507. Chapter 506 Top Star Ring

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  Chapter 506 Top Star Ring
  rejected Lu Niu’s request to accompany him. Chen Wei was led by Lu Ling to the most peripheral area of ​​the village, where there was a dilapidated thatched cottage.

  Compared with the wooden houses built by other villagers with wood, tiles and stones, this empty thatched house only attracted Chen Wei's attention because of the medicinal materials placed in the open space in front of the door.

  "Chirp!" (It's much worse than the wooden house I made in the spiritual plant space!)
  Bai Luo raised his head proudly.

  Chen Wei patted Bai Luo's head and followed Lu Ling into the dim thatched cottage.

  As soon as she entered the door, Lu Ling said excitedly: "Sister Bluetooth, it's okay, the doctor is willing to help!"

  After saying that, she looked at Chen Wei expectantly.

  What happened last night made Lu Ling feel from the bottom of her heart that Chen Wei was a good person, otherwise she would not dare to risk offending the noble man and ask Chen Wei for help.

  After all, the chips she can give are too few!
  A spiritual-level poison is extremely precious in Kutou Village. It is a spiritual medicine that the villagers can only pick after hundreds of years of cultivation in the mountains. But she knew that Chen Wei casually gave a spiritual-level medicine to her father yesterday. !
  "The ghost tribe really likes to use colors as their surnames!"

  When he heard the name Bluetooth, Chen Wei looked a little complicated and couldn't help but recall his Internet days in Donghua Country!

  The breeze blew by, and Chen Wei lowered his head to look at the figure on the simple wooden bed.

  She has eye-catching blue hair, but because of the dirt on her hair, she looks a little dry and dirty.

  The long horn on his forehead that the Oni clan was proud of seemed to have been tortured, leaving only a broken horn.

  Under the blue hair is a delicate oval face with beautiful facial features and small fangs showing on both sides of the black and purple lips. No wonder she is called Sister Bluetooth by Green Ling.

  But at this moment, her fair skin was covered with dark lines for some reason, a bit like tattoos, and a bit like mysterious runes inked by God, causing her beautiful face to become a little ugly.

  Her breathing was a little weak, and she seemed to be in a coma. The sleeve of the black straw coat revealed a left hand stained with black blood.

  The dusty left hand was covered with corrosive scars. Even the flesh and blood of the thumb and index finger on the palm had been consumed by the poison, exposing the snow-white phalanges.

  Seeing this tragic situation, Chen Wei's eyes suddenly froze.

  Although Bluetooth's eyes did not bulge like a monster, and the bones on his back were not rickety or deformed, if Chen Wei saw it correctly, the reason why this girl was unconscious was because she was contaminated with a trace of the deadly poison erupted from Chidi Dan.

  Sensing the surprise on Chen Wei's face, Lu Ling's courage dissipated a lot and she said timidly.

  "Although Sister Bluetooth has a broken horn on her head, she is a good person. Please save her!" "

  Don't worry, I can save her!" Chen Wei said confidently.

  After all, if it weren't for him detonating the Chi Di Dan, the girl on the bed wouldn't be in such a desperate situation.

  The only thing that made Chen Wei feel strange was that without a special elixir to relieve the deadly poison, how did this girl survive?

  You know, even a trace of deadly poison is enough to make the sixth-level king beast fall!
  "There is definitely a secret in this ghost-human girl!"

  Chen Wei narrowed his eyes, took out a special detoxification pill from the star ring, mixed it with a bowl of water, and then used his mind to control the liquid into Bluetooth's mouth.

  Soon after, the antidote took effect, and the girl who had been sleeping for a long time moved her fingers slightly and opened her dazzling blue eyes.

  "I'm not dead!" A wry smile appeared on Bluetooth's lips. It seemed that for her, not dying was a pity.

  "Sister Bluetooth, if the doctor takes action, you won't die!" Lu Ling said nervously. Hearing this, Bluetooth showed a forced smile to Lu Ling, turned his head to look at the big shot in Lu Ling's mouth, and wanted to salute according to the custom, but was stopped by Chen Wei.

  "How did you get infected with this poison?" Chen Wei said softly.

  A trace of fear flashed in Bluetooth's eyes.

  "Yesterday after the God of Thunder became angry, a dead body floated down the river from Xingyuan Lake. I went up to pick up something, but when I got home I fainted and fell to the ground." There was no concealment, no deception, the girl truthfully told everything she knew

  . .

  Chen Wei was startled for a moment, and suddenly thought of a possibility, "Take out the thing and show it to me. I can better determine the poison on your body." "

  The thing is under the bed. Lu Lingqi can help me get it." Bluetooth doesn't matter. road.

  The gap between people is sometimes wider than that of dogs. In front of the distinguished doctor, the treasure in her eyes may just be garbage.

  "This ring looks just like the doctor's ring!" Lu Ling exclaimed, taking out two shining rings and a simple bracelet from under the bed.

  "This is Guhuatian's star ring!" Chen Wei's eyes suddenly lit up.

  It takes no effort to find it even if you wear out your straw sandals! If it hadn't been for his whim, he might have missed this star ring!

  "There is no way to repay the kindness of saving a life. If the doctor likes it, I will give these things to you as a reward." Unlike the surprised

  Green Ling, the inspired Bluetooth immediately noticed the slightest glimmer in Chen Wei's eyes. eager.

  In order to prevent the other party from choosing to seize the treasure and silence them, Bluetooth chose to give away these jewelry that were useless except that they looked good, but were vaguely extraordinary.

  "Ah, Sister Bluetooth, can you give me one too!" Lu Ling touched the ring fondly.

  "These are already grown-up things. It's useless to ask me. You have to ask the grown-ups for their opinions." Bluetooth shook his head.

  Taking the source device handed over by Lu Ling, Chen Wei smiled and said, "If you like it, I'll give this ring to you, but you have to keep the other one for me." [Damaged Void Ring]

  : Mid-grade seventh-level epic Source weapon, injecting source power can make the holder's body become void in a short time, hiding in another dimension, thus making it immune to most attacks.

  [Current status]: Completely damaged and beyond repair.

  Once such a sophisticated protective ring source device is scrapped, the price of repairing it with a blacksmith is more expensive than buying a new defensive source device. The only valuable thing is the material of the protective ring itself, but it has also lost its due spirituality. , not worth much.

  Therefore, Chen Wei didn't feel bad at all when he gave it to Lu Ling.

  Compared with this damaged defensive source weapon, Chen Wei was more concerned about the undamaged and spiritually-preserving top-level star ring in Green Ling's hand.

  [Top Star Ring]: A seventh-level space source device, a storage treasure created by the master of the talisman array to outline the space talisman array and the master of the forging space crystal. Its internal space is vast, with a capacity of approximately tens of thousands of cubic meters.

  Note: This star ring has been locked to store a secret anchor point. (Due to the death of the original host, the space of the star ring is blocked. It requires special techniques and the same bloodline as the host to open it!)

  Putting this top-level star ring close to his body, Chen Wei exhaled a breath of turbidity.

  (End of chapter)

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