Chapter 362: Finish speaking before going crazy

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  Chapter 362 After finishing speaking, Crazy
  Mark was silent for a moment, seeming to be thinking about how to explain his changes.

  "Just tell him the truth. Do you really want to stay here forever?" Suddenly, Mark's palm made a sound.

  Saul has long known that Mark's mouth with split hands is conscious, but now it seems that this consciousness is quite independent and rational.

  "Are you the wraith from the candle pipe?" Thor suddenly asked.

  Mark was startled and looked at Saul, "How do you know?"

  "Yes." Mark answered with both hands and mouths at the same time. The sound was not very coherent, and there was a sense of scattered echoes.

  Sol nodded and answered Mark: "I saw another guy running out of the trash can."

  Ann moved her steps, but Sol didn't look at her, so she pretended that she knew nothing.

  "Okay." Mark said helplessly, "You are the tower master's apprentice after all. This wizard tower should have no secrets for you." Mark lowered his voice: "Actually, what

  you see outside is not the complete me. , is a part of the spirit body that I separated. At present, the Elf Valley has been closed, and no one has a way to leave. Kong Sha said that only your spiritual power among the apprentices may be able to solve the problems here. Others either dare not come, or they will not I care about the lives of the people here."

  Sol crossed his fingers, "But when Kongsha asked me to come, he only mentioned cryptocrystalline matter, and did not say that you encountered difficulties."

  Mark was stunned again, "No way, cryptocrystalline matter The pledge is just the reward we can afford, the most important thing is the information for help. I remember that Kongsha should have used Monroe's knowledge-seeking clone to ask for help. Is there something wrong with Monroe?" "If he just asked you for help

  . I'm asking for help. I probably won't come."

  Mark suddenly realized, "That's right. It's a big trouble when you hear that."

  He looked at Saul, wondering if the other party regretted it at this time.

  Thor was thinking about another thing, "You mean that Munro has two bodies, one in the Elf Valley and one in the Wizard Tower, and the minds of the two can transmit information?" "Neither do

  I. He is very clear about the specific performance of his abilities. I only know that it is related to his locator, and it is also the fundamental reason why he can learn so many witchcraft at the second level." Mark smiled bitterly, "It is also the fundamental reason why he has not been able to advance to the third level

  . "

  He looked at Thor with undisguised envy and jealousy in his eyes.

  "Thor, not everyone is as successful as you, or I have never seen an apprentice as successful as you."

  Sol lowered his eyes.

  He understands that judging from time alone, outsiders will only think that his progress from level one to level two to level three is getting smoother and faster.

  But in fact, the difficulties he encountered and the enemies he faced were not at the level that his powerful class should have been exposed to.

  The reason why it took more than two years to upgrade from level one to level two was because he had too few means at the time and could only increase his magic power through witch body transformation and witch body transformation improvements. In addition, it is the learning of basic knowledge and the primitive accumulation of mental power and magic power.

  After laying the foundation, he encountered bugs like Morton, Ralph, Kismet, and Penny one after another.

  Even in the Wizard Tower, he is coveted by the resentful spirits on the mezzanine floor.

  If it weren't for the death reminder in the diary, he would have died long ago and his bones would have turned into ashes.

  But high risk also means high profit. Every time he survives a disaster, his mental power will be greatly improved through various opportunities, and his magic power will also be initially accumulated.

  As a result, the witchcraft he learned could never keep up with his magic power and mental strength.

  Even though he has reached the critical edge, he still has to learn the basic knowledge that should be mastered at this level first.

  It can be said that he was encouraged by robbing the seedlings. Whether there are any hidden dangers in the future or how big the hidden dangers are, he himself cannot tell.

  Only onlookers who don't know the pros and cons would be so envious.

  Thor didn't want to explain anything.


  People who haven't experienced it can't relate to it, they won't even believe it.

  Mark also realized that he had said the wrong thing. He coughed twice and recounted the experience of his group.

  "When Kong Sha got the key to the Elf Valley, she brought two powerful second-level apprentices here. But in the end, she was the only one who left alive. After that, she summoned a dozen people to come in for adventure." "

  Ten How many people?" Thor felt a little strange, "Don't you all care about the legend of the elves?"

  If the diary hadn't told Thor that he had to come, he wouldn't have wanted to have anything to do with the elves.

  Mark looked up and said with some difficulty: "I know. But what can I do if I know? Kong Sha is very smart. The people she is looking for are second-level apprentices like her who are about to turn thirty but have no hope of promotion. ."

  "Unless we really accept our fate and prepare to enjoy a few years after turning thirty and then die of inexplicable alienation, everyone will want to have a last struggle, right?" "I understand."

  Sol nodded, " Then why did you ask me for help? And how did

  you send the message to me through Monroe?" "Actually, you will understand this after meeting Kong Sha. But if I don't say anything, you won't follow me. "

  I'll make a long story short."

  "After we entered the valley, we started looking for the cryptocrystalline substance that Kong Sha mentioned. But I knew that Kong Sha was still looking for the remains of the elves, which seemed to be related to her promotion. At the same time, I also knew , and there are other people who are also coveting the elves' things. The more dangerous the thing, the more powerful it is. And wizards always like to take risks."

  "Following Kong Sha's last route, after we found two pieces of cryptocrystalline, we found nothing else. How can we share two pieces of cryptocrystalline? So we walked deeper into the forest. Although the adventure process Some weird things happened, but there were not many dangers. This made us a little relaxed, thinking that the Elf Valley was actually just a more difficult adventure." "But no one expected that when we were about to leave, we suddenly

  found The palace of the elves."

  "The palace of elves?"

  Don't elves respect nature? Will they build palaces?
  Thor shook his head.

  The elves in this world were different from those he had seen in books before. He didn't understand that he shouldn't use all his impressions.

  Sol motioned for Mark to continue.

  "We were just as surprised as you at the time. Of course, the palace was very elf-like. It was almost made of plants, and even the tables and chairs inside were decorated with plants that were still growing. They all grew according to the established plan. It was very The ground... is exquisite, and there is no sense of overgrown desolation."

  "Everything looks very peaceful and peaceful, but we walked around the palace and found nothing valuable, not even an elven relic. As a result, Just when we were disappointed and ready to leave, everything in the space came to life."

  Mark shuddered, and he actually stayed there in a daze and stopped talking.

  "Mark! Mark! Mark!"

  His hands began to call him, and the sounds became more and more shrill, but they never regained his consciousness.

  Thor stood up abruptly.

  Mark's state was obviously caused by his mental disorder caused by his memory. I'm afraid it won't be awakened by sound alone.

  At this time, Herman suddenly spoke, "Master, let me do it."

  Herman didn't want Thor to use his mental power casually.

  The shock of mental power cannot be calmed here, so witchcraft must be used in key places.

  However, their conscious bodies do not have this worry. When there is really a risk due to mental body shock, they can just ask Thor to include them in the diary.

  "Use the most basic method to awaken consciousness first. If it doesn't work, I will use consciousness recovery."

  Agu also came over. They knew that the information Mark mentioned now was very important and they had to wake people up.

  Even if you want to go crazy, you must finish talking before going crazy.

  Mark dropped his hands, and the two mouths in his palms were trembling, feeling great pressure.

  (End of chapter)

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