Chapter 636 Surprise Inspection

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  Chapter 636 Raid Inspection

  Thor looked at Marsh in shock.

  Behind Marsh is the fog of the Rhine Lake that gets lighter year by year.

  Through the thin mist, Thor seemed to see the person sitting in front of the wizard tower.

  I don't know why, but I suddenly felt nervous.

  As if on the first day of school, the teacher said, "Everyone, put your books away and we will do a basic test." "

  Wait, no, the Borderlands prohibits outside third-level wizards from entering at will. How did the instructor get in?"

  A thought suddenly flashed through Sol's mind, instantly making his scalp tingle.

  He immediately said to Marsh beside him: "From now on, the passage in the mushroom forest will be closed, and no one is allowed to enter."

  However, considering Marsh's combat power, it was unrealistic for him to stop those who wanted to break through.

  So Thor changed his words: "Just say that I am recovering my mental strength. If someone insists on breaking in, use spores to warn."

  Marsh nodded quickly, and then ran to the mushroom forest to operate.

  Thor took a deep breath, put Ann into the diary, and then stepped onto the ice of the Rhine Lake.

  Although a little nervous, Sol's pace was not slow.

  Soon he saw clearly the people under the wizard tower.

  It was none other than his ineffable mentor Gortha.

  At this time, Gorsa was wearing a pure black wizard's robe, without a hood, and was sitting so carelessly on a soft sofa that was enough to sink half into it.

  With a smile on his face, he watched Sol approaching step by step. He didn't raise his hand until Sol stepped onto the land in the middle of the lake.

  "Long time no see, Thor."

  "Long time no see, mentor."

  Thor walked to stand in front of Gorsa.

  "Why don't you enter the Wizard Tower and wait for me?"

  Thor stretched out his arm, inviting Gortha to enter the Pure Spirit Wizard Tower.

  Gorza stood up as if there was no gravity and put away the huge and comfortable pink sofa.

  "This is already your wizard tower. Without the owner's permission, I can't enter at will."

  On the side, the housekeeper Hope was standing with his hands hanging down, his head slightly lowered.

  Gorza said jokingly: "But even if I want to go in, Hope won't agree."

  Hope smiled politely and bowed again.

  If Golza really insisted on entering the Wizard Tower, he would try his best to stop him even if he knew he couldn't stop him.

  But Golza was really considerate in some ways and didn't make this request of Hope at all.

  Thor led Gortha into the wizard tower and suddenly said something.

  "Actually, mentor, you have already been here once."

  Golsa turned his head and said with a smile, "Yes. You brought me in last time."

  Sure enough!

  Sol endured the confusion in his heart and led Gorza to the underground floor.

  Camus in the corner was very happy to see Sol.

  When Thor was gone, there was no one to turn to for her study of witchcraft.

  But then she saw Gorza.

  Gorza was not making any pretense at this point.

  Camus, who had just wanted to say hello to Thor, immediately backed away, sat down, hugged his knees with his hands, and pretended that he was a soul that knew nothing.

  However, Golza did not let her go.

  "Oh, Camus, it turns out you came here."

  Saul had already learned Camus's identity from the housekeeper before, and in addition, Gorsa had already met Camus when he was disguised as a mummy. You naturally brought him here.

  However, when facing Gorsa, Camus had no intention of communicating with him and did not say a word.

  "I discovered her while digging the basement after building the wizard tower." Thor took the initiative to tell the story of how he and Camus got to know each other. In fact, he also wanted to find out why the former owner of the Wizard Tower appeared underground in Borderland?

  "Is that so?" Gortha looked at Camus with great interest. "She originally fell into the sea outside the Wall of Sighs in the Far North and disappeared." Gortha's eyes changed


  "You actually came here after escaping from the Black Tide? How did you get here?"

  Gorsa slowly walked to Camus and squatted down, "Isn't it possible that you are hiding here to escape the mission of the Wall of Sighs? ?"

  Huh? ? ?
  Only then did Thor realize that Camus had disappeared in the Far North.

  Camus finally raised his head after being asked, "I am already dead. Dead people do not need to undertake tasks."

  Golsa was paused for a moment. He touched his chin, stood up again, turned around and spread his hands to Thor. , "What she said makes so much sense."

  Thor asked doubtfully: "Mentor, what are the Black Tide and the Wall of Sighs?"

  He had some guesses, but still wanted to get a more precise answer.

  "Since we want to chat, let's sit down and chat comfortably."

  Golza snapped his fingers, and the pink single sofa appeared again.

  "Sit down too. Is the sofa I gave you still there?"

  "Yes." Sol took out his sofa and sat down with him with difficulty.

  I don’t know why, but I feel a little ashamed to sit on this soft sofa in front of Camus.

  It was as if the rigorous academic atmosphere was suddenly broken.

  However, Gorsa was not unnatural at all and had already begun to talk to Thor about the relationship between the Wall of Sighs and the Black Tide.

  "Have you heard of the term Eye of the Abyss?"

  Thor nodded, "I heard it from a wizard from the Nephrite continent. He said that the Tribunal was established to prevent the expansion of the Eye of the Abyss." In fact, he learned about it from Gudo in the diary

  . , but the other party is indeed from the Nephrite continent.

  "Huh?" Gorsa raised his eyebrows, "You know this information well enough. Do you know anything else?" "

  Almost nothing else."

  "That's one-sided." Gorsa's eyes Curved up, "When it comes to the Eye of the Abyss and the Wall of Sighs, we must first explain what the abyss is."

  The abyss is a deep sea whirlpool in the endless ocean opposite the world.

  It is said that in the Dark Moon Period, the previous era of the New Moon Period, when the abyss first appeared, it was just a small whirlpool.

  A sailboat as small as an ordinary person can easily break free.

  Although there was a danger of pollution at that time, the harm was not serious and it did not even attract the attention of the wizards on board.

  But soon, it grew into the terrifying Eye of the Abyss within a few decades.

  The top wizards at the time failed to remove the contamination several times, so they decided to completely destroy the vortex.

  Unexpectedly, this collective attack would bring devastating results.

  The abyss suddenly erupted and swallowed the nearest continent directly.

  At that time, almost all the people involved in destroying the vortex died. Even those who survived suffered extremely terrible pollution and died one after another within the next hundred years.

  This also caused a gap in the wizard promotion path in this world.

  Later, people designated the day when the whirlpool was flat to the west as a new chronology, that is, the New Moon Period.

  "Almost all the current fourth-level wizards entered the fourth level in the New Moon Year. None of them were witnesses of the abyss eruption, but they were obviously deeply influenced by their elders or mentors." Golsa faintly recounted what he knew

  . Inside story.

  "Although the Eye of the Abyss only has small-scale outbreaks now, it still sets off huge tsunamis every few years. There are also terrifying monsters from the bottom of the sea hidden in the tsunamis. The most powerful monsters, even third-level wizards, have to join forces. can be eliminated."

  "That's why the tall Wall of Sighs was built in the far north of the Stat continent, and the southern part of Neferet is filled with man-eating red sea trees. These two places are where tsunamis hit the most frequently and violently. The place. Iscape between the two continents is responsible for using the island to eliminate the aftermath of the weaker tsunami." "

  But currently we can only take these defensive measures and hope in our hearts that the abyss will not erupt on a large scale again. "

  Oh!" Thor was deeply shocked. "Can we only hope? Then if the abyss erupts on a large scale again..."

  Gortha laughed and spread his hands.

  "This world will be destroyed."

  (End of chapter)

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