Chapter 231 Stone-Building Iron Dragon

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  Chapter 231 The Stone-Bearing Iron Dragon
  was no longer a colorful spirit at this time. Even the Arowana Blue King, who had just finished the battle and looked a little tired, stared into the distance with his eyes wide open, and blood red began to pour out of his eyes at some point. , the slightly opened mouth also shed a large amount of water in an instant.

  The impatient Arowana Blue King flicked its tail, and the surging water on its body immediately carried it speeding away into the distance.

  "Stop!" Guan Qingxin shouted anxiously.

  However, the Arowana Blue King above ignored the beastmaster's orders and galloped even faster.

  Seeing this, Hanshuang Jade Chicken and Fengshuang Ice Falcon looked confused and had no idea what was going on.

  Xu Kun: "???"

  Yu Xiumin: "The beast bites back?"

  "Weige, help me stop it." Guan Qingxin quickly requested.

  In her opinion, only Chen Wei here can stop the crazy behavior of the Arowana Blue King in the shortest possible time.

  "Mind power blockade." Chen Wei ordered.

  Cai Ling's light golden dragon eyes flickered, and the majestic invisible power of thought instantly enveloped the Arowana Blue King.

  The strong mental fluctuations suddenly made the greedy Arowana Blue King's brain go blank, which also caused his galloping figure to stagnate suddenly, and then "Boom!" fell to the ground.

  In order to prevent his pet beast from being affected by the unknown, Guan Qingxin quickly took out a bottle of purple potion from the star ring and poured it on the Arowana Blue King.

  Under the influence of the sedative, the redness in Arowana Blue King's eyes began to dissipate.

  "Gulu." (◎-◎;) (Sorry.)
  Arowana Blue King looked a little ashamed when he realized what he had done.

  After asking a few questions about the reason, Guan Qing thought for a while and directly put the Arowana Blue King into the star ring just to be on the safe side.

  "Is it only attractive to dragon-type pets? But why is Cai Ling's reaction so dull?" Looking at the scene in front of him, Chen Wei thought to himself.

  And unlike the sensitive reactions of pet beasts, at this time, the power of controlling the dragon in his source star showed no signs of fluctuation.

  "There are dragon resources ahead that will drive dragon pets crazy. Do you want to go over and take a look?" Guan Qingxin looked at the colorful spirit on Chen Wei's wrist with some curiosity.

  It's strange, it's also a pet beast of the dragon type, why did the Dragon Fish Blue King lose his mind in an instant, but this Kongming Frost Jiao remained unmoved?
  Sensing Guan Qingxin's gaze, Cailing's eyes flashed with disdain.

  Chen Wei nodded slightly and walked ahead with Cailing and Yutong.

  Soon, Chen Wei and the others came to a quiet and dark forest.

  Walking into the forest, the atmosphere inside the jungle is a bit eerie. Except for the dense trees, there seems to be no trace of life.

  But the next second.


  With a roar, a dragon's scales were red. Only its back, abdomen and limbs were covered with thick black rock-like armor. The red spikes on its back from head to tail were connected to black horns. A strange beast with a thin film suddenly appeared in front of them.

  There are three sharp black dragon claws on its hind legs standing upright on the ground. On its short front legs, there is a sickle-like scimitar claw, exuding a strong commanding pressure.

  [Pet name]: Stone-Building Iron Dragon
  [Beast Attributes]: Dragon, Earth
  [Racial Level]: Transcendent Commander
  [Strength Level]: Level 4 High
  [Racial Skills]: Destruction Dragon Shock, Iron Dragon Armor, Stone-Building Dragon Claw , the coercive power

  of the clairvoyant eyes was activated, and the information about the strange beast in front of him suddenly came into Chen Wei's eyes.

  As the leader race, the Stone-Bearing Iron Dragon is a famous hybrid dragon species, belonging to the earth dragon type. It is a precious dragon species that has a certain chance of evolving into the sub-dragon species, or the king race [steel sub-dragon].

  You must know that dragon-type pets are the most popular in Donghua, forget about the previous Amethyst Horned Dragon. This hybrid dragon species has a limited evolution path and low potential, but it is true that it can encounter a stone-breaking iron dragon in actual combat assessments. It's a bit beyond Chen Wei's imagination. This kind of precious dragon species will be multiplied, cultivated and protected no matter what kind of beast master encounters it, and there is no way he is willing to let it out to die.

  It is indeed a practical assessment of Red Sandalwood University. What stands out are the four characters "rich and wealthy".

  Chen Wei looked at Guan Qingxin and Xu Kun beside him, "Do you have any ideas about this dragon?"

  Guan Qingxin shook her head. Her pet beast Arowana Blue King is not able to fight yet, and there is no risk of fighting. idea.

  Seeing this, Xu Kun also gave up. The Frost Jade Chicken alone could not defeat the fourth-level Stone-Bearing Iron Dragon.

  Before they could finish their discussion, the stone-piercing iron dragon's sickle-like claws suddenly emerged with powerful dragon power, and the aura it exuded became even more terrifying.

  "Stone-Building Dragon Claw + Coercive Power?" Chen Wei instantly knew the skills launched by the Stone-Building Iron Dragon.

  The next second, the Stone-Bearing Iron Dragon roared angrily, and its terrifying aura even made Frost Jade Chicken take a few steps back. On the contrary, Cai Ling and Yutong looked indifferent.

  Seeing this, a fierce light flashed in the eyes of Pishi Tielong, and his huge body turned into a black light and disappeared on the spot. In the blink of an eye, he crossed a distance of tens of meters. His sharp claws, like those made of black iron, accelerated in vain and attacked fiercely. Yu Xiumin is the weakest target.

  Facing such a rapid attack, Chen Wei did not dare to be careless.

  "Surrounded by Frost."

  The ring-shaped protection formed by the instant condensation of cold air was intended to block the Stone-Building Iron Dragon. However, the Stone-Building Iron Dragon had no intention of retreating and fearlessly collided head-on with the Dragon Claw and the Frost Surround.


  A deafening explosion sounded, and a figure suddenly rushed out from the ice crystals and smoke scattered around. It was the stone-breaking iron dragon that had retreated more than ten meters due to the impact. At this time, its right claw had been covered by the biting frost. cover.

  Looking at the fighting spirit of the Stone-Building Iron Dragon, Chen Wei had a smile on his face.

  "Dragon Power."

  The next second, a terrifying dragon power that shook the sky and earth suddenly poured out from Cai Ling's petite body.

  The Stone-Building Iron Dragon found it somewhat unbelievable that with the intimidation and oppression of this dragon's power, his body actually began to tremble in terror under this powerful spiritual pressure, and even wanted to kneel down and surrender.

  "Yan!" (▼へ▼メ)
  Unyielding, the Stone-proof Iron Dragon stared closely at Cai Ling with its blood-red eyes. The dazzling bright light lit up from the red spikes on its head, and then spread along its back to its tail. potential.

  "Want to fight to the death and launch your ultimate move?" Chen Wei immediately noticed something strange about the Stone-Bearing Iron Dragon.

  "The space mirror is cracked," he conveyed through his mind.

  Giving up its speed advantage and planning to make a comeback with the final blow, hazy silver space ripples suddenly appeared around the Stone-Bearing Iron Dragon, turning it into a smooth mirror.

  Incomparably strong spatial fluctuations broke out in an instant, and countless black cracks like spider webs spread and swallowed up the body of the Stone Iron Dragon.


  Most of the lower body of the Stone-Building Iron Dragon disappeared instantly, leaving only some parts that might contain the magic core.

  "Such a terrifying beast can be solved so easily!"

  Looking at this shocking scene, Yu Xiumin couldn't help but swallow her throat.

  Even Guan Qingxin and Xu Kun, who had seen big scenes before, one subconsciously pursed his lips, while the other looked at Chen Wei with brighter eyes.

  (End of chapter)

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