Chapter 222 Two people fleeing for their lives

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  Chapter 222 The two people who escaped

  just said it all. They regarded the master's order as the only one. In the end, Dragon-eating Mangrove, who was afraid of the anger of the beast master, did not dare to act rashly. He could only watch Chen Wei, who exuded a seductive aura. The guy swayed casually in front of it.

  In this way, as time went by, more and more sap slowly flowed from the root vines of the dragon-eating mangrove tree throughout the maze of the earth, and a fragrant and sweet fragrance gradually wafted out.

  On the other side, the third floor of the earth maze.

  A rooster with green feathers and green body, as if carved from emerald, was letting out a powerful roar and crow.

  It sprayed out terrifying green frost from its mouth. Wherever the frost hit, the surrounding beasts were immediately frozen and invaded by the chillingly beautiful chill.

  [Pet name]: Frost Jade Rooster
  [Pet attribute]: Ice, crystal
  [Race level]: Transcendent commander
  [Strength level]: Third level mid-level
  [Potential level]: Heaven level mid-level
  [Race skill]: Frost Huazhi Pecking, Jade Blood Erosion, Ice Storm Claws, and Jade Crystal Bodyguard.

  "Well done." Xu Kun nodded with satisfaction.

  After dealing with the surrounding strange beasts, the Frost Jade Chicken suddenly turned into a green light and flew to the top of his beastmaster's head and lay down, then looked at Xu Kun with a proud look on his face.

  "Giggle!" () (Done!)
  "I've told you several times, don't always lie on my head after the battle."

  In response, Xu Kun twitched the corner of his mouth and shook his head helplessly.

  However, the Frost Jade Chicken still rested firmly on his head and refused to come down.

  Xu Kun sighed, and without even looking at it, he quietly grabbed the top of his head with his right hand. This familiar and smooth movement easily grabbed Hanshuang Jade Chicken's neck.

  "Giggle." (▼ヘ▼#) (Let me go.)
  Although the Frost Jade Chicken's wings were waving wildly, the sharp and terrifying green chicken claws under its body showed no sign of resistance.

  Xu Kun, who had long been accustomed to it, did not show any surprise on his face. After stroking the feathers of his pet beast, he turned his attention to the dozen magic cores tightly grasped by the frosty jade chicken's sharp claws.

  After taking away the magic core, Xu Kun thought for a while, touched the head of the frost jade chicken, and said: "Help me pay attention to Guan Qingxin's aura. If I find it, I will reward you with an hour of rest." "Giggle.

  " "(▽*) (Deal!)

  Hearing this, Frost Jade Chicken's sharp eyes suddenly lit up. It first glanced at the top of its beast master's head with joy, and then began to search energetically.

  Also on the third floor of the maze, a deserted ruins are littered with collapsed buildings. Several huge stone pillars that had fallen to the ground and the dark ground formed a lonely scene.

  "Troublesome waves." Guan Qingxin commanded.

  Next to her, there was a purple and blue dragon fish with eyes like blue gems, four horn-like white spikes on the top of its head, and a snake-like tail with blue scales on top and white crystals on the bottom. The whole body is entangled with thick blue water.

  [Pet name]: Arowana Blue King
  [Pet attribute]: Water, Dragon
  [Race level]: Transcendent commander
  [Strength level]: Third level mid-level
  [Potential level]: Heaven level mid-level
  [Race skill]: Anger Roaring sea dragons, deep sea whirlpools, stormy waves, and dragon fish leaping into the water

  [Introduction]: Different from the red tail gold that is rumored to contain a trace of meager dragon blood and the shame of dragon fish, the blue king of dragon fish, one of the kings of dragon fish, has The blood of dragons is extremely pure, and they can evolve into powerful dragons with different attributes through the resources of tidal spirits and dragon-type beasts.

  And following Guan Qingxin's order, the water droplets around the Dragon Fish Blue King gathered into water flow. The extremely fast water flow instantly transformed into dozens of huge water columns like long snakes, and then fiercely moved towards the distance. The alien beast whose entire body was made of rock bombarded away.

  Thick and huge rocks instantly rose from the ground in front of the rock beast, forming an indestructible defensive shield.

  However, in the face of the stormy waves that suppressed the earth-based skills, the huge and solid rock shield could not even stop it for a second before being overwhelmed by the rushing water column.

  Even the top elite race, the rock giant whose strength reached the third level, was turned into a large amount of faded gravel and a sparkling beige gem under this fierce attack. "On the third floor, a third-level monster appeared. It seems that the probability of clearing the maze by oneself this time is slim."

  Guan Qingxin stepped forward to pick up the gem core left by the rock giant, thinking to herself.

  Even with the advantage of attribute restraint, with the strength of the Arowana Blue King, it can only deal with earth-type beasts below the fourth-level median level at best.

  Judging from her current experience in breaking through levels, there should be fourth-level beasts on the sixth floor of the maze.

  If you don't find a strong teammate to cooperate with you, it will be difficult to pass the level by relying on your own strength alone.

  "There is no other way. It seems that we still have to find Xu Kun to cooperate." Guan Qingxin murmured.


  On the other side, the third floor of the earth maze.

  "Hey!" Σ(☉▽☉"a (I feel the breath of danger!)

  Cai Ling suddenly looked at the surrounding walls, her voice a little surprised.

  After hearing this, Chen Wei stood on the spot and glanced around cautiously.

  With Different from the maze where the first two floors are full of intersecting passages, the third floor is full of stone tablets and ruins damaged by strange beasts, and even the space is much wider. If it weren't for the surrounding stones and

  stones that were still emitting light fluorescence. Due to the humid air, Chen Wei really thought he was back on the ground.

  "Rumble!" The ground in the distance seemed to be shaking.

  Sensing the approaching violent vibration, Chen Wei looked at the source of the sound, and then subconsciously entered a state of preparation for war.

  As the footsteps approached, the first thing that caught Chen Wei's eyes was an extremely eye-catching sexy figure and the Arowana Blue King beside her. The second was a handsome-looking man with a Frost Jade Chicken on his head. young man.

  They were all running like crazy, as if something extremely dangerous was chasing them behind them.

  "Let's rush over there." Looking at the young man standing still in the distance, Guan Qingxin gritted his teeth and said.

  "This is not good." Xu Kun frowned.

  He was very resistant to the fact that the trouble he caused would affect innocent passers-by.

  "The candidates who can reach the third level are quite powerful. Only by uniting all the candidates on the third level can we have a chance to fight back. Otherwise, everyone will have to withdraw from the assessment!" "Damn it."


  this , Xu Kun spurned himself in his heart, and then looked at the blank-looking candidates in the distance and shouted: "Run!!!"

  (End of Chapter)

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