500.Chapter 499 Dark Night Evil Spirit

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  Chapter 499 Dark Night Evil Spirit
  "There is no use in denying it. I can also get the Ten Thousand-Year-Old Bluestone Milk from your corpse. I might as well cooperate obediently to avoid suffering more."

  As Gu Huatian's voice fell, the shadow behind him Unexpectedly, in a place that Chen Wei couldn't see, it moved towards Chen Wei's position strangely and rapidly.

  Obviously, no matter whether Chen Wei plans to threaten him with the evergreen stone milk or turns around and flees for his life, his pet beast [Dark Night Evil Spirit] can subdue him in an instant.

  After all, Chen Wei is just a low-level beast master who is not even a king. No matter how many protective treasures he has on his body, he cannot resist the offensive of the seventh-level overlord.

  Using his spiritual eyes, he noticed that an extremely cold source of power was rapidly approaching him. Chen Wei, who originally planned to run away, could only reveal his first trump card, which was Bai Luo, whose strength reached the middle level of the seventh level.


  In Gu Huatian's surprised eyes, the inevitable blow of the Dark Night Evil Spirit was actually blocked by a fat, weird beast that looked like a carrot transformed into a human being. It emitted a dangerous energy that made him feel dangerous. momentum.

  Gu Huatian was not surprised but happy, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

  "A mere low-level beast master is actually protected by a seventh-level overlord of the plant system. You really have a lot of evergreen milk on your body!!!"

  Out of the appraiser's professionalism and respect for his opponent, Gu Hua Tian immediately threw a master identification technique at Bai Luo.

  The moment he saw Bai Luo's identity clearly, an ecstatic expression appeared on his face.

  "It's actually a rare seven-turn dragon radish!"

  The radish has the reputation of a small ginseng, not only because the appearance of the radish is somewhat similar to that of ginseng, but also because the source of energy elements contained in the radish also have a great effect on the beast master.

  When the seventh-turn dragon rose reaches the seventh level of overlord, the vitality contained in its body has already surpassed the life-extending ten thousand-year ginseng, which is enough to bring the dead back to life, and it definitely has the magical effect of greatly extending the life span.

  The combination of ten thousand years of evergreen stone milk and an unknown seven-turn dragon root can completely extend his life span by five to six hundred years, allowing him, an epic beast master, to have a life span that exceeds that of a legendary strongman.

  "Destiny is mine!" Gu Huatian thought excitedly.

  In order to thank Chen Wei for sending such precious life-extending resources, he decided to violate his own code of conduct and leave Chen Wei's body intact.

  At the same time, Chen Wei looked at the alien beast that was gradually solidifying in black shadow not far away, and used his Delusion-breaking Spiritual Eyes that could see through the roots.

  In the black shadow is a soul body that is probably more than three meters in diameter and looks very similar to a spider, but is essentially different.

  The eight purple-black, sharp spear-like claws are about six meters long, and there is a bright red dangerous arc on the inner corners of the claws, as if piercing the void.

  A huge evil eye with purple eyes and red pupils is entrenched on eight claws. Under the evil eye is a human-like phantom that is wailing crazily, except that the phantom has three horns on its head, exuding an odor. A strange and eerie aura.

  [Pet name]: Night evil spirit
  [Pet attribute]: evil spirit, darkness

  [Race level]: Epic overlord
  [Strength level]: Lower level seven
  [Race skills]: Night raid, evil spirit domain, soul-locking eyes of death , Eyes moving in the dark night, souls extinct

  [Introduction to pet beasts]: The dark alien beasts that have been defiled by the legendary evil beasts can arouse the evil thoughts deep in the heart of the beast master, and feed on the seven deadly sins such as evil thoughts, greed, etc. A strange beast that is extremely powerful in urban combat, but it has also lost the terrifying contagiousness of the strange beast.

  "He actually colluded with the legendary monster!" Chen Wei's face turned cold after seeing the identity of the attacker who was fighting Bai Luo.

  "Evil beast masters who explore taboos should all die!"

  At this time, Bai Luo seemed to have sensed the murderous intention in Chen Wei's heart, and Bai Luo no longer held back. Its body expanded rapidly, and endless black holes appeared around it. Soon, a majestic giant beast about tens of thousands of meters tall, with a black hole on its body that swallowed everything, suddenly appeared.

  "Be careful, don't be contaminated by the power of evil spirits." Chen Wei reminded subconsciously, for fear that Bai Luo would be contaminated by the power of evil spirits because of swallowing the source power of the night evil spirits.

  Hearing this, Bai Luo changed his fighting method, wrapping the all-devouring black hole around the endless long beard of the horned dragon, and then blasted away at the evil night spirit with all his strength.


  With great force, thousands of long beards of the horned dragon set off a terrifying explosion in the air that made people cover their ears.

  Gu Huatian's pupils suddenly condensed, and he subconsciously summoned two other seventh-level overlord beasts.

  As the saying goes, a lion fights a rabbit with all his strength. Even if his strength completely overwhelms Chen Wei, he still dare not underestimate this famous top-level monster, not to mention that he plans to capture this unprecedented seventh-turn dragon in front of him alive.

  Chen Wei looked solemnly at the two seventh-level overlords who suddenly appeared, namely the Dark Ice Konglong of the Dark and Ice Elements and the Demonic Evil Flower of the Wood and Evil Spirit Elements.

  The appearance of the Dark Ice Konglong looks a bit like the black dragon among the Western five-color dragons. Its ferocious head is full of black raised dragon horns, and the wings on its back are bone wings similar to those of a bat.

  There are crystals condensed by dark ice at the end of the bone wings, exuding a chill that can freeze the soul.

  The Demonic Evil Flower is a flower elf with an extremely holy temperament. Its light blue hair sets off a delicate face as clear as jade.

  If it weren't for Chen Wei's extraordinary observation ability, its holy appearance might have concealed the bloodthirsty nature in his heart.

  The sky-wide pollen and endless cold air erupted from them, and then shot towards Bai Luo who was suppressing the evil night spirit.

  Boom! ! !

  As the four seventh-level overlord beasts started fighting, the dark space felt like the end of the world. Countless explosions resounded through the sky, and the extremely powerful shock wave made Chen Wei take dozens of steps back.

  "With Bai Luo's strength, it's a bit difficult to fight one against three."

  Chen Wei's thoughts were beating rapidly, trying to find a way to break the situation.

  However, Gu Huatian kept a distance and summoned a sixth-level pet beast to protect him, always on guard against Chen Wei's attacks.

  Obviously knowing that Chen Wei has a very powerful physical training and the combat power of the contracted pet beast is comparable to that of a sixth-level king, he doesn't want to take even a little risk.

  "You are really cautious!" Chen Wei glanced at Gu Huatian, and handed the two Chidi Pills that had been hidden for a long time into Cai Ling's arms in the blind spot of the other person's field of vision.

  According to Grau, the center of the Chididan explosion, within a fifty-meter radius, can directly poison and vaporize epic heroes.

  Chen Wei didn't dare to detonate such a dangerous weapon around him, lest his opponent would be buried with him before he was completely dead. That would be a real loss!

  After determining the target, Chen Wei began to figure out how to bring the Chidi Dan carried by Cailing to the vicinity of Guhuatian.

  It would be best to use Red Earth Pill to eliminate the three most threatening seventh-level overlord beasts at once.

  (End of chapter)

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