532.Chapter 530 Yashiki Jindama

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  Hong Yongshou had no intention of paying attention to the trivial matters of his juniors, but the blood syndrome was different.

  Even if he is a king-level physician, he is unable to cure patients suffering from hemorrhagic diseases. He can only watch the patients die in pain.

  A mere junior dared to speak nonsense, which aroused Hong Yongshou's curiosity, and he took a few steps forward to watch the development of the situation.

  "Master Hong!"

  Upon noticing Hong Yongshou's appearance, Huang Xuelan suppressed her inner anger and bowed slightly to him.

  "No need to be polite." Hong Yongshou nodded with a smile, and then looked at Chen Wei with a calm expression seriously, with a gentle tone.

  "Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. Learning medical skills requires extraordinary courage and courage, but joking about hemorrhagic syndrome is a bit too much."

  Huang Xuelan nodded with deep sympathy.

  If it weren't for this person in the Waidan Pagoda trying to impress people and making fun of his terminal illness, her city wouldn't be on the line.

  "Another trouble." Chen Wei couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he noticed that more and more doctors were gathering around him.

  There was no way, and the only thing to blame was that he was so fascinated by Su Wen Jin Jing that he subconsciously commented on it.

  Forgetting the review, it was discovered by a passing doctor, which was a bit too coincidental.

  Thinking of this, Chen Wei subconsciously looked at Yutong, who was sleeping soundly in his arms.

  "I don't need an apology from you. I just hope that you will pay attention to your words and deeds and stop joking about hemorrhagic syndrome in the future. This is a harm to the patient's family." Glancing at Chen Wei's smooth forehead, Huang Xuelan took a step back and said.

  Being able to carry around the transformed ghost weapon and hide the ghost horns like her, this person must have an extraordinary status. Although she is not afraid, there is no need to offend him too much.

  Didn't even notice that even her cousin Hong Lei, who usually stayed by her side and wanted to be the messenger who could never get rid of her, had now become mute and didn't even say a word, for fear of offending something he shouldn't. The ghost man.

  Normally, the arrogant and domineering Hong Lei would have taught him how to behave with his fists, bullying the weak and fearing the strong. This is why Huang Xuelan has always looked down upon her cousin.

  "What I say below must be well-founded. I won't make empty talk or make fun of illness." Chen Wei glanced at her lightly.

  Hearing this, Huang Xuelan's face turned ugly.

  Hemorrhagic syndrome is not a terminal illness but a minor illness. She would definitely believe this if it were said about the imperial doctor who was always seen and heard, but the other party was obviously her contemporaries and was not afraid of his tongue flashing when he said such big words.

  Huang Xuelan stared at Chen Wei tightly, and smiled angrily.

  "Okay, okay, since you said hematosis is a minor illness, how should this minor illness be treated? Please tell me how ugly you are." "If you are right, the little girl will kowtow and admit her mistake now." Chen


  will He put the medical book on the bookshelf and said softly: "How can you teach the way of healing in public? Don't you understand the rules?"

  Huang Xuelan's pretty face froze slightly when Chen Wei said she didn't understand the rules.

  Ever since she became a doctor and received the attention and training from her grandfather, she has always had smooth sailing and no one dared to mess with her. Unexpectedly, she was scolded in public.

  "It's not a word of speculation. Your Excellency has inherited hematosis, and it will break out in less than a year and a half. Now that you have time to waste words with me, you might as well seek medical treatment as soon as possible." After saying that,

  Chen Wei turned around calmly . Walk towards the gate of Waidan Pagoda. Most of the medical books on display at the Waidan Pagoda were basic knowledge. He had already read the ones that needed to be read. He had already asked Taotie to record and back up the ones that he had not yet read. There was no need to stay here for people to watch the show.

  As for the woman who interrupted her, whether she believed it or not, Chen Wei would not argue with a dying person.

  Huang Xuelan looked at Chen Wei's panicked fleeing figure (she thought), and the anger on her face quickly returned to calm.

  She also lost her mind and actually planned to get the cure for hematosis from a rude maniac.

  If hemorrhagic disease could really be cured, the doctor who developed the cure would have long been famous throughout Dayou. Even the Empress of Dayou might have issued an imperial edict to recruit him personally. But how could such a peerless doctor settle down in a small silver city? Yuancheng.

  "Cousin Xuelan, he dared to curse you for suffering from hematosis. Do you want me to find a few people to teach him a lesson?" Hong Lei showed his attentiveness again.

  "No need." Huang Xuelan glanced at him, hiding her disdain, and then turned and left.

  After such a farce, she was no longer in the mood to make alchemy today.

  "Interesting, this person doesn't look like he is lying." Seeing the parties involved leaving the scene, Hong Yongshou couldn't help but reach out and touch his long beard.

  "Although I don't know if this person has the secret method to cure hematosis, I am not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. Contact is essential. Hematosis is of great importance. This person's information still needs to be informed to the clan. "


  Chen Wei walked on the main road of Yinyuan City. He did not pay attention to the trivial things that happened in the alchemy tower. Instead, he summarized and thought about the external alchemy technique that was highly praised and popular by Empress Dayou.

  Different from the alchemy of Donghua Kingdom which focuses on improving the spirit of the source star and minimizing the poisonous content of the medicine, the outer elixir of Dayou pays attention to the mutual interaction of physical properties. The external elixir refined with eight stones, gold and jade can be taken to live forever, and the vajra is indestructible. Treasure flawless golden body.

  As for the violent erysipelas produced by the Golden Jade Waidan, Dayou strongmen generally believe that it is the calamity of tempering required to cultivate the Eight Treasures Golden Body.

  After all, how can you become a saint if your body is not worn down? The higher the level of Dayou's enhanced outer elixir, the more erysipelas it contains, so much that it is life-threatening for even those who are not strong at the same level to take it.

  Of course, there are disadvantages and advantages. The more erysipelas in Waidan, the more powerful the drug is, and the stronger the effect of promoting hair growth after taking it. Ghost Emperor Dan is one of the representatives of Waidan.

  At least Chen Wei currently knows that the elixir in Donghua that can help strong beast masters break through to the epic (seventh level of Origin Star) has a maximum advancement probability of only 50%, while the Ghost Emperor elixir has reached a terrifying level. Eighty-nine percent, that is, a strong Ghost King who takes the Ghost King Pill has only a one-in-one chance of failing to advance.

  Therefore, after obtaining the Ghost Emperor Pill, the city lord of Yinyuan City would focus on increasing his lifespan and restore his hard-working body to its full strength before he dared to try to break through.

  Otherwise, the Ghost Emperor Pill, which contains powerful erysipelas, would rot his weak body before he could complete his breakthrough.

  Thinking of this, Chen Wei let out a breath.

  Although the external elixir has too strong medicinal properties and too many poisons, its value is undoubtedly huge.

  If he could combine it with the alchemy technique of Donghua Kingdom to improve it, retaining the powerful medicinal properties while removing the terrifying erysipelas, he might be able to innovate and find his own path as a master of alchemy.

  "Maybe there is no need to rush back to China."

  Chen Wei looked up at the Waidan Pagoda, the tallest and most magnificent building in Yinyuan City, and couldn't help but feel a sense of ambition in his heart.

  In Dayou, where bloodline is respected, there are countless ways to improve bloodline recorded in the Waidan Sutra.

  Since the ghost clan can use external elixirs to improve their bloodline, why can't the pet beasts contracted by the beast masters do the same?
  When it comes to physical strength and resistance, the pet beast's strong body is no worse than the bloodline body of the ghost people who have practiced hard, or even stronger! (End of chapter)

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