540.Chapter 538: It’s hard to cure with just stone

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  "Sir, great talent, please stay in the City Lord's Mansion for these three days so that you can follow up on the collection progress of the elixir." Hong Yongshou suddenly said.

  It took a lot of effort to find a doctor who had learned the art of extending life, but he didn't want Chen Wei to slip up and leave at the critical moment.

  "That's okay. I wonder if there are any books on the Waidan Sutra in the Hong Mansion?"

  Chen Wei did not refuse Hong Yongshou's invitation. Instead, he came up with the idea of ​​collecting medical books in the Hong Mansion.

  "The Hong Mansion has a lot of Alchemy Sutras collected. There are three volumes of the Jun-level Outer Alchemy Sutra, one volume of the Inner Alchemy Sutra, but there are only five volumes of the Golden Jade and Stone Sutra. Since sir is interested in the Alchemy Sutra, Yongshou, please take him to Qilin Pavilion to have a look first

  . , Let’s have a banquet and talk together later.”

  Hong Taining’s voice was easy-going, and he didn’t even put on any pretense as a city lord.

  He saw clearly that the medical alchemy book was just a foreign object. As long as he could extend his life for a hundred years and successfully break through to the realm of the Ghost King, it would not be a problem to go to Chunji Mansion and buy an imperial-level alchemy book as a family treasure.


  Qilin Pavilion is a study room with luxurious decoration and vast space. Rows of bookshelves filled with books are arranged in an orderly manner.

  On the high platform in the center of the bookshelf, eight volumes of golden ancient books look particularly bright under the light of fluorite.

  "That's enough. These many alchemy medical books are enough for me to improve the Great You Dan recipe and develop an elixir that can enhance the bloodline of dragon pets!" Chen Wei's eyes brightened, ignoring the gazes of the guards in the hidden corners of the

  Qilin Pavilion, and turned his gaze to The first ancient book titled [True Interpretation of the Alchemy Sutra].

  "The True Explanation of the Alchemy Classic contains three famous chapters: [Alchemy Laws], [Xingxue Tongyou] and [Convincing Qi Danhui], which fully explains the magical effect of fire in alchemy and the harm-free use of Qi." Hong Yongshou proudly introduced .

  In order to obtain the true interpretation of this precious alchemy book, he paid a great deal of favors.

  "Yes, it is a rare and good book. I want to read it quietly." Chen Wei picked up the True Explanation of the Alchemy Sutra and looked through it, saying that he did not need to accompany him.

  Hong Yongshou looked hesitant. He understood what Chen Wei meant, but these alchemy scriptures were his lifeblood and could not be damaged in the slightest.

  Seeing that Chen Wei's face turned slightly cold, Hong Yongshou hesitated for a moment, and finally reluctantly exited Qilin Pavilion.

  The moment Hong Yongshou exited the door, Chen Wei could feel the sense of voyeurism disappearing from his body.

  To be cautious, he also activated his Spiritual Eyes to scan the entire Qilin Pavilion before he felt relieved.

  "It's your turn to perform, Taotie."

  As Chen Wei's voice fell, the mechanical arm guard on his hand suddenly deformed, and a gleaming mechanical chip floated in the air.

  At the same time, ancient books began to turn rapidly under the influence of mechanical power.

  "Scanning records, it is estimated that it will take three hours to complete the recording."


  "Dong dong dong!"

  A crisp knock on the door made Chen Wei come back to his senses from the vast sea of ​​books. Taotie also successfully scanned all the items in Qilin Pavilion. Medical records.

  Chen Wei: "Please come in."

  The door opened, and the person who came was Hong Yongshou who had been waiting outside.

  Seeing that there were no major changes or defects in the ancient books in Qilin Pavilion, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief and invited: "Sir, the banquet is ready. I invite you to come to the banquet." In the hall of the city lord's palace, Chen Wei

  finally I saw the absurdity of big shots.

  Not to mention anything else, there were dozens of beauties participating in this banquet alone. Among them, only three legitimate daughters of the Hong family were qualified to attend. As for the other concubines, they could only do the work of maids on the side. Can't say a word. During the banquet, Hong Taining not only talked about the anecdotes in Chunji Mansion, but also recommended the girls to be married in Hong Mansion, which made Chen Wei speechless and almost tempted.

  In Dayou, ghost nobles like the Hong family would have a large number of maids to marry their legitimate daughters.

  Most of these married maids are related to the married legitimate daughters, either older sisters, younger sisters, or cousins.

  Although the blood in their bodies is relatively low, it is still quite pure, and it is easy for them to give birth to ghost children with pure bloodlines for the main family after marriage. This is also the reason why hemorrhagic diseases are common among commoners and nobles.

  Some concubines can also use this to gain the status of equal wives based on the wealth of their mothers and their sons.

  For example, City Lord Hong, although he only married three wives, he had hundreds of harems, and even thousands of direct descendants. What stood out was that he was outrageous.

  As he drank more and more wine, Hong Taining tried many times in his words. As long as Chen Wei nodded, he could give him a wife and hundreds of maids to marry him. Even a Ghost Emperor Pill was not enough. Not negotiable.

  "It's a pretty idea." Looking at Hong Taining who was pretending to be drunk in front of him, Chen Wei declined politely.

  As an alchemist, no one knows better than him the difficulty and scarcity of life extension, not to mention that compared to other forces, the Hong family's boat is too small to even help him return home.

  "General Huang wants to see the city lord for something!"

  The butler lowered his head and said to Hong Taining just halfway through the banquet.

  "Let Wen Hao come in." Hong Taining said with a smile.

  If it hadn't been for his grandson's introduction, he might have missed out on a rare life-extension doctor. He had to accept this love.

  "Meet Grandpa!"

  Entering the luxurious hall, Huang Wenhao first bowed hastily, and then walked quickly towards Chen Wei with a solemn face.

  At this time, seeing that the atmosphere of the banquet suddenly became solemn, everyone at the banquet couldn't help but be slightly stunned. Their eyes wandered between Chen Wei and Huang Wenhao, with a hint of surprise in their eyes.

  "What's going on?"

  Huang Wenhao, as the captain of the Shenwei Team, naturally has the right to come to the door wearing armor, but with such a fierce momentum, it would be a bit disrespectful to the city lord.

  Seeing this, Hong Taining's eyebrows jumped, and an ominous premonition welled up in his heart.

  "Sir, please save my granddaughter's life." Huang Wenhao bowed to Chen Wei.


  Seeing this incredible scene, the three legitimate daughters who had been eyeing Chen Wei with eager eyes suddenly took a deep breath in their hearts.

  As we all know, Huang Wenhao once single-handedly killed two ghost king bandit leaders who were running rampant in Taishan City. He is the strongest person except the old man, and he is also a transcendent existence that everyone in Yinyuan City knows.

  Even powerful people like this have to bow down and bow respectfully to Dr. Chen. Dr. Chen's status is definitely beyond their imagination.

  For a time, the three legitimate daughters of the Hong family looked at Chen Wei with increasing intensity, and even began to consider how to join forces with their best friends and sisters to take him down.

  "General, you don't have to be like this!"

  Under the shocked gazes, Chen Wei stretched out his hand to stop Huang Wenhao, who was bowing thirty degrees, and said that he had something to talk about and don't just salute.

  "Wen Hao, please don't be rude to your husband." Hong Taining's frown suddenly relaxed when he realized that it was his grandson who was asking for help.

  Huang Wenhao couldn't care so much. Now that his granddaughter was in danger, he went straight to the point.

  "My granddaughter is suffering from a blood disease that is difficult to cure with medicine and stone. Please help me sir!" (End of Chapter)

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