Chapter 136 The Secret of Dragon Transformation

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  Chapter 136: Dragon Secret Record
  After signing the beast control contract with Yutong, Chen Wei can already put it into the star ring.

  But he was afraid that Bai Luo would be a little lonely in the herbal medicine space as a radish essence, so he gave Yutong to Bai Luo to take care of.

  After breakfast, Chen Wei, President Meng and their group entered the venue for the beast control competition.

  At this time, in the vast competition venue, dozens of powerful beast masters with different attires and outstanding temperaments were sitting in the front row.

  "There are so many strong beast masters!" Chen Wei was a little surprised.

  He didn't expect that there were only a few king-level beast masters in Shuishan City everywhere in this place, and even a few epic-level beast masters appeared.

  The beast-taming competition held in Hanyang Province has such great influence!

  It seems that he can no longer keep a low profile today!
  Seeing the surprise on Chen Wei's face, President Meng turned around and asked, "Do you think there are a lot of strong beast masters here?" "

  Yeah." Chen Wei nodded.

  In order to prevent the Tianyuan secret realm from suddenly coming and causing huge damage to the cities and people around the secret realm, every city in Donghua must have at least two king-level beast masters stationed there.

  And today, with so many strong beast masters gathered here, are there sure to be no problems?

  "This beast-taming competition is not only a competition for the new generation in each city, but also an important city association meeting held annually in Hanyang Province." "

  Such a major meeting related to urban development requires at least the vice president of the city association Only those with a senior level or above can participate. That’s why this venue can gather so many strong beast masters." President Meng explained.

  Hearing this, although Chen Wei was more confused, he did not continue to ask questions.

  The city security issues that he can think of are impossible for the big guys in this stadium to think of.

  Yu Xiumin suddenly said: "Where are our seats?"

  "The higher the points ranking, the closer the seats are to the front. Your seat is in the first row over there." President Meng pointed to the conspicuous position in the first row of seats in front of him.

  As a result, Chen Wei and others sat directly in the first row, and then quietly waited for the official start of the award ceremony.


  Su Baimeng was sitting in the third row. She looked up at Chen Wei's figure in the front row with a hint of envy in her eyes.

  After Chen Wei defeated Wolong Lu Hongxin, his detailed information spread directly throughout the Shuiyangjian Beast Control Base.

  A young man with an ordinary family background, awakened talent for appraisal, and was born in a third-tier city like Shuishan City was able to surpass Lu Hongxin.

  This is a huge encouragement and motivation for her who has awakened to spiritual communication.

  Thinking of this, she couldn't help but take out her mobile phone and send a message to her mother.

  "Mom, can the dragon at the top of the second level defeat the three flame dragons at the middle level of the third level?"

  After a while, a message popped up.

  "As the leader of the king race, Jiaolong has a normal energy value close to 10,000 even if its strength is only at the upper level of the second level." "The

  three flame dragons only lead the race in a transcendental way. Even if their strength reaches the middle level of the third level, their normal energy value is still only 10,000." There are only about six thousand."

  "If the two meet, the three flame dragons will be killed instantly. Mengmeng, why do you suddenly ask such a strange question? Didn't you memorize the basic source energy table of the pet beast?" Looking at her

  mother Replying to the message, Su Baimeng had a playful smile on his face, and then sent another message.

  "If that dragon was just the transcendent leader of the race, would the result have changed?"

  Su Baimeng waited for tens of seconds, looking at the messages that had not been replied for a long time, she couldn't help but send N question marks.

  "???" ...

  On the other side, the distant Longqing City.

  In a beautifully decorated laboratory.

  There are a large number of beast control resources placed around a flying fire ice lizard, and a bright light of evolution is bursting out from it.

  If you look inside through the dazzling white light, you can find a wide variety of ice and fire resources around the Flying Fire Ice Lizard.

  It is clear that ice and fire are two conflicting attributes, but some researchers are trying to use these two beast-controlling resources at the same time to evolve alien beasts.

  This bright light of evolution did not last long before it suddenly dissipated, revealing the Flying Fire Ice Lizard with blood oozing from its body and broken scales.

  It began to roar in pain. As time went by, its roar became lower and lower, until it was inaudible, and finally it lost all breath.

  "Did you fail again?"

  A gentle woman with black hair hanging slightly curly behind her and wearing a white research uniform was frowning and staring at the big screen in front of her.

  [Experiment Name]: Ice and Fire Dragon
  [Experimental Subject]: Flying Fire Ice Lizard
  [Race Level]: Top Elite
  [Target Level]: Transcendent Commander
  [Evolution Materials]: A Canglang Whale Heart (Adult Level 5), Fire Essence Black crystal (two pieces), cold crystal frost sand (100 grams), advanced ice source star (large amount), advanced fire source crystal (large amount), ice flame crystal flower (one plant) [Number of experiments]:

  [Experiment progress]: 70%
  [Experiment scheduled success rate]: 79.98% " Although
  the evolution experiment failed, the flying fire ice lizard can burst out the light of evolution, which shows that there is no problem with my idea." Yin Tongxin said thoughtfully thought.

  "Buzz buzz!"

  The mobile phone vibrated suddenly in the silent research room.

  "Is it Mengmeng?"

  Yin Tongxin turned to look at the mobile phone on her desk.

  In order to prevent the experiment from being interrupted, she blocked the contacts on her mobile phone after entering the laboratory, with the only exception of her daughter Su Baimeng.

  "It's such a simple question!"

  Yin Tongxin picked up her phone and glanced at the message sent by her daughter. She frowned slightly, but still quickly replied to the message.

  Until she saw the next message.

  Yin Tongxin's pupils suddenly shrank, as if she thought of something.

  She threw the phone directly into her jacket pocket, not even cleaning up the failed test site in front of her, but hurried towards her study.

  In the study room on the second floor, a large number of old and yellowed books were piled on the bookshelves.

  Yin Tongxin, who has always cherished ancient books, did not worry about the damage to the books this time. She started searching while sensing through her mental power.

  There are tens of thousands of books here. Relying on the powerful mental power of a king-level beast master, she quickly found the target.

  It was an ancient book that had gone through many trials and tribulations. The number of pages inside was severely missing, leaving only a few pages that had lost their edges. They were filled with some difficult and obscure ancient texts.

  "Found it!" she exclaimed happily.

  Yin Tongxin is not only a senior researcher, but also a historian.

  She happened to be able to interpret these ancient texts that were popular two thousand years ago, during the period when various countries were fighting for hegemony.

  Although the cover of this ancient book was scrawled and obscure, she could still roughly distinguish four large characters, which were the secret records of the dragon.

  (End of chapter)

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