Chapter 226 Unlimited Firepower

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  Chapter 226 Unlimited Firepower
  "The performance is good, but this is just a futile move! If they want to compete head-on, even a beast-control team composed of six elite beast masters will have to retreat in the face of such a beast wave, let alone only three A temporary team of new beast masters."

  Zeng Yan looked at the picture displayed on the big screen, with a bit of worry and curiosity on his face.

  "But judging from the domain characteristics, the ice and snow domain now released by Kongming Frost Jiao is the sixth-level skill Frozen Absolute Domain! It is a

  rare skill that only ice beasts of the king race and above can master. It can be awakened in Donghua. Or there are very few ice pets who have learned this skill, but what is the realm of ice and snow that these two overlap?" Zeng Yan couldn't help but clicked his tongue in wonder.

  "This is an improved version of the Frozen Realm! Chen Wei can improve and innovate the sixth-level skills. Such a beast master can be called a rare master in beast control." Tan Xueqing He picked up the water glass and took a sip. His flowing blond hair swayed in the breeze, and then he spoke softly.

  "Improving and innovating sixth-level skills, is this really something that a new beast master can accomplish?" Zeng Yan looked at Chen Wei on the screen in a daze.

  Even the so-called genius monster must have a limit!

  You must know that beast masters below the king level, even master level beast masters, will only train the skill proficiency of their pet beasts, thereby quickly improving their pet beasts' combat power, or combining different skills of their pet beasts. This creates a unique combo of skills.

  After all, history can only remember the strong. High-level skills that can be recognized by the Beast Taming Association and can be passed down from generation to generation among pet beasts are powerful skills that can be improved and developed through dozens of generations of beast masters and the test of time.

  Even though Zeng Yan is now a lecturer at Rosewood University and a king-level beast master, she still feels that she cannot improve a sixth-level skill into a skill that is suitable for her pet beast and has better and more powerful effects.

  However, Chen Wei did it!
  Rather than attributing these to Chen Wei's evil talent, she was more inclined to believe that there was a force behind Chen Wei's teachings.

  Because most beast-controlling families will retain some secret skills that have been improved to be extremely powerful and kept secret as the foundation of the family.

  Thinking of this, Zeng Yan was silent for a moment and glanced at Professor Tan beside him without trace.

  "Start building momentum for Chen Wei now! Is it possible that Director Han plans to make his disciples the future leaders of the new generation?" ... "Fuck!



  at the hundreds of green ice sculptures in the distance that his pet beast instantly created , Xu Kun had a look of surprise on his face, and his eyes couldn't help but look at Chen Wei beside him.

  Others don't know the strength of his pet beast, how can he not know it as a beast master?
  If he hadn't witnessed it with his own eyes, he would have been a bit unbelievable that his pet beast could release such powerful green blood erosion, and that it still retained abundant source power in its body.

  In normal times, even if the Frost Jade Chicken uses all its strength, the Jade Blood Corrosion skill released is only one-third of the power of this attack, and even the area covered by the freezing attack cannot be so wide and huge.

  Thinking of this, Xu Kun couldn't help but swallow his saliva and fell into deep thought.

  It doesn't matter if your pet beast can't learn the sixth-level ice field skill of Frozen Absolute Domain. As a beast master, you can help it find a big boss to form a team.

  After all, with this frozen absolute skill, your pet beast can exert its strength many times greater than its own. You must not miss this perfect partner given by God.

  Sensing the inner thoughts of the beast master, Hanshuang Jade Chicken nodded in sympathy, and his eyes turned to admiration when looking at Cai Ling.

  This was the first time for it to encounter such a terrifying enhanced magic skill, and because of the continuous majestic power in its body at this time, it couldn't help but want to raise its head and cry loudly, "A chicken has been wandering for half its life, only regretting that it has not seen the light of day." Lord..."

  "The battle is not over yet, continue to attack." Seeing Xu Kun standing there in a daze, a trace of helplessness flashed in Guan Qingxin's eyes. She gave him a slap on the shoulder as a reminder and then commanded the pet beast: "While now, The stormy sea broke them down.”

  Sure enough, in the next second, the ice sculptures and beasts that had been unable to move just now began to resist, and the surfaces of the ice sculptures were also shattered in large areas.

  The three amethyst horned dragons broke free from the green ice immediately, then turned into three rays of purple light and galloped towards the enemy in the distance with lightning speed.

  The stone-chasing horse, heavy micrite lizard, and wind-sand crystal spider, which were a beat slower in breaking away from the ice, activated their racial skills respectively.

  In an instant, eight fierce stone-chasing horses stamped their hooves on the ground together. The earth-yellow source of light flashed crazily, and the earth began to crumble and crack. Countless rock fragments burst out, making a roaring sonic boom in the air.

  The six heavy micrite lizards flicked their tails, and large waves of mud, rock, and sand swept toward the enemy in the distance like the sky was falling.

  The remaining twenty-three sand crystal spiders worked together to launch a huge sand crystal storm that shot out into the sky, formed by the mixture and interweaving of wind sand and crystal source power. The scene that day was like the ground breaking apart was enough to scare the beast master.

  As for their rear, most of the alien beasts below the fourth level will not be able to break free from the shackles caused by the erosion of the blue blood for a while.

  "Damn it!"

  Looking at the terrifying aura of riots in the distance and the countless colorful skill attacks, Guan Qingxin subconsciously glanced at the beautiful dragon still charging up in mid-air, and his bright eyes couldn't help but reveal a trace of despair.

  "Don't say that the strength is only at the third level, even the dragons with the fourth level will be destroyed in the face of such a beast wave."

  Despite this, she still did not activate the Kong Akashi bracelet in her hand until the last moment.

  At this moment, the Arowana Blue King, which had been brewing for a long time, was ready.

  Around its body, dozens of surging water columns gathered into a sky-like huge wave.

  Blue light flashed in the eyes of the Arowana Blue King, and the turbulent flood suddenly met the attack of the alien beasts.

  "Continue to attack with green blood erosion." Looking at the seemingly unstoppable attack, Xu Kun ordered through gritted teeth.

  The next second, a mushroom cloud like a small nuclear bomb rose up at the moment when the two attacks met, and the sound of explosions was heard endlessly.

  Seeing that the incoming rock fragments, sand waves and wind and sand crystal storms were still astonishing, Chen Wei had a smile on his face.

  "Cai Ling, let them see the true unlimited firepower!"

  Cai Ling's eyes were full of seriousness, and then high-pitched dragon roars sounded continuously, and the ice made from the frozen realm was constantly breaking and condensing into Dozens of majestic silver-blue ice dragons.

  The moment the ice dragon appeared, the terrifying extreme cold suddenly descended, like the end of the world, and countless terrifying ice tornadoes rose from the ground at this moment.

  (End of chapter)

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