Chapter 587 Accepted a young apprentice

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  Chapter 587 Taking in a Young Apprentice
  Sol and Brando failed to reach an agreement in the end, and the latter had to leave disappointed.

  Jiajia Gu stayed on and continued to trade with Sol.

  Just because he brought Brando, which may have made Sol unhappy, Gagagu deliberately lowered some prices.

  While picking out the goods, Thor asked Jiajiagu: "Has anything big happened in Borderland recently?"

  Jiajiagu told Thor that he was exploring dangers everywhere. On the surface, he was planning to build a Borderland. code, but Gagagu felt they were looking for something. I just don’t know what to look for.

  The three third-level wizards seemed to want to join forces, and the once somewhat conflicted Feng Yao and Lord Ying temporarily put aside their grudges.

  "Third-level wizards are all looking for something, and this thing may appear in every dangerous area. They only know that it is there, but they don't know where it is, so they can only use the stupidest investigation methods." Thor held his chin, thinking in his heart He muttered, "Why does it feel like some kind of prophecy?"

  His expression gradually became serious, "If it is really something that third-level wizards must spend manpower and material resources to find. The content of the prophecy is probably not something extremely rare. It's some extremely terrible disaster."

  Sol said, "I really hope it's the former."

  After completing the transaction, Sol helped Jiajiagu clean up the pollution for the last time.

  From now on, as long as Gagagu makes good use of the stand-in doll Sol made for him, he will no longer be entangled in the pollution in the huge luggage behind him.

  Of course, in addition to luggage, there are many other pollutions and dangers in Borderland, which are not covered by the protection of the stand-in doll.

  When Thor returned to the Wizard Tower, he saw Noah coming down from the second floor with the butler.

  There was still a trace of panic on Noah's face. When he went downstairs, he looked back from time to time and almost fell down. The butler who was well prepared picked him up by the collar and put it on the ground.

  "Lord Thor."

  Seeing Thor coming back from outside, Noah couldn't help but run forward.

  This Noah was ripened and experienced a lot of despair and danger. But the original age may be less than ten years old.

  After he stayed in the Wizard Tower for two days, the liveliness in his bones slowly returned.

  "Lord Thor, Mr. Hope and I just went to see your laboratory on the third floor. It's so magical!"

  Noah used to only think how powerful the wizards were, how dangerous their witchcraft was, and how weird their behavior was. .

  So his desire to become a wizard's apprentice is more of a strong-willed mentality.

  But after seeing Thor's (surface) laboratory, he realized that what wizards really study is knowledge.

  Only knowledge is the existence that makes people go on and on, day and night, and become fascinated by it!

  Although Noah can't understand it yet, the magnificent world fascinates him.

  "Lord Thor, can I really learn witchcraft knowledge from you?" Noah raised his head. Although his face was pale, his eyes were full of light.

  Thor originally wanted to ask him whether he wanted a stable but short life, or a dangerous and arduous life, but possibly shorter?
  But now it seems that Noah's choice is obvious.

  "It seems that you have made a decision. However, I still want to warn you that after becoming an apprentice, you may encounter a lot of dangers, and you may die in a monster attack the next day." "Yes, sir

  . Mr. Butler has already told me." Noah thought for a while and knelt on the ground with a pop. "Maybe I died once. Now I am no longer so afraid of death. Instead, I thought that if I can't do it before I die, Taking a peek at the magical world you live in will make me very, very, very scared."

  "Please accept me, I will definitely study hard and complete the tasks assigned by you!"

  Sol raised his hand and gave a wave of excitement. An invisible force lifted Noah up.

  "You don't have to do this. Just call me mentor." Thor asked the butler to teach Noah the etiquette among wizards at night, and then led the people to the top of the wizard tower.

  Noah has only lived on the first floor of the Wizard Tower for the past two days. He just visited the third floor. Now he is following Thor and continuing to go up, full of novelty and excitement.

  When he reached the top of the Wizard Tower, he discovered that from the inside, the circular platform at the top of the tower was actually surrounded by a huge transparent barrier.

  From the outside, there is nothing at the top of the tower.

  But inside, you can see a huge cube.

  He is taller than Thor, and he can't even touch the sides with his hands stretched out.

  This cube is black iron in color. If you look closely, you can see that it is not as smooth as iron. It seems to be full of small, uneven particles.

  "Don't stare at the lines on it." Thor warned, "It's a blurred witchcraft circle. If you stare at it, your eyes will be sucked up." Noah was stunned and quickly looked away

  . "Yes, mentor."

  Thor took Noah around to the other side of the cube.

  Hanging on this cube wall was a headless corpse.

  The upper body of the body had been stripped naked. Position your hands and feet diagonally.

  If you look closely, you will see that there are no nails or chains on this corpse, as if it is attached to a cube.

  Thor stepped forward, and suddenly there was a knife in his hand, and he lightly slashed one of the corpse's arms.

  The skin and flesh parted, revealing the pale texture inside.

  There are some faint black and brown impurities in the skin.

  Then a black tentacle stretched out from the back of Thor's neck and lifted him directly onto the cube.

  From Noah's perspective, he couldn't see what was on the cube. He could only see Thor squatting down, reaching out and stirring it like water.

  When he took his hand back, his palm was covered with a layer of black viscous liquid.

  The liquid kept sliding down, but when it was halfway down, it suddenly jumped up and grabbed Thor's wrist.

  Just like a hand, before falling, it suddenly jumped up to catch Thor.

  Sol's expression remained unchanged and he shook his wrist gently. The black liquid finally fell back into the cube without even a splash sound.

  Thor jumped down from the cube again and spread his palms to show Noah.

  "I will give you a month to learn some specialized knowledge. After one month, I will send you to a sparsely populated place to collect these black particles." There is a layer of fine black particles in

  Sol's palm, which looks like sand. , but when Sol twisted it with his fingers, it immediately turned into finer and smaller powder.

  "I will temporarily call this thing Black Magic Powder. I will teach you how to identify and collect it, and leave you some survival necessities and a clone of Xiaowei. Your main task then is to

  collect it and find a way to stay alive. Go down. I can't stay with you all the time, but I will go over to see you every once in a while to guide your study."

  Noah nodded repeatedly. He stared at the black powder in Sol's palm, feeling that this thing was very magical. , and at the same time it seems very dangerous.

  This made his heart beat fast. He didn't know whether it was fear or excitement.

  Thor collected all the black magic powder in his palm into a small bottle with a seal.

  The bottle was then given to Noah so that he could be familiar with his goal for the rest of his learning career.

  Noah carefully took the bottle, held it with both hands, and put it on his chest, looking very cherished.

  "Then," Thor thought about the personnel arrangements, "you should learn the wizard's common language from Agu first."

  (End of this chapter)

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