Chapter 185 The King’s Property

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  Chapter 185 The King's Property

  "Bai Luo, you have gained weight!" Chen Wei stretched out his right hand and gently stroked Bai Luo's head.

  I used to look cute when I was slightly chubby, but now that I have gained weight, I have a bit more of a simple and honest temperament!
  "Chirp!" (o▽)o (I'm not fat!)
  Bai Luo shook his head quickly.

  Chen Wei smiled dumbly, and then inadvertently glanced at two very familiar rings on Bai Luo's little hand, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

  If he read correctly, this high-end star ring should be the star ring on the finger of the female king and Zhang Yetong's space ring.

  The star ring is the most important equipment and property for the beast master, but now it appears in Bai Luo's hands, which means that the king has fallen.

  Thinking of this, Chen Wei's face lit up with joy, and then he quickly checked Bai Luo's physical condition.

  Looking at Bai Luo who was unharmed in his arms, Chen Wei's eyes showed a bit of excitement.

  Originally, he thought he needed to hide in the spiritual plant space for some time to avoid the limelight.

  I didn't expect that Bai Luo, who looked innocent in appearance, could be so powerful. It only took him a while to defeat an outstanding king beast master.

  Even the famous king-level beast master was defeated by Bai Luo. It seems that Bai Luo is stronger than he imagined!

  Seeing Chen Wei's eyes focused on his hands, Bai Luo's eyes suddenly lit up, and he handed the two rings on his left hand to his beast master as if he were offering a treasure.

  Its right hand holding the resurrection crystal was quietly placed behind its back, and then slowly integrated into its body for preservation.

  Obviously, it didn't know how to explain the source of this spiritual crystal to Chen Wei and chose to escape.

  As for how long it can be concealed, it all depends on when the beast master will discover the damage he caused in the secret realm of Nanshe River.

  At the same time, Cai Ling, who was meditating, noticed the star ring in Bai Luo's hand and immediately opened her eyes.

  "So this is Bai Luo's strength! I am still too weak after all!"

  Cai Ling's eyes flashed with determination, and then she slowly closed her eyes.

  "I must not slack off now, I have to become stronger!"

  Chen Wei pointed at himself and asked curiously: "Are these two rings for me?"

  "Chirp." (▽)( Yes.)
  Bai Luo happily raised the ring in his palm.

  After following Chen Wei for a long time, it naturally knows the importance of the star ring to the beast master.

  It left these two rings for Chen Weit, otherwise they would have been devoured and destroyed by it!

  Chen Wei happily took the silver ring from Bai Luo's hand, and then activated his appraisal eyes.

  [Space Teleportation Ring]: You can freely set up two anchor points and teleport. The anchor point within a distance of 150 kilometers is activated. You can reach the anchor point with just a thought, or you can reach the anchor point within the teleportation distance. Perform random teleportation, and can carry up to two additional, sixth-order space source devices.

  Good guy, it turns out to be a rare sixth-order space source device.

  Although Chen Wei didn't know much about the price of space source devices, he also knew that the small space ring in front of him was worth at least hundreds of millions, or even billions.

  Now the small targets needed for Yutong's evolution were gathered together, but he didn't want to sell them. Instead, he wanted to keep them for himself.

  Even though Cai Ling and Bai Luo both have space attributes and can teleport, it stands to reason that this space ring will have little effect on him, but in fact it is not the case.

  For Chen Wei, having this teleportation ring in his hand increases his life-saving trump card by one.

  If he had possessed such a high-level teleportation ring before, he would not have consumed a quarter of the immortal dragon's blood because of the ambush of the king-level powerhouse. Although Chen Wei was resurrected and became the first level of the Tyrant Secret Record. His strength improved greatly and he was even able to defeat third-level advanced supernatural battles in hand-to-hand combat. His strength has completely overwhelmed Yutong, who is currently at the lower level of the second level. However, he still I feel very shortchanged.

  After all, this is an eighth-level resource that can be revived!

  According to the current amount of undead dragon blood in his heart, he only has one chance to be resurrected!

  Seeing his beast master being happy and disappointed for a while, Bai Luo couldn't help scratching his little head.

  Seeing the confusion on Bai Luo's face, Chen Wei couldn't help but cough dryly when he reacted, and then naturally put the teleportation ring on his hand.

  In order to prevent the teleportation ring from being discovered, he planned to modify the appearance of the ring before leaving the spiritual plant space.

  Then, Chen Wei looked curiously at another high-level star ring.

  The source device of the Star Ring is different from other source devices in that its protective effect is extremely good.

  Even if the owner has died, it is difficult for ordinary people to take out items from the star ring, unless a professional can open it.

  Chen Wei picked up the high-level star ring, dripped blood on it, closed his eyes and slowly attached the majestic spiritual power in his body to the ring, trying to re-blood contract it.

  "As expected!"

  Chen Wei sighed helplessly as he looked at the high-level star ring in his hand that could not identify its owner, let alone check and take out the items inside.

  Originally, he wanted to see the wealth of a king-level beast master, but the imagination was beautiful, but the reality was cruel. A treasure that cannot be opened is the same as not having it!
  "Chirp?"⊙(◇)? (Don’t you like it?)
  Bai Luo raised his head and asked doubtfully.

  Chen Wei shook his head, "No, I like it very much, but this star ring cannot be opened for the time being."

  Although he was able to find professionals to open this high-level star ring, the property inside the star ring was the legacy of a king-level powerhouse. There must be many distinctive personal items. If they arouse suspicion and covetation from others, it can easily lead to big trouble.

  If you are not looking for a trustworthy professional, what is the difference between this and throwing yourself into a trap?

  After all, Chen Wei didn't know what the power behind the king's beast master was.

  "Chirp." ( ̄▽ ̄)/(Let me try.)
  I saw Bai Luo holding the high-level star ring in his hand, and a faint space ripple suddenly appeared around the star ring, and then continued to fluctuate, as if It's about seeking resonance.

  "Be careful, take your time, and try not to let the space inside the star ring collapse."

  Seeing the originally dim high-level star ring exuding a hazy light in Bai Luo's hand, Chen Wei couldn't help but feel a little excited.

  This is the legacy of a king-level beast master. If he could fully accept it, wouldn't he take off directly?

  The more he looked forward to it, the more nervous he became. As Chen Wei felt that his days were like years of waiting, a burst of purple light flashed, and a tattered ancient book suddenly appeared in Bai Luo's hand.

  "Chirp!" (*)=3 (That's it!)
  "Thank you for your hard work!"

  Chen Wei's eyes lit up, and a look of surprise suddenly appeared on his face.

  He didn't expect Bai Luo to be an expert at picking locks!

  After catching the handed star ring, Chen Wei chose to make a new contract and recognize the owner. Unlike the last blood contract, which had no response, this time it went particularly smoothly.

  "I'm rich!"

  Chen Wei couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the dazzling array of treasures inside the star ring.

  (End of chapter)

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