Chapter 548: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

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  Chapter 548:

  Camus, who was forced to death by obsessive-compulsive disorder, stopped talking again.

  It seemed like all her actions were just to point out the shortcomings of Thor's experiments.

  But when Sol walked up to her and squatted down again with the materials, she stopped talking again.

  He just twisted his neck and looked at his back.

  At first glance, it's quite eye-catching.

  Seeing that Camus was motionless, Thor lowered his head to look at the beaker in his hand, raised his hand and threw a magic crystal into it.

  As a result, Camus' head turned around, "The magic power in the magic crystal is mixed, and it is not suitable to be added directly to the material."

  Thor immediately answered, "But I want to separate and purify this layer of... energy in you. You can only rely on magic power, and using mental power will cause pollution."

  Camus was silent again.

  Hiss -

  Thor's teeth are sour.

  He thought for a moment and threw another magic crystal into it.

  This material is basically useless, but it doesn't matter, the source of the material is right in front of you, and it's still there for you to do anything with.

  "The magic power in the magic crystal is mixed, and it is not suitable to be added directly to the material."

  The second magic crystal fell into the beaker, and Camus had to say the same thing.

  Thor curled his lips and stood up again, "Xiaozao."

  Black vine-like tentacles came out.

  Since the last mission of planting small algae failed to be completed due to Camus' troubles, Thor has not let the small algae go into the ground for the time being.

  To avoid other dangers underground.

  So it is still parasitic on the back of Thor's neck.

  He is not in a hurry to rebuild his business and has fun every day with Penny who occasionally runs out.

  "Xiaozao, I have a task for you. Here is a beaker and a plate of magic crystals..." Halfway through the explanation, Thor felt that it was a waste, so he crushed the thumb-sized magic crystals into millet-sized pieces.

  "Your task is to drop a magic crystal into this beaker every few dozen times."

  Xiaozao nodded happily, split a slender tentacle, and carefully picked up a small magic crystal fragment at the tip. , and then throw it into the beaker with a "snap".

  "The magic power in the magic crystal is mixed, and it is not suitable to be added directly to the material."

  Sure enough, I heard Camus' mechanical prompt again.

  Sol was not angry this time, and turned around and went back to continue the experiment.

  I don’t feel upset when I hear a series of sounds behind me, just use it as background music.

  "Don't you like pretending to be a robot?" He thought distractedly, "Then it depends on whether you have the patience for machines."

  Ten minutes later...

  Xiaozao's magic crystal grains have not been lost yet - it counts from one to Occasionally the number would be messed up at ten, and the duration would be much different each time - then Sol heard another voice.

  "There's no point in doing this." The voice was very soft, almost a sigh.

  Sol didn't look back, "Why is it meaningless? This is called obsessive-compulsive disorder treatment."

  The other party stopped talking again.

  Sol didn't stop, and Xiaozao continued to throw it away.


  "I don't know what to say other than this."

  Good, finally it's no longer a repeater.

  Thor put away the smile on his face and turned around. "Communication naturally depends on the situation, the object and the above. For example, let me ask you, who are you? Where do you come from? Why do you come from underground? Come out?"

  Camus was silent for a moment, and finally tried to answer: "I don't know. I don't know. I don't know." "

  Amnesia?" Saul also thought about this possibility. After all, she is now in a soul state and will never be born again. Sol didn't know what he went through until he died.

  "Then what do you remember before you woke up this time? Try to recall the memories, and don't immediately say I don't know."

  Camus seemed to have stopped dead in his tracks.

  This time Thor waited patiently for five minutes.

  "There's water everywhere...I'm disappearing..." The voice trembled slightly, but there was no expression on his face at all.

  "Water? Is it the Rhine Lake?" Saul felt that it didn't look like it.

  The gravity from under the lake, which can suck away spirits and magic power, should not be able to completely trap a third-level person.

  "Perhaps he fell into some kind of powerful rule, or was killed by others and deprived of his power." Thor guessed.

  Then he asked Camus again, "You said you were disappearing. Did you create this layer of protection around the spirit body to prevent it from disappearing?"

  Camus was recalling again, but this time it took a shorter time.

  "It should be."

  Saul asked a few more questions, and asked the previous questions over and over again, and finally came to a conclusion.

  Camus has lost his memory.

  "There is only one black page left... Should I put her in the diary?"

  Camus may be able to regain his memory by relying on the diary's ability to remove dirt.

  Saul wanted to try it, but something went wrong when he implemented it.

  He can't suck Camus away!

  Even if he just wants to suck a finger!
  The other party seems to be no longer a pure soul body due to some kind of power or pollution.

  "There must be other secrets hidden under her gray skin."

  If the diary cannot be used to absorb Camus's soul, then the threat of this third-level wizard will be much greater.

  But for a third-level wizard who had lost his memory but had a reserve of instinctive knowledge, Soul Thor was reluctant to throw it away or destroy it.

  "It's better to keep it and observe its changes at any time." Thor didn't hesitate for too long.

  He once again strengthened the restrictions placed on Camus by the magic circle, and even discussed with Camus directly how to restrict herself.

  Camus didn't seem to realize there was anything wrong with this question, and answered Saul seriously but still expressionlessly.

  It seems that being restrained is not a problem, looking at the material is.

  While Sol was happily watching Camus "trap himself", Xiao Zao, who was not sure whether he was in a daze or simply having trouble counting, finally counted to ten again.


  It threw a magic crystal into the beaker.

  "The magic power in the magic crystal is mixed and is not suitable to be added directly to the material." Camus couldn't hold back and blurted out.

  Xiaozao grinned and swayed.

  Thor: "..."

  "You can stop, Xiaozao."

  Camus was trapped on the underground floor of the Wizard Tower willingly.

  Not only did she have to cooperate with Sol in conducting experiments, but she also had to cooperate with Sol to continue to imprison herself.

  However, she seems to like studying knowledge very much and doesn't care if she is trapped in a small space of less than four square meters.

  The old witch heard that the wood-like soul had spoken, and couldn't help coming over to watch the excitement.

  At this time, the old witch has changed from a three-headed body to a five-headed body.

  From a small lolita to a big lolita.

  Only the body can be seen, the head is still so ugly.

  Thor noticed that Camus was staring at the old witch's exposed arms without speaking, so he took the initiative to ask her: "What do you think of the old witch's object transformation?" Camus withdrew his gaze, "I don't comment on failed

  creations. "

  Who do you think is the failed creation?" The old witch tolerates Thor, but that doesn't mean she will tolerate Camus, especially since the old witch doesn't know Camus' possible identity.

  She directly trapped the air around Camus, and then squeezed inwards.

  But Camus didn't move at all, his body shape remained unchanged, and he was not affected at all.

  The old witch's eyes flickered for a while, and then she suddenly changed a spell, directly draining the energy around Camus.

  But the latter still showed no discomfort.

  Only then did Thor step forward, "Can't you see that there is something wrong with her consciousness? Why are you angry with her?"

  He was now more interested in the protective shield on Camus.

  One of the reasons for keeping Camus was to put this protective shield on himself and several consciousness bodies.

  Of course, the premise is that this gray-white protective cover does no harm to his own soul body.

  So let’s let the conscious body be the experimental subject first!
   The second update is still at night.

  (End of chapter)

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