489. Chapter 488 Time Poison

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  Chapter 488 Time Poison
  "All in all, this thing is a life-threatening charm for pet beasts. You'd better be careful when bidding." Grau yawned, his eyes a little boring.

  "Can't it also be used to pause time? Although it can only last for 0.5 seconds." Chen Wei looked hesitant.

  He finally saw a rare time-based beast control resource, and he didn't want to miss it so easily.

  Different from the five-level resource certification given by the Star-Moon Chamber of Commerce, he used the Time Stone in the cabinet to identify the time stone with the Delusion Eyes and got a super high evaluation of up to six levels.

  [Time Stone]: A sixth-level time system resource. This resource is an excellent tonic for time-based beasts that can greatly shorten the growth time. However, for all pet beasts outside the time system, it is a realm-blocking stone. Horrible poison.

  "Pause time?"

  Grau rolled his eyes at Chen Wei, "This thing doesn't distinguish between friend and foe. The pause time will also pause the user's time. The range covered by the time stop is still very small. It's just like it's useless. Long-distance launch can come in handy, but not much." "

  After all, if you can accurately hit distant enemies, wouldn't it be nice to use a large-scale damage weapon? There is no need to use a strange rock that can only pause for 0.5 seconds. This thing can't rely on quantity to add duration."

  Hearing this, Chen Wei nodded thoughtfully.

  The Time Stone can only be used by time-based pet beasts, otherwise it is highly poisonous. No wonder so many beast masters abandon it like worn-out shoes. This is like the ancients who spent all their wealth to learn the art of slaying dragons, but there are no dragons in the world. It can be slaughtered!
  As far as Chen Wei knows, except for the Time Candle Dragon recorded in ancient books, the Donghua Kingdom has not found any surviving time-based beasts so far. Instead, some time-based beasts have been discovered more or less in secret realms across the country. resource.

  These discoveries have led some researchers to believe that there are time-based beasts on the Blue Star, but they have not been able to find any actual traces.

  As for the Star-Moon Dragon, a pet beast with individual time-based skills, strictly speaking, it is not actually recognized by researchers.

  In their eyes, a true time-based beast must at least be able to control time with level five beast control resources, that is, the time stone.

  Therefore, if the time-based pet beast cannot be found, the time stone will be useless.

  "It would be nice to buy it for collection!"

  Chen Wei did not hide his interest. He took the bidding form in the surprised eyes of the staff and filled in the starting price of 100 million star coins.

  Unless the seller forcefully requires it, the vast majority of buyers will choose to trade with star coins, and Chen Wei is no exception.

  The staff member bowed and took Chen Wei's bidding form, and looked at the appearance of the buyer without trace.

  According to the requirements of her superiors, she needs to assist the intelligence personnel of the Chamber of Commerce in the work and record the information of every bidder who participates in the time stone auction.

  Seeing Chen Weizhen's interest, Grau Weng said: "In addition to producing time stones, the Tongtian Secret Realm also produces time stones of a higher level. The level is as high as seven epics. They should appear in tonight's auction." "Seven.

  " Super epic?" Chen Wei blinked.

  The time stone identified with the Pandora's Eye will be slightly higher than the level marked by the Star-Moon Chamber of Commerce. If the time stone is the same, it must be an eighth-level legendary resource!

  Thinking of this possibility, Chen Wei's heart beat rapidly.

  Although this is just his guess, he is not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. It seems that he must participate in tonight's auction.

  After thinking about it, Chen Wei lost interest in shopping and decided to get to the bottom of it, and continued to inquire about the information from the knowledgeable Grau Weisaurus.

  Chen Wei: "What are the effects of the Time Eternal Stone?"

  "The Time Eternal Stone, like the Time Eternal Stone, is also a time-based resource that people hate!

  Regardless of whether it is a human or an animal, as long as it is within one meter of the Time Eternal Stone, its lifespan will be The passage will speed up!"

  At this point, Grau seemed to be hungry and swallowed his saliva. "The Star-Moon Chamber of Commerce once conducted an experiment on the Time Universe Stone. They asked an eighteen-year-old new beast master to sit next to the Time Universe Stone to meditate and practice to test the effect."

  "What's the result?"

  "The beast control master practiced for two months, and the source star cultivation level broke through from the first level to the second level. As a result, he changed from a youthful young man to a gray-haired old man, with a bone age of seven years. Eighteen, died a few days after the experiment!" "

  That is to say, sitting next to the time stone for a day is equivalent to spending a year!" Chen Wei's pupils shrank.

  One day in the sky and one year on the ground. This is already a story in the myths and legends of previous lives. I didn't expect that the Time Universe Stone can actually do this!
  After chatting for a while about the information about the Time Universe Stone, Senior Brother Grau suddenly heard a thunderous sound in his stomach.

  "How about we go eat first?"

  Chen Wei said softly, looking at Grau who looked as usual.


  As the waiter directed the pet beast to push open the heavy door, a large restaurant with a luxurious yet elegant style came into view of Chen Wei.

  The crystal chandelier hanging high on the ceiling exudes a dreamy and bright light, making the food placed on the exquisite long table look particularly delicious.

  Afterwards, Chen Wei carefully selected dozens of delicious dishes and placed them on his table under the slightly surprised eyes of the surrounding guests.

  If this kind of country bumpkin behavior were applied to others, it would probably attract some mocking eyes, but when it was applied to Chen Wei, no one dared to say a word, and even looked at Chen Wei with an uneasy expression. Hidden respect.

  The reason why he was able to do this was because of Grau who was eating heavily next to Chen Wei.

  Even if Grau deliberately restrained the power of the overlord dragon while eating, the terrifying threat from the life level still made it impossible for the guests present to ignore the terrifying dragon that had become the focus of the audience at this moment.


  Mi Yue first glanced at her teammates who were feasting next to her, then lowered her head to look at the hot and delicious steaks in front of her, her eyes hesitant.

  "What's wrong? Doesn't it taste good?"

  Chen Wei touched Mi Yue's head. If he remembered correctly, the Xingyue Dragon should be a carnivorous dragon. Of course, it would occasionally eat some vegetarian food.

  "Yeah." (**) (No.)
  Mi Yuelong's eyes narrowed, enjoying Chen Wei's touch.

  Mi Yue likes Chen Wei to touch her head very much. This gentle gesture will make her feel safer after leaving her familiar environment.

  Yes, that's right, Mi Yue has never felt safe.

  Before Chen Wei appeared, it had seen more than once the scene of its own death after following the beastmaster out of the secret realm.

  Because of this terrifying future, Mi Yue, who has longed for the free world since birth, became afraid of the outside world!
  "As long as you follow the beast master out of the secret realm, you will die!"

  After learning this, Mi Yue never envied the playmates who were taken away by the beast master in the secret realm, just because she saw the dead elephant in the future.

  Until it met Chen Wei!

  (End of chapter)

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