Chapter 660 Stars

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  Chapter 660 Star
  Sol looked up from the complicated calculation sketch.

  It has been almost three months since I got this ice-locking array design scroll.

  Wizard Tower also received its first snowfall this winter in early December.

  Because he likes to see the snowy scenery, Sol asked the Wizard Tower to turn an entire wall into a floor-to-ceiling window.

  Whenever his brain became stiff due to high-speed operation, Sol would look outside and be in a daze for a while.

  While in a daze, Sol saw two small black dots quickly approaching the Rhine Lake in the white snow.

  "Gaga drum is here." Sol told Byron in a low voice and sneaked out.

  As soon as Jiajiagu and others came over, Sol knew that he had introduced another patient to him.

  Gagagu has been keen on introducing patients to Saul these days.

  Almost every other month I bring someone here.

  I don’t know how he did it to make so many official wizards willing to believe in Thor.

  After all, Thor's treatment requires using mental power to scan the person being treated and determine the location of the source of pollution.

  If the source of pollution is hidden, Sol may even need to conduct experiments to find the source of the pollution.

  This is the equivalent of asking a wizard to entrust his safety to a stranger.

  Not everyone has the courage that Jiajiagu had.

  Although Thor is studying the selection questions from the Star Gate, occasionally coming out to treat these wizards who have been contaminated by the same black tide can also deepen his understanding of the black tide.

  You can also change your mind at the same time.

  He quickly used the giant bird Diudiu to bring the two of them into the wizard tower, and then Jiajiagu followed the housekeeper Hope to trade.

  Saul took the patient into the third floor.

  "Can I ask your name?" Thor skillfully put on the white wizard robe.

  Lately he has been consciously using his clothes to separate the work he is doing.

  Remind him not to perform autopsies on contaminated patients on the lab table.

  "My name is Ed, Lord Thor."

  After changing into a white robe, the young Thor looked even more gentle and handsome, which made the first-order wizard lying on the experimental table relax a little.

  Although Ed looks to be in his forties and has been an official wizard much longer than Thor, the strict hierarchy among wizards and the huge gap in strength between different levels make Ed completely less imposing than the older man.

  He lay on the cold and hard experimental table, trying hard to control his eyes from looking around, but the bottles and jars around him still attracted his attention.

  These instruments also appeared in Ed's laboratory, but when he lay on the experimental table, the look and feel of these instruments was completely different.

  Looking at Ed who was a little nervous, Thor didn't mean to laugh at him. He used simple hypnosis to put him into a relaxed state, and then started a full body examination.

  Two hours later, Thor determined the source of the contamination in Ed's body and conducted a preliminary cleanup.

  After he put the cleaned pollution sources away separately, Ed had come down from the experimental table and looked at his hands in surprise and surprise.

  Before treatment, he had lost control of his hands for a long time. He often makes some strange movements, and even suddenly picks up a silver knife and stabs himself in the chest while he is doing experiments.

  If he hadn't solidified the defensive magic in advance, he would have been severely injured by his own hands.

  Now, he finally felt that the hands were back under his control.

  "Thank you very much, Lord Thor. I, I can only provide these materials now, but I will make up for it as soon as possible."

  Thor cleaned his hands and said with a smile: "This is not urgent."

  Ed said again. Thank you. Seeing Sol's nonchalant look, I made up my mind to complete the remaining materials within a month. When Ed came out of Sol's wizard tower, he saw Gaga Drum waiting for him outside.

  "How about it? Dr. Sol is very good, right?" Jia Jia Gu looked proud.

  Ed nodded, unable to help but feel a little doubt about the relationship between Jia Jiagu and Sol.

  "Could it be that Jia Jia Gu actually belongs to Sorcerer Sol?" But as soon as he thought of this, Jia Jia Gu rushed up to him with a grin and held his hand.

  "You also admire Wizard Thor, right?"

  "Uh..." Ed was stunned. Although he was indeed grateful to Thor, he didn't go to the extent of worshiping him.

  However, Jiajia Gu asked so bluntly, and now he was standing under the wizard's tower.

  "...Yes, I really admire Wizard Thor." Ed nodded vigorously again.

  "Haha, we both admire Wizard Thor, so we are good friends! From now on, when I sell your products, I won't secretly charge a premium!"

  Ed was delighted, then surprised, "Then you told me before that it was half price? "

  Oh! Half price after the premium, it's almost the same as the original price anyway." "

  Then you have to give me a cheaper price in the future!"

  "No problem."

  Thor had already returned to the third level of the Wizard Tower. Leaning against the floor-to-ceiling window, watching the two people discussing intimately.

  After they walked out of the Rhine Lake, Thor used the Eye of Exile to clearly see an eye with colorful pupils growing on the back of Ed's head.

  "Not counting Brando and Gagagu, this is already the third patient with eyes." Saul's face was solemn, not at all as comfortable as when he just sent the patient away.

  "As long as people who have a certain affection for me will grow colorful eyes after coming into contact with Jiajiagu. But those who express gratitude without any gratitude in their hearts will not grow eyes." "This comes from the space

  . Star Eyes, do you still need to look at the favorability when you are infected?"

  But so far, Thor has not found that the Star Eyes cause any damage to the infected person's body.

  Not only that, people with star eyes are difficult to be contaminated by the black tide.

  Even if there is still pollution on the body, it will not get worse unless more extreme circumstances occur.

  Looking at it this way, people infected with star eyes are as if they have received a shot of vaccine and have a strong resistance to the disease-like black tide.

  "However, although the star eyes come from my consciousness space, I currently have no control over them. A powerful force that cannot be controlled by me is a hidden danger after all." Thor had discovered that there was something different about the stars in his consciousness space before

  . . But there was an equally mysterious diary in his space, so he didn't pay much attention to the stars that he couldn't control in the first place.

  But unlike the diary, which never had contact with the outside world, the stars have now come to the outside world through Brando, and have shown regular but almost irresistible contagion.

  This makes Thor no longer able to ignore its existence and the powerful power contained in it.

  After thinking about it, Sol suddenly turned around and said to Byron: "Senior, I want to do an experiment."

  Byron was still busy with the experiment in hand and asked without raising his head: "What do you need me to do?"

  "Help me Look at my body, if my condition is abnormal... No, when my body deteriorates more seriously, you can stimulate my mental body from the outside and try your best to wake me up." Byron put down the test tube in his hand at this

  time , with a serious face, "What are you going to do?"

  Sol pursed his lips, not knowing whether he was nervous or excited.

  "I'm going to meet a group of old friends who have always been by my side, but I still don't know the details."

   I said nothing more and just got down on the ground and admitted my mistake

  (End of Chapter)

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