy.

  As for the handsome young man standing at the end of the crowd, with a bit of nervousness on his face, he was Yu Xianglu's cousin Yu Yang.

  "This is the powerful teammate I need most!"

  Looking at so many talented alchemists in front of him, Chen Wei couldn't help but feel happy.

  You know, his spiritual eyes can absorb the elixir energy and become stronger and stronger.

  If he could lay the foundation of a medicine refining team now, wouldn't he not have to worry about the source of the elixir energy for Spirit Eyes and Pure World True Flame Technique in the future!

  After all, except for close friends, no alchemist with a higher level will allow outsiders to watch alchemy refining!
  "Chen Wei, do you have a girlfriend? What do you think of me?"

  Wu Sixi looked at Chen Wei with shining eyes.

  Hearing this, Yu Xianglu twitched the corner of his mouth and quickly pulled Wu Sixi away from Chen Wei.

  As the number one freshman this year, Chen Wei's performance on the field was very eye-catching, and he was chased by many fans.

  Even in Rosewood University, there are many talented people who support Chen Wei, Wu Sixi and Yu Yang are one of them, which is why Yu Xianglu did not get together with them before.

  "Ahem!" Faced with this straight ball, Chen Wei coughed dryly and changed the subject: "Enough chatter, there is only one minute left, how about everyone elect the captain first?" "I give Chen Wei a big vote

  . "The enthusiastic Wu Sixi said immediately.

  "Me too." Yu Yang's voice followed closely.

  "I also vote for Chen Wei..."

  Looking at the trusting eyes of the six teammates in front of him, Chen Wei, who originally felt indifferent to the position of captain, felt a faint pressure in his heart.

  "In that case, let's each briefly introduce the strength of our pet beasts." Chen Wei said directly.

  After all, as members of the same team, how can we not understand our partner's pet beast!

  (End of chapter)

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