Chapter 577 Tribunal Flim

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  Chapter 577 Judgment Tribunal
  Flimsol mentally asked Morton and Penny who were still in the diary.

  "Have you ever heard of the black sea tree and the red sea tree?"

  Morton replied that he had only heard of the red sea tree. Because there are such trees almost everywhere in Nephrite. The closer to the coast, the higher the planting density.

  Penny had heard of the Black Sea Tree, but that was all.

  "I heard that before Neferet planted red sea trees on a large scale, he did try to plant black sea trees. But not long after, they were all pulled out and replaced with red sea trees. No one knows what the difference between black sea trees and red sea trees is. Difference in function."

  Sol finally accepted the tree seeds.

  "Then thank you."

  "There's no need to thank me. In fact, I only gave it to you because I wanted you to study these things, and the Black Sea tree would not be buried in your hands."

  Then, Justin said goodbye to Thor.

  "I'm leaving. Besides, I came to you for treatment. In fact, it was the Wind Demon Pei'er who asked me to come here in the first place."

  Thor was stunned. He was surprised that Justin was also sent by the Wind Demon to test him, and he was equally puzzled by the other party. Tell yourself the truth directly.

  "But don't worry, I sincerely entrusted you to help me treat my injuries. After I go back, I will tell Feng Yao about the treatment situation. If there is anything you don't want me to leak, I don't have to say it." He was briefly surprised

  . After that, Sol quickly regained his composure.

  He smiled and shook his head, "There is nothing I can't say about the process of treating you. But why did Feng Yao ask you to come? If she has any ideas, she can communicate with me directly." She has already treated others, so

  Suo I am not afraid that other people will know about his treatment process.

  He was just more curious about why the wind demon was so covert and roundabout in detecting his strength?
  Justin said helplessly: "Actually, I don't know. But the last time I saw Feng Yao, I found that her mental fluctuations were unstable. There must be something wrong."

  Justin told Sol everything he knew about the inside story and what he could say, and then left the Rhine Lake. He said that after a while, he would come to Sol with the reward for the next stage of treatment.

  Although Justin's pollution situation is complicated, the man is a big spender, and Sol naturally agreed happily.

  But no one thought that Justin would never have the chance to ask Sol to treat him.

  Justin, whose physical symptoms were much relieved, arrived at the Huifeng Mountains where the wind demon was located in less time than when he arrived.

  When he stepped near the cliff, his whereabouts were immediately reported to the wind demon by the people here.

  And the wind demon allowed Justine into her cave almost immediately.

  "That Sol can really cure pollution? Does it have any other side effects?" As soon as she saw Justin, Fengyao Peier immediately recovered from her nervous state and asked immediately.

  Justin bowed respectfully to Pei'er before replying: "It's better to say absorption than treatment. He will use an unknown creature to absorb the pollution in our bodies." "Unknown creature? Can you bring it over

  ? ?"

  Justin shook his head, "Every time during treatment, I would stand in a huge witchcraft circle, far away from him. The monster would only stretch out one tentacle every time, and it would leave at the touch of a touch. I haven't even seen its whole face, let alone caught it."

  The wind demon turned his eyes little by little, to the corners of his eyes, and then moved his face and neck.

  Although this is a beautiful face, the strange way it moves makes people uncomfortable to look at.

  "You have lived in Lake Rhine for so long, but you haven't found any traces of monster life?"

  Justin recalled for a moment, and finally shook his head, "No."

  The wind demon turned his head away little by little.

  First the eyes move, then the face, neck, and upper body.

  "It's... a perfunctory answer." Feng Yao's voice began to become erratic.

  A few wisps of breeze blew into Justin's ears, and he knew that the wind demon was getting impatient.

  He frowned and was about to explain again when he heard Feng Yao suddenly say.

  "Since you don't want to say it yourself, then I have to ask Lord Flim to check it in person."

  Upon hearing Flim's name, Justin's face changed drastically, and he turned around and left almost immediately.

  However, as soon as he turned around, he hit a ball of light.

  There was unconcealable horror in Justin's eyes, and his mouth opened slightly, "How could you..."

  But before he finished speaking, his thoughts were suddenly interrupted.

  This sudden light entered his body.

  Justin's body immediately began to smoke, and tongues of fire came out of his slightly open mouth and wide-open eyes.

  Justin, who was burning fiercely, made another person's voice.

  This voice was low, majestic, and full of an inexplicably reassuring sense of calm.

  "Interesting way."

  Feng Yao kept staring at the corner after Justin started burning, letting his eyes fall on the other party.

  It seemed that he was afraid of seeing that light.

  This time when she heard the voice just now, she shivered and silently curled up her toes.

  "He is building a magic storage pool, all he needs is a carrier."

  The words "Magic Storage Pool" made Feng Yao's eyelids tremble slightly, and he thought in disbelief: "Jingling Wizard Tower is actually preparing a magic storage pool, and it is about to be built. ?"

  Although she had tried hard to control her emotional fluctuations, she was still discovered by the light group immediately.

  "Ha, you want a magic storage pool? That's right. If you don't solve your fundamental problem, even if the pollution is cleared for a short time, it will still regenerate continuously." Knowing that Master Flim had discovered his thoughts, the wind demon no longer

  stopped hide.

  She closed her eyes and turned to the light group, leaned over and put her forehead on the bed, assuming a posture of complete surrender.

  "Sir, the magic pool is forbidden knowledge and should not be in the hands of a first-level wizard. I want to kill Thor, recover the knowledge, and try to be promoted. Please agree." "Since it is forbidden knowledge,

  you Who are you qualified to know?"

  The light group's merciless words made the wind demon stiff, but it slowly added: "However, since it is a magic storage pool that has been built, you can use it. As for That wizard named Thor, you bring him back alive, I want..." The

  light group's words suddenly stopped, and no sound was made for the next three minutes.

  The wind demon's original joy because Flim allowed her to rob the magic storage pool was suddenly cut off. I wonder if Flim suddenly changed his mind.

  This made her feel uneasy and very uncomfortable.

  Fortunately, after three minutes, Guangtuan finally spoke again.

  "The people from the Star Gate are here. Ha... you get promoted as soon as possible, and also find the eye of the storm as soon as possible."

  Before the wind demon could respond, the mental fluctuations of the light group suddenly disappeared, and at this time, Justin's whole person had turned into a The charred corpse was still standing upright.

  But Feng Yao knew that the most damaged thing in Justin's body was actually his brain.

  The light group just now, that is, the Lord of the Judgment Tribunal, Flim, directly used the fastest and most violent method to crack Justin's consciousness and read the memories in it.

  After this, Justin's soul completely disappeared from this world.

  After the light group left, the wind demon did not raise his head for a long time.

  It wasn't until a man's voice came from outside the door, "Feng Yao, Lord Frim has left?"

  Feng Yao stood up and leaned lazily on the cushion. Small beads of sweat appeared all over his body, and he was quickly wiped out. The wind takes it away.

  "Let's go."

  The door was mercilessly set on fire and quickly reduced to ashes, but no other furniture was burned.

  A tall, bald wizard walked in.

  Different from ordinary wizards, he wears a set of armor with bright yellow scales. When he walks, the armor makes a friction sound like stones.

  This person is none other than Fire Lord Herbert, one of the three third-level wizards in Borderlands.

  With an expressionless face, he walked to the end of the room and looked down at Feng Yao, who was confused and seemed to be in a daze again.

  "What are your instructions from Lord Flim?"

  The wind demon did not look at him, but said lightly: "All I need you to know is to find the eye of the storm as soon as possible."

  Herbert's face darkened slightly, and then he hung up again. A trace of ridicule, "Then you'd better be promoted as soon as possible."

  As soon as he finished speaking, his whole body suddenly spread out and turned into countless fireflies.

  Then, like extinguished sparks, these fireflies dimmed and disappeared.

  The wind demon pursed his lips, a trace of resentment revealed in his dull eyes.

  (End of chapter)

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