Chapter 559 Like Ants

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  Chapter 559: Like Ants Just
  when everyone was shocked, the first few wizards who ran towards the garden had already approached the man riding a termite.

  Although they were anxious, they still behaved respectfully towards the man.

  "Is that person the second-level wizard in this settlement, the person known as the Great Witch?" Thor frowned tightly, always feeling that the other person was very dangerous.

  As if to confirm Sol's idea, the wizard suddenly raised Dolly's head, opening and closing his lips as if to say something, and then several extremely fine white smoke suddenly erupted from the termite.

  The faces of several wizards near the big witch suddenly changed, and they turned around and flew away. However, their movements were a little late, and the white smoke quickly spread around them.

  Then an incredible scene happened.

  The wizards who were caught up by the smoke all stopped, then turned around and approached the big wizard again.

  No, rather close to the giant termites.

  When a wizard approaches, the termite immediately raises its head, opens and closes its huge mouthparts, and directly cuts the wizard who comes to the door into two pieces!

  The lower half of the wizard's body fell down, but the upper half was caught by the ant's forelimbs. He held it in front of his face like a human and ate it.

  Such a bloody and cruel scene immediately frightened the ordinary people below. They screamed and fled, trying to leave this terrifying place.

  But the wizard in the sky is still waiting for the termites, seeming to have forgotten how much they wanted to escape just now.

  Giant termites devour food very quickly, eating up the upper body in their hands in just a few seconds.

  Then it didn't rush to pick up the residue on the ground, but met the second wizard. The second wizard also did not dodge, and even took the initiative to meet him, as if he recognized his identity as food.

  This time the termites did not pinch off the other person's body. They seemed to have known that they would not escape. They directly held the person in their arms and bit off half of the head in one bite.

  Blood splashed onto the ground, like a heavy rain hitting people's hearts.

  At this time, Thor had arrived at the city gate.

  When the ant bit the first wizard, he stopped observing and turned around and ran away.

  But just a short period of observation allowed Thor to discover a lot of things.

  The mist on that termite seems to control people's nerves.

  Saul also noticed that the termites did not just spray the mist once and then start eating, but they continued to spray mist while eating.

  The fog expanded very quickly, and a white cloud quickly gathered in the sky.

  And this cloud of mist is also spreading outward quickly.

  So when I looked up at the green barrier above my head, I suddenly felt like a caged bird.

  However, when he quickly arrived at the city gate exit, he found that there were already several wizards gathered at the gate.

  Ordinary people living nearby also gathered around.

  Everyone was horrified and wanted to break open the door and escape, but found that the door here was also tightly closed, and those who approached the door would also be attacked by the poisonous gas above.

  The poisonous gas was so powerful that the person who was sprayed immediately screamed and fell to the ground, and the skin around him began to shrink, and soon turned into a yellow and shriveled corpse.

  The crowd scattered back in horror.

  Thor saw several people lying on the ground through the gaps in the crowd, one of whom was the old man in the flowerpot guarding the door.

  The giant termites behind him had already eaten all the wizards around them, and they slowly pointed their heads in the direction of the door, because a large number of wizards gathered here.

  Thor turned his head and stared at the door again. He had already seen that in order to leave the settlement, he had to break the poison attribute witchcraft circle on the door.

  However, the magic circle is hidden in the city walls and gates, and there are other broken witchcraft magic circles that confuse the sight. It will take a long time to break the magic circle.

  Even if Sol can use the diary to help him correct his mistakes, it will be difficult to complete the crack before the termites arrive.

  The termites behind them flew very fast and were about to reach the top of everyone's heads.

  At this time, the diary in Sol's mind opened and warned Sol.

  [In the 318th year of the New Moon Calendar, on October 13th,

  the regulars of the earth spread their wings and climbed onto the stage in the sky.
  The dance of the puppets and the wails of the weak
  together formed the stage for Bichiye’s growth.



  look at the ignorance. How did the god worshiped by humans come into being at a young age, and

  with the company of his mother,
  gradually become stronger and

  dominate the sky?



  see how it
  eats you up bit by bit.

  Death warning!

  Thor scanned the words in the diary, grabbed a few key words, stopped staying, turned around and infiltrated into the residence of ordinary people.

  The houses here are so densely built and messy that people disappear as soon as they enter.

  While Thor was hiding, someone also thought of a way.

  He carefully collected the poisonous gas sprayed from the gate, and then directed his flying monster to pick up the corpse on the ground and send it to the termites.

  However, the great witch riding on the white chair did not make any sign when faced with the obviously abnormal corpse that came to his door, and allowed the termites to devour it.

  When the corpse was squeezed, a green mist suddenly dispersed, but before it could cause any damage, it was suddenly neutralized by the white mist sprayed from the termites and turned into a light yellow color.

  It has obviously lost its offensive power.

  Seeing this scene, the wizard who resisted the fog came up with another plan.

  He chanted the spell to try to collect the white mist emitted by the termites, and prepared to use it to deal with the poisonous mist on the door.

  In order to prevent himself from losing his mind when encountering the white mist, he put on two layers of witchcraft protection around himself and held his breath at the same time.

  However, as soon as his witchcraft came into contact with the termites' mist, his whole body suddenly froze, and the light in his eyes quickly disappeared.

  Now all he could see was the huge mouthparts of the termite opposite him, and all he could think about was wanting to give himself to the other party.

  So the wizard flew over unsteadily, and soon followed in the footsteps of his predecessors.

  Now, no one dares to resist the big witch and termites anymore, they only think about how to leave this settlement alive!
  The gathering place was small, and there were naturally not many official wizards. There were only eight or nine wizards in total, and four or five of them had already been eaten in a short time.

  The remaining apprentices and ordinary people were frightened.

  Everyone ran away, each trying to find a way to escape.

  However, soon, ordinary people in the settlement discovered a phenomenon.

  Giant white ants won't attack them!

  Those termites only eat wizards!
  A kind of bewildered panic, accompanied by a hint of joy, gradually spread among the ordinary people.

  Everyone looked at each other, suppressing the emotions in their eyes.

  At the same time, white mist gradually dispersed in the air, filling the entire gathering place. And because the huge green barrier could no longer spread, the inside of the gathering place became foggy.

  The wizards and apprentices inside the gathering place who wanted to escape or avoid gradually relaxed their bodies, turned around, and walked towards the giant termites.

  The great wizard who was riding on the termite looked at these wizards and apprentices slowly approaching with cold eyes, just like watching the ants walking in line on the ground.

  (End of chapter)

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