Chapter 556 The Abandoned Boy

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  Chapter 556: Is the shortcoming of the abandoned boy

  Thor sneered in his heart and continued to transmit: "If you take too much, will you die?"

  Kismet raised his eyebrows, "Why do you think so?"

  "Would it be addictive?"

  "Although the mind is clear and clear, The state of extreme clarity is fascinating, but if you're talking about drug addiction, no."

  No side effects at all?

  Why does Thor feel that it is not credible?
  Especially when these words came from the mouth of a conspirator and a big liar.

  Kismet saw that Saul was doubting again, and said helplessly: "The formic acid from the hamster termite has been filtered out by ordinary people before being extracted, and the acid used by outside wizards is non-toxic and diluted. Many times the amount of formic acid."

  He took the candle that had been held for a long time from the girl, gave it to the magic crystal, and then stuffed it directly into Sol's pocket.

  "If you try it, won't you know if you will die?"

  He said this directly.

  The girl on the side immediately shrank in fear.

  Sol and Kismet stood at the door of the hall until the next guest walked in, and then followed the girl to find a table and sit down.

  Kismet whispered something to the girl. The girl was a little surprised, but she nodded and trotted away.

  When there was no one around, Thor stretched out his hand to Kismet and said unceremoniously: "You said there is a golden page in the Borderlands. Now that we are both in the Borderlands, you can give it to me. "?"

  Kismet spread his hands, "I didn't bring him with me, but don't worry, I put him in a very safe place."

  Thor withdrew his hand, wondering if Kismet didn't want to immediately Give him the golden page.

  Since the golden page was not here, Thor didn't bother to pay attention to him.

  He observed his surroundings covertly.

  Watch the wizards absorb the reading candles.

  He squinted his eyes and saw nothing unusual in the candle.

  It just seems like a special energy.

  "What are you doing here?" After a while, Thor asked casually when he saw Kismet just sitting there without lighting a spiritual candle for himself.

  "Meet someone." Kismet lazily leaned on the seat with one foot on the seat, "Send me something." After another

  five minutes, Saul saw Kismet's eyes fixed. Deep in the hall, he also turned to look.

  As soon as he turned around, he saw a woman wearing a red dress and a bulging belly walking out from behind layers of gauze.

  With a careless smile on her face, she looked at the people in the hall like looking at ants on the ground.

  But when her eyes fell on Kismet, a light suddenly appeared in her eyes.

  She walked through the crowd, ignoring the apprentices and wizards who bowed their heads to greet her, and walked towards this side.

  Kismet stood up unhurriedly, and as soon as he took two steps, the woman in the red dress came to him with her belly puffed out.

  "Long time no see, Kismet. I thought you had been captured and eaten by the Lord of the Sky."

  "Dolly." Kismet tapped the other person with his finger.

  Then the two hugged gently.

  Thor stood aside and noticed that Kismet did not touch the other party's belly.

  The hugging movement was very awkward.

  The two soon separated.

  Kismet stretched out his hand through the air and pretended to touch it twice, sighing, "It's almost out."

  Dolly lowered her head, looked at her belly and smiled, "Thanks to you."

  Sol: "?"

  Dolly invited Kismet Smet entered behind Qingsha, and the two of them left without even saying hello.

  However, when Kismet lifted the gauze curtain, he looked back at Sol and suddenly showed a strange smile.

  Thor: "!"

  "This guy!"

  After Kismet left, Thor stood up and left.

  If I continue to stay in this garden, I always feel that something bad will happen.

  After crossing the path, Thor returned to the exit of the settlement.

  There should be more than one exit here, but apparently this is the only one that outsiders are told about.

  Sol was thinking that even if the quicksand termites in the ancient forest of survivors were a hoax, he would still like to go and have a look.

  After all, the person who told him this was also a liar.

  Just as Sol walked near the gate, he suddenly saw a man holding a twitching, pale boy, walked to the wall, and threw him on the ground.

  Behind him followed a bearded man.

  "He didn't make it." The man who threw the boy away said impatiently, "Give me the food." The

  bearded man walked to the corner, looked down at the boy who had just stopped twitching, and touched his neck. , then turned around and said with a playful smile: "Eat them all."

  The other man cursed and slapped the man on the face. Seeing that the other man did not dodge, he just smiled in apology, and then left with a curse.

  When others saw this scene, they cautiously stepped aside for fear of being angered by the man.

  After they walked away, the bearded man picked up the boy.

  At this time, an old woman seemed to be unable to bear it, and whispered, "Find a good place to bury the child. If you leave it here, it will be gone." Unexpectedly, the

  bearded man shook his head, "I made an agreement with the mountain climber. , if you don't make it through, sell the body to him and get some food."

  The old woman couldn't bear it, but she knew she couldn't change anything, so she simply turned away and left.

  Although Thor stood far away, he could still clearly see everything happening over there with his excellent eyesight.

  The bearded man held the boy in his arms, walked into the gate under the wall, and disappeared into the shadows.

  Thor's eyes also followed the boy in his arms into the darkness.

  With his ability, he could naturally tell that the boy was not dead yet, but had just temporarily held his breath.

  However, if timely treatment is not provided, this short breath-holding can turn into real death.

  Thor thought of the new injury on the sole of the boy's foot and followed him up.

  When passing through the passage under the wall, the old man in the flower pot guarding the door was closing his eyes and concentrating.

  After feeling the fluctuation of Thor's magic power, he immediately opened his eyes and stared at him.

  The old man in the flowerpot didn't express any doubt about Sol's behavior of leaving just after he came in. Instead, he seemed a little... nervous?
  But Sol said nothing, pretending that he was just a passer-by and was not interested in the man walking quickly out of the passage in front of him.

  It wasn't until Sol walked out of the city gate and left the passage that the old man in the flowerpot slowly closed his eyes.

  Leaving the settlement, Thor saw that the bearded man holding the boy in front of him had stood under the wall on his left.

  A small donkey cart was parked there.

  The back pocket is covered by a huge piece of black leather, with a high bulge.

  There was a faint smell of corpse.

  The moment Sol's figure left the gate, he immediately entered a vague and illusory state. Even though he slowly approached the bearded man and the coachman, they did not notice it at all.

  So Thor watched the bearded man hand the boy to the coachman, but he also handed the coachman a small package.

  The driver didn't say anything. He stuffed the small package into his arms without any emotion, and then lifted up the black leather behind him, revealing the corpses piled more than one meter high inside.

  The bearded man immediately turned his head and couldn't help but look back.

  A thin layer of soil was sprinkled on those corpses, but it could be seen that most of them were black and red, and some of their skins were carbonized. Their death state was not bloody, but it was still very horrific.

  The bearded man flinched, but the driver moved swiftly and grabbed the boy's waistband, lifted him up, and then threw him back on the top of the pile of corpses.

  He pushed away the bearded man who still wanted to say something, got on the donkey cart, and left quickly.

  "Is this the mountain climber? He's just an ordinary person without magic power." Thor touched his chin, glanced at the bearded man who had turned around and ran towards the gate, and chose to continue to follow the donkey cart.

  The mountain climber has a strong body. Judging from the action of lifting him up and throwing him up, he seems to have some martial arts skills.

  If he were outside, he might be a high-level warrior, but here, he could only be a driver transporting corpses.

   It’s a new month, please give me a guaranteed monthly pass~~~
  (End of this chapter)

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