Chapter 398 Blending

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  Chapter 398: No matter
  how much Sol complains in his heart, Golza has always gone his own way.

  He was looking intently at the sarcophagus beside him at this time, and didn't care what Thor did with the notebook that fell on the ground.

  When Thor came back, he half-raised his eyes and said, "I'm very energetic today. It seems that the experiment has made good progress."

  Thor directly pulled Bill behind him - although Bill was only a second-level apprentice, because He has a third-level top brother, Billy, who is still very famous in the Wizard Tower.

  "I'll show it to you directly." Saul didn't waste any time and directly used Bill's body to demonstrate to Master Gorsa.

  Saul's experiment focused on the special repulsive force of the container on the spirit body. Although he has not yet understood the source of this repulsive force, this does not prevent him from delaying the occurrence of the repulsive reaction based on the reactions of himself and the four conscious bodies in the diary.

  But Thor can't directly let his consciousness enter the container in front of Golza now. After all, to bring out the conscious body, you need to enter the consciousness platform first.

  This is Sol's trump card and cannot be easily exposed.

  Although there is no conscious body directly entering the container to give feedback on how to use it, as a tower owner who has conducted resurrection experiments for decades and studied countless spiritual bodies and containers, as long as he understands Thor's experimental process, he can understand the general idea. .

  Of course, Thor wouldn't let Gorsa guess, so he held out his research notes with both hands.

  Gorsa read Saul's latest notes, then looked at Bill's body in his special way, and then fell into deep thought and remained silent for a long time.

  After a while, when Sol himself began to drift away and wondered whether he should start a dream cruise in a different place tonight, Gorsa finally spoke.

  "I thought you would start with the spirit body."

  His voice was a little tangled, obviously seeing the feasibility of Thor's plan, but at the same time he was coveting Thor's special spiritual attributes.

  Thor naturally understood that the reason why Golsa valued him at the beginning was that after entering another person's body, he would be completely integrated and would not be rejected or contaminated.

  This is probably the characteristic that all resentful spirits and evil spirits desire.

  He said frankly at this time: "I have tried to understand my own specialness. But you may also understand that the most difficult thing for a person to understand is himself."

  Golza nodded, "Self-perception is as complex and difficult to distinguish as exploring the void. ."

  Sol continued: "I have also tried to study where my specialness comes from, but unfortunately, I really don't know. In fact, I don't even remember how I entered this body. And when I came Before coming here, I was not a wizard."

  Gorsa nodded, "I believe the last sentence, after all, ignorance cannot be concealed."

  Thor: "..."

  Saying the previous few sentences, Ta The Lord still has reservations. The reason why he doesn't go into details is probably because he doesn't want to forcefully destroy Sol, the only sample, right?

  Because of this, Sol has to increase his own special weight. Before he has a certain ability to protect himself in front of Gorsa, he must first make the opponent reluctant to take action.

  "I have also tried to use various methods to trace my own history, but in the end they all ended in failure. I think maybe my level of knowledge is not enough." Hearing this, Gorsa suddenly said: "Or... let

  me Come and take a look?"

  Sol was startled.

  There was a lot going through his mind in that moment.

  There is an ending where Golza sees through his brain and all the secrets are lost.

  There is also a scene where the opponent turns into an idiot because of his toughness.

  But what excited Thor the most was when Gorsa tried to explore his own history, encountered the original danger of the Nightmare Butterfly, and then...and then...was subdued by the diary and became his servant directly!

  That picture is so exciting just thinking about it! ! !

  Thor directly spread his hands, his whole body trembling slightly, "If you want to... just be careful, there will be unknown backlash."

  Unexpectedly, Gorsa almost immediately narrowed his eyes, "Then forget it. "

  Then he lowered his head again and looked at Sol's notes.

  Thor was left hanging there.

  He felt exhausted all over, and he didn't know whether it was relief or disappointment.

  But Golza has changed the subject.

  "It can be seen that you are very confident in this experiment. It doesn't look like it was just developed. You are so happy to come here today, isn't it just to show me your results?" The topic returned to the

  right track, and Thor stopped thinking randomly. He admitted directly, "Yes, mentor, I want to know about the new resurrection experiment plan you told me. If you think it is suitable, I also want to participate in this experiment." After Thor finished speaking, he reached out and patted Bill beside him

  . , "And I think my plan is no worse than Blue Water Soul's, and my plan has some advantages." "


  "The materials in my plan are basically things recorded in the Wizard Tower. Materials like Blue Water Soul are obtained from other places and have not yet been fully analyzed. Although such materials are novel, they may not lead to accidents during the final experiment." Golsa was silent again


  His silver eyes turned on Thor's face, the notes in his hand, and the sarcophagus in front of him.

  Finally, his eyes fell back on Thor.

  "How did you know that I was about to start the final experiment?"

  "You guessed it, but the main reason was the people you suddenly cleared out of the land boat. The man named Wilde was the captain of the land boat, right?" "You were right at that

  time Have you thought about it?"

  "At that time, I just thought that mentor you might want to do something big."

  Golza raised his hand and held his chest, "The situation developed faster than I expected."

  He seemed unwilling to talk more about these things, "If you want to join, just join. Anyway, except for blue water souls, I have tried dangerous things. If your experimental plan is better, you can also use your method, or consider running it in parallel. ."

  With the goal achieved, Thor smiled more and more cutely, "Thank you, mentor, can I take the notes of the blue water soul experiment plan back to read?"

  Gorsa waved his hand indifferently, and a stack of books half a person's height appeared in front of him. At Thor's feet.

  Sol quickly put it into his compressed luggage.

  "Things from Baidong College?" Golsa asked, looking at the compressed luggage hanging on Sol's waist.

  "Yes, I bought it on the airship, but it may not be as convenient as your storage method, mentor." "

  They have been studying these little things over the years, but it's a pity that they haven't delved much into the upper-level knowledge field. Ha, the wizard's Things are not suitable for popularization, and they may also cause disasters."

  Is this what Teacher Golsa meant?
  Thor took these words to heart.

  He also thought that one day, there would be powerful wizards who would create a magical modern world.

  But according to Instructor Gorsa, things are not that simple.

  Witchcraft is still much more unreasonable than science.

   The next chapter is at night
  (end of this chapter)

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