Chapter 486 Bedsheets

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  Chapter 486 Sheet
  Sol directly handed over the parasite witchcraft he obtained from Luo Kai to Char before copying.

  Char didn't do any ink, unfolded the scroll with the space teleportation circle drawn in front of Thor, and then lowered his head to check the new witchcraft.

  Thor took out the chair paper and pen from the storage and quickly calculated and copied it.

  Not only did he want to copy it, but he also wanted to take this opportunity to completely analyze the original space teleportation array.

  On the opposite side, Char also took the time to look at the parasite witchcraft that Sol gave him.

  As for what Thor could copy, he didn't care. Anyway, Char didn't think Thor could unravel the structure of the space teleportation array. He even suspected that Thor couldn't copy the entire array completely.

  But anyway, he and Sol have completed the exchange, so whether the other party can complete the copy is not what he needs to worry about.

  So Sol stayed in Char's villa for a day and a night. During this period, Nightmare Butterfly was also sent out to quietly explore Char's room.

  Except for some tightly protected places, Penny basically explored all of Char's residence.

  This Char is really afraid of death. Almost every room is equipped with traps and hidden magic circles. Just to maintain the daily operation of these magic circles requires a large sum of magic crystals.

  The next day, when Char's time to copy Sol was about to expire, Sol suddenly stood up from his chair.

  He carefully put away a piece of paper, then raised his hand to burn the pile of waste paper at his feet.

  Char, who was also looking at the notes opposite, was awakened by Sol's movement.

  He looked at the ashes beside Thor with some surprise, and then looked at the clock above his head, confirming that there was still more than an hour before the time they agreed.

  "You, have you finished copying?" Xia Ya also stood up.

  He had been sitting on the ground before.

  "The copying is finished." Thor put away his desk and chair again and looked at the notes in Char's hand, "I won't delay Char's wizard research."

  After Sol finished speaking, he said goodbye to Char who looked confused, and then left his villa.

  Halfway through, he sat in the carriage and looked at the magic circle he had just copied. Although he tried his best to purse his lips, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips.

  On this day and night, with the cooperation of him and Diary, he actually analyzed the space teleportation array on the scroll!

  Of course, those who arrange this kind of witchcraft circle are usually second-level wizards, but Thor's mental power is extremely powerful, so you can give it a try.

  "There are still a few materials needed to set up this magic circle... Well, if you don't worry about anything, you can just ask the wizard Char to buy it." Although

  Thor taught Luo Kai's parasite witchcraft to Char, if Char If you want to conduct experiments as soon as possible, you must cultivate suitable parasites.

  Although Baidong College has recruited many wizards and apprentices, according to Thor's observation, no one is cultivating parasites.

  In this way, Wizard Char doesn't know how much time and energy it takes to find suitable bugs.

  But Sol has a ready-made parasite in his hands.

  After Thor collected Luo Kai's consciousness, he asked Luo Kai who else had parasites planted on them. After confirming the personnel, Thor took away the remaining materials that Luo Kai left in the Wizard Tower.

  Among them are unbred parasites.

  He can take out some of them and exchange materials with Char for arranging the space teleportation array.

  In this way, no one except Wizard Char would guess from the materials that Thor has the ability to arrange such a magic circle.

  As for Wizard Char, he had hidden the magic circle so tightly before, so naturally he would not spread the news that Thor also had the magic circle in his hand.

  Otherwise, even if they had agreed not to spread the news that he had a space teleportation circle, others might guess that Thor's magic circle was obtained from Char.

  For the Shaar wizard who is afraid of danger and death, telling Thor's secret is definitely not worth the gain.

  After the joyful Saul returned to his temporary residence, he immediately sent someone to guard the girl Izzy who lived downstairs as agreed.

  There are already some abnormal manifestations in this girl. If you follow her, you may be able to find the evil spirit that turns ordinary people into charred corpses.

  However, what Saul didn't expect was that before something happened to the girl he was staring at, Izzy, he himself would be found by something unknown first.

  That night, Thor was extremely exhausted from copying the magic circle, so he decided to take a good sleep to recover.

  But as soon as he lay down on the comfortable big bed, he heard some strange noises under the bed.

  "Crack, click, click..."

  "Swish, swish, swish..."

  Sol sat up from the bed.

  He pressed his hand on the mattress, but suddenly found that the originally soft and moderately hard mattress suddenly became uneven.

  When I looked down, the originally white sheets were actually covered with faces with blurred features!
  These human faces seemed to grow out of the mattress, covered by the sheets, with only a few outlines visible.

  Thor immediately jumped out of bed, raised a ball of flame with one hand, and yanked off the sheets with the other.

  However, when Thor was about to throw the fireball in his hand, he found that the mattress exposed underneath was clean and flat.

  Are there any human faces?
  But the strange noises continued.

  And the sound is close to me.

  Sol lowered his head and saw that the sheets he was holding in his hands were piled feebly on the ground.

  But the stacked shape is a bit strange.

  It was as if there was a person... covered under the sheets.

  Thor's heart skipped a beat as a black tentacle emerged from his palm and immediately entangled the sheets tightly.

  But after the sheets were torn, there was only a ball of air underneath.

  "Swish, swish, swish..."

  Strange friction sounds began to come from under the big bed in front of Sol.

  Thor frowned and took a step forward.

  However, just as he was about to take action, he suddenly felt that he fell into a deep pool.

  My lungs were so tight that it felt like I hadn't breathed in a long time.

  There was something touching his limbs in the cold water, preventing him from spreading his arms to paddle.

  There was a faint white light above his head, and the water seemed not far away from him.

  Thor struggled to kick his legs and floated to the surface of the water.

  Something was wrapped around his legs, as if it didn't want him to leave the water. Thor wanted to look down, but he needed to come up to the surface to catch his breath because he was suffocating.

  His arms and legs were restrained, and he could only stretch his neck to breathe.

  Finally, his head broke through the water.

  When Thor opened his mouth wide to breathe, he found that the feeling of suffocation suddenly disappeared, but there was something covering his face.

  It was a crisp white sheet.

  At the same time, in Sol's peripheral vision, there seemed to be hundreds of people crowding around him.

  These people were all like him, stretching their necks and opening their mouths wide, trying to take a breath of fresh air, but their mouths and noses were covered by sheets.

  At this time, Sol suddenly saw a red mass shaking gently on one side through the sheets.

  He suddenly realized what it was and was horrified.

  "Penny!" Thor suddenly called in his heart.


  Penny's response was like an echo from the mountains, faintly entering Sol's ears.

  The next second, the red mass on the bed sheet began to move closer to him. The intense heat dried the air, and the sheets began to turn yellow and twist.

  "No, I obviously didn't..."

  Sol was squeezed by the people around him and couldn't stretch out his hand at all. He turned his eyes to the corners of his eyes and stared at the red mass.


  Just when he called out Penny's name for the second time, his person suddenly disappeared under the zoomed sheets!
  Then, Thor opened his eyes and found himself huddled in a small place.

  The whole body is white, and the familiar floor is under his feet.

  He raised his head slightly, and his body made a strange friction sound with the white color.

  Then Thor saw the white above him gathering in one place, forming a heap.

  The folds there look like someone is holding them with their hands...

  (End of Chapter)

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